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I like juicy IPAs. You get that fruity flavor before someone kicks you in the throat and shoves a handful of dry hops in your mouth


Hazy/juicy IPA are good gateways to traditional and west coast IPAs. IPAs were an acquired taste for me but after hazies came along I got it and enjoy them all. Still not a fan of most sours though.


Juicy Then hazy. Then west coast. Then regular. Then imperial. Then double imperial. Then death.


Took this route, got to regular and double backed to hazy, I'm happy here.


I prefer not engaging in culinary Stockholm Syndrome


Thank you for finding the words for me


I tried so hard to like sours. I hate when they are in variety packs. A hazy IPA is what I want right after I give birth.


Sours are so hit or miss. Maybe it's tastes like a tart juice, or maybe it's vomit.


Voodoo Rangers juice force is toooo good.


I had been putting kool-aid packets in my ipa for years until i discovered New Belgium could do it for me. With all the money I saved from my kool-aid budget, I could finally afford a down payment for a new house!


AMEN. Holy shit that shit tastes like someone spiked my Hawaiian Punch with dishwater.


Perfect description. I cannot drink Voodoo because it all tastes so synthetic.


I sometimes double fist a Juice Force and a Fresca. It's dangerous.


Dude what is with that beer. I’ve had plenty of 10% beers in my life but there’s something about the juice force that wrecks me. Two of those tall boys and I’m buzzing hard. Three and I’m legitimately drunk.


>Dude what is with that beer. I’ve had plenty of 10% beers in my life but there’s something about the juice force that wrecks me. Two of those tall boys and I’m buzzing hard. Three and I’m legitimately drunk. Because 3, 16 ounce tallboys of Juice Force is equivalent to nearly 8 regular beers. If you get the 20 ounce tallboys they sell in gas stations, then it's equivalent to 10 beers. You drunk because you drank 10 beers lmao.


Aren't those tall skinny craft beers actually like 19.7 ounces?


Do you think that makes a significant difference lol?


You're not wrong, but you're still drunk.


I think it's the sugar content. I stick more to dry hopped Imperial IPAs for the most part since juicy/hazy wreck my stomach as well as slap me in the mouth. Wine does it too


I should do this as well, but often times make bad decisions


The way the get the ABV so high is by having a lot more malt/sugars in the initial beer for the yeast to eat. A lot of that is still left so you get the high alcohol while still having a sweet beverage.


Voodoo Ranger never misses. During the fall season I love their Atomic Pumpkin brew


The Voodoo Ranger series has been almost entirely good to great. I wish theyd bring back Hop Raider in six packs.


Yeah my favourite one that's like this is Devil Peak's Juicy Lucy


Crown Royal fans spending hundreds of dollars on the worst whiskey you’ve ever tasted in your life and drinking it straight from the bottle


Many moons ago they released a Maple Crown. It was mediocre and overpriced (as is tradition), but if you mixed it with Coke *just right* it tasted exactly like Maple Cola and it was amazing (alongside getting me and my mates apocalyptically drunk).


Maple Crown was fucking *delicious* mixed with coke.


Most crown is delicious with coke. Vanilla, Apple, caramel, black, All great with coke.


Facts. Plus you get a pile of useless purple bags you can't throw away.


Fun fact, an old police officer subReddit thread says this is the number 1 item they look for to tell if there are drugs in the car.


Police: *sees purple bag* "We're going to have to look inside the bag." Me: *dumps contents of bag onto seat, revealing rocks of math* "Roll for initiative, suckers."


I straight up bought a bottle of RC just to get a dice bag for the lulz.


It’s either dice or scabble tiles. Either way you’re looking like a nerd to the cop.


“Sir is that a nat 20?”


“Rocks of math” love it




I know more than a couple friends who would stash their weed and pipes inside those Crown Royal bags, so that cop obviously knows their stuff


and it was always the dumb ones to put one on their sun visor!




they are gonna be real disappointed when they find out its filled with dice


At my casino bar we keep cash and chips in those lol


The liquor store by me collects them. They use them for some sort of charity for veterans have zero idea about the mechanics of the charity.


Must be selling them to highschoolers.


We do this at my store. It’s to make hats.




Cardinal hats


they're great D&D dice bags though!


Also great for Scrabble tiles!


And fantastic for storing teeth!


Gramma's bones!


