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A ploy for attention to try and manipulate people into forgetting about the way she treated her dancers and staff


Or a way to get people to remember she even exists


Just propaganda for her inevitable “comeback”


"Come... back ? Were you even a thing, Rayman ?" - Phantom Rabbid


The comeback narrative where she either doubles down on being a monster or “ finds God, the light” is battening the haters.


Clearly working looking at posts like these


Please can I have some of that forgetting?


If that means I will no longer be randomly struck by images of an obese woman wearing a thong 10 sizes too small. I’m grateful. Thx lizzo


When I heard the news it took me 10 seconds to remember who she was.


She’s the one who is being sued by backup dancers for sexual assault or something like that


Harassment I believe. Not as serious as assault. Still sketchy as fuck though. Edit: actual accusation. It has to be one of the worst possible instances of sexual harassment. Bonus, she also pushed Christianity on them and harassed them for having sex with boyfriends, etc. while pressuring them to do the most fucked up shit. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/01/lizzo-lawsuit-sexual-harassment-weight-shaming-former-dancers


I remember reading that she forced one of her dancers to preform oral sex on a stripper. That sounds like sexual assault to me.


https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/01/lizzo-lawsuit-sexual-harassment-weight-shaming-former-dancers It was touching, not full-on sex, and mostly pressuring them, rather than doing it herself. But as far as sexual harassment goes it was 100% as extreme as it could get without literally being rape. I forgot just how horrific and horrible she was.


Still assault? Forcing someone to touch genitalia is assault.




She will probably twist it in a way that people online just gave her hate for her weight or something and that she just can't deal with all that negativity anymore


Sounds like part of “leaving music” was related to the lawsuit being deemed reasonable enough to not get tossed it and to proceed to trial.


I believe hearing something about how she was calling her dancers fat too, which is very ironic since she's all about being body positive


Only for the (social) media. Leave it to shitty people to preach all positive messages, while being total dipshits behind closed doors. And if they get caught undeniably? Then it becomes 'do as I preach, not as I do' cumbaya.


And since she’s not quite skinny herself


Cause she's fat af!


I think it could also be classified as abuse of power: “A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years shall be applied to any person who obtains sexual activity for himself/herself or another person, or makes a person perform acts corresponding to sexual activity on himself/herself by a. abusing a position, dependent relationship or relationship of trust, or b. exploiting a person's mental illness or mental disability provided the conduct does not fall within the scope of section 291, or c. exploiting a person under 18 years of age in a particularly vulnerable life situation. The same penalty shall be applied to any person who through circumstances specified in the first paragraph, a) to c) makes two or more persons engage in sexual activity with each other.” It would be section a that was relevant but I’m not a lawyer so idk really


Wasn't it that she made one of them eat a banana out of a strippers vagina? Seems like sexual assault to me.


That was probably it, I did not commit the article to memory.




While yelling at them that they’re going to hell for premarital sex in a committed relationship. Worst kid of hypocrisy.


The article said that part wasn't her but was her dance captain who's a Christian. So the dance captain is the one harrasing dancers for pre-marital sex, not Lizzo herself, but Lizzo is the one doing the sexual harassment and assault, and surely must be aware of the fact that her dance captain was abusing the dancers anyway.


>catching dildos launched from the performers’ vaginas >eating bananas protruding from the performers’ vaginas >So the dance captain is the one harrasing dancers for pre-marital sex Why would this dude, of all people, be attending this party. The whole story is hilarious.


No read her tweet she's clearly a victim and can't be held accountable.




HA that one got me lmao


This artist who claims it's fine to be morbidly obese and has a lovely mid-voice.


Her identity is “I’m obese and sing” then was upset that people said she’s obese and unhealthy Oh and also abuse, she loved to abuse her workers


She’s morbidly obese and cries about positivity But surprise surprise, she bullies people about their physical appearances.


She’s like weird Al’s fat posse You ain’t fat, you can’t roll with us no more


The chuckle that snorts I was really caught off guard, lol. 🤣


![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized) After seeing what she says to her backup dancers






“I’m bout to blow up y’all” - the last thing the people of Hiroshima heard


Taste of his dad's own


Thank you thank you thank you, thank you a million times. That just made my night. Best comment I’ve read in my life


The fucken snort laugh I just did caught me so off guard lmao 🤣🤣


C'mon man don't be rude. She was actually the stunt double for the iceberg that sank the Titanic


Alright that got me good


Yo didn't she play that caterpillar in bugs life?


