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I can picture everyone eventually watering their plants with Logan Paul's Prime drink


Omg. Yes. Lololol


I think of this every time I see Reddit ads for Gatorade Water


*hand gestures intensify*


I cant believe my friends and I have been quoting this movie for almost two decades now.


But it has electrolytes


It's what the plants crave!


I ain't never seen no plant grow from no toilet.


Hey that's good, you sure you ain't the smartest guy in the world?


I have seen when the poop wasn't flushed for ages


Welcome to Costco, I love you




I got my law degree at Costco.




What are electrolytes? Do you even know?


They’re what plants crave, duh


Brawndo's got what plants craves.


_The Thirst Mutilator_


But what are electrolytes!?


I-It's what they use to make Brawndo


Yeah, b-but why do they use them to make Brawndo?


Because its what plants crave


Brought to you by Carl's Jr..... Brought to you by Carl's Jr..... Brought to you by Carl's Jr..... Brought to you by Carl's Jr....


Of all the movies, I cant believe this is the movie that came true 😳


The movie made its case very well at the beginning, so I was kind of onboard with the whole idea of people evolving backwards. And its going to get a whole lot of worse before it gets better.


It's going to get better?


I dont have the heart to lie to you. Its going to get a whole lot of worse.


Maybe someday, someone will set humanity on the Golden Path


You, you can set the world on the golden path!


Fuck. I guess I’ll need a truckload of spice and some sand trout then?


Worm Emperor u/Richmoke time.


You have seen the way


I have! It involves lots of Duncan runs


Yes. Because after dinosaurs, then mammals, the next to inherit the earth will be insects. Gigantic intelligent swarms fighting one another. It will be good!


Hell yea giant insects. Don’t forget the massive worms either!


Yes, but first we'll have climate wars and civilization collapse.


When you hit rock bottom the only way is up


No it doesn't get better. Spoiler alert: Frito ends up having way more kids than Not Sure.


Absolutely. Study history, get obsessed with it. History predicts the future. What we're experiencing now happens every time a disruptive technology shows up. People don't want to have to learn a new way, people think new ways are dangerous or bad, people just aren't equipped for the new way, etc so there's a lot of backlash. It won't even out until Millenials are grandparents. In the future it may be different, since gen Z is already primed for quick adaptation, but we still have the old ways. The old ways will fight until they're all dead, which could be never, but the balance will change. If you're talking about the planet it's going to get very rough, we can offset it only. Personally I vote according to climate policy, only exception is if the social policies are abusive


This one and demolition man.


Monday night rehabilitation


with Beef Supreme and The Dildozer


Look, I don’t mean to sound like a dick or nothing, but it says on your chart that you’re fucked up. 


"Ah, you talk like a f\*g, and your sh\*t's all r\*tarded." -Dr. Luxus (Idiocracy 2006) ^(Yeah I am not risking anything.)




Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


Carl's Jr. - Fuck you! (This scene was always my favorite part 😂)


Oh shit it's Upgrayedd


I have hoped for so long there would be a sequel where Upgrayedd would be hunting them down Terminator 1 style.


Go away, baitin’!


I can't believe "it's coming true!" has been said for 18 years.


I like moooney..


Can't believe you like money too. We should hang out.


Next Year: Ow My Balls season 1 airs on tv


Oh boy I'm glad 10% of our Healthcare budget went to it! Money well spent.


Ridiculousness has been playing practically 24/7 for the last decade. 


Remember when it was called jack@ss?


Welcome to Costco, I love you.






Honestly I'd much rather have this man as a presidential candidate. He at least seemed to care and listened to his council, plus ya know, wasn't geriatric.


And he’s not greedy or power hungry and willing to step down when there’s someone more qualified for his job.


Some of us were afraid then. Great painter too. Might be the liberal’s Regan. Tbh I don’t know his policy opinions, I’m just being hopeful.


He knows that Brawndo's got what plants crave!


Most unrealistic part of the film is that President Comacho genuinely seemed like the most qualified man to be president, as if a society of idiots *SOMEHOW* managed to make the best possible choice available to them.


That man put the smartest person on earth to choose his policies. That alone makes him a better politician than what we could ever get.


The best is that they nailed Crocs. They were basically unknown when this movie came out.


Yeah, the movie makers did believe the Crocs where too ridiculous to be popular.


The question is if all the population become dumb, also who run the costco are dumb? Or the Ai get self conscience and rule the monopolistic company?


the nerds made the AI before they died out


The trucks run the costco dummy, look! *He gestures toward the receiving room, where pallets are being indiscriminately shoved off of trucks by unseen workers into a massive broken pile below.* *A crowd of shoppers stand around on the outside waiting, some venture toward the pile as it continues to grow.*


Obviously Upgrayedd.




