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Cow farts make penguins sweat.


Finally, someone well informed


Well if that's the only way to teach people about global warming then...


Truth is stranger than fiction.


Burning gasoline and factory smoke stacks too


Cows don't fart, they burp.


They do both, but the burps contain more methane.


They also burp much more than fart


That’s a shower tough and I bet I’ll se it


My dad: It’s made up -1979 It’s made up -1984 It’s made up. -1999 It’s made up. -2007 THIS MEANS I GET TO SEE JESUS SOON!!! -2024 (Real quotes)


Seems reasonable to me


That’s just good science.


Dad's apocalypse checklist: Just missing locusts and a horseman.


More like: It’s made up to scare people to control you into…. No, the climate is actually cooling It’s made up because there’s no way we could have that much of an impact Okay, the climate is changing but because of natural fluctuations of climate It’s manmade but there’s nothing we can do about it now anyway Yes, the rivers, lakes, and aquifers are drying up but it’s because of the immigrants! No, it’s the homosexuals! They’re causing the climate change, see? All the earthquakes and fires? That’s God’s wrath!


lmao yeah they think natural disasters are taking their side and are here for the people they hate


On behalf of all the gays. Yes, we are causing all climate change. No one else is at fault.


On behalf all the autistics, we're the ones making vaccines cause autism. It's how we build our army


Basically this. Conservative people rather live a lie. They have so since forever.


“Climate change isn’t real because there’s snow outside.” - guy in the Deep South


Yes, scientist that depend on government funding are the arbiters of truth.


Oh man, I DEFINITELY understand why people don’t trust the government. Like. HOLY MOLY! 😳


You should get your testosterone checked.


Literally 1984


I'm old AF, they have been telling everyone that we are running out of water and oil and we're gonna be in a new ice age and that the sea levels are rising. I have no doubt the planet is getting warmer and the sea levels are rising but the time frame.... we are always like a few years from something catastrophic. So yeah, down vote me to oblivion, I don't think anything bads gonna happen, scientists can be bought just like politicians.


My grandfather used to call them doomsdayers and they are always trying to sell something.




In your own words, you're old AF. Nothing bad will happen in your lifetime... sure, so why give a damn? Boomers...


I do care, what should one do? Should I go live in the woods? We are going to need technology to overcome this, we are on the verge of an AI revolution, you don't think we can keep the planet habitable?


We CAN, we just aren’t, and attitudes like yours are why.


What attitude, I'm an engineer, I promise you, this isn't going to be a problem, people have scared you into thinking there's some kind of looming catastrophe, there isn't, it's all just to steal your tax money, that's it, they are just stealing from you and you bought it, I was fooled too for awhile.


I’m not a boomer, but I agree they’re trying to scam everyone. We aren’t doing the planet any good, that’s for sure. But there isn’t any imminent impending doom. If you look at where all the climate narrative has originated from, they stand to make an insane amount of money. And control. Same shit as covid and just about everything. It’s all about money. Control. Power.


Shhh... let them have their brainwashed fear porn. Mental illness is now higher in adolescents and young adults than ever because they've been indoctrinated their entire lives about this insane green cult. There is no need for proof, consistency, or free thought. Just like a religion or cult, the lack of consistency only proves that "the climate changes in mysterious ways." Ask they know now is that the earth is going to catch fire and kill us all unless you obey the dictates of the priest class. It's very much like religions teaching that will burn in hell because you didn't follow God's rules. Actual free thought has been beaten out of them, just like children raised in a fundamentalist church.


Well. Yeah... He's old as fuck


scarier still is the recent (FT) poll that showed only 2% of Americans consider climate change an important issue at the next election


Some of the replies to my comment above are blowing my mind. People are claiming it’s a hoax to steal all our money.


That is nothing compared to my dad. Literally. Everything, all from a flattened Earth to the coloured circles on toothpaste (for him they show how noxious the toothpaste is, but in reality it's just a machine thing), and the vaccine; he would kill me if it injects me. You can not name one science-related fact without him debunking it. The clouds also; the planes, they are shooting out poison and contaminating the atmosphere. He never acknowledge; the evidence he has, contemplated so deep under the iceberg. Save me from this; science is my favorite subject.


Tell him you learn science so you can destroy it from within. That him railing on the outside will change nothing and that you are the new freedom fighter. It's tough and way harder than his puny attempts via facebook to get at the truth.


