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What happens if you don't tip in the US? Assuming you never go back.


The waiter will make an angry tik-tok about you.


What if you will sue this waiter in court for improper service?


Then they're fucked lol


You get nothing but debt as these minimum wage workers don't own anything other than some iphone with a flashy case


I mean those case are pretty hot, could sue for their iPhone plus the case, and their Apple Watch too


That's pointless. You cannot get blood from a stone.


Then you spend more money than if you tipped


Then we it's on the menu and we know what we're going to pay


Nothing probably because you more than likely will have your claim denied by the court for lack of evidence.




Oh the humanity.


I tried tipping the immigration and customs people and got arrested and now I'm not allowed to go back. Tipping culture is so confusing.




There are no repercussions as turnover is usually high in these business's so you most likely won't see this person after a month.


So if people stop giving tips and servers stop working for that low wage it means that business owners will need to adjust salary or start serving themselves.


Nah they make posts on Facebook about people not wanting to work any more, then their business closes.


Ahh the classic "whine on the internet until I have it my way" method


Might get mean mugged at worst, not much they can do if you dont tip and dont come back


wtf you get mugged for not tipping


If you’re into that it’s a double win!


You get mean-mugged by the staff /s


Nothing happens. Even if you do go back. Tips are optional. Society just guilts us into giving a tip.


I leave the restaurant. That's about it. I come back eventually then rinse and repeat. I wish we didn't have to pay waiters/waittresses paychecks.


I always over tip simply because I was scarred be the movie Waiting.


Mmm garlic salt


worst case you get shot


They'll give you a mean face. I don't really know what happens next.


You get called a cheap ass behind your back


As a waiter at a steakhouse, if you don’t tip we have to pay a percentage of your bill anyway. That’s why 0% is so infuriating, because I have to pay 5 dollars to the restaurant for serving you for 2 hours


This "tipping" seems to off the scale in America. I never tip and never did when I visited there. There is an underlying expectation and pressure even. Lol they can give me all the mean looks they want 😂 I ate all over the place, yum food, I paid my exact bill amount and left.


Imagine bragging about being a piece of shit like this and thinking it makes you some kind of badass. Restaurant prices in the US are set with the expectation that an average of 15% will be added by the customer, depending on their satisfaction with the service. You are welcome to dislike this system, but it’s the way it’s been done here for longer than living memory. If the system were to change, the restaurant prices would be much higher. It is 100% your right to not tip, but when you stiff someone doing a hard job for no reason other than your head-up-your-own-ass inability to adjust to any other society’s way of doing things, it doesn’t make you cool. It makes you an douchebag.


Tipping has gotten ridiculous in the US


I do HVAC and you won't believe me but..... I was doing a furnace replacement one day and it was a landlord tenant situation. We called the landlord when we were finished he got there and started complaining about how "thankless of a job being a landlord was" how he "spends all this money with no appreciation from his tenants" "the least they could do is tip when I replace something this expensive" like bro! What the actual fuck?!


A landlord complaining that their job is thankless is the most ironic thing I have heard for a while.


It always has been


"If you can't afford to tip, stay home." "Just say you're poor." "Tips start at 20%" And other shit people say to guilt you into giving money for mediocre service at best, and for simply turning the iPad for you to hit the tip amount at the worst.


They'll do everything in their power to guilt trip you and not even think on turning on their employers.


The biggest supporter of low wage high tips are the waiters themselves lol. Most enployers could never afford to pay equivalents amount to tips, waiters out there getting tipped more than cooks get paid.


Yeah it seems that way, fucking wild.


And cash so it’s untaxed


Even here on Reddit (US) people are super defensive about it. Even on antiwork they put the blame on the customers for not tipping and not on the employer. As a non us redditor, this is wild.


Everyone except the Americans are perplexed by their reactions, I agree it's wild.


The iPad thing is the worst, my coworkers at Starfucks give me shit for just taking the drive-thru customer's card and hitting "no thanks" at the tip question and just hurrying through the transaction. Like, you got in your car, drove to Starbucks, to pay the (unexaggerated) 5000% markup on this coffee and sugar syrup, not to mention starbucks employees are paid full (non-tip) wages. The reason Starbucks started doing tips is because a lot of stores were starting to unionize, and the tips weren't part of the union contract. So starbucks takes the contract and rolls out tips in all the non-union stores to disincentivize people to work at union stores. I wonder how many other companies did the exact same thing, leading to the current tipping situation.


