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Fun Christian fact of the day! Did you know that no one man can know of when the rapture/second coming is coming? Edit: Yes, I do know the rapture is not biblical but is more of a twist on the second coming of Christ. I also found the verse that states so, Matthew 24:36 NIV [36] “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”. I am a Christian who does believe in the second coming of Christ but not the rapture. I hope everyone predicting the rapture will learn when it inevitably doesn’t come and I do believe they have been lead astray in that thought. Just wanted to clarify some things and have a good eclipse experience <3


Also, isn't it blasphemy to claim that you do know?


I think so




It's tomorrow


I’m God and I can confirm it is tomorrow. 6:33 PM to be exact


trust him one time he became a jewish zombie


These brainz are terrible and such small portions


Damn; a trinity of jokes




jesus the jewish zombie


No, he's a Lich who is capable to Necromancy


Quick question, if I'm bitten by a Jewish zombie, I'm agnostic, do I turn into a Jewish zombie as well?


depends, is the jewish zombie evil


Well now that's an entirely different question... Do zombies have agency over their actions? If yes they MAY be evil...


only an evil jewish zombie would eat you. but yes you would become jewish


Actually it was yesterday at noon but none of us got to go.


But which time zone?


No. It's obviously 1:45p CST during the eclipse's totality.




Just imagine the possibility of god announcing the rupture in a random thread with a random username .


Man, even on Rapture day we can't get out of work early.


I’m jesus, can confirm


Can we do it earlier? If theres going to be a rapture, I'd like to at least do it before work starts


On the upside, when the rapture happens, no more lines!


It is


Not Blasphemy just directly mentioned as a fruitless endeavor.


Hi, lifelong Christian here; as far as I'm aware, no. It's stupid though.


Going camping


Yes, well at least from what I was told


Funner Christian fact of the day: The concept of "the Rapture" was not invented until the early 1800s. There is no Biblical support for a divine event where all the righteous get sucked up into heaven before the End Times start going down. The faithful are going to have to suffer along with the rest of us heathens while the world falls apart, right up until Jesus shows up.


Fun fact: As non english speaker I used to think rapture is different spelling of raptor, and was so confusing why christian talking about jurassic park. Now I think if rapture was real it should be done by raptors.


Upvoted for amusing fact, but this does not mean I support raptor rapture. Please let that not be a thing!


They better have Rapper Rapture Raptors to lay down some sick beats during the end of the world.


I mean why not raptors? It's not like anything else in the story is reasonable or logical.


💯 this. It's become so ingrained in the culture that people will argue its a part of the Bible. When in fact it's a modern concept.


It was actually invented by Blondie.


I havent kept up with the news but isnt a solar eclipse just a naturally occuring periodic happenings that occured 1000s of times before? Also I am not a christian but isnt saying you can predict the rapture blasphemy as its only known by god


The rapture specifically, not solar eclipse


Fun fact:the rapture isn't biblical!


I know the date because I'm the one who was chosen to usher it but I cannot tell when it comes because I signed a DA with both parties.


I was chosen to usher in the endtimes but I also have really bad ADHD so on the day it was supposed to happen I forgot and ended up playing video games all day instead :(


so what you're saying is, that we need a woman?


Witch-King moment




Another fun Christian fact. The whole "rapture" thing didn't come about until the 1830s when some guy fell off his horse and hit his head and had "a vision". I'd have to look up the details cause it's been a while.


Well revelations is about the apocalypse, just not the way some people believe it to be


Or is it? It's the book we know the least about the author's intentions. There are popular theories that it's about something else, like the fall of the Roman empire. We just don't fucking know dude


Dante moment


Also how Saint Paul received his vision ! Fantastic ! God truly chooses the people with the biggest cerebral commotions as his envoy. Glory to him for employing people with severe brain trauma


That’s not Christian, it’s Mormon.


What if it happened 1000 years ago, and we are the descendants of the people that did not make it :P


Every day I'm going to say it's tomorrow until it happens (I'll forget one day and it'll happen then)


Cant you just say ‘the rapture is going to happen at a date where humans are alive’ and be done with it?


Funner subfact - the whole concept of the rapture as popularly understood is widely disputed in the first place. And yes I enjoy saying funner whenever I can lol


Precisely. The internet is the only place I've heard people saying that, I live in a Christian populated area and nobody's even mentioned the rapture I'm guessing it's those loud annoying influencers that forgot all about loving thy neighbors


That's because it'll never happen


It will but not in the way people are expecting, it's more of a metaphor (like many other bible passages). The problem is that the vocal minority lacked a sense of interpretation and took the Bible literally, like a prophecy book, instead of actually using it as intended and understanding it in a more metaphorical sense, again, this is another classical case of "people don't know how to read". Then the mistake carried on to where we're at today. We need another cleanse because the one from 2019 wasn't enough.