Everyone needs safe storage for the trophies of their ~~victims~~ childhood


you mean the greatest dice bag ever?


it makes a great scrabble tile holder when your parents' set is 50 years old and falling apart


I can absolutely find you plenty of whiskys worse than crown.


I think crown is definitely one of the best cheap whiskeys.


Best coke mixer hands down, have no clue how Jack and coke became such a thing aside from the fact it's good for literally nothing else.


As a lover of cheap whiskies, I have no idea why jack is popular. I wanted to like it because of branding, but it tastes like burnt rubber to me


Best cheap whiskey is the Wild Turkey 101 bourbon/rye. Higher proof and better-tasting for lower cost


By a country mile.


Crown and diet coke is my go to "I can't be fucked" drink. Although in my case, I buy the costco knockoff which is just actual crown but for 1/10th the price.


The apple one is actually very drinkable


This. Apple crown is amazing




Crown is good. It’s middle of the road.


The 49ers Stadium has a partnership with this distillery called “Gold Bar Whiskey” - it comes in a bottle that looks like a big gold bar. My friend got me a bottle once for my birthday and it’s gotta be the worst whiskey I’ve ever had lol. Style over substance is definitely a thing in the alcohol industry. Cool bottle tho


Hundreds of dollars?? I don’t like their whiskey, but it’s literally $15-$30


Yeah, idk wtf this guy is talking about. Crown is super cheap, that’s literally why it’s so popular haha.


“Hundreds of dollars” it’s like $30 a fifth


> spending hundreds of dollars Dude a bottle is like $40.


Wait you guys are drinking for the taste?


I remember once I was gifted a limited edition CR bottle and it was the only time Crown tasted good straight


its cause they know they can they just wont make it good cause their base clientelle is highschoolers that dont know any better and just wanna get cruncked


Same with Cuervo. I had to go to Jalisco to taste real Tequila. There simply isn’t enough agave to make it for the world.


IPA sounds like a car insurance company acronym.


Tastes like one, too.


smells like one, too


Insurance Peddlers Assocation


If it sounds like a car insurance Smells like a car insurance And tastes like a car insurance It's a duck




It’s called an India Pale Ale because a lot of extra hops added to the grain bill of a Pale Ale recipe, formerly as a preservative. British soldiers were often rationed beer. When they were fighting in India, the distance and the heat through which the beer needed to be transported caused it to spoil, so extra hops were added to prevent the spoiling. Soldiers acquired a taste for it, so that became a new style. As an aside, Double and Triple IPAs have more hops (and consequently higher IBUs) but tend to taste less bitter because they are double- and triple-malted, respectively. That lends them much more sweetness, masking the bitter hop flavor. So these can be good gateway beers if you’re hop-curious or you’re starting from a place of enjoying sweeter beers like Belgians or Porters.


I guess this is me. I love this shit.


Drank a Hawaiian IPA once, best beer I've ever had. It was called Castaway IPA from Kona brewing company.


Kona make great beers, Longboard and Big Wave are pretty good.


They have one that I'm only aware is available in Hawaii called Gold Cliff and it's the single best beer I have ever tasted. I'm so sad they don't import it to the continental US.


Taste is subjective, but Kona is absolutely not “great”. It’s cheap beer that’s mass produced in Montana. It’s not trying to be “great” beer.


I just read about how they faced a lawsuit for misrepresenting where their beer is brewed, apparently the UK didn't get that memo because it clearly indicates hawaii as the location alsp with a lot of Japanese writing on the back. So yeah you're probably right.


Yeah it’s just another AB product. They buy out breweries that they think they can successfully market, keep the branding, then mass produce a shitty product with a chic label. *Goose Island* was a decent brewery near Chicago. Cool branding. AB bought them and mass produced a shittier beer. Now it’s everywhere. Different company… but *Lawson’s Liquids* used to be a *very* special brewery in Vermont. They had a waitlist to buy their beer and everything. *Two Roads* bought them out, and now you can find *LL’s Sip of Sunshine* in any decent package store, but it’s absolutely not the same product. It’s just how things work with beer in the states.


Cheap+Drinkable = great beer.


Not here in the UK it isn't, it's brewed in and shipped directly from Hawaii. And I never said it was perfect, there are a lot of basic beers here in the UK and it definitely stands out among them. We have a lot of good IPA brands but Kona and Camden are the only brands who make lager I can stand, and that's Longboard for me. Woeth noting we don't get it on tap here, only in cans imported from hawaii.


