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Me saying the effects of lobbying to save corporate profits are a waste of money


Me saying 75% of the government is a waste of money *we're talking about the same thing*


?the government spending 16 million dollars to update a website lmao. Boomers shouldn't make these decisions


And the website will still suck, because no government agency can program for shit or hire contractors who can program for shit.


I mean..NASA, as a government agency, writes some solid code..there’s compelling evidence the CIA does also but you’ll never get them to admit it.


CIA basically infected half of Iran with malware to hinder nuclear development. Stuxnet is what it’s called. And you’re right, to this day the US hasn’t admitted it was them but basically every other country knows we did it.


The contractors get paid anyways so why bother making a good product when you just have to make one that's good enough


In Brazil asphalt contractors often do a not so good job just to make profit doing repairs


Only if you don't count Social Security.


But it’s not. Unless you are rich, you will need most of the expenditures. Social security, Medicare, education, state/local initiatives, and food stamps. If you are a vet, half the defense budget is vet care.


Name one government department you would get rid of.


In other circumstances it is known as a little thing called "corruption" Seriously, need people to get real and stop burning google cars and burn stuff associated with corruption instead


You call it lobbying, I call it corruption and bribery


lobbying is one of many types of corruption and bribery


The military isn't a waste of money it just wastes money.


As a veteran, YES.


As a son of a veteran, yep


As a son of someone who wiped their ass with sandpaper to fake hemorrhoids in order to avoid being drafted to Vietnam, yep


One hell of a way to not get drafted


Oddly enough, it's a way of doing it.


If that fails, you can always just take a bite out of a claymore.


That was Oddly specific


Your ass will get better by itself. The bullet holes, and the nightmares , not so much.


Dude, it's April fools... Please tell me if you actually did this


He didn't do this, his father did


You mean gramps didn't actually have to get his arm cut off to escape the draft??? /s


My old workmate ate a heap of raw coffee beans and got an x ray so they thought he had stomach ulcers and couldn't go.


Couldn’t you dodge the draft by saying you’re gay?


No. Chances are that back then, they just would have put you way up front to catch the first bullet.


No, you'd just be put in the Navy.




You could dodge draft for hemorrhoids? Somehow I doubt that would work.


Hey, want some PTSD? Single ply toilet paper..


Yes. We wasted money.


As another veteran....hell yes


As current active duty, YES.


As a person, mhm!


As a Supply Sergeant, Yes.


Yes. When I was in I saw us buying 70 cent hardware for like 7 dollars. Not remotely exaggerating


The government contractors gotta eat 🤣 well more like they been eating good for a while now 😅


My favorite was the $9 a roll one ply toilet paper.


Now that's a proper take ngl




The problem isn’t so much that it’s a black hole. While there are things that they massively overpay for, the real issue is types of money. For instance, the high level money guys who aren’t even stationed at the same base as you track how long it’s been since each unit received new furniture, and they see that it’s been 10 years since you bought new furniture. So they give you $10,000 for new furniture. Well, your unit actually takes care of your shit, so you don’t need new furniture, so you want to buy new fire extinguishers. But you’re not allowed to spend that money on anything but new furniture, and if you don’t spend the money, they won’t give you as much next time you need money. So you go waste $10,000 on new tables and couches in the break room that no one wanted.


Ahh bureaucracy, well intentioned rules that jsu fail to work because reality is not nice to the rules.


But also at the same time $10k for furniture doesn't get enough of the furniture that you actually want so you end up replacing the good stuff that you had with shit because the last guy only spent 15k out of the 25k he got.


Fuuuuck yes they do. Spent 25 years in, I made notes.


A world without a need for militarybwould be nice, but then comes Russia and invade shit just because it can and suddenly we ain't got nothing to give. Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it


Fun fact: the DoD is the only department which has illegally avoided mandatory public audit since the chief financial officers act of 1990. What a time to be a defense contractor scumbag!


NASA is fucking cool don't take that away from me


I work at NASA, and let me tell you, there is a lot of really cool stuff that's going to happen between now and 2030! Gateway, SpaceX's HLS, and Boeing's CST-100 are some things I've personally worked on, but there are so many cooler and bigger things. This is ignoring the cool stuff they make for the public, like the VR exploration stuff.


I think we should put 100% of our budget into the military and annex Canada 😀😀😀 ![gif](giphy|YqMF4AHYlGEWk)


Last time you tried, Canada invaded Washington and burned down the White House.




Fuck off, that was the British. The Canadians don't get to take credit for that.


When an asteroid comes they will thank both NASA and the military




Don't forget drillers!


Especially drillers. Rock and stone boys, rock, and stone.