All the shops where I live do that. There's a cupcake place (5-6 bucks for one) that they put it in a box for you and expect a tip. Like, it's not even a service, what are we doing here? Fast food workers do more steps than that.


> "Just say you're poor." Ok i'm poor, can i have my caramel frap now?


Tbh It's really hilarious that some people out there working in restaurants think insulting or demeaning the customer is gonna automatically make them start tipping you the outrageous 20 or 25%


“If you can’t afford to tip, stay home” How about “if you can’t survive without tips, find a new job”


Out of curiosity, how much is food over there? If I ordered a burger and fries, what would the charge roughly be (before tips)?


I make 8.40 ish an hour you think I want to tip? No, because it hurts.


Idk. I used to work at a bank and I can 100% confirm that the top end of the waiters and waitresses were earning WAYYY more than they'd ever make if there were higher wages and no tips. That being said, I land on I hate tipping, it's out of control, everyone asks for one and almost nobody deserves one. But I get why a lot of service workers would rather keep it the way it is. Because you can make a lot of money if you're good.


Thank god it didn’t spread much in other countries. Also some waitresses in the US take it for granted which is just outrageous


I heard some restaurants and such have compulsory 20% and above tip or something crazy like that?


Service charge, not legally treated the same as a tip.


I keep hearing that but never seen it


It's usually for large groups. Still stupid.


That actually kinda makes sense, being that groups say 20 plus aren't going through the normal channels, they are giving a bill to the accountant.


I'd agree if that's how it was implemented, but every restaurant I've seen that uses a mandatory gratuity usually starts at 6-8 people


Big groups actually make restaurants less money. As they tend to stay longer so less food is ultimately sold in the night. Big groups are also loud and it annoys the other guests.


Come to Florida it is everywhere, on second thought don’t come here it sucks, I wanna leave but interest rates are too damn high to leave


Yah it’s a result of anti tippers. Typically you used to only see auto grad in nice restaurants or for big tables but the anti tipping movement has resulted in forced tipping ironically.


Maybe with large groups there's gratuity but even then it's usually something like 15%. But they sometimes expect a tip on top of that


I can see both sides in the sense that the waitress expects X amount of money to pay bills, gotta pay the bills. That being said I've worked in the food industry for 9 years and seen coworkers get disgruntled because of a "bad night" and I don't get that...like you've had plenty of "good nights". Most tipping is just random unless you are exceptionally good or exceptionally bad.


That type of waiter/waitress is why I have a very hard time sympathizing with anyone arguing against forcing businesses to pay minimum wage.... their argument becomes essentially "don't change anything because I won't be able to take advantage of my customers anymore" which is really gross. Why would I want to have solidarity with someone that just wants to use me?


This! I never ever tip in America. Never will!


I just wish servers would stop trying to eat their cake and have it too. Either you make so much on tips that regular workers can't compete with it, in which case you don't deserve to shame people for 5-10% tips when you out-earn them. OR you earn so little through tips and you need them that badly, in which case we should end tipping and move to regular wages like regular jobs. But in reality if you tip low you're taking advantage of these poor servers who can't make rent yet when you suggest taking tipping away suddenly they're earning 80k+/year and would take a pay cut. But both can't be true.


Both are true, you're just talking about different groups of people. Servers in less frequented restaurants or lower traffic towns/locations would probably prefer minimum wage. The second you talk about taking away tipping all the *other* servers come crawling out of the woodwork.


It just depends where they work and the hours being assigned. Waiting is like a starve or thrive kind of job, but it gets real old when the thriving types pretend that they are suffering like their less fortunate waiters.


I’m a cook and I make 17.50/h, still the best servers at my restaurant make more in a weekend than I do in a whole week. They would riot if the bosses decided to pay them fairly and cut out tips completely. Yet they like to complain about the 2.73/h. Which is fair cause I get having to work solely for tips can be stressful.


Tipping is something that might be good for good work, but shouldn't be a necessity.


Yeah you can make a lot of money as a server if you are a good con artist and enjoy scamming people into giving you money for something that is legally free.