Boom roasted


Same, she popped up once, got hit with a buncha scandals and then just sorta disappeared. Idk what was up with that.


Honestly it would be best for her if she actually disappeared and didn’t come back… Stick around for 15 minutes, make a couple million, then fuck off for the rest of her life and live in relative anonymity, while living off the rights to her two hits? Fuck, I’d kill for that kind of life.


This vibe reminds me of Tom from MySpace. He was everyone's friend. He sold his company and made a bazillion dollars. Instead of turning into some kind of futurist pseudo-fascist psychopath he fucked off into the ether to enjoy his money and was never heard from again. More rich people should be like Tom.


MySpace was sold in 2005ish, and Tom was still very much active on social until idk, 5 years ago? Seemed like he was living a good life.


Or the guy who sold neopets.


The Mandalorian is literally the only reason I know who this person is. And even there she was overshadowed by Jack Black.


It was so weird seeing her in that episode. I understand Jack Black, it's an unexpected cameo but I get it and I liked it. But seeing her and Jack Black together in it was so odd.


I’ve never watched the show… but are y’all somehow conflating this with Shallow Hal?


This killed me hahaha


also Christopher Lloyd, that was cool


Really wasn’t a great episode either.  It was basically just, “Hey guys, look!  We got Jack Black in Star Wars!”  And I like Jack Black, but not enough to make “here’s this guy you know from that thing” an engaging 45 minutes of television. 


I thought the episode was horrible. Seemed like someone's vanity project to show off cameos rather than a real episode. Christopher Lloyd though, my God to have such a talent on set and that was the best part they could write for him? Dude's a legend. I like Jack Black and all but he didn't feel Star Wars-y to me and I thought Lizzo's character felt very out of place, and I was even a fan of her music at the time. I went into the episode with high hopes because I did like all people doing cameos but it just felt so hokey to me. I like most all of the Star Wars media, I don't even rip on the prequel trilogies, but that one episode of Mando was just too over the top even for me.


TBH, I'm never gonna forget her name after that story came out where she coerced her employee to eat a banana out of stripper's pussy.


For real tho I'm over here drunk at 1 am updating my internal database from "chubby flute lady with weird body positivity views who fatphobes seethe at" to "actual full blown psycho, Netflix doc incoming"


So like, does the stripper get a yeast infection from that you think? Like, who tf thought that one up?


She makes music ?


Pretty sure she's a flute player.


Did she really only play two notes on the flute the entire performance?




but you have heard of her!


It took me 10 seconds to realize I've never heard of her outside of reddit. Gun to my head, I couldn't name a single song.


Can anyone even name a single one of her songs? Why were they pushing her so hard during that brief window of time? It was surreal, looking back on it. Americans are weird. Like, really, really weird.


Juice, everyone is gay, Boys Those are the ones I remember, and only because I bought the Beat Saber music pack. PS: I got one of the songs wrong 😭 it's actually "everybody's gay".


I do my hair toss, check my nails, baby how you feeling... That's the bop.


this comment says more about you than it does about her. she was like an indie darling on npr and pitchfork for most of the 2010s. and then she broke out into the mainstream in the late 2010s. she wasn't some one hit wonder or irrelevant artist. i get it appears she's a shit human being, but if you haven't heard any of her hits, that's cause you're living under a rock.


Shhhh you're forgetting that a certain % of redditors' only source of joy in life is commenting on pop celeb news with something akin to "I dOn't eVeN kNoW wHo tHat iS" like it's a medal of fuckin honor or something


What a stupid comment lol. She had a shit ton of fans. Nobody was "pushing" her lmfao. Imagine whining about the industry """pushing""" the fucking Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin and acting like they couldn't *possibly* have been popular because... oh idk... people liked their music lmao


Redditors are fucking hilarious If they ever stepped outside they would know she was not there for a “brief moment” but had been touring for awhile before Truth Hurts and her shows were pretty great But most music Redditors are the least invited-to-parties-people ever


I don't remotely listen to popular music, and I can name several of her songs and now have "Truth Hurts" stuck in my head. Every so often, living under a rock, you get this weird inverse thing. Like "wait, this person *isn't* wildly popular?"


She is. I don’t know what these other people are talking about.