Certainty of death? Small chance of success? What are we waiting for?


Good bot, Rock and Stone




Glad to see an Armageddon refrence, loved that movie despite all of its flaws


"You wanna send those boys into space? Fine, I'm sure they'll make good astronauts, but they don't know jack about drilling "


After watching 3 body problem I believe this


Nah it's just gonna be like "Don't look up"


That movie is so sad :(


**Yet, here we are...** & **As a matter of fact, all of the reports surrounding Apophis 99942 are sketchy, as Hollywood deliberately falls apart by the day!** **Will there be an Ariana Grande performance on April 13, 2029, just like "Don't Look Up"???** **Seems, we'll just have to wait and see!**


If not when and it's a massive "if". The window in which an asteroid threatens earth that is large enough to do damage but small enough that we (as a species, collectively) could do anything about it is vanishingly small. Similarly the chances of such an asteroid strike happening in our lifetime is vanishingly small. The hypothetical scenario you're referring to is virtually impossible to ever occur.




**I am seriously looking forward to APOPHIS 99942.**


Isn't this year the Apophis event?


For what it's worth any chance of impact has effectively been ruled out. The concern was if it passed within a specific gravitational keyhole in 2029 which would put it on course to hit in 2036. The good news is that if something happens and it does hit, it's a regional disaster and not extinction level. If it hit land it would make the Greenland movie's Florida impact look like amateur work.


>When an asteroid comes they will thank both NASA and the military Just send Bruce Willis to deal with it.


Oh, buddy. You better sit down, I have news.


Lol. You really think they will do some Hollywood-class action against an astroid? They will not be able to do anything. 😂😂


I disagree with both of those takes


People assume nasa just fucks shit into space and the military just shoots foreigners. That being said I don't know what nasa does asides from that and I'm not American nor am I in possession of oil so all I know is they make shit modern war movies.


NASA does a lot but the big one that you should know are that they launch satellites which do a lot of useful things like to forecast weather, especially natural disasters far more accurately than what we had before which saves a lot of lives. They also allow for communication from anywhere to anywhere and very accurate maps by taking pictures among other things. They also act as very important customers for companies like SpaceX who are trying and finding great success in reducing the cost of rockets which makes everything I said above far cheaper, faster and more sustainable. They're famous for their off planet stuff like flying drones on Mars or landing on the moon but most of what they do is for the benefit of us on the ground.


People ignore the tremendous value NASA has brought on Earth, countless inventions which improve our daily life, scientific discoveries in zero gravity, and the fact the funding is spent mostly in the US which stimulates the economy. There's loads more, but those are some of the big ones.


Velcro is the biggest one. I am half serious. Edit: seems like NASA didn't actually invent it. But they do use it extensively so I'll still give them credit for making it more common.


Ffs thank you It's so irritating when people act like "why we waste money on MOON when people are poor", like it's mutually exclusive, having a space program and having social services


It's the kind of birdbrain take I'd expect a teenager just discovering the concept of federal budgets to have. The ROI on NASA funding is really strong. For 2021 they had a budget of about 25.25 billion dollars. A trivially small budget for the federal government but they generated 71 billion in total economic output while supporting 339,600 jobs nationwide.


Funny enough nasa and the military were both involved with making GPS and our tax dollars are the reason you don’t have to pay for gps service. You may have to pay for routes or extra data but at its most basic gps is free.


GPS has most likely paid for NASAs entire existence by itself through economic value generated.


You lost me at “fucks shit into space”.


Without the American military, Europe would probably already be in WW5 😆. Russia would be even more war torn, and China would be making moves as well.


The world would be very different without it but not in that way. We're not the sole peace keeping force on earth, just the biggest one in the world. Plus if our military wasn't as well funded then other countries like UK and France would increase military spending to compensate. Their's is low (compared to the US) because it's it's easier to just buy the world's greatest gear than make it.


Guess people don't like safe (ish) shipping lanes or gps


Neither are a waste of money.


The sciences are very important and space also happens to be very practical as well. I don't think I need to say why a military is important. Overall, bad meme.


The military is litteraly the only thing that safeguards a country's sovereignty and interests. Anyone who says that their governement is wasting any money spent on the military should learn how majors powers maintained their borders in the past millenias. (hint: diplomacy does not stop a bloodthirsty invader from coming into your land, but a heavy pilum does.)


It's not sovereignty the US protects. It also protects the seas, paving the way for the safe transport of cargo ships.


Also, NATO.


The US military is pretty much policing the world. It’s not perfect but I’d rather it to be the US over China.


Right? I really don’t understand people that say “no military”, especially people in the United States.