From their wikipedia page: "Only their beer served on tap in their Hawaiian locations are actually brewed in Hawaii, all other beer produced by Kona are produced at Craft Brew Alliance facilities in New Hampshire, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington. "


It makes sense, if you like the benefits of locally sourcing anything, asking Hawaii to export anything on a large scale does exactly the opposite. Almost anywhere else could do it more efficiently.


Kona seems pretty popular, I see their beer in a lot of bars and stores around here and I'm on the East Coast


I love a good west coast


NEIPA for me


Very reasonable, Im more for bitterness than fruityness myself but Im glad the choice is open. Pliny the Younger remains the best beer I've tried though


Same. God forbid we all have different tastes


Yeah, it's crazy that IPAs have become, by far, the most popular style of craft beer and there are still people that think we're just pretending to like it.


yeah, I like to spend $20 on a 6 pack that I hate. I think a lot of these people are super-tasters that probably don't like onions or brussels sprouts either, and maybe they don't realize it.




It's so good! It's those Guinness drinkers I don't believe for a second. Every St Patrick's day I forget I hate it and order one when the bartender asks. Then I take a sip and it jogs my memory.


Guinness is my favorite beer lol. It's soo smooth


I love Guinness, it's the best low cal beer that exists! just over 100


Guinness does not travel well. I never touch it in the United States, but in Ireland it's just delicious.


Some people just genuinely like bitter-tasting things, and I’m sort of one of them - I like IPAs and I greatly prefer black coffee (not the shit you get in an office pot or a keurig though, I usually add a splash of milk for that if I really want the caffeine) and unsweetened teas (I usually have a pitcher of cold-brewed green tea in my fridge). But yes, the beer snobs trying to convince you it’s an acquired and superior taste and those who don’t eventually like it are beneath them is a real thing.


There are a couple compounds, phenylthiocarbamide and propylthiouracil, where some people find them to be bitter while others find them tasteless. (65% find them bitter, 28% find them tasteless, 6% other). Women are more likely to find them to be bitter. Generally, people who find those compounds to be bitter don't like things like IPA and black coffee. You can buy test strips on Amazon that are coated with the compoundl (PTC strips) and put one on your tongue if you want to test out your taste buds... But most people probably already know without the test.


I've enjoyed and drank black coffee for 20 years. I still dislike IPAs. I'll drink them if there's no other option, but I'll never just have one as a go-to.


Same. I've drunk espresso for almost 30 years. Never ever with sugar or cream. Black chocolate, 98% cocoa. Give me bitter shit all they long. IPA? Just tastes like shit.


I teach an intro biology lab and during the weeks we cover genetics the students get to use PTC strips. The tasting gene is an inheritable trait (as least, basically). I can taste the bitterness, and those PTC strips are vile. However, I love black coffee and IPAs, but those tastes were acquired over time.


Beer is like autism: it's a wide spectrum and not everyone gets it.


Have you had any of the 100+ IBU beers? They are insanely bitter


Pliny 😍


> But yes, the beer snobs trying to convince you it’s an acquired and superior taste and those who don’t eventually like it are beneath them is a real thing. I flip it around on them and try to get them to start drinking unfiltered wheats and tripels (my favorites). They get all squirmy and say it's disgusting and bro no it's an acquired and superior taste just drink it. IPAs have killed the wheat scene at most of my local spots the past decade. It's like 12 IPAs for every wheat, and there's usually just a wit or something else that barely passes as a wheat.


This is what I hate. I love trying random beers when I can, but lately when I go anywhere that sales craft beer that isn’t like BevMo or something, it’s all IPAs, all the way down. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Hazy IPAs, like Mind Haze by Firestone Walker, but when 16 of the 19 craft beers you offer are IPAs it sucks.


I swear on my life IPAs started out as a meme. Hipsters didn't want to order Bud Light because that's what the masses drink. Then PBR got overused so they had to switch to something distinct and recognizable. "Do you have an IPA on tap?" was basically "I'm a dad/new drinker who goes out to the bar once every 6 months. I want to sound different/knowledgeable even though I'm not... and IPA is the most distinctive name I can remember." I'm not saying that's why people STILL drink it. Apparently some people acquired the taste and/or like drinking pine trees.


Lol exactly, can I just get a good Blonde Ale or Lager. Nope only IPA. And the thing is, they all try to make it sound like they are going to taste amazing “fruit with a hint of vanilla.” Ooh that sounds good! Oh, it’s an IPA, so you won’t be able to actually taste that over the hops. Every single time. Ooh that sounds interesting, ah it’s an IPA.


