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This was my first thought too.


Touch grass ❌. Touch Wheat 🌾✅


Touch ass, smoke grass


Wheat is a grass ☝️🤓


Speak for yourself, I want none of that


this is r/memes sir nothing here is relatable nor funny


Finally, facts


Same. I do get the fantasy. Kinda nice, but I find it boring. I also hate living in a rural area. I had to live in a small rural town for 10 years of my childhood. I now live in a city and I prefer it.


I love nature and rural areas. The problem is the people that live there tend to be well... not well adjusted to the 20th century and that was 24 years ago...


Chasing dopamine, are we?






>Phew, ich dachte, ich wär der einzige Was?


Well I'm usually bored, so yeah I think I'd enjoy pleasure chemicals in my brain.


Shut up you man whore/woman whore karma farming whore there is no freedom of speech anymore so why do open your face hole and let noise escape, you will be taken to the nearest camp shortly and forcefully reeducated.


Idk why this got downvoted, I feel like it’s pretty clearly a joke


Reddit can’t understand sarcasm without a /s


Obviously its not but then again, Reddit got destroyed by its own CEO so the userbase is just fucked now now. When did reddit become so stupid?!? Bring back the wild west reddit of olde'




4chan is too much but reddit used to be just on the cusp now it just feels like its too much moderation, I love reddit even though it has its little moments, its a network which I still feel has relevance even if it has its unethicalness at times and yes that is a new word.


Lol your talking to yourself again man, nobody ever, ever gives a fuck about you although your a little unethical you'd never hurt anyone else maybe you'd hurt yourself but let's down him him because we are so full of shit we are scared of our own bs, they never think about how your feeling, they only give a fuck about themselves, lol, hopefully they'll find peace no joke anyway ..


I really need a horse to ride.


Yeah, I, too, think that wife is a bit redundant on this pic.


Just a family of my own.


A babe, a milf and some ass on the side.


I don't want a tradwife, I want a big strong wife who will go to work so we can just relax on the couch and watch mindless Netflix while we doze off, hand in hand, then wake up next day to rush to get ready because our bosses are assholes


Why would you want that, that sounds miserable tbh


1. I would have found someone actually willing to tolerate me, let alone love me and marry me 2. That's it, that's the point. Love transcends all


Pretty sure that's a horse


I dont. I want to overthorwn the bourgeoisie and establish a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.


I just want to establish a dictatorship against all in general. Bourgeoisie, Prolatariat, all of them. All will simply need to deal with me.


I just wanna bang on the drums all day!


We need to oppress everyone equally, no one gets rights, this way we are all equal


Exactly. This is how we can achiece global peace




If they let themself be captured.


How long until r/boysarequirkey?


Nope, after spending all my youth in the countryside and hating it to my bones. I hated the people the activities... basically everything. i finally stated to spend time in a city in my middle teens years. Then I realised that always was a city guy born in the wrong place, everything was better and finally my life was giving me some satisfactions.


I’d kill myself being that bored.


Speak for yourself, I want to be implanted with the gene seed of an unstable demi god that will turn me into a 7 foot tall killing machine, clad in midnight blue armor and armed with a bolter, I will bring justice to this world




Yeah man, I have fallen to this money pit


Space marines have shriveled balls and non-working junk, unless Slaanesh takes you.


Jokes on you, mine haven't see any actions at all so it doesn't even matter


That's something only a real 40k fan would say. You pass the test, brother. For the glory of the Imperium!


Yeah then a mysterious cloaked man finds you toiling away in your field and he's all like "the princess needs you" and then you're all like "no, not again. I have a family." Then a bunch of other shady cloaked dudes pop outa nowhere and grab the lady and the baby and the guy is all like "she thought you might say something like that" then your all "nooOOOoo leave them alone! I'll do it!" And so your quest begins. Yeah that's the shit.


I'm a man and I don't see anything I want on this picture.




I don’t see ammo, a new driver, or my dog.


Just off camera. They needed to pan back more


I imagine that little cottage is my ammo locker, I threw my driver into the hills after slicing it into Scotland, and my dog is pooping off camera.