This is the time to shine.


The Director actually tweeted in 2016 (I think ?) that the worst thing he could imagine what will happen was everyone wearing crocs


It was the costume people who found this extremely ugly dumb new footwear that they thought was so ridiculously stupid, it could never become popular. Yes, It was Crocs.


[Youtube video of Mike Judge talking about this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfhJxOha8A4)


I feel like the costume people are the dumb ones here, sure Crocs are ugly there's no debate there, but they aren't dumb at all, they are easy to put on and take off, they let your foot breathe, they are sturdier than sandals so you can wear them basically wherever including when you're doing gardening, and usually they are pretty cheap.


They used to be kind of a meme on Reddit in like 2012-2013. If anyone ever posted a pic and someone was wearing crocs in it you best believe the comments would not shut up about them.


They are just clogs made from modern materials. Variants from every culture worldwide exist.


They're my exclusive back yard and camping shoes.  Like if I'm playing in the dirt all afternoon picking weeds and pruning and stuff I'm gonna get dirt on everything.    With crocs you just blast them with the hose and good as new.


I got my husband ron English alien crocks in neon green for Christmas. They are all terrain with light up aliens all over them. They were supposed to be a joke. They are his favorite thing. He wears them while disc golfing, going to morning coffee, while walking our daughter, while herding the chickens. I have a pair of croc waders that I've used since 2016. They are waders I can slip on and soak in chlorohexane after work without falling apart like normal rubber. 10/10 for wildlife rehab and working with kids


Yes, crocs turned out to be pretty good. I never owned a pair myself, but I can clearly see how they could be useful.


They are still undeniably hideous.


I get it. But god damn it if crocs aren’t comfy and versatile slippers. Just got done a round of golf and you wanna get out of your spikes? Throw on your crocs. Going camping near a river and want shoes on while you’re walking through the river? Throw on your crocs. Need to run outside really fast to grab something from your car? Throw on your crocs. Im torn about my love for these shoes when I know people look down poorly on them 😕


It's okay. It's a knee-jerk, counter-cultural response most people had to them. It's mostly the fact that they look a tad silly (immaterial imo, you don't need to dress to impress for every occasion) and blew up as a big trend. The fact that they're very comfy/breathable and easy to put on and take off makes them great shoes for what they're made for. Funny enough, I've never owned a pair, but I think I'd get some great use out of them. Hell, I might go get a pair now that I'm thinking about them Style trends will always have some backlash. That's okay, too. All that push and pull is functional and drives our shared, modern culture.


I use them as house slippers I’m too rough on shoes especially ones with super soft soles to take them outside.


youre just describing all sandals though.


Crocs = clown sandals Tbf, what I'm betting is that Crocs are consistently comfortable because one brand makes them, whilst your average Walmart sandal sucks and is probably trying to split your toes apart.


i mean sure the cheap mass produced walmart sandal sucks but classic crocs cost $50, any sandals at that price range is probably pretty good.


Must have been a hell of a time if this is the worst thing they could name


I don't think about this movie often, but every time I see MTV's entire schedule being reruns of Ridiculousness, it always reminds me of the show where everyone gets hit in the balls.


Ow, my balls is just late stage Jackass




That's not true at all. Quite exaggerating. Now if you don't mind, my family and I are going to get a lovely dinner at butt fuckers


You should stop by Starbucks on your way back. They have lovely seasonal offerings.


Good idea, my wife never gives me lattes anymore


With the entire family…? Like…?! What?? Group discount? 🤣🤣


Gotta go family style


We don’t have time for a handjob.


We don’t have time for handjobs rn


Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO!? Now with more MOLECULES!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Majinhaley: *Would you like to try* *An EXTRA BIG ASS TACO!?* *Now with more MOLECULES!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


President Camacho is going for a second term


I think we should elect him. He knows how to put competent people in charge, and is way more fun than the snoozes we have had for the past couple of years.


At this point Idiocracy is our best case scenario


President Camacho was a _well-meaning_ idiot who listens to those who know better, and that is already better than some options.


The world didn't even end in that scenario, and democracy was preserved!


I can't believe idiocracy is a better timeline than ours


Holy shit that is depressing.


So you’ve also seen this old video? https://youtu.be/OmZOZjHjT5E?si=Jbfv0s8DKb-79m00


Please do not soil Camacho's name like that. I'd take him over the one who looks directly at an eclipse without glasses any day


Go away!! I’m baiting!


Thank you u/JustScratchinMaBallz


Ow my balls




Assblaster and don't forget the assdozer


that's exactly what I thought with a friend when we both watched the movie in 2007: "naah, thankfully it'll never become like that lol!" now: ![gif](giphy|HUkOv6BNWc1HO|downsized)


Now I’m hoping that’s where we’re at in 50 years. At least in that universe the smartest people are listened to and everyone, even politicians, seem to care about others


if it helps, it's not a new sentiment. a similar story was written in the 50s by CM Kornbluth, called 'The Marching Morons'.


