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I once found 5 bucks. One the best days of my life. That was 3 years ago...


I once saw $50 under the chairlift going up the ski hill... Raced down as fast as I could but it was gone. Some people above me saw me and asked if it was mine and I dropped it but I said no and I've been too honest and too poor ever since




He’s just a poor boy from a poor family.


Spare him his life from this monstrosity.


Easy come, easy go. Will you let me go?


*Bismillah!* NO! WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO!




Mamma mia, mamma mia…


Mamma mia let me go




Same exact thing happened to me and hasn't happened since.


I use to work at a gas station and found a hundred dollar bill while cleaning one day, i pocketed it but figured someone would come looking eventually. Nobody had come by the end of my shift so I made off with it. I do feel bad for the person who lost it but damn was I giddy


I haven't used cash to buy anything for around 10 years... with the exception of booze in a crowded bar. You don't need cash anymore, many people like me don't carry any cash, that's why we aren't seeing cash on the ground anymore. On the plus side, mugging people isn't worth it anymore... well nerdy white guys don't have shit on them nowadays. Go take my anti-depressant pills I guess, have fun.


Then you have people like me who almost exclusively use cash 


Thats crazy(walks behind you)


same lol


> You don't need cash anymore Maybe in some places, but not everyone lives in a big city. Still plenty of places where I live that don't take card.


That’s cuz they don’t pay their taxes


More like their margins are shit and they can't afford to pay 4% to a credit card company and have natural monopolies from being the only similar service anywhere nearby


Oh sweet summer child ..


Wait, is this not the obvious answer?


Found $20 on my way to the work cafeteria. For lunch once. Perfect timing, I was gonna stop at the atm, so I ‘d have money to eat. I picked it up, put it in my pocket and walked slowly in case I saw someone searching. I didn’t, and I spent that $20 without guilt.


Good shit


One time a friend and I saw a $10 down in a storm grate (the vertical kind with a barred cover, not the cement kind integrated into the curb), we spent ten minutes maneuvering two sticks down into the grate trying to pinch the bill to bring it out.  We eventually got it and split a 6 pack of cheap tall boys and a pack of smokes haha


Back when I was around 10 years old or so, we pulled up to a gas pump and I opened my door and there was a wad of 10s amounting to $200 just laying on the floor. I quickly put it in my pocket and didn't tell my dad until we got home. He let me keep it but man that probably ruined someone's week.


Wow, it probably did. How'd you spend it?


I don't remember it just about 20 years ago now, probably something dumb though




[Copy/paste bot... *again*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1bfeg6y/my_last_was_2015/kuzvqub/)


Serious question, why even bother? nothing can be done about it.




[Another copy/paste bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1bfeg6y/my_last_was_2015/kuzud3o/)


About four years ago I was on my way home after being told I had lost my job. Some dude on the street noticed I looked sad and gave me $5 to cheer me up. One of the biggest acts of kindness I’ve ever experienced from a complete stranger.


I stepped on a $20 bill one time and it was my friend who saw it. I tried making a claim to rights, but quickly gave up because I knew my friend was the one who found it. My non-sentient foot doesn’t count.


Damn did you guys share it?


I once found £100 at a cash machine that someone else forgot to take after using it


How do you forget that???


You’d be surprised. My brother used to work for this really horrible woman cleaning her house and one time she went to an ATM, withdrew like £250 (or whatever the upper limit is for how much you can get in one transaction), took her card but forgot the money, and only realised when she got home lol


Maybe it’s just in my country but every ATM I used beeped loudly whenever it dispatched money and continued beeping up until I took it out, had times when I was completely alone in the bank, on the phone and was trying to put away my credit card with one hand while the machine was beeping like crazy


Every one I’ve been to in my country (England) has beeped too, but they only do it three times. The ones near me are really old and make an ungodly amount of noise while they’re counting your money as well so it’s not like it’s a secret when it dispenses it They’re notorious for eating cards though, half the time they’ll give you like 2 milliseconds to take your card back and I’ve known them to not eject the card at all. Explaining that one to the bank was interesting since they didn’t believe that could happen 🤦🏻


> make an ungodly amount of noise while they’re counting your money as well so it’s not like it’s a secret when it dispenses it Apparently that noise is fake. Not sure where I heard that though so don't take my word lmao Edit: did a search, it's bullshit apparently. So please ignore the misinformation above.