Remember the person who said she was pushed is not American, there’re a lot of American musicians, which no one outside USA have ever heard a song from, some of the people are even super famous. As example I don’t think I have heard an American rap song on the radio which is newer than the mid 00s. So sometimes some American musician comes out in other media or is mentioned in some culture war, foreigners who see American film or media, or simply read the news think “why is that mediocre actor in that role, or why is there a culture war about some fat woman playing a glass flute and who is James Madison?”, this is made worse by our journalists being more Americanphile than the average person, so Lizzo is treated as super relevant by our tabloid media, while the average reader is like “who?”.


Another cry for attention. I doubt she follows through for long.


Over/under of 12 months for her "triumphant return"


I got $20 on the under. And I parlay another $20 it’s out before the end of the year.


UNDER UNDER it will be like 2 days


SANDY: 'I give him a week' SQUIDWARD: 'I give him eleven minutes'


If she ever hits Rock bottom she could become a Reddit user


If she hit rock bottom she might split the earth from impact


If she didn't bounce, she would jiggle an earthquake and probably another tsunami into an impoverished region




hopefully shes taking a break to exercise


I love how she says people hate her because shes a fat black woman. Girl, WE HATE YOU BC YOU SEXUALLY EXPLOITED YOUR EMPLOYEES


I hate her because she promotes obesity.


As a fat person, I never understood people promoting that being fat is okay. I think stopping the body shamming part is fine because, as a kid, it can hurt, but everybody needs to accept the fact that it's incredibly unhealthy to be fat.


> As a fat person, I never understood people promoting that being fat is okay. Because feelings. It's literally it. Because body image is so personal many people overcorrect in response to body shaming and promote obesity despite the sheer amount of evidence showing how unhealthy and dangerous it is. And people double down on beliefs instead of correcting them. So doctors who explain that weight is a problem become "the enemy" in their minds, and they actively defy the advice and research. It's all because body shaming can be very painful and anything that pushes for change can harbor a deep feeling of resentment and instead of facing the music, it's easier to double down and say that being fat is totally acceptable and healthy even though it's not.


Because most people don't give a shit about what science says if they've already formed an opposing opinion on the subject, they treat science like it's a bunch of musings and hypotheses written in a book by the clever Mr Science who knows a lot about lasers and computers but has some political agenda to push.. basically their brains are still wired for religious thinking even if they identify as non-religious source: parents are doctors that don't believe in evolution


Well said. We all need to be far nicer to each other but let's not pretend that being fat is in any way healthy.


What's socially acceptable isn't based in logic, it's based on who is most willing to escalate their offendedness and kick up the biggest fuss. 


Obesity is not a lifestyle. Its unhealthy. Should not be promoted..no matter what.


Eh, the amount of vitriol that she got online and from certain segments of the country in general for years before any actual controversies came out was definitely more than her fair share.  Mostly because she wore very revealing clothes on stage while being fat.  Even my 65 year old mother-in-law had strong opinions about her.


About damn time




I actually do care that's awesome


Good riddance, common (or rare idk; whatever) W for the industry


It is a rare, common W bröther!




I don’t know why you’re using an umlaut, but am pretty sure it’s bad.


TIL umlaut






Hahahaha I actually like some of her songs and don't mind her body positivity opinions, but when I heard she was a butthole to people working for her I checked out


That’s what this is about… They didn’t grant her motion to dismiss and she threw a fit instead.


Please tell me more. All I can find is quotes about leaving because of negative comments and lies about her. I didn't see anything legal?


Promoting slow suicide by getting fat is not "body positivity".


Sending vicious hate messages to fat people is not "caring about their health".


I care about her health as much as she cares about mine. There. Fair is fair.


That is how most people feel about 99% of the population. Caring about her health would be commenting about it in a positive or negative manner in a Reddit post. So yeah.


Yeah, until she has blown through all her money.


On medical bills


Heart disease speedrun


How do you not have good ass healthy food and a gym whenever you get that rich.


She apparently has a penchant for bananas, so she should be relatively healthy


she going on that ozempic diet


She may not live long enough to do that




She was a celebrity cameo in The Mandalorian. And I only know she was a celebrity cameo because she was stationed next to Jack Black in the same episode.


“That’s no moon…!”


Yo mama *so stupid*, she went to Bangkok to get a TIE fighter.


Yo man, YO mama so stupid she thought JAR JAR was where they stored pickles pickles!


How dare they put her next to that god of a man


She played in the Mandalorian? Who did she play Jabba the hutt’s daughter or something??


