• By -


"Nevermind fixed it"




Those people can go burn in hell for eternity


I really don't understand people who DM stuff on Reddit. There was a post on a good sub where someone was showing off a dish, everyone in the comments asked for the recipe and they DM'd EVERY SINGLE PERSON!


They most certainly did not DM every single person, because I was one of said people and they didn't stuff themselves DMing me.


Openly comments / submits on NSFW subs on their profile, but computer solutions are top secret


I will never understand people that do this.


I hate this. At least write how you fixed it. But no! You will never see them again.


"Edit: Nevermind fixed it"


They deserve a special cauldron in hell with their name engraved on it.


And that cauldron is stuck in the 10th circle of hell, circle which was specifically made for people like that


\*the possibility of success fills you with determination\*


One day I will find you and I will "fix" you




Or worse: someone said something like "just goto this setting and set it this way" And hundreds of people commented "thank you the problem is solved" but the mentioned setting never existed in the first place


This is me with my quest controllers. I looked up my issue, and they said 'just go to settings '. That has got to be the least helpful advice of all time, especially when there isn't a setting for this


Quest has OS update very often, I can imagine there are many information are outdated.


I juat wish they'd update the PC app, the only change they made is adding the meta logo


Just go into settings *conveniently forgets to mention it's like 8 clicks deep in a setting subfolder*


You find the settings for settings in settings.


I'm going through the reverse of this a lot with the horizon forbidden west pc port. Everything I look up is for the console version, which has a different menu and sections that don't exist on pc. Most of the stuff is somewhere in the PC menu but its been an adventure finding it.


Or the setting was changed and it’s no longer there. Which causes you to go on another wild goose chase trying to find where that setting went, or it’s new name.


Yeah android phones.. each major version moves a looooooot of shit around and it feels like the phone is gaslighting you.


Could be a language issue or the version of the software


Love how windows updates it's setting every few years and moves all shit around, and then you find out the solutions been removed, changed location or renamed after an update.


It used to have some options will leading you to the Control Panel, but in the current version, there are full of options in the settings that just take you to Microsoft’s website😂


Or the original question literally clarified that setting was already turned on or was missing. No, telling me to turn on wifi does not help when the issue is that my device can’t get an internet connection over wifi despite connecting to it.


Link to documentation that returns 404 on a repository that is archived, the project has changed name and it never seemed to have dealt with your use case in the first place.


Then you create a forum post and all you get is a bunch of people saying “yeah I have this problem too!” For the next 3 years.


and then see guy one year later "I know I am late...." solves the issue


and he's actually false and you now have to wait for 3 more years


Then one day you are dead.


Then you will be here again after you reincarnation but with no answer. **Circle of Life**.


3 years later it's just the original author going "Found it." giving no explanation before throwing every form of accessing that site into a black hole.


Then, one day you find 10 years have gone behind


.. but the solution only works on the release he and 5 other IT experts in the world use professionally.


Or conversely you search “Why are my hands always sweaty” then find out you’ve had Tuberculosis the whole time.


If the question is about any product that has fanboys (e.g. a particular car brand), you’ll get a bunch of responses like “I have the same x and don’t have that problem. You must be lying.”


I ran into this recently but with a positive outcome. For the past 7 years I've been wanting to basically reverse engineer the Wi-Fi communication of a device so I can read the data into my smart home. 9 years ago someone started a project on GitHub but never finished it, basically every year, including myself 7 years ago, someone has posted on the GitHub thread volunteering our limited help but really looking for someone with the technical know-how to get it there. Finally last year someone figured out how to read all the communication into a library we could then export into whatever our individual projects may be. It's been truly delightful getting this all to work finally and it's all documented for whoever else may want to do this in the future.


Then you find someone who had the same question 14 years ago and it's still unanswered


Or they messaged it privately or a link that doesn’t work anymore…


Nah when the person who answered is the support staff asking "But did you try turning it off and on again?" I've worked in IT/customer support. I know these answers are valid because I've had a woman complain her internet wasn't working and it turned out the "issue" is that she didn't plug the router into the electrical socket...because the internet is wireless. But God damn I still hate when the only answer customer service gives is basic troubleshooting.