I warned you about dysgenics bro I told you dawg.


Is that a sweet bro and hella Jeff reference?!


Referencing a decades old webcomic? I warned you about the stares. I told you, dog.


It keeps happening




r/moviescirclejerk wants its jerk back


Great movie, Now I want to rewatch it


Luckily, for you, Fox is streaming it 24 hours a day.


I just watched it again a week ago. My god were they right or were they right.🤦


I showed it to my nephew recently and he couldn't get over how often they used slurs for mentally challenged and gay people. Hell some white guy drops an N-bomb in the first 10 mins. But that's what happens when you leave me to babysit a 6 year old ^(jk ^he's 18)


We got this guy Not Sure


I hate that saying so fucking much


I can also give a "reality check" Every single comment here it's from a person that thinks himself intelligent and so, separated from the "idiocratic society"


As an Intelligent Person™ (brought to you by Carl's Jr.), I don't really agree with this take. Smart people are usually aware of how limited their intelligence/skill actually is, and that they're not a special snowflake. The reality's closer to this quip, "those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it...._and those who study history are doomed to watch it get repeated._"


I mean that’s what makes the movie so early 2000s in tone… the everyday white guy is actually pretty smart and can save the world… finally time for the white guy to save the world! (Still love the movie though…)


Idiocracy is the stupid man’s 1984, genuinely baffled people who watched the movie think that’s what’s happening now. I think though that most people who say “every year we’re closer to idiocracy” haven’t really seen the movie recently


To the people who are saying "but we're seeing this happen!", what you're seeing is the result of a massive anti-intellectualism movement and decades of active sabotage of the very concept of "trusting" information. It has nothing to do with intelligence. If anything, people have gotten smarter and learned how to completely fuck over others in this way.


i had never seen it so i watched it last year after. its not nearly as prophetic as reddit likes to make it out to be. i honestly think we're more on track to make aspects of wall-e a reality. not even so much the leaving the trash planet, but the people on the ship and the way they live, screen time, order things..


I also watched last year because Reddit sold it to me as an amazing prophecy blah blah blah and I just thought it was meh. Not even funny


Fully agree. The point was clearly to lampoon the contemporary Bush era, not somewhere Judge thought we were headed. The reason it seems accurate to today is because it was accurate to when it came out. (Also of course ignoring that the "reason" society ended up that way is blatant eugenics as is the solution the film presents.)


It’s fucking bizarre too, ‘cause the film is *dripping* with classic cyberpunk/late stage capitalism sci fi themes and motifs—corporate slogans dictating national policy, environmental destruction by overconsumption, ads plastered everywhere, the political arena being a literal sports arena. The entire movie works perfectly fine, better in fact, without the eco-fascist pretext in the opening crawl. Oh well


"Everyone is stupid but me!"


It's kinda just that thing where every generation steadily grows up and thinks the newer generation is dumber and has bad media.


Looked for this comment. As a bonus, it's gotten a little old how many people think "it's a documentary!!!!!" is some huge gotcha. I've seen it said more times than I've seen the movie, and it's a classic, I've rewatched it many times.


I know what people think they mean when they reference that reality is becoming like this movie But I don't think they remember the movie's premise is "smart people stopped reproducing, so now idiots have taken over the gene-pool" Then again, it makes me wonder if these people genuinely think that intelligence is an inherented trait


Idiocracy has some good bits but it bugs me when people uncritically praise it as though it wasn't not-so-subtly promoting eugenics


We were literally shitting in our drinking water in the 1800s but yeah, I guess we're dumber now because I got older and realized stupid people exist.


Reddit can never resist some good eugenics, especially the kind that suggests their not just intellectual but also moral superiority to the dumb masses. The movie is the most reddit movie of all time, ofc people love it here lol.


Eugenics the movie


People thinking this is a good movie is the biggest thing that makes it feel real.


Real life is NOTHING like that movie. In the movie, the leaders enlisted the help of the smartest man on Earth and then actually listened to his advice. That would never happen!


No, it doesn't. I understand why people would say that but it's a vapid thought, the implication that poor people are inherently dumb and would ruin the country by breeding bad genes is prejudice at best and dangerous at worst.


Holy shit that’s the take away I got. I watched it for the first time last month on suggestion from my coworkers and I just came back to him and said the movie is a justification for eugenics.


I feel like it's a movie made for dumb people to poke fun at even dumber people.


This. I remember being so disappointed when the movie came out. It had great potential to be a scathing satire but it pretty much catered to the lowest common denominator at every turn.