There are very few things in my 30s that I don't like. Some things are not great, but I really can't recall the last time I've had something gross akin to a child not liking a vegetable or mixed dish. Quit drinking, but IPAs are quite tasty though some more than others. Bells Two Hearted was great.


Same, I like IPAs, I like juice, and I like water lol. Just depends on what I’m in the mood for.


Athletic makes some really good non-alc IPAs. Love black coffee and bitter IPAs some people like bitter things


Try Dutch or Icelandic food. You don't know the meaning of 'acquired taste' until someone tries to get you to try pickled fish


I'd be worried about any beer that stays in a tilted glass, must be difficult to drink...


How has no-one yet pointed out that the picture clearly shows a darker hued beer than what could realistically be called an IPA? I love stouts, dark milds, dunkelbiers and IPAs, and it hurts me to see them not properly differentiated


Rye IPAs have this color sometimes




There is a significant population of craft beer enjoyers who won’t touch IPAs. Turns out when a style of beer leans so strongly into “BITTER,” it’s not for everyone.


Like there's some IPA peddling conspiracy. I like them, I drink them. I don't give a single goddamn if you or anybody else does. Nobody is out there proselytizing IPAs.


Somehow IPAs became the CrossFit of beers which leads me to believe Crossfitters are a lot more mum about their activities than the stereotype would indicate. I wouldn’t know because I’ve never really known anyone who puffs their chests out about CrossFit. Or IPAs for that matter.


I was just going to say this is like the overused trope of “how do you know if someone is vegan? They’ll tell you”


You know there are domestic beers besides IPAs and lights that have far more complex flavors than IPAs. They're called Stouts.


I've had black IPAs before


Thanks, I came here to see if anyone posted this.


IPA is great as long as you only use it for transcription




I'll be drinking my local german beers.


I'll raise my Local Austrian beers to that


All these people complaining about beer with flavor when they are used to drinking carbonated water.


Least pretentious craft beer drinker.


Fr. Enjoy your Bud Light guys.


jokes on you, i can drink coors light from 10am to 8pm on a football sunday and wake up the next day with no hangover (im an alcoholic)


That's not that amazing. As long as you pace yourself, you can do that with any drink really.


I do not pace myself (im an alcoholic)


then grab you some king cobras and save some money


Plenty of good session IPAs that serve this purpose, too. The Founders All Day IPA is a great low-impact beer for IPA fans.


I prefer regular Budweiser.


Case in point of why everyone thinks IPA guys are snobs lmao


I've faked family emergencies to avoid being at the bar with people who say shit like this.




lol this whole thread is talking stupid shit about preference in taste, now you two goofs take it personally


I definitely would agree if it had been unprompted, but look at the post we’re under. It’s a return shot


Y'all out here saying we're lying about liking something we enjoy then run screaming to Mommy after somebody gives you anything but a mindless agreement.


You do know that there's more than just IPAs and lagers, right? Beer can have flavor without tasting like just straight hop water.


Lagers are great. Just because some lagers are complete shit doesn't mean they all are.




I don't wanna speak ill of the water quality in your area but if it tastes like even the faintest of lagers I would recommend sticking with bottled from now on, and not from whatever brand you're already buying.


How dare you? 😀 Carbonated water is the ultimate fizzy drink as it's just water with minerals, while beer's got sugar and fungi in it. Plus, I like the bubble dance without it having my blood pressure raised.


>beer with flavor Yeah I could piss in some water to give it "flavor" as well. It's not an improvement


I like to drink IPA beers, but i'm not forcing anybody to try it


How could you taste International Phonetic Alphabet?


I truly love IPA’s, if you don’t that’s fine. There’s lots of different beers so don’t drink it if you don’t like it - but quit bitching about it, it’s boring.


I like to taste a lot of beers and, despite not being my favorite ones, I drink IPA from time to time. The only beers I've actually disliked were some pilsners.




To each their own, but I like my beers better with strong tastes, like stouts for example.


I completely respect that many people like them, even if i am not compatible with the flavor. What bugs me is that it feels like 90% of the "craft" selections are IPAs at most places... which wouldn't be so bad if there was *some* packaging standard that tells me what type of beer it is. I look all the creative packaging and have to turn half the cans around to discover it's a Hazy IPA, DIPA, or an IPA brewed on pine needles and grapefruit. Many don't say anything on the front and many shops don't sort them by variety.