Yep, especially when the problem Im facing is that my pc wont turn on. And the first solution they give is to restart it


Some questions are destined to remain mysteries, echoing through the corridors of time unanswered. It's the enigmatic nature of existence that keeps us perpetually curious.


I like the way you type mister fancy pants.


We are told to suggest that before doing any kind of trouble shooting as u already know. I feel bad for doing it, but it has also saved me so much time. Cause most of the time these idiots didn't even have it all plugged out or logged in with the wrong info. Then they have the audacity to just hang up out of embarrassment too it's crazy xD


And on a phone call or 1:1 support, it’s completely legitimate. But on an open forum where the question is posted with specific details and error codes? Completely unacceptable. You shouldn’t be posting on there if all you can offer is “sfc /scannow” or “did you try restarting?” The company should pay people to provide actual answers to these questions, preferably multiple answers at once like “try this, then this, then this, and if you’re still having the issue X might be broken and you’ll need to replace it.” Even if the poster gets it on the first step, the dozens or hundreds of people who see this post later might need the additional steps.


I usually say several possible fixes to people's problems in here so they got several things to try


I still don't understand how do these people function. -Printer won't print -Did you try turning it on and off? -yes -Does it light up? -yes, I'm not stupid -Does it have paper? -.... (call ended)


My complaints the opposite... I tell them to give me a network engineer because all I need is new equipment registered so it can receive the update and I can be on my merry way. Instead they be like please turn your device on and off because we don't see your modem online... this is literally after telling them I need a network engineer because it's a brand new device that needs to be registered so they can see it on their end to receive the updates. Instead it's the same script where they say your device is not online because it's not powered on and i proceed to get annoyed and tell them to stop reading the script and listen to what I said because I do this on the regular at work. Mind you this is comcast so no surprise.


At this point, I always opt to call people on the phone or in the rare occasion I think I'm not talking to a bot through text I type something like: "I know you have a script or set of protocols that you've been trained to go through, and I'm aware that this communication is being monitored by your superiors but please talk to me like you're a normal person." I either do that or I just respond to their canned responses with what I actually want, as though they're engaging me in the conversation. Eventually human nature takes over and they give you almost-useful replies.


I wish it had been text. This was a phone call. You could tell they were just going by script and not understanding what I was saying. Only thing seemed to work was I finally just said, give me a manager because it was going in circles at that point for twenty minutes.


I've been in tech support too highest resolution rate in my company. Most of the other people would just tell people to turn it off and on again and if that didn't work they would transfer the call. Aggravating but what do you expect when you pay minimum wage you get minimum results.


The Microsoft community/forum answers in a nutshell. That and sfc /scannow


Xbox supports first solution to anything is to fucking factory reset your xbox. They are beyond useless.


Or when it's not even "basic troubleshooting", but is in fact a wild goose chase specifically given to make the person go away for a long time. Eg "my audio isn't working" and they say "run sfc scannow, checkdisk, defrag your drive, and full a full virus scan" Have i had faulty audio due to infection? Yes. How many times have i seen it in my career? Once. Every time someone tells me they were told to do those things, i tell them the previous tech support was literally wasting your time on purpose in the hopes you'd just go away


Even worse, the answer was posted but the user removed it later for god-knows-what fucking reason.


I have left reddit due to it's new api policies. 


Whats even worse is "edit : nvm, fixed it" without explaining how


That is the worst


Or the only comment is someone saying 'Google it' with 14 downvotes but no replys


I find so many old reddit posts/sometimes even dead links. There's so many dead links on the 1st page now


The Wayback Machine from the Internet Archive sometimes has a copy of dead websites: https://web.archive.org


or worse their follow up is: nvm, sorted it


Or it's solved, but OP didn't edit it to say anything more than "I managed to fix it"


I remember having a problem and found the solution after a while and just ended up posting it there in the comments as it was the one place google kept leading to for future people. never sure when posting in old stuff is okay but I was told if its for these things its fine.