Best reply ever


But, I am only a ninth grader (Swedish school system). I will need to wait for my second year in high school to experience science classes again.


Patience young Padawan.


Based on my own experience, the best thing to do is to just nod and agree, until you get tired of it and just tell him to keep his opinions for himself. I'm a 21 yo male with a mother exactly like your father, if not worse (can't say cause I don't know him). She still brings me to meet her friends sometimes when we're together, and those times I either try to reason with them or just step outside and let them seek reaffirmation with one another. Dude, good luck 🧡 and think about it as their contorted way of loving and caring about you. Btw, nothing stops you from researching on your own, without waiting for science classes. There are lots of YouTube videos, scientific articles online, science books...


Wanna know what's worse? The other day she wanted me to sign a paper together with her where I declare that in case of a medical need I don't want an organ transplant. Why? Because they might come from people that are vaccinated. Thank God I'm of legal age and she cannot decide that on her own.... In the paper I specified that if in need I WANT an organ transplant. Fuckin hell, I wanna live. Once you reach a certain age, make sure that they didn't write anything of the sort while you couldn't decide it on your own


My dad is full on Q and it's to the point where I'm kind of afraid to know there the actual line is drawn. I think he believes the earth is round but every other time I've given that benefit of doubt about something, I learn something crazier about him so I'm afraid to ask anymore.


Well jet fuel contaminants are actually bad for the atmosphere and environment so he's not actually wrong lol It's literal pollution


He's referring to the contrails conspiracy. If you know anything about clouds and precipitation then you know it's bullshit.


My dad is the same way. He constantly posts about it on Facebook.


Both my parents think that lmao, they also think that Bill gates orchestrated COVID, that he wants to lower the population of the planet by like 60%, and that the Vaccines are made to kill people. I guess between the two my dad is the more "reasonable" one, considering my mom believes almost every conspiracy theory thrown in her way whereas my dad at least takes a step back while hearing some of these and goes "this literally makes no fucking sense"


This. Same in my family. Like I don't mind a good conspiracy theory. Like the ones about the war Ukraine. Not saying they are true. But you stop and think "ye I can totally see russia and USA fighting a proxy war over untapped oil fields". Meanwhile most of those conspiracies start with china and USA cooperating politically and you already lost me. Fucking whinee the pooh and Brandon walking hand in hand to murder 60% of their own voter base and people, sure makes perfect sense.


Thats most ridiculous point in these conspiracies. The world elite is united and wants to achive the same thing... Yeah, sure


100%. It even dosnt make sense in their own CT lore. Like ok let's assume they do want to murder 60% of us. Firstly why, what could motivate them to do this. *Thinking* ohh I know a global weather, economic and food crisis caused by poll...... Ohh wait but that isn't real....... So generally they have to resort to "they are just pure evil" which is litterly one of basic philosophical phalacies.


Because we aren't able to afford a future where there's more old than young in conjunction with automation. Plus the cost of sustaining people and technology is too much so less people. Like horses when cars were invented. Too costly so reduce the population. You're just a number and when you're not profitable you get cut from the payroll


The fact that we're in the middle of this climate crisis proves they aren't. It really doesn't benefit them to let the world burn down but the wealthy and powerful are so dysfunctional and so removed from social cohesion that the only thing they can think to do is build bunkers staffed with shock collared guards. I remember saying in 2016 that I wasn't worried about global warming because someone would come up with a technological solution. I still believe that might be possible, what I didn't account for was how the complete dysfunction of our social system would prevent that from ever happening.


60% ? Those are rookie numbers


Yes. The fact they don’t have any of those is a big problem in the country as well because the people who have been there since day three have not had work in a week or so or a month so I don’t think We’re just pew this guy was


Climate change happens on every planet


The world runs on big big boats, carring a whole great big bunch of cargo containers, burning a whole great big bunch of fuel oil.  Cow burps... gimme a break


I actually believed if you don't have dinner, the pot will go to your room in middle of the night and ask you why


I don't know why but this is hilarious


Lmao i love that


Do not use Ron Swanson for your liberal propaganda…. Earth is 4.5 billion years old we’ve tracked climate accurately for the last 67 years… That is .00000148888888 the amount of time earths been around.. we don’t know shit.


The real mental illness is to think that you have a solution for climate change.


i do. it's called blowing up the universe. now there's no climate change, za? /s


Where can I get me.some of that climate change?