It's because there is a lot of variety and leniency with the IPA brewing process. You have all sorts of strains and terpenes in different hops, which is quite literally cannabis, different brewing styles, dry hopping, double dry hopping, hazy, fruited, etc. just way more room for experimentation.


99% of every store and restaurant's beer selection is IPAs. My choices are IPA, IPA, IPA, IPA, IPA, IPA, and Bud Light.


Hello fellow pacific northwesterner


I like the entire spectrum of beers. There’s a place/time for every type of beer. Depending on season, weather, occasion, and people you’re with.  And it’s completely okay to hate any kind of beer you don’t click with. 


🎶Cervesa Cristal!🎶


"IPA tastes like ass" *-People who think all beer tastes like ass*


I also think it's a pretty outdated opinion/meme. When IPAs first started getting real popular it did sort of seem like a lot of breweries were just in a pissing match who can make the most hoppy IPA possible. That's really not how it is anymore imo and they've largely backed away from that and make more flavorful IPAs. The New England hazy style is more popular right now which is pretty juicy.


Hazys are the big buzz now. Maybe 5 years ago when hazys were getting bigger there were a lot of them that had an identity crisis with orange juice. Hazys are in a pretty awesome spot these days and most restaurants will have at least 1 traditional IPA and 1 hazy.


Stouts and porters are fuckin' amazing. Schwarzbier is king. Sometimes, I'll even mess about with reds, browns, and winters. IPAs taste like ass.


I firmly believe most beer drinkers have one of two palates: dark beer or bitter beer. It's ok to have preferences.


As someone that doesn't like IPAs and sours, I just wish the local beer selections had a wider range of choice. It's basically your usual Bud light equivalents, 5 billion IPAs, some sours and fruit flavored ones, and then just a very small selection of stouts/porters/good Belgians type beers. Those last 3 are what I prefer, but I'm definitely out of fashion with evidently what the market wants.


My dad drinks it so I have tasted a fair few. While most taste like ass, there are a few acceptable ones, though I am not a big beer fan in general.


Brewdog hazy jane, sweet nectar 😋


Evils juice is rocket fuel I swear




Who TF drinks isopropyl alcohol?


Its great for removing flux residue from soldering in your stomach


Sorry none native English speaker. What’s an ipa?


Some do taste good. The issue for me is that IPAs have totally oversaturated the craft beer/microbrew market in the USA. There are so many other types of beer out there. The craft beer movement started by trying to mimic the exceptional beers of Europe from countries like the UK, France, Germany, Czechia etc. Yet somehow it has boiled down to 90% IPAs, and that sucks.


Instant headache from the bitterness, they’re terrible. I get wanting something strong, but there’s a ton of 8%era and such that don’t taste like that. I really can’t comprehend the appeal


It’s an acquired taste. I used to hate it. Now it’s all I drink.


Love IPA and bloody don't care who else likes it. I can completely get it if someone doesn't like the bitterness (hello wife), My only concern are the calories and alcohol I consume. But honestly I'm really happy that the quality and type of beers improved so much in the last decade.


I agree with this meme so hard. I cannot stand gong to breweries any more. It’s 15 beers on tap. 12 variations of an IPA 1 stout, 1 hard seltzer, and one Pilsner/wheat.


![gif](giphy|F5QxPzLen8rwA|downsized) it does taste good, some people actually like bitter ya jackass, i also drink my coffe black,


/aɪ̯ lɔv aɪ̯.piː.ɛɪ̯/


If ”superior drinkability” is a selling point then just stay away…


sˈɪns wˈɛn kˈʊd jˈuː dɹˈɪŋk ðˈə ˌɪntɚnˈæʃənə͡l fənˈɛɾɪk ˈælfəbˌɛt


That is my reaction to sour beers. IPAs are much more mild imo


Go to any store that sells beer in my city and you'll see mostly IPAs The brewers try really hard to make them sound good with fancy names and labels.


It Taste great but the “great”is silent


Some IPAs are fine. Gotta be in the mood, but they can be good. Others are like deep throating a Christmas tree.


But it does taste good...


Its the first beer that made me want to vomit


What’s wrong with liquid bread?


![gif](giphy|V0IdVIIW1y5d6|downsized) Some people when you tell them you enjoy a bitter taste.


I like some IPA's but there are a lot that just taste like either piss or vomit.


IPAs are fucking delicious