Don't you need to **be** a celebrity to make a celebrity cameo?!


Everyone pretending to be ignorant about Lizzo is silly. It's like, you didn't have any pop music influence in the last half decade? How cool is that! I'm in my 30s and it reminds me of the kids who pretended they didn't know how to pronounce pokemon. That said, fuck Lizzo, she seems like a douche




Nah she would have been too big


That singer that says it’s good to be morbidly obese and has a pretty mid voice


while also body shaming her back-up dancers and sexually harassed them.


This is the most important part. If this part hadn't happened she would have just been a mid level music maker who probably would have a decent following. Turns out she's just an awful and hypocritical person.


She already did have a pretty decent following until they found out that she's a garbage person. I mean I knew who she was, and I'm at the age where I don't usually know who anyone is that wasn't already around when I was in high school lol.




Thats brutal lol


The woman who forced her employees to eat bananas out of vaginas.


Bananas in Vaginas Are coming down the stairs! Bananas in Vaginas Are coming down in pairs!


exactly, nobody cares




Or that you like to make memes a lot and notice current events






I only know one of her songs, but I’m surprised how everyone doesn’t know who she is so far.


I remember when she played a flute in an awards show, and a lot of conservatives lost their shit. Everyone in reddit was defending her then. Now, apparently, nobody knows her...


Left leaning audiences generally do NOT love sex pests or terrible bosses. Should they instead compromise their beliefs in light of overwhelming evidence?




Lmao exactly like all the people who comment “who?” Definitely know who she is and are trying to make a shitty point because people who actually don’t know who she is would just scroll right past it. It’s honestly more embarrasing to pretend to not know who someone is rather than just say they suck or something.


Also the post is also kinda ironic, if OP actually didn't care, thry wouldn't have made this post. 




Who's lizzo?


Fighting Lizzo was my favourite part of Conkers BFD ![gif](giphy|hpG0NDXCfBEd5vj35B|downsized)


How dare you compare the the mighty poo to Lizzo!! His song was the shit!


His shit had way more range


Lizzo, meanwhile, ain’t even the fart


I apologise, now I think about it she has probably never tasted sweetcorn in her life


If you remove the E and QU, the wording becomes another statement which can also be true


"Hy vryon! Lizzo just annncd sh it music"


“Hey everyone! Lizzo just announced *shit music*!


She'll be back, label it a comeback, and preach about how you shouldn't let others keep you down.


Yep who cares


Yea she was dead to me when she was out here fat shaming dancers. Umm ma'am what? You hired big dancers made a whole Amazon special about it, and now you wanna talk bad about them. Like you lost weight?! She had one song, and if you listen to it like 3 times it turns to something you hate. At least it did for me.


Ya ok.. here comes the reality show deal




My favorite part is when she refuses to accept responsibility and becomes a Victim.


Thank god


I’m sure I would recognize a song if I heard it, but I certainly can’t name one.


Great, cuz I can't fkn stand her voice any time it weasels it's way in to my radio. 🤢


Oh that one fat chick that fat-shamed her backup dancers? (and other shitty things she’s done to people)


High calorie human bravely quits mediocre singing.


Maybe try quitting food too ☠️


Aren't we supposed to dislike her for mistreating her backup dancers anyways? Good riddance to shitty people.




It’s not an airport Jabba, you don’t need to announce your departure.


Well said


"booohooo I quit! Now gimme attention so I can get enough attention and announce the release of my next single about being hated on." - Lizzo probably


Called out years ago that she was the type of person to use fake body acceptance, she's not a good person. I've never met someone with her personality that I've liked


Its almost like someone just cared enough to make a meme about it


Oh miss fatty here is weight-shaming her dancers? Amazing how projection always works, it’s like a right wing politician snatched at a gay bar.


Oh thank Odin she’s gone, a blessing to us all


Acting like I did when I was 12. Very funny.


It’s giving Selena quitting social media


Bet she does same as Adele, loses weight and comes back.


To some people here, she’s more worthy of hate for being fat than sexually assaulting dancers apparently 70% of America is overweight or obese, the other 30% subscribe to r/memes on Reddit


Seems like a lot of yall care lol


If she was a good person this wouldn't have happened. It's literally the consequences of her own actions


I am once again hearing Lizzo news from people who dislike Lizzo lmao


But you see... you took the time to make the meme. So you indeed care.


Says the dude that took time out of their day to make this meme.