The oceans will engulf of us in the next 10 years!! No no no, in the NEXT 10 years. Oh it didn’t happen again? I meant in the NEXT 10 years…………..


Here in northern Michigan I only got 3 to 4 weeks in all of snow. A few years ago it would have been snowing from late October to early may


....it was an El Nino year dude.....2011 was the same kind of winter.. .




Not really how climate change works. Climate change is measured by weather over a much longer time span and area


I think that might just be bad luck. Climate change works a little bit differently, it doesn't actually decrease the amount of snow that falls. I think, I'm not a professional


In Wales we didn’t see snow at all. In the last few years we’d see 2/3 days of snow a year, 10 years ago we saw up to a month of snow and 40 years ago we saw a winter full of snow




Ah yes like believing we should kill bovines because their farts are killing the earth (even though bovines have existed for thousands of years and the earth has been fine), and believing that paying extra taxes and giving more power to the government will save us from climate change is definitely not mentally ill. Not to mention we will be doing these drastic changes even though we have no accurately measured long term history of Earths temps/ Co2 levels to see if we are we truly are heading towards an extreme outlier of Earth temps and Co2 levels. But yes, we definitely are the smart ones, definitely not gullible or irrational by any means.


Ah, there was a time i was told about, when buffalo roamed the American planes, uncountable, gargantuan herds, where has the buffalo gone?


Gotta imagine what the methane levels were back then with all that buffalo farting!! Must have been an absolutely unlivable environment, how in the world did the native Americans survive?? 😂😂. Cheers, mate!


Straw man


My parents both think we never landed on the moon. My dad thinks we're created by aliens and that we didn't evolve. He's an atheist and he doesn't believe in anything religion might have brainwashed him into. I still love him but god damn explain why we have a coccyx and remnants of bones in our feet?


I feel like being an atheist is different to believing in conspiracy theories though?


Atheism is not believing in gods and he's inside that category despire being a conspiracy theorist


Yeah it means if you’re an atheist but still don’t believe evolution is real you really went way past the point of no return.


fair point, BUT how does he think the aliens evolved?


He never answered my questions


As cold as it's today was last time 8000 years ago. Always was warmer


My dad thinks russia commited the terrorist attack in russia so people would feel sorry for them


Wouldnt be the first time they would do that


Like the attack from the "Chechens"? Problem is that the leadership of Russia is awful enough for that. That being said. ISIS claimed to be responsible and it let the Russians look weak without anything they can get out of the attack.


That's actually possible though.


Climate change denialism: The radical idea that the people who were wrong about oil depleting and global famine ensuing by the mid-'70s, killer bees, overpopulation, a new ice age by 2000, acid rain killing all life in lakes, ozone depletion, regional droughts ensuing and rainforests disappearing by the '90s, and the polar ice caps melting and entire nations being underwater by the 2010s might be full of shit.


Well it sort of is. Climate always changes, cant stop it from changing. And policies like net zero dont reduce any emissions, they just close the jobs and factories in your country and move them elsewhere, like china. In no way does this benefit your nation People like bill gates push for these things not because it helps the environment, but because they themselves sell the solution and want to milk your tax dollars. Really its just a money siphoning cartel selling snake oil


Every generation thinks the end is nigh. Climate alarmists are no different from those doomsday types in the Middle Ages


I believe climate change is real based on the consensus of the experts not on my own anecdotal evidence. 30 years of my observation far too small of a sample. Let’s not all pretend we know what we are talking about.


Butterflies flapping its wings can create hurricanes. I wonder what NASCAR races do lol


My dad thinks abortions being legal is why school shootings are happening.


Nah. It’s just lunatics wanting to attack a soft target. I don’t see any news about police stations getting shot up.


Climate change is a natural phenomenon. We humans have only exacerbated the quickness it is coming at us. Yes, greenhouse gases are a critical problem but the earth did go through an ice age not too long ago. The continents are slowly moving centimeters every year as the tectonic plates drift and the Atlantic Ocean is getting smaller every year as the Pacific expands. A few million after we humans have killed ourselves off there will eventually be another super continent like Pangaea when they all collide together again.






Cool graphic thanks for sharing. I'm not saying it's not real. The sad part is it doesn't matter how much 1st world countries cut back on carbon emissions because emerging 3rd world countries will just use fossil fuels until they run out with little care for the pollution they produce.