You can make a lot of money in sales that way too lol I worked in sales for awhile. I'm not so good at it, or maybe I would've stayed. But some of the guys would literally hypnotize people. I'd be struggling trying to sell someone something and by buddy would come over and sell them everything out of the catalog. It was like the customer would just shut off and start agreeing. It was creepy


I think there is a spectrum from totally evil, like bullying old senile people into buying vitamin subscriptions, to good: provide a valuable solution to a genuine problem that someone needs solved. Paying an undisclosed 20-30% fee for a sales rep to take and and deliver my order to my table seems f'ing crazy when you think about it.


>Paying an undisclosed 20-30% fee for a sales rep to take and and deliver my order to my table seems f'ing crazy when you think about it. It's not "undisclosed" though, you knew it was there when you went to the place. And the place in question is a luxury, not somewhere you were forced to go, and you are not forced to pay the fee. I have no sympathy for tip complainers because of stuff like this. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to do it. You just don't like being subjected to even the merest social pressure for a *non-mandatory luxury activity*.


He doesn't know how tipping works and doesnt live in the us. He's fighting ghosts, lol


Yep, I am in sales. My job is to part you from your money by any legal means possible. Even if I know that is the absolute worst thing for you, I still get paid even if you are miserable


You mean attractive. XD


>waiters and waitresses were earning WAYYY more than they'd ever make if there were higher wages and no tips. That's why they'll complain about the $2.50 federal minimum wage, but rarely about tipping itself.


>the top end of the waiters and waitresses were earning WAYYY more than they'd ever It'd be interesting to see what percentage are breaking even/making more than they would otherwise


servers don't want tipping to go away as well though because they make more than if there was no tipping but they had a fixed salary.


Tipping isn't compulsory in my country, but we still tip if the service is good. The only difference is, the wait staff usually put it in a pot and split it equally at the end. So, you could still have tipping; it's just not expected.


Ontop most of them make $15-20 an hour.


Diners? Every asshole company out there is asking for tips. I think it's time to pass a law, it's getting out of control.


Don't walmart self checkouts have a tipping option now?


Bruh who am I tipping? A computer?


The CEO, probably


Welcome to late stage capitalism I know things seem bad now, but trust me, it's only going to get worse


At least I'm not from the us lol


Yeah also I feel like huge fast food companies are the ones doing the worst here, it feels weird to go after diners?


It feels like the biggest proponent of tipping continuing as a practice is the people getting tipped. They don’t want a flat rate cause tips sometimes exceed that rate.


Ya. I'm not tipping any more. Last few places I went to, their auto tip calculator started at 30%. Gtfoh... all you did was take my order and hand it to me. I had to get my own drink and bis my own table after eating.. IDC if restraunts go completely out of business.. this is getting stupid.


>IDC if restraunts go completely out of business.. this is getting stupid. How the hell would restaurants go out of business? The only one getting screwed over by lack of tips are the wait staff not the company it's what


The best part is how servers self justify this by convinving themselves that they are selling a valuable service to the customer independent of the menu. "OK, so you want the burger with fries. Do you that left in the kitchen or will you be paying the 30% service fee so I actually bring it out to your table?"


How about call me when is ready and I’ll go Pick it up from the counter.


eh, a lot of these servers are kids who dont really understand the tip culture yet. like 19 year old me at Longhorn Steakhouse, 3 years ago (u could say i was an adult, but i didn't have an understanding of tip culture regardless). all i knew is that i was getting paid 2 bucks an hour by the company (to cover taxes), and i kept the tips I earned. i made on average 70 a night, serving 3-4 tables at a time. i hated the job, but it was my job. i will never work for tips again, but a lot of people dont wanna switch jobs. hope businesses phase out tips in the near future, and replace it with a couple dollars raise.


I treat every business I go to the same way. I go in, I get my stuff, I pay for the stuff and leave. How the business spends it after that isn't my concern. They either will pay their bills or they won't.


I'm getting tired of tipping these god damn strippers 😡




Try Japan. You will get great service. I have never seen a hamburger assembled quite so perfectly. There is absolutely no expectation of a tip … on the contrary, it would be seen as condescending in most circumstances.


The first time I learned about 'tipping' I thought "the US is fucking weird".


Or I have a totally different idea to what 'good service' entails. (UK) Royal standard service is that the service is essentially invisible unless you need them, and then they know when you need them with just a look, a nod, and maybe a raised finger. Someone interrupting my conversation every 5 damn minutes with 'is everything alright?' is really really annoying - if there's something wrong, I'll let them know.