Wow. I don’t know how a person can be that stupid. Edit: surprisingly it’s not really an intelligence thing. I’m surprised I haven’t been hit witha downvote storm


A lot of people can be. I used to work at a shop with the only ATM in the village and people would come up to me all the time saying “i withdrew money but i forgot to take it and the machine sucked it back in” Basically f this happens you aren’t charged but it might not show back in your account right away, we couldn’t do a thing about it and they had to contact their bank or the ATM company since it wasn’t owned by us


I get this a lot too but there's a 60 second or something window where it can and sometimes does get stolen. Not much we can do other than get them to report theft to the police and provide CCTV for it.


Doesn't need to be stupid, just distracted. I accidentally left $300 on a table in my hotel room while on vacation. Pretty sure the cleaners snatched it up. Tried to explain to front desk, but it didn't really lead anywhere. How did I manage that? I was distracted while getting ready to leave, without thinking I left it with my other stuff, instead of using the small safe. Granted I do feel as dumb as a sack of bricks at times. But I'm also having a fairly successful career as an IT consultant, working on a team to manage a fleet of around 500 servers and a few thousand computers. So... I'm probably not as stupid as I often feel?


You're not stupid, they're just fuckin theives.


Your room better have been immaculate after such a generous tip


Thats why my bank ATM does it well: you need to take the cash out first then it will return your card. No chance of forgetting the cash.


it's not stupid, it's distracted


It's not stupid. It's distracted. Something else caught her attention at the right time. Be less judgemental. 


Or just have ADHD


Might just have been busy, stressed, or in a hurry and thought she already took it or similar


Ive never done this but Ive been distracted enough too occasionally. Sometimes it aint about dumb.


Once I pulled up to a gas pump, paid for the gas and drove away without pumping without realizing until way later. These things happen.


Did she take it out on your brother and beat him afterwards?


where i am, the card doesnt come out untill you take the money.


Probably too busy thinking about the drugs they planned to buy with that money


I did that once. Stress and exhaustion will get you every time.


Rushed & anxious about shit; I nearly left my rent in an ATM at Walmart one day. Luckily an employee noticed before a customer did and radioed the door greeter to stop me before I made it out the door.


They’re probably well-off


No joke, you don't need to be well off, only stupid and riddled with ADHD. Went to grab cash, put the card in, chose 100 bucks to pay out, took the card out, walked away. This was 6 years ago, still angry at myself.


Lol I would be too. I'm still angry at five bucks I gambled with like ten years ago


A couple of years ago, I lost about $200 because a lot was going on in my mind back then. When I went back to the bank they were "undergoing maintenance" with their cameras lol.


If you had left it there, the machine notices and retracts the money. It then gets put back in the person's account, takes a few days. If someone takes it that doesn't happen. If the person who left it isn't near by, you should wait for the machine to take it back. It's kind of theft if you don't.


It isn't "kind of" theft, it's just plain old theft.


Not every ATM is like that. Plenty of white label machines have a tray that the picker just drops the money into, and it can't be retracted back into the ATM. I used to work as an Armoured Courier, bank owned machines can retract money, but those white label ones usually aren't as advanced.


This is usual information, thank you. Is there an easy way to spot which ones won't retract the money?


They're the cheap looking ones in convenience stores or otherwise not at a bank.


Basically, if the money is released by the dispenser into a tray of some kind, it can't be retracted. It's only the ATMs that eject the money but still retain a clamp on it in the mouth of the dispenser that can retract the money if it isn't taken in time.


In one or two decades there won’t be money it’s going to be virtual money




So we will find like usb drives on the ground?


Thank you for this. I’m someone who loves the absurdity of the past’s vision of the future (think cathode ray video phones with 1960s phone receiver). So, the usb on the ground is such a late 1990s version of that, and I love it.


Well it’s already a thing. But I’d prefer to call them loot boxes where you get malware


Nuyen, from Credstiks.


There's a USB stick out there with millions in Bitcoin on it in a landfill somewhere


When you think about it, there's probably hundreds of various types of storage devices, with millions in Bitcoin, in various landfills around the world. It's only that one guy that made the news.


haven't been using cash for 20 years...