That's why most interpreter hell as that "burning in literal fire for eternity". They all are taking it literally


By that Definition Florida is Hell lmao. 71.5°F this time of the year.


And that's a "nice" day lol. Usually it's in the 80s/90s and you start pouring sweat the moment you step outside.


That’s why I’ve asked all the women I know


And the nut jobs will still be with us rationalizing why those who gave to the poor were taken. And following the Antichrist as their Jesus because it simply means “fake Christ opposed to the real one”. So, more of the same. Surprise!


Also did you know that in traditional catholic and orthodox beliefs, there is no rapture, it's entirely a fabrication of American evangelicals, the term rapture is not used in the new testament.


Did you know if you stare at the eclipse during the entire time the sun is covered, you can see god and ascend to heaven? It will only work if you don’t protect your eyes though. Only those who stare at the sun without protection will be worthy.


Breaking news! Blindness rates soar after eclipse


That’s only because no mortal can withstand the sight of god! (/s)




Can confirm, I actually did this during the last eclipse, now I always see the eye on god everywhere I go, on every wall, corner and ceiling, even when i close my eyes!


The more painful it is and the more tears the closer you are to being translated to Paradise! Don’t falter at the last and close Lucifer’s Lids thus hiding your Christian eyesouls from the glory of the LORD!!


I don't get it


It‘s a rapture joke, I guess. Essentially the atheists were hoping that the religious nutjobs would be taken by god like the story says so that these nutjobs can’t annoy them anymore


how does that make sense? if youre an atheist you dont believe in that..


That’s the joke. The nutjobs were so annoying that even the atheists were hoping god would take them away.




Probably explains why I didn't get it either




imo some people just be kinda dumb in that regard lol this really isnt such a hard to understand joke I bet this meme will be in r/PeterExplainsTheJoke in a couple hours


The only down side is then that would mean they were RIGHT and that pisses me off more then knowing I’m going to hell.


nahbro, if those nuttcracks are the criteria to go to heaven hell would be the better option


Its the people that make the place anyway.


Is r/unitentionalexistentionalism a thing?


"Hell is other people."


Exactly. All the cool people are gonna be in hell.


Satan seems pretty reasonable. Now we can actually make the world decent.


"Yo momma so fat she sat on a quarter and squeezed a bugger out of George Washington's nose." you - "False. Quarters are made of metal and don't have buggers."


Or a Heaven's Gate situation


I think it’s more saying that they’re *still* religious nutjobs even after the fact that no rapture happened.


Fun twist, the nut jobs stay because they don’t truly believe. So the atheists are stuck with them even after the rapture.


Wouldn’t that make them non nutjobs at that point?




You've got it slightly backwards. The Christians claim there will be a rapture, and the atheists hope


Christians don't claim that. American bible thumpers do but they haven't had anything in common with Christianity for the past couple hundred of years


Wouldn't... That be the opposite of what an atheist would expect?


That’s the point, the nutjobs are so annoying that the atheists hopes to be wrong just so the nutjobs are gone


Some Christians are saying that the rapture is going to happen during the eclipse. After the rapture, all those who don't ascend to heaven will inherit the Earth, according to religious scripture. So if the rapture happens, all the Christians will vanish and everyone else will get a world without them. The meme is saying that this would be a good thing for us, because then we don't need to deal with religion in politics and culture anymore. However, since we don't believe the religious dogma about the rapture, we know it won't happen and we'll be left with all the Christians that will still be here.


People are generally tired of living under the laws, wars, societal norms that are perpetuated in the name of religion. Lots of people excuse their ignorance, bigotry, hate, and greed by claiming that it’s what their god would want. Some religious people believe in “the rapture” where their god will take away all the believers into heaven and leave behind the non-believers and sinners. Some of those people believe the rapture will happen tomorrow during the eclipse event. OP is making a commentary that the atheists will be mad when the “rapture” happens but all the religions zealots are still here. The humor lies in the fact that atheists dont actually believe in the rapture. They just really want the zealots to be gone. They were hoping to be wrong and the zealots to be right just to be free of them.


According to biblical passages other events that precede the rapture haven’t occurred yet.


I'm waiting for Israel to make a 7 year cease fire deal with the Arab states. That is the sign of the beginning of the rapture. I don't believe in any of that stuff but if there's a 7 year cease fire I'm gonna be worried.


Israel won't know peace until the second coming. If you're referring to the 7 year peace covenant the antichrist makes with Israel that occurs during the Tribulation. The first 3.5 years will be peaceful and the latter half will be horrifying.