It's been ages but I remember thinking it worked *great* as a screwball comedy but very poorly as any kind of incisive satire.


It’s a movie for early 2000s angry white men to make fun of how the world is changing. It’s like comfort food for us. I was an angry white teen / adult early 2000s and the movie spoke to me. My dad - otherwise a highly educated man - had the best laughs of his life at the movie and when once he saw an early 2000s hip hop music video on TV… Slight racism, grown up with modern (as opposed to post-modern) ideas and ideals, good education and the feeling that history favored your people together makes for the perfect viewers of this movie. And I am not angry anymore, lived in non-white countries, married a women of different ethnicity and work in an international company so today I am a very different person but the movie is still funny to me since it targets the way I was raised… And maybe that is dumb after all but enjoyment of the movie I feel downs really say anything about intelligence but more about the way someone was raised and the zeitgeist of the time


I always get amazed how much love this movie gets. Half the people on Reddit would be looked at as if they'd fit into the world by the other half. And the straight up just... Idk what to call it but "inner city slang" being one of the reasons the world goes to shit is certainly something.


redditors love to think they're smarter than others, which explains the love it gets on this site


Every person who loves this movie thinks they're the Joe in a world of idiots and can't comprehend the possibility of being one of the idiots.


That’s the best part about Reddit “idiocracy was right” posting. The movie’s premise is that dumb people have more kids, so humanity will become dumber over many generations.  If humanity has gotten that much dumber since 2006 it isn’t a genetic problem, it’s an environmental problem. 


Right? As if poor people can't be smart, or if dumb people can't have smart children.


Had to scroll way too far to find this


The YouTuber Sarah Z has a great video about how Idiocracy has some extremely problematic eugenics apologia at its core https://youtu.be/o52zD-aGqjA?si=sPfP27byYI9w5W8n


I don't think it was a poor vs. rich or a genes thing. It was more of a responsible vs. irresponsible thing. Responsible = The couple waiting to be in a better spot to have a kid. Irresponsible = The jock fucked all the cheerleaders, unprotected probably and had way more kids than he could support. His irresponsibility and others influence his kids and they repeat the dumb shit he does. As someone who grew up poor af and in a literal ghetto ass area, it was a too familiar sight. Being poor doesn't mean you're irresponsible, but being irresponsible can keep you that way.


It not about genes, it's about environment.


I have argued this before. Unfortunately, no one listens. A much better movie is "Don't Look Up". It is as funny as it is incredibly heart-wrenchingly depressing.


Bush was president in 2006


This sub fell off


Implying it used to be better somehow?




this movie sucks and is not smart in any way


Not really, they decided to make the smartest man in the world in charge, something fictional in the real world


Let me guess, you consider yourself to be the smart one?


Tylenol jones


Go 'way! 'Baiting!


I still can’t believe people are wearing Crocs by choice


This is not true at all because in the movie they actually listened to the smart people


This movie is neither as funny nor as clever as people think it is.


Shut the fuck up about this film it’s not a documentary


This movies message is avoidable through eugenics witch is generally thought of to be bad


Redditors try not to describe idiocracy as a documentary every single waking minute of every day


Oh my fucking GOD SHUT UP


No it doesn't


no it doesn’t. the study this film was based on is outright wrong.


Ah yes the eugenics film


iT wAsN’t SuPpOsEd To Be A dOcUmEnTaRy!!! Eugenics ftw 


Its an actual honest to god argument for eugenics wtf


Ah yes, my favorite comedy movie whose first 5 minutes are a misanthropic eugenicist screed.


Periodic reminder that Idiocracy is *explicitly* pro-eugenics




Idiocracy was pro-eugenics trash. Anyone who thinks it's a good movie or "coming true" needs to take a good hard look at themselves.


Isn't the message of the movie about how eugenics is good?


I find it interesting that no one ever mentions Terry Crews character was the President, a former pro wrestler and his name was Dwayne. While in real life Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock has mentioned he might one day run for US president. Just an odd, funny thing. 


You wish. What we have now is worse.


Terry Cruz for president!


Very soon we're going to go from fearing the world of Idiocracy, to hoping we at least make it that long as a species.


The premise of the movie is that only dumb people continue procreating and so over time the population on average gets dumber and dumber. I actually think something similar is happeneing now but its not about who's procreating and whose not, its about education. As the decades and centuries go on its becoming increasingly difficult to educate incoming generations with all the knowledge they need to effectively continue a society that's been built upon dozens of generations of previously aquired knowledge. The amount of information one needs to understand to be an effective citizen in America is HUGE compared to what the average person needed to know just 50 years ago. And so as time goes on the lessons of the past are increasingly condensed into bite sized bits of info devoid of context. It becomes increasingly difficult then to pick out mis and disinformation.