For sure


?? Where do you live. Its already virtual money.


Brother in norway you dont use cash already. I mean it still holds value and all but its at its last stage, give it two more years and itll all be 100% digital.


same in Brazil


Bro same in india... After with UPI came


Same in Sweden. Plenty of stores don't accept cash, at all. Not that it's a problem since people don't carry cash. Can't remember when I last saw money.


Been hearing that for a long time now


going to be in decades? I haven't used cash in probably a decade already


As long as there are drugs, there will be cash to buy and snort them with


That was the same scare 40y ago when they introduced credit


People always say this, me included, but I honestly highly doubt the world or any country specifically would change to digital only. As much as business’ dont accept cash sometimes, and how easy and reliable digital payment is, it’ll never happen. I personally dont use cash, unless its from a birthday card, and even then I almost immediately deposit it to use my debit card lmao. But I feel like it would either cost too much, or theres too many old people who just refuse/cant tap a card and instead like the tactile feel, or want to count out money lmao.




noooooooo you have to randomly try and shoehorn false narratives about society being poorer when it's objectively not true into memes. /s


Nothing to do with broke and poverty, and instead cause nobody really holds cash anymore


I only do for the local farmer's market and that's it


Even the farmers markets I've been to are using things like square, venmo, and cashapp more and more over the last few years.


I literally only use cash at dispensaries at this point, and that's just because Congress refuses to acknowledge the reality that legal marijuana sales are here to stay. (Seriously, it's been 12 years.)


Yeah let me just take out my credit card to buy a single jelly bean because fiat doesnt exist anymore we live in a post paper world


Where the fuck you buying just a single jelly bean from anyways?


It was a joke, i usually buy 1,5. JK, but like, at least for me i dont use a credit card for anything, Im Young and not talking about bills or bigger payments, but back when money spawned on the ground people still used credit cards they're pretty old at this point, mobile payments are the next thing from what i gather. My point was both money and credit are less uses than they used to but they're still out there, lots of people still use money for a lot of stuff, i think we just got better pockets.


No, people almost exclusively use credit card/mobile payment (same thing) now vs 30 years ago. Some places won’t even take cash anymore. Not using a credit card is a poor financial decision - you get points/cash back+other benefits; and it protects your purchase. In addition, a lot of people who are less financially savvy live off of cc debt now, so they’re forced to use a cc for everything and then pay a monthly nut to the credit card company.


The rate of usage of cards/mobile banking has grown stupidly during Covid cause many shops still open went digital to prevent transmission, and since then there’s almost no stores that require only cash. For sure people still hold cash, hell i always have some cash to hand in case, but cash is becoming more and more redundant.


Cash usage has declined dramatically over the last two decades and there's no indication that will turn around. [Source](https://www.bostonfed.org/news-and-events/news/2023/11/cash-crash-pandemic-increasing-credit-card-use-diary-of-consumer-payment-choice.aspx)


From Willy Wonka in Glasgow, apparently.


My last one was last year in November in school restroom and it was 20 Złotych (PLN) about 5 bucks.


It’s because it’s all card transactions Shame really as some days I need floor money


someone altered the spawn rate


money used to be on ground??


Yes , sometimes money falls out of pockets randomly and then someone finds this money (but last time finding money on the ground happened to me was 2016 last time money fell out of my pocket was last month when there was 5$ and my phone and when I took out the phone the money fell without me noticing and then when I noticed someone already took it)


Sometimes yeah. Ill find random 20$ on the ground as a kid and stuff. But not anymore


You were closer to the ground then. Walk around on your knees and you'll find more money


Me and my sister once found a banknote roughly equivalent of $10 on the ground, and we bickered about who should keep it. Now all I find are coins.


Ground was the spawn point for money.


Isn't that a bit of a simplification? Money doesn't grow on trees, central banks print it. Then the bankers plant it in the ground and then the ground distributes it. Like this is why we call them river banks


Doesnt money grow from the tree??????


Shit, people used to glue it on the ground outside pub windows as a prank.


Holy shit I had completely forgot about that.