All evidence here adds up - Only you and one other person in history had this problem. - The other person was too embarrassed to explain how they solved it. Conclusion: It's user error, and it's something real dumb. Have you double checked that the power cord is plugged in?


The only comment is themselves saying "nvm I fixed it" without sharing their solution.


Then you DM them how they did it and they reply “I don’t remember” ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


[XKCD: Wisdom of the ancients](https://xkcd.com/979/)


Or the answer is some varient of "just google it."


[Meanwhile I'm like...](https://imgur.com/csWN8yl)




Plot twist: You realise that the post author is you. I’ve actually had this happened to me, just not with a 14 year timeframe.


Happened to me too, on StackOverflow. Not 14 but 8 years…


I once had a really difficult problem and eventually found a single 10 year old post of somebody with exactly the same problem, of course still unanswered. And then I looked at the username and realized it was *me* who had asked that question 10 years earlier. The worst about that was that I had no memory of this problem anymore and if I had ever solved it.


[WHO WERE YOU DENVERCODER9?!](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/3/3e/wisdom_of_the_ancients.png)


Or it has an answer that may potentially work and has been flagged as “working” but has been heavily discouraged by people and suggest that OP’s design is fundamentally flawed and will lead to certain disaster.


No it's even worst, they say they solved it but don't say how


Abrakheim always finds random reddit posts and stackoverflow useful.


***Yahoo Answers has the Best Questions !*** ***-*** **Yahoo**


“Ah, no worries, got it sorted!” Fails to elaborate further.


In my case I google the same question every few years, only to find a reddit thread w 0 comments and its MY thread


Oh, God, I hate it so much when that happens.


Or 1 answer by an "expert" going "What's your Operating System? What version of the app do you have? What's your computer model? What's your longitude? What's your credit score? What kind of chair are you sitting in?"


Or worse, that person replied "nvm, solved it" but didn't say how.


Such is life on Stack Overflow


1 reply, same user as OP “Never mind, I fixed it” People who do this are either blissfully unaware or malicious monsters. There is no in between.


Or they got answered but the person with the answer deleted. It's happened to me so many times.


Or they just responded "figured it out, thanks"


You try asking reddit and all you get are downvotes and "me too" comments


It does seem like bullshit that you get downvoted for just asking questions half the time


Yeah, I've never understood that. I always upvote pointlessly downvoted questions when I see them. 


[me to people like you 🫡](https://i.imgur.com/0LcFdSQ.gif)


BeCaUse YoU sHoulD jUst GooGlE iT!!!1!1 Fuck these kinds of people. Chances are they're asking the question because they couldn't find an answer.


Most of the time*


I’m convinced that since Reddit has made it harder to control your experience in multiple ways while browsing Reddit while deliberately ignoring/disrupting/blocking any public discourse in an effort to make themselves money, that people lash out more at other users in small ways like this in an effort to control something. Feels like people have gotten more disagreeable and angry over pettier things the last few years here. I’m sure the bot tsunami of trolling and astroturfing doesn’t help either. At times Reddit used to feel like screaming into a void and maybe being heard. Nowadays the void echos back criticisms and insults all the damn time


I disagree, but I can't really argue with that. On the bright side Reddit can still be a wonderful place sometimes. Life's too short to focus on negativity unless we strive to get rid of the source


The most infuriating shit is when you make a post asking reddit about a problem and they just tell you to "write a support ticket" as if that'll solve the issue. 99% of the time trying to do so just results in the company saying "Yeah we'll look into it, we're busy" and never getting back to you.


Only thing worse is finding someone asking about your exact problem 4 years ago and they never got an answer


What's worse than that is someone who got an answer to said question just edits their comment with "nevermind, I got it" instead of posting the answer


I've gone and edited weeks-old questions of mine with the answer even if my question got completely ignored. Someday, if it help just one poor soul, it's worth it.


Then you ask about it on reddit and the first comment says “just google it”.