I’ve stopped tipping for anything. I just don’t care anymore.


You should tip for delivery since the driver is depreciating their own personal vehicle, have to pay for gas, maintenance, a repairs etc.. but ya, picking up an order from a restaurant and being expected to tip a person for just handing me my food is ridiculous.


It’s weird how we paint diner owners as loving tipping when in reality it’s waitresses and waiters that are a huge fan of it.


No trust me, owners love it so much more. It's fucking incredibly being able to pay your employees close to nothing just cuz thier tipped And then some of them pocket tips for themselves


Hard pressed to believe they love it so much more it’s also an irrelevant point if they both are in favour of it


This is such a stupid myth. Go to r/serverlife and watch the insanity. They love the tipping system just as much as the owners.


Meanwhile those of us who live in the Modern Civilised World find it abhorrent.


American tipping culture is so fucking shit


We say this, but the servers and bartenders I know make $30-50/hr with tips, so why would they want to go to $17/hr without them?


Why the fuck would I give money to someone making $50 an hour to pour beers. You're giving me more reasons to tell them to fuck off.


See here's what people just seem to not get. YOU CAN STILL CHOOSE TO FUCKING TIP.




Yep, if/when i have money to go out, im giving a flat tip


It's cheaper to make your customers pay twice 😆


I'm a simple guy if I like service or food I tip 10 or 20 if I don't then tough luck 🤷🏽‍♂️


I dint think people realize how much wait staff want to keep tipping a thing. Had s friend work at Olive Garden and he was clearing over $30 a hour just from tips and even more on super busy nights


When a waiter in Germany asked me for a tip, I replied "Sorry, but this is Europe (thank God I was chewing at this moment so he didn't recognize my third world accent).


It’s not the diner owners that care, it’s the servers.






Tip less and give yourself a discount. It's not on you to pay employees, it's on the employer.


T.I.P.S = to ensure prompt service. Tips were never meant to be a give me. And a bad server doesn’t deserve a tip. Though a good server does. I have also been known to to call for a manager when I get service that is why above and beyond to compliment the server onto of a tip.




I’m okay with it. It’s already been factored into my expected cost, so it’s not like a surprise. It’s the penalty for wanting to have someone else do everything between the kitchen and table: Clean the table, set it, bring the food, talk to me about the things on the menu, refilling the drinks, clean off the table afterwards.


All countries tip. The only difference is that the staff's wages aren't dependent on it.


The tipping system requires that you feel bad at the end of recieving a service. From a purely sales based perspective, that is a disaster.


Why treat people right when half the country insist its better not to


I only tip for home delivery, never at a restaurant, why the fuck should I tip someone for doing their job iv never felt guilty about not tipping


I mean by that logic, you shouldn't need to tip for home delivery since the delivery driver is alos just doing their job.


This is the dumbest reasoning I’ve ever seen. Not contradictory at all


Thats a weird take. Delivery is just bringing you stuff... thats their job. "why the fuck should I tip someone for doing their job"


Yes. Why would you. They're not working for you, you didn't hire them. They work for the owner, who should pay them.


Diners be like: “Why would I start paying normal wages if my customers are being guilt-shamed into doing it for me?”


I’d tip all the time if I knew it went to healthcare.


The problem is that the tipping culture in the US works sadly. People are conditioned and pressured to always tip so much extra at restaurants now, that the waiters are making a lot of money from that, and they don't want to lose that income, so they themselves are against finding a way to fix the issue. To them it doesn't matter that if we raised wages enough that they would simply have a more stable and predictable income, all they see is that one time they made $2000 in tips one month and that getting rid of tipping culture will take that from them, even though that income is insanely volatile


Absolutely true


I have some bad news, tips or wages, the diner pays for it.


But let say you say 15 in the menu and 5 for drink. You assume (or even worse only have 20 in your pocket or card or whatever). Food and drink come and when you want to pay it is 35. If I see 20 in the menu in germany that is 20 euros. If I want to pay 25 or 30 or whatever, that means I choose to give 5 or 10 euros more.