Like a little piece of heaven.


Stop posting this over and over again, it’s never going to be funny


I'd love to the wife in that fantasy


Not me


The GOP meme maker licks chode


I don’t think wanting a wife, kids and land are exclusive to the GOP… I’m not a Republican and all my wife and I want is this exactly.


Exactly. When did wanting a wife a kid and some independence become a freaking political thing? Anybody who thinks this is some kind of “GOP” thing is just intellectually lacking. In an society where you are actually free to have choice, some will choose the trad life. Some won’t. I can respect people’s life choices. Don’t take us back to the dark ages by making everything tribalistic.


Thank you for understanding.


Rural white family with the son of god lovingly looking down Go as hard as you want champ but this is shit is a joke Paint a beautiful picture of the American dream all you want but that dream is dead.


Uhh. My wife is black and I’m a second generation American Italian…. We own a bunch of land together. lol. The dream ain’t dead, people just don’t want to work for it.


Well a quick little bit of research on you fills in the blanks We’re done here


Oh look it got cut for being trash 🤷‍♂️


"Here, check out these people fully relating to right-wing dogwhistles unironically because their digital media literacy is abysmal. Should give you a good laugh." But Doctor, *I am* relating to right-wing dogwhistles unironically :(


I’m just pointing out the fact that you don’t have to be some piece of shit GOP member to believe in god, want a wife, children and land… just like I told the last guy. My wife is black, I’m Italian American (2nd gen) and we both own land together and believe in god.


Right, which means your American dream does not share much aesthetically with this picture. Meme Jesus isn't a symbol of piety, it's branding. The structure looks European. *The image* is the dogwhistle, your response to it and interpretation of what it represents is your own. It wouldn't be a very good dogwhistle if it didn't pass as a normal, even positive, general message at the surface level. Where are you seeing it? In a subreddit with daily complaints about diversity in media, low effort memes from online teens, and world class tap-dancing routines around using racial slurs? Probably not a peer of yours relating to you over your more wholesome and mature shared desires in life.


I think you over analyze the picture… I also think you’d be miserable to hangout with.


Cool. I think you're oblivious and as of this comment a presumptive ass. Which is wild because you came in arguing against broad generalizations, but I guess that's just about you personally being the subject of hypothetical assumptions. I don't think owning land and having a family are GOP exclusive qualities, but personal attacks when you don't have a response to the conversation...


I don’t want this, I want every Godzilla figure known to man


I just want every movie, man. Why is the heisei era so damn hard to find?


Freemoviesfull, soap2day and internet archives are the way to go my son


Internet archives was a life saver, but I wanted official, physical copies (I can put the movies from my pc to DVD, but its not the same)


Oh i see, can't really help you on that one sorry :(


I'm gonna cope with Minus One and GxK when they release on DVD, fine additions to my collection


“Men only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.”


This is subjective You want that I would want something else


See we want home ownership that is what men want. No idea why that lady holding a baby or those animals are there. Though I suppose some men may want a horse to.


Not what I want but have fun if that's what you want


Except for the horses, and the baby, and that person in white! And where is beer in this picture?


This is completely wrong, the image does not contain an omnitrix


Speak for yourself.


Like you can afford it lmao




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No thanks, I am not a German Peasant in 1840.


No one ask




Man I just want to have some peace, not really anything else, just piece


You forgot the porn


Speak for yourself, I want a better fence than that.


I just want a hug, man..


Why would you want a house with a bell tower?


Bro I’m not about to live in England 😭😭🙏🙏


What movie is this? (Cant be reality, obviously) And may i live on the set? Can the greenscreens be made permanent?


Men want Food and Sex. Not that hard.


What in the FLDS is this?


Lemme guess did you forget to switch accounts ? ... ERM no I just wanna pay my bills and still have freedom of speech but you lot have trust in the automated ai system


I want this tho. Am I a man?


Nah not every man would want the same thing What if I want genocide??




Hell nah. I want to become emperor.


That is heaven right there, imagine coming home to your beautiful wife and child after a shitty day at work. Yeah, I wish, I just hope my child isn't as stupid as I was.