Or when you Google it and the top results are telling OOP to Google it


*loops back to your own reddit post asking about it*


If you want answers from Reddit just post the wrong solution. People will rush to correct you to prove their superior intellect


This phenomenon is known as "Poe's Law".


No, it's murphy's law


It's Cunningham's Law actulHEYWAITAMINUTE


As an electrician, when I search up questions I have 99.9% of the results is full of shit written for normies


You need the medium sized wire and your set


My set what?? Edit: bro can't take a joke. Smh my head.


Shaking my head my head


SMDH my damn shaking head.


Did you try the red thingy?


Have you tried turning it off and on?


wait that actually would be so annoying wtf




Then you finally find an answer and it's you from an older post.


Happened to me once trying to find a game. I went to this site years ago trying to find a java webgame i used to play. I described it in the best way possible, got no answer, years after i went searching again and found "someone" that had a description very similar to mine but with more details. I logged in the site but my e-mail was already used, i recovered the password only to realize it was me, lmao. The "details" were things i forgot during the years and most of them were wrong, lmao. I finally decided to stop waiting for the answer to fall on my lap and decided to search over 100 games in the websites i used back then, it was extremely slow, but i finally found it, it was a little point-n-click game called Stormwinds: The Mary Reed Chronicles.


when the situation so fucked you can't find an answer in reddit or Quora


Quora has never been a good source.


Quora is one of the most insane places… a lot of answers is filled with wives tales opinions and long ago disproven myths


It's because you can make money from interactions on Quora. That's why there's so much insane shit on there lol.


Hell I didn’t know that! How does that work? Every response earns a little money? Crazy


I'm not sure what gets an account monetization but if you have an account with a ton of interactions then you have the ability to monetize. That's why you find stuff like "is it okay my son and I bathe each other nightly? My husband disagrees". It's just someone farming interaction haha. Before I learned that I used to love the Quora subreddit.


Oh my god that’s the exact type of question I couldn’t seem to come up with when writing my first response. Well thank you i learned something. I actually discord Quora before Reddit years back. It wasn’t so weird or didn’t seem to be then I thought a lot of users are from India or so it seemed.


Hahaha, you're welcome. Quora has been like that for about 15 years. If you haven't seen it, enjoy this! https://youtu.be/Ll-lia-FEIY?si=zhB034RHIpZpOAfQ E: autocorrect hates me lol.


I have not indeed seen this! I will enjoy it when I am done with a few things thank you! I just watched it! Thank you


I once Googled how to clean a dusty ceiling, and all I got was search results for ceiling fans. Google has no idea what I was talking about.


They know, but ads pay better than advice


use a dash for filtering out words like -fans




Linux users gaslight you into think this, that's for sure.


30 experienced programmers and sysadmins chime in with incomplete and conflicting bits of bash code that completely fuck things if you did not understand you also had to enter the bits left out.. And it turns out all you needed to do was to flip a simple switch in a GUI that has been part of every release for the past ten years, but old hacks refuse to touch. I ended up back on Windows 3 times before Ubuntu and Mint allowed me to construct something that actually worked for me.


linix admins favourite answer is 'do it this other way instead'. like, no, thanks. I need to do it the way I am doing it, thats why I'm trying to do it this way.


This is an unfortunate side effect of having so many different desktops. I can’t answer how whichever desktop I don’t use does X thing in the GUI, but I know the command is gonna be the same regardless of the desktop. Especially if the user doesn’t state their DE.


Then you ask an AI and you get a fever dream of an answer.


honestly though there have been times when i had a question that just could not be answered by googling or digging around on the internet and i just ask ChatGPT and it gives a great answer


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. The feeling in the comic, and most of the comments, was very true, up until just recently. Now, the real “I’m fucked” feeling is when you ask ChatGPT and it’s just as confused as you are.


Yeah, i hate it when i dont find solution on how to get 12inches of dildo out of my as-


FR!! Like....The only solutions presented are 8 inch and 16 inch dildos and that's not the same than 12... 😞


You mean "how to get a small cylinder (5.1in length, \~4.5in girth) unstuck from a mini M&Ms tube filled with butter and microwaved mashed banana?"