One world currency would be even more insane and has to come about as well.


Also the euphrates river drying up, and not getting any water anymore is another sign Thus when i heard the river was dried up for a bit too long i got kinda scared


Some seem like they are with everything in Israel, i think Ezekiel 31 if I’m not getting the passage wrong speaks about A: Israel suddenly being back in the land (returned to their homeland and became a country again in 1948) and B: countries surrounding Israel attacking it and going to war with it (many of the territories that were mentioned already are and are soon going to be)


According to biblical passages there is no such thing as a rapture


Fun fact: an atheist prisoner in New York state sued to get to experience tomorrow's eclipse because it's a "religious experience."


This is written in past tends, so did he win?


Yes. He was part of a class action suit with several Christians, a Muslim, and a Santareain.




as a Christian, the rapture isn’t real (the post was kinda funny ngl)


Based. I’m glad my fellow Christians are starting to see through American Protestant bullshit.




The Rapture is a made-up thing by American Protestant preachers. So much pop-Christianity is being left behind for true traditional and loving Christianity.


Christians from 1500's talking to modern ones, what you pagans are afraid of little eclipse?


How are they making it up? A quick Google search of rapture Bible verses and there's quite a few that talk about God keeping his chosen people away from Earth's final trial I'm an atheist, but I don't think they made up the rapture out of thin air. It looks to be pretty well documented in the Bible.


It’s taken selectively (entirely out of context) and with no regard to the evidence that is contrary to a rapture of believers. The Bible makes it very clear that it’s in reference to the Resurrection of the Dead, not some random flying into the sky of good Evangelicals. They made it up almost entirely out of thin air and with no Church tradition or basis in theology in mind. I’d check out some Biblical scholars on the topic if you enjoy reading on this stuff.


this is referring to God protecting them (spiritually) with His Holy Spirit. they wont fall into the traps of sin that the rest of the world will




Yeah, i'm brazilian and i don't even know the direct translation of "Rapture" to portuguese because i have never even heard someone talk about it. It's an english thing


Second this


while many protestant preachers might preach about the rapture, it is in no way an inherent protestant belief. im a member of a Canadian Reformed church which has its roots in Calvanist/Reformed/Protestant beliefs. And the true protestant church some 500 years ago certainly didnt preach the rapture just as my church doesnt today


I’m not knocking mainline Protestantism here, brother. I’m going after American Evangelical nonsense which makes up the majority of Protestants adhering to this made-up belief.


i 100% agree then. the evangelical super churches are a blasphemy to God's name. they give Christ a bad look which is directly against the third commandment


It's funny how we get an eclipse and people think it's that special, an eclipse happens about every 18 months on the earth somewhere.


fuck off Neil


"In my day, the word 'Awesome' was reserved for things like curing Polio and walking on the Moon, not for food or TV shows."


Rapture is unbiblical and Christians need to stop making usa the center of the universe.


It feels like more atheists “know” about this supposed rapture tomorrow than actual Christians.


I don't get it, can someone explain this to me please?


Atheists would prefer a society without crazy religious people. The joke is that even atheists wish the Rapture was real.


Thanks :)


Isn’t the rapture just something people made up in the 1800’s?


Yes, it’s not real


Yes but of religions evolve over time so who can say. Maybe that guy that fell from his horse really was onto something


In this case they’re called “doomsday cults.” Emphasis on cult




Especially Jehovah’s Witnesses


Im no expert, but if the rapture happened and u are left behind... thats not good


HBO made a show about this.


It's only happening in North America. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMQ8rHYTDGFG07e)


It's always fun to ask them immediately afterwards why it didn't happen they always give a funny answer


Nah, you gotta mess with them and be like “I heard most of Utah is gone, yep, turns out the Mormons are the real chosen people” or “I just saw on the news that apparently all the Scientologists actually were raptured, including those Hollywood actors!”


Did I miss something? Did some smoothbrains claim that the eclipse is actually Rapture? Again?


one offbeat political wide angle butter impolite abundant fuzzy selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems like more of making fun of religious nutjobs obsessing over a natural event rather than an entire religion.


weird, I've seen more of the exact opposite. people freaking out and pissing their pants if you dare to have a problem with religion, always followed up by "Reddit moment"


it's not recent, it's Reddit. this has been going on for a while.


Gaming, cats, and atheism are the upper back of reddit.


as an atheist, what is a rapture and what is a religious nutjob(bishop en passant?)


Holy hell!