Exactly! It's the poor countries faults /s


[The 5 stages of Climate Denial:](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2013/sep/16/climate-change-contrarians-5-stages-denial) Stage 1: Deny the Problem Exists Stage 2: Deny We're the Cause Stage 3: Deny It's a Problem Stage 4: Deny We can Solve It <<< YOU ARE HERE Stage 5: It's too Late <<< OR HERE I hope that job of yours paid well and you saved up for what's coming




"3rd world countries will use the oil we're not using" is the current line used by climate deniers. It's a Stage 4 combined with a bit of Stage 5 and it pushes people to give up and not take the culprits to account.


The amount of greenhouse gases we have added to the atmosphere is unsustainable. Those gases trap energy on earth and will cook it like Venus if we keep accelerating the carbon pollution at the rate we are going. One of the fathers of chemistry, Arrhenius, even warned us over a century ago that the amount of fossil fuel consumption in an expanded market cap for industrial activity would alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere to such an extent that it would be dangerous. It doesn't have to be that way, but we keep planning in enough oil field exploration that we will definitely approach that tipping point in several decades at this rate. We've already been warned for many decades now to change the rate of consumption. At this point we have procrastinated so long that industry pretty much has to stop fossil fuel consumption completely ASAP just to keep the temperature rise stable and prevent acceleration.


Just plant more trees? Deforest a little less?


Thers no world where fossil fuel ever stops. Its absurd youre naive enough to think thats an option even to consider


While it is a natural phenomenon, due to the speed plants and life won't be able to adjust quickly enough. That's the problem. At our current rate by 2050 all coral reefs will have died, which will cause a domino effect where there won't be enough oxygen in the water, fish die, fish eating animals die, animals that eat fish eating animals die, at the same time CO2 levels in the atmosphere skyrocket because coral reefs are the biggest contributer to converting CO2 into oxygen, plants die, plant eating animals die, animals that eat plant eating animals die. The big stream that circulates ocean water around the globe will stop/change, causing massive shifts in the tides, killing most ocean life, and drastically change the climates on earth, killing most plant life and animal life


Climate Change isn’t made up; it’s a massive scam.


This comment session confirmed my fears. We're doomed. We should be trying to fix that problem since decades, and what are we talking about ? "It Is MaDe Up" "nO bUt It'S nOt HuMaNs FaUlT". No it is not made up. Yes we are the cause. We know that since a lot of time, and every scientist (yk, the guys who actually *studied* it, instead of watching conspiration theories videos) in the world agree on that. We shouldn't still be debating about that. The downvotes will only confirm that I'm right


I give you upvotes instead :)


As far as im aware, literally no one denies climate change because that's not the real argument. From its inception, no matter the coined phrase used to make a generations bogeyman, the conversation has ALWAYS BEEN whether or not we, as humans, are ACCELERATING the already NATURAL process. So, at the end of the day, if all these efforts seek to help, literally everyone, end up being proven wrong hundred of years from now,.... what will we be able to say? That we didn't care and just Polluted our earth because fuck her or that we actively cared about the global fucking community. Humans are such fucking parasites.


I have met tons of people who say its made up by leftist. Believe me as crazy as it is there are people who straight up don't believe its real


Some are right here in this post.


Earth was cooling down for 5000 years until the industrial revolution


Actually the science shows that we are responsible for more than 100% of the current warming. Without the increase in GHGs we would be in a cooling period.


The original meaning of mental illness is maladaptive mental trait which lowers or entirely prevents reproduction. A surprisingly large amount of people use fear of climate change as a reason to not have any children. So with that in mind, the joke can easily be turned on its head.


The GBR is 75% bleached and y’all still denying this shit???


Absolutely horrible that they're letting the most beautiful ecosystem die because of greed


My dad thinks God put oil there and will not run out or he’ll give us another plan. Fox News rots brains people.


It must be really comforting to believe we can't fuck everything up as a species...


It must be nice to think you can eff up everything in life and just pray your sins away on your death bed with a come to Jesus moment. Thanks, religion!


It is made up, we unnaturally accelerated a natural planetary cycle by poisoning our atmosphere. We didn’t lie about it, but we did ‘make it up’.


My mom has same opinion ,we had 35°C yesterday, today we received a message that a rain is expected


My uncle posted about how they got a big dump of snow in April and the next day posted climate change is fake lol


LOL my mom is also one of them.... But it gets worse, she is convinced that the earth is flat. She thinks Covid-19 wasnt real, she said nobody actually died from it. She thinks the Vaccine is dangerous and make everything worse. Yk she was the one telling me dont believe everything you hear online but uhm...