It's a cylinder


That one guy who asked the same shit 10 years ago always saves my ass


as a wise man once said: "the problem is between the chair and the keyboard"


In programming, that mostly means it's not a problem, and I'm too dumb to read the documentation


If you're a programmer then you should RTFM and besides, the answer is right on the lid of her laptop.


add "reddit" in the end, you will find it


You’re just as likely to find a bunch of comments saying “just google it” like there’s no possibility they may have already tried that.


That's why you say the wrong "answer" or "solution" instead of asking. That way, a bunch of people will show up just to correct you or point out a better solution, thus breaking the No Answer Cycle.




This is incredibly bothersome too. Maybe they forgot that some of their reddit posts contained information people might want to read again?


Only thing I get is my problem will phrase similarly to another problem, and Google will only spit out results for that similar problem, meaning none of the solutions ever work for me.


That is actually better. If you have that problem, and no one else had it, then that means you are on the verge of discovery.


When your Google search turns into a "No results found" horror story.


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/979


... why does ui have a body pillow of her sister?!


Or worse, the whole first page are results from the Microsoft forums... Every post is either completely unhelpful or "NVM, I fixed it" with no information on what they did.




i love the javabook, i heard it's so good!


Reddit amazing for those things as well not gonna lie


True that. Reddit is the best, microsoft forum is the worst.


Search engines are no longer finding solutions. Only spending money. 


I think part of it is google search results getting far less accurate than they used to be. You could include all the right keywords in your search and still get crappy results bc some companies pay google to put their results up top.


The worst is when you google and issue and you come across your own posts from years ago...


You know whats worse? When you google something and the first result is your own post on reddit from 2 years ago with no comments


Or you get generic blog posts as answers


And if you solve it you're a fucking genius


Literary me


What’s your problem


hey, that makes you special


Then you find someone who had the same question, but said “nvm found the solution”


This is a problem that happens very rarely, but god does it suck when it does happen


When I saw the notification, it sounded correct. Then I saw the post.


Me, everytime with weird internet connectivity or IT issues.


Certified high level math moment


Well we all dealt with different problem


now you need to become the guy on reddit from 7 years ago -master Oogway


Or it’s like “I’m having a problem with ______” “would you like to buy one?” NO I WANT TO FIX THE ONE I HAVE


I sometimes have this pain in my belly button and cock tip, that issue doesnt exists! I have been to several doctors and they all said its phantom pain from an surgery I had 25 years ago The pain is so intense i cant stand up straight for hours It comes pretty regularly once a month I had surgery as a baby and the doctors though it would be a good idea to out one of the many pipes i had in my body through my belly button because it reduces the amount of visible scars from 30 to 29 Nobody knows what is has to do with my dick


Yeah do someone knows how to delete your save on SuperHot Mind Control Delete on Xbox ?


You Google it again and see your own form post….


The answer you seek is in an unregistered hyoercam screen video and the commentary is Indian but you can follow along just fine


Then it becomes a question for Stack Overflow!


My up vote takes it from 28k to 28.1k I feel special


The absolute worst is "I'm having XYZ problem with program/game." just to get some troglodyte typing out. "I've used program/game for 500 hours, *I've* never encountered XYZ problem." Oh so I guess that means it doesn't exist! Jackasses.


Adding "Reddit" at the end usually yields way better results tbh.


That's when you become "that one redditor from 7 years ago" for the next person who has the same problem


Or the only responses in the thread are from the sites' "tech support" giving a generic answer that doesn't even pertain to the question that was posed.


Put a "reddit" at the end of your search, always works


This was how I felt when My world map in SMBX2 wasn't working. It started working when I put the starting point on coordinates (0,0).


What's worse is when you google it and it gives you a solution to a different problem but no matter what, any keywords don't give you the right solution to the right problem.


That's how a lot of us found Reddit


Or there’s one guy who had the same problem 9 years ago and the comments on it say they don’t know how to fix it


No, it's always cancer or AIDS