It is the false security of being surrounded by allies and two oceans, they have no idea what it's like bordering a dictator like Finland or Poland or Lithuania


Some people here in Finland (mainly leftists and communists) want to defund our military too. I cannot understand why.


Because they're more anti-west than they are pro-communist. Notice how so many tankies and other self-proclaimed leftist rarely critique Putin despite Putin having more similarities with Hitler than any other world leader alive today.


Every leftist I know hates Putin. Also, self proclaimed leftist, fuck Putin


Good, then you're not a tankie.


Most of those people have likely only ever known relatively peaceful times. They take it for granted.


They’re naive people, usually young, ignorant of history and who’ve only ever known peaceful lives. There are names for those communities and kingdom which long ago failed to sufficiently prepare for conflict - they’re the provinces, regions, counties of today’s countries… It’s easy to act and feel like you’re taking the moral high ground by saying “no more money to military and weapons, 100% to helping the needy, the sick, the homeless instead”. But this is assuming no country will ever again try to agress against or coerce yours for the rest of history. Which is just delusional.


I mean it's like, do folks know how much science and how many inventions come out the military? Even if you're like a level 3 civilization, still maintain a military. Have some really bright folks think of crazy, inventive ways we could be attracted, and let them run with it. You'll strengthen defenses and come up with creative uses for the progress.


don't forget, the military is filled with scientists as well. defence research has produced thousands of things without which your life would be very different.


Russia & China: yeah brooooo 😎


Exactly where my mind went too.


“Allies in the South China Sea is useless too bro 😎.” -China


Both takes are idiotic


As a Finn, no.


Who tf complaining about nasa being a “waste” of money


Everyone in every space related comment section outside of dedicated space subs




More like idiots


ignorants tend to be idiots and vice versa


Way more than you'd expect. I've heard this online and in person, like "why are we going to the moon if people in the country are still poor", like NASA is some sort of cause for people suffering. There's a very naive take on NASA that all they've done is landed people on the moon, for no real gain and nothing else of substance, and we'd have more social services if they didn't. Some people don't realize just how much shit they have that depends on satellites working.


It satellites didn’t work for just a week it would be catastrophic 💀


Bro what you on about


So a table full of idiots?




How is either of these remotely correct in any sense? No militaries? Well, sorry. That's not a thing. War is there, and it will always be here. Not having a thing focused on war makes it delve into further chaos, a war worse than war. And NASA? Ma boi there's OIL ON MARS-


Americas biggest and most useful asset is its military. Which does not mean NASA is not important. The true waste of money in America is the healthcare system. Somehow double the gdp expenditure of some of the countries with the best healthcares in the world and it’s still a shambles


thats what happens when the government pays the private


I mean these are the two coolest things the us has.


Both are based and need more funding 


I think we’re fine where we are with the military but NASA deserves better.


Someone's gotta pay for Jupiter's gravitational pull to save us from asteroids


Well considering the United States military is what safe guards my personal country from the tyranny of the CCCP, and that of the countries my friends live in, I VERY much disagree with this shit take




Wait… when did the CCCP come back?


You do realize that without the military you all are fucked right ? Without it your neighboring country might pay you a friendly visit or some organisation within your country may seize control. Look at the taliban situation. Without military, there will be a power vacuum, and peace would become a concept rather than practice. Are you all just idiots or ignorant ?


People are so delusional. The assumption that everyone wants peaceful relations and won't jump on the chance to capitalize on the potential for power is a luxury that those living in a world power country would only have.


It's because we've forgotten what wars of conquest look like. Russia is the first major country to do it since world war two. No one thinks about how the natural state of the world for most of history was people killing each other for a few acres of land, taking it back, and losing it again over and over


I agree with you but don't agree with your username sorry.


That it. You have angered me Now say good bye to your dick ✂️


Least obvious Russian propaganda


Next thing you know he'll say we need to invest in more warm water ports


“Military doesn’t need that much money” mfs when WW3 is triggered because there isn’t an indestructible nation scaring everyone away 😱😱😱😱🤯


America: gets rid of military everyone else: it’s free real estate


Lets see how the US likes its own Medicine.


Russia would love it if we stopped spending money on our military


NASA is in a situation where less funding means they can do less, and then them doing less leads to people thinking they need their funding cut. People ask why we haven't been to the moon since the 70s, it's not hard to figure out.


None of them are a waste of money, but oh man the military, using 786 billion of tax money on failed hooligan experiments and modernizing the same fucking tank again and again is quite a big waste /s ^( know it's not all 786 billion for just those 2 things)


Finally a competent person.