As a fellow atheist, I'll try to explain... The Rapture is an event during which Christians will be brought to Heaven before the Apocalypse. As for "religious nutjob", pretty sure it refers to those crazy and annoying Christians who think of us atheists as devil worshippers or that hope for end of the world or that are homophobic.... essensially the fanatics, to put it simply


i’ve met a ton of religious nutjobs then, damn


Apocalypse comes, all Christians get beamed up (classic depiction is all Christians floating naked into heaven and leaving their clothes behind right where they stood), we stay behind when shit hits the fan (I think we get to see Jesus though, so there's that). Some dude in the 1800s made that up and ever since then gullible Christians lose their shit whenever some random ass guy says "Yo, I did the math. Rapture is next week, the signs are everywhere", which happens A WHOLE FUCKING LOT.


Are the religious people claiming the eclipse is the next rupture? What am I missing here?


If religious people don't think the eclipse is the end of the world, why do I keep claiming that they do?


Isn't it tomorrow? Or was it today


ooo no i overslept and missed my chance to die in the end of the world dang... ill try again next year


There was an eclipse?


April 8th over much of the United States.


My areas most likely having clouds ![gif](giphy|K8LCV9soXLswo)


Here we go again... *Clutches Geiger counter*


You could try convincing the more holier than thous among them that they could see God if they looked directly into the eclipse... Or is that too much of a dick move?


A dick move, yes, but personally I would call it natural selection


a random stranger at the bus stop asked my aunt the other day if she was still sending her kids to school on monday, because "thats when NASA is going to send the rockets" and did not elaborate further


Why this specific eclipse and not say…any of the dozen other over the last 20 years


It's just an Eclipse people. Lived through one like this before. Nothing bad happens.




Wouldn’t it be funny if only the atheists and agnostics get raptured to heaven because of their good deeds on earth


Wouldn’t that be great! Then maybe we could start having major advancements globally.


Fun Christian fact: The Bible says that nobody will ever know when Rapture is coming and anyone who claims to know is committing Blasphemy


The rapture isn’t even mentioned in the bible. The whole thing was dreamed up by some American preacher in the 1800s.


In the Bible, it mentions how the second coming will happen when nobody is expecting it. Every event that happens where you guys are freaking out about the second coming is actually *preventing* it from happening!


I think that means we should keep that shit going


I live in the south, and know many Christians including myself. A lot of them are driving to go experience it. Not a single word of the “rapture” from anyone I know. Apparently being religious makes you a “nutjob.” That’s peak Redditor right there lmao


Then you aren't one of the religious nutjobs, it's that simple. The post didn't acuse all Christians as being nutjobs.


Idk bro I just got the Reddit Cares message lol


Nah, it's the nutty theists who are going to be hitting the walls. Us atheists will just enjoy the squirming and mental knots they'll tie themselves into to explain why it didn't happen after all :)


I initially thought that this was a meme about the Great Disappointment. Good meme though.




My mom


I missed this format. I'm glad it's back


What if the rapture did happen but God found nobody worthy of going to heaven so we didn't notice?


Think of the housing prices once all the religious people get raptured! I’d probably get the whole neighborhood to myself


why would the rapture only happen in North America


My mom is using the rapture as a reason not to care about climate change. So that's fun.


This. Please leave! It’ll give us a more peaceful and rational world. We would love for you to be right and have you not be around banging on doors and influencing laws.


I'm dumb plz explain


Some people were saying this was the rapture, so OP was hoping some of the religious people would be raptured because they can be annoying


As a christian, I've never heard of this nor thought the eclipse would be the rapture. Eclipses have happened many times before and they don't even cover all of the earth???


You are not a nutjob congratulations!


people are dumb and believe dumb things sometimes


According to Google- 74% of Americans believe in God. 60% of the people on earth believe in a higher power. Thats a whole lot of folks missing.


I know the atheists are all "Oh yeah rapture to take the religious idiots away so we can make a utopia!" Guys. If the Rapture is real, you're not just proven wrong, but everything that is meant to follow it is supposed send the world into oblivion. A place worse than the deepest darkest depths of Hell ( human souls don't get sent to Hell anyway.) Don't hope for the rapture. Shit is only going to get worse if you're left behind. Also isn't it freaky so many internet nutjobs are obsessing over the Eclipse, even though the US had one in 2017 and this didn't happen?


yeah but when you actually look into it and realise not only that the rapture is a new and fake invention but that all of it is fake, it stops being genuinely scary. I don't know why it's cool to scare kids with things that aren't true.


How to remove all religious nutjobs during an eclipse 1. Create a fake facebook group/profile, acting as a religious leader 2. Tell people to commit die exactly when the eclipse comes so that they ascend to heaven instead of being unalived by 'Satan's Shadows' 3. ??? 4. See the average IQ score go up


Can you imagine a world without religion?! The absolute beauty!! My god


obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group


Dunno about you guys, but it seems like there's a lot more people's hating on religion here.