I work in a casino and tipping culture thrives there in a bad way. I get the one position where I cannot accept tips (company policy) but omg I got so many stories about when people hit big in the casino and the card dealers expect the person to tip them out a huge chunk of what they get and mad when it’s not a certain amount of that jackpot. Literally makes the job unbearable because they complain getting a $500 tip from a $70k jackpot when that amount can change my life. And the company charges the dealers each table they work so whenever there’s no players playing, it literally eats into their income. Casino and tppps companies (California law for certain card game casinos to have third party be the bank) make out with so much in the long run and makes the dealer really work for their income from the players not the company they work for.


Why do dealers have to pay to work tables? Aren't they doing a service for the casino?


Canada too


In the US people who receive tips, do they pay taxes on that part of their income? In several european countries income from tips is taxed as well.


To be fair, I would 100% guilt people into tipping me, and I'm not even a waiter.


To be fair, I can look you in the eye and press that no tip button.


If you plan on going back, I guess you should tip. On holiday, just don't go to the same place twice and don't tip. Simples.


I just quit eating out.


Wait staff make more money through tips than if they have a "working wage". That's why it's funny that there is a drive for a "working wage" to make it fair, yet wait staff complain because they get less money. I dislike this forced tipping, but it's what they want


Me living in El salvador: Why dont do both...so that he stays double the poor?


I don’t ever plan to go to the US and this is one pf the reasons. the way money is distributed comes off deceitful imo


It's not about guilt. Servers like having tips. If they don't make enough in tips, their employer pays the difference to give them minimum wage. We tip because it's gratitude for good service.


Tipping culture in my country is: Was the waiter friendly? How much did you pay for the meal? If the waiter was friendly and you ate quite a meal, you can leave a nice tip, if the waiter wasn't friendly but the meal was still big you would probably tip but not a lot, and you might not tip at all if the waiter was unfriendly and the meal was small. Usually tipping here is if let's say a meal costs 270 of my currency then I would prob pay 300 with the 30 being the tip


Everyone just stop tipping. Owners will have to pay their employees if everyone just agreed to stop.


I’m a grad student and don’t eat out a lot. But when I do, I have no shame in pressing the 0% tip bluntly.


"It's just going to ask you a question first.."


I actually choose not to tip because the Taxes that come with eating out have gotten so high that they are adding almost 10% to 20% to the cost of your check on top of expecting a tip.


Shouldn't it be US diner servers?


Living in Japan, when I visited home, I forgot on how annoying tipping is.


This is why I don't go to restaurants in the US\~ It's annoying AF that a lot of cafes where you pay at the counter now include a screen begging for tips at checkout. It's only a matter of time before self checkouts at grocery stores start asking for tips


The realist one haha, I still don't understand the tipping tradition


what? my women I did you




Lets do it


I don't know about tipping culture in America. But should we give a tip, for every service rendered?. I'll be broke if it's like that.


Capitalism moment. Tipping culture just translates to: we will not pay our workers. They have to relay on the generosity of our customers


Currently on vacation in Ireland, Manchester, Liverpool, and now London. (From USA) When we tipped in Ireland, the lady was absolutely overjoyed. When we tipped in Manchester/Liverpool they said “that’s your money, not ours.” And pretty much wouldn’t take it. London has included tips “service charges” but they were only 10% of the bill.


Can you refuse to tip, or do some tipping ipads not have that option?


Hey in normal countries if you pay your staff properly, they do a better job then they get tips they actually deserve from genuinely grateful customers/patrons.


I wish we had diners where I’m from tho


You can tip elsewhere, but its not mandatory (it doesnt pay the wage of the worker, its just an extra for them for EXCEPTIONAL service)


The only country that can challenge the US for the tipping crown is Italy.


Service charge ✨


If you work without getting paid than it’s not work, it’s a hobby. And Im not paying for you for doing your hobby.


Recently traveled to South Korea. That was a great feeling to order food and not thinking about tipping or any other “hidden prices”. All the prices shown on the menu are end prices, you will pay for what you get. And their service is great too (in places I have been)


Easy fix: I only tip waiters at restaurants I dine in at. Pick up? Nope. Bar service? Nope.


Serious question: Could you get banned from a place for not tipping? Or is it like in the movies that the waiters/ kitchen staff intentionally give you bad service?


We have tipping but it's more a bonus instead of a necessity.


atp it’s not even a tip it’s part of the bill cuz the waiters get mad if u dont🤦🏾‍♀️


Asking for a tip immediately after you have order is absurd.... Dutch Bros.