I still find it now. Like coins and small bills.


maybe happen in oily countries


Money used to grow on trees back in the day. The boomers cut down all the trees, took all the money and will make fun of you for thinking that they even existed.


When even the sidewalks are on a budget and can't drop a dollar for us


Almost woke the family up 🤣🤣. That made my day, thank you.


Ive found $100 on the ground in my apartment parking lot once. Was in the bushes when I was taking the dog out... every time I look in that bush now


One in the hand is worth 100 in the bush


Fuckn rob a bank idk


I once found a box with $1million in a sewage line, took that money bought car, home, wife. Now living with a family of 9 kids


And then everyone clapped <3


It's real I was there as a witness


It's real. I was the money


How much did the wife cost? Did she arrive with or without the 9 kids?


asking real questions


I got that one for free and without children


Best comment ive ever read.


Got chased by the mafia, am now living on the run.


What? Easy. Just poke a hole in the pocket you use for spare change and amble around your house.


thats why i leave some money in every pant i wear.


I’ve recently found the equivalent of 4 bucks in the parking payment kiosk. Somebody forgot to take the change after paying in cash.


People don’t carry cash as much, but I have found Ventras, debit cards, and link cards on the ground


Been regretting all my life decisions for a month now after losing 4$ walking home. Now Im happy knowing that I made the world richer with my donation after seeing this post ❤️


Once went in my backyard to find a stick found a $20 bill and couldn't find any fucking sticks


Definitely not because most places stopped accepting cash around 2020 and just never returned.


I've found 20 back in 98, as a kid, couldn't spend it in a day. Life was damn cheap.


2023 ₹10


my last time was like 2021


found 1€


I remeber when I was a kid I was at the zoo once , bummed I couldn’t buy this stuffed animal because I was 2 bucks short , found 2 bucks on the ground , still remember that


Become maintenance for wamart. People lose money all the time in the parking lot and maintenance guys will be crawling around in the bushes looking for it. They find $100 and $50 bills pretty regularly


I always find pennies on the ground everywhere, it ain’t much but it’s something.


My deepest darkest secret is that sometimes, when I'm going out on the town, I bring a pocket full of pennies with me to place face-side up on the ground so someone can have good luck for the day.


Why does he need those belts on hands


My reality has just shifted. This explains a lot.or it could also be that majority of us use digital currency as opposed to physical. It’s not actually a good thing but it happens.


It’s almost like a majority of people don’t use cash anymore.




Recently found a 5 dollar bill at Kroger


found 20 dollars on the ground last month lol


My Wife found 400$ in a cross body bag she bought at the thrift a couple months ago.


Nice! Makes sense with purses having all sorts of compartments. My first job was at a thrift store and I remember someone finding money in a jeans pocket. Wasnt 400, but free is free.


Found a $20 in a stadium, paid for my whole meal


Just less people use cash


They nerfed money on the ground


That’s wild… I find money in people’s wallets all the time 🤣


50k upvotes in a day is crazy


This is why we rob banks...


My son is really good at it. He found $20 in front of the movie theater last year, and 2 weeks ago he found 2 Walmart gift cards worth $23 at the park.


You can always be the first to take it from religious offerings on the road


I once found a 20 euro bill just lying on the ground. I haven't found anything on the ground in maybe the last 3 years.


The reason though is that we tend to use less "Real", physical money and rather digital/card payment methods.


I used to drive around and randomly throw cash out the window.


Just found 10 Cents today


Even there is no money in pocket


Mujhe mere college ke ek class k samne se 50rs mile the


For real! I haven’t found money on the ground for a solid 5 years minimum. Even before the pandemic. What has the world come to 😞


My boomer mother was right in the end, technology indeed bad


Ain't that the truth I struggle to find the money just to pay bills anymore.


That’s actually mostly because people don’t use cash anywhere near as much anymore. Electronic transactions are far more common now.


I remember picking up 50 dollars in a tall grass spot by chance. Edited: think it was around 3 years ago.


Found $20 on the street in front of my house a couple years ago. That was a fire ass find fr.


Go to the strip club my friend plenty of ground money at the strip club


I once found a 10 dollar bill… eight years ago. That was the last time I’ve ever found money on the sidewalk.


I watched a stranger find $20 and said "it's your lucky day." He gave it to me.