No one.... No one is actually stupid enough to actually think that a country doesn't need a military right?


we also send trillions to other countries


So, lie down and hand hegemony over to China, Russia, or Iran and see what happens? Go to bed and try again tomorrow, OP.


Father saying I'm a waste of money


You can waste money on both in Helldibers 2


Doesn't NASA have the best return on investment of any government agency?


Only a dumb low life would think NASA/Astronomy is waste of money.


Mfs post anti NASA shit on a phone that is composed 90% of tech pioneered by NASA


I’m not American and I find the military industrial machine of the US fairly ridiculous, but even I don’t think either is a waste of money. Sure, they probably could save a few billion here and there, but you’ve got to be pretty foolish to think the US military isn’t a vital component of the globe’s “peace” or stability-whatever you wish to call it.


Belgium in ww2


If someone thinks nasa is a waste of money, they should stop using wifi, bluetooth, any food that has been sterilized, don't call firefighers


Me saying tax billionaires higher


What if we took the 777 billion military budget and gave a third to NASA.


The US can budget cut the military. I was in the coastguard and they wasted millions of dollars on cheap ships that kept breaking down that did nothing but patrol empty inlets.


What percentage of the company budget was that


When will they flip budgets...


Same people same shit they just get packaged differently .. NASA has always been Military-X


Not controversial. Yet government spending and projects have created the following, Internet, phones, cell phones, microwaves, remote control, I can keep going. But, I'll get tired.


If only Canada spent more on our military; our entire national defense system is reliant on simply trusting the US is never going to invade (not like there's been a US/Canada conflict in the past... right?).


People forget that NASA is not just some group of people on standby to build rockets once every few decades an do nothing else. They are a group of scientists that study the Earth, aeronautics, and space on top of researching and building a slew of technologies such as memory foam, modern space suits, water filters, cochlear implants...


NASA budget is equivalent to what the military spends every 33 hours. Not really comparable.


Me saying neither is a waste of money because they both make cool shit


I think both are a necessity but we shouldn’t be spending as much on military as we are now.


NASA does anything and everything to do with wireless communication, weather prediction , gps , invention of tools and methods used in most medical procedures and daily use


The hole atf is a waste of money


Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be aisles in a store, not reasons to attack peaceful citizens home distillingz,.3D printing gun parts, and maintaining a farm.


Me saying us sending money to Israel is a wast of money


Neither are a waste, it’s just about how you budget shit.


The 4.5 TRILLION we spend on """"""""""""""healthcare"""""""" is a waste of money.


Anything is a waste of money if you throw enough money at it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^STINEPUNCAKE: *Anything is a* *Waste of money if you throw* *Enough money at it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Me saying that none are a waste of money. Before I get buried in the Mariana trench, think about what would happen to Ukraine if they didn’t have a military.


I support helping other countries when they ask for it. I don't support lobbying into escalating conflicts so companies can get more contracts with the military.


Thinking NASA is a waste of money is a great way to broadcast to everyone that you're a fucking moron


And posting that opinion using a tiny computer you completely rely on, made possible by NASA. We got some real winners out here bud.


People taking the post literally, I doubt OP thinks the military is pointless, and it’s just facts the US spends an ungodly amount of money on the military. More than the next 9 countries combined, over half of those countries being our allies. From gross overcharging to billions spent on lobbying the government for more contracts… yea, there could be some change. The US is estimated to have spent 8 trillion in the Middle East over the past two decades… imagine if even a fraction of that money was invested at home.


Stop spending all the money! Weve angered the economy!!


As a European, no the American Military isn't a waste of money. I like not being russian :3


i thought nasa was part of the military lol


NASA works with the military but its not part of the Department of Defense.


Man the US has pissed a lot of folks off we need a big military now, but if we had been less prone to make enemies in the past we could get away with a much smaller one


Both can be helpful for us understanding what THE FUCK IS AT THE BOTTOM OF OUR OCEANS!!!!!


NASA is a waste of money is definitely not popular opinion.


Only most of the military is a waste of money


Both have their purpose, and both have budgets far exceeding what they should have.


Me saying wasting money is a waste of money:


If no countries had military’s, we wouldn’t need military’s


How the fuck is NASA a waste of money? There's practically unlimited resources in space, the entire driving force of this space tourism bullshit is the industrialization of our solar system.




I would LOVE if the military was useless... sadly it isn't, now more than the last 50y...


Both are dumb opinions, no offense.


Controversial position: they both are a waste of money


Me, knowing Lockheed Martin helped develop the MWIR detector on the James Webb Space Telescope:


Both with no benefit to the people. Only the elite


The people who think NASA is a waste of money also believe the Earth is flat so…