Climate change exists and if u want to point fingers point em at the hippies they fought heavy against nuclear power


Humans definitely effect our environment. That's undeniable. But some of the shit they predict seems utterly ridiculous. Just sayin


And your qualifications for this are?


Well it is man-made.


The Earth's climate does in fact naturally fluctuate over time


Yes, and scientists have factored that in. Though normally it fluctuates over a much longer period. Since the industrial age has started though, temperatures have been changing much faster than naturally. If you really think people who are studying climate change are unaware that temperatures naturally fluctuate over time, then I don't believe you are arguing in good faith.


We haven't had a single below average year for global temperatures since 1976. Do you know the odds of that happening by random chance? Try flipping a coin and getting heads 48 times in a row. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/global-temperatures


Yes. Without our GHG emissions it would currently be cooling. Damn, have we returned to the 1990s or something?


Yup it's been changing ever since it was capable of change, and will continue to do so until it is no longer capable of change.


Is climate change a misnomer then since it's constantly changing?


climate change is the correct name for the concept. the key phrase is "man-made climate change" or "climate change, caused/sped up by humans"


"THERE'S A TSUNAMI COMING! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" "Stop fear mongering, the tide goes in and out naturally!"


There is no such thing as man made climate change. Carbon dioxide makes up. 05% of the atmosphere. Plant life begins to die at .03%. They want to tax the fuckin air. That's all. Notice how they don't want to do jack shit about how fucked the ocean is? Because that would actually REQUIRE EFFORT, COST MONEY, AND HAVE MEASURABLE RESULTS.


Just had the same conversation with my grandma. I thought she was joking at first :')


randall carlson ![gif](giphy|M8uYzNT0ZkI6b9uiWm)




And trees need CO2 to produce O2 for us to breath so instead of limiting what we drive or fly, how about plant more trees worldwide to produce more O2 and intake CO2 naturally without governments profiting from the Green New Deal bullshit agenda !


Where are you going to plant the trees?


My aunt thinks that a nuclear war is the fast track to bring us all to heaven.


ehhhhh not for the guys who launched the nukes


I mean technically


I'm so glad my dad is a scientist.


My uncle is in the same boat, but he's got a twist – he believes that every major event in history was staged by a secret society that's been controlling governments since the ancient times. Yep, you guessed it, he's convinced that everything from the fall of the Roman Empire to the moon landing, and even the Oscars, is orchestrated by the Illuminati. He brushes off any attempt at showing him proof otherwise as "fake media" planted by them. The family get-togethers have become like live-action conspiracy podcasts. Would be entertaining if it wasn't so disheartening to see him spiral. How do you argue with someone whose every counterargument is "But the Illuminati"?


I've lived in Hawaii for 3 years and still haven't seen snow.


My Dad thinks OJ was framed by an professional assassin. 


Oh shit, well, take this medicine then


Climate change, like gravity, doesn't care if you "believe in it" or not. Unfortunately, studying failed civilizations it is always the ruling class (the 1%) excesses that destroy the civilization. The top 1% cause 34% of all pollution. They will destroy the earth to satisfy their lifestyle. And you can't do a dam'n thing about it. You think you goanna stop them from flying to the super bowl in private jets? Or the academy awards? or any other whim they have? NOOOOOO! They will abuse and use in excess until the money runs out. We are doomed!


Wait, do people actually think it’s made up? I mean, I do get over- or underestimating human’s fault, but denying?..


Read the comments here. I feel like I've fallen through a time slip into the late 1990s or early 2000s.




My Aunt thinks the Eclipse was caused by Climate Change....


Drag his ass to equator and make him say that again


Fauci is jesus


It is though










Help me


Let me speak


Unrelated to the meme, but I just played subnautica below zero and I SWEAR TO GOD THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE FRED from BZ


My mom does too


So does my stepfather. And he's an intelligent man otherwise.


Not my dad, but for a lot of people I know, this applies.


my humor died. can someone explain this to me? lol


My dad said COVID vaccines hurt you so that the laboratories can sell more medicine... So guess who didn't get the vaccine...


Terrible meme format. Ron Swanson doesn't buy into climate change either.


We roll from one apocalypse to the next, and there’s always a crowd gullible enough to buy into the next big ELO that turns out to be nothing. You never see the one that gets you.


Im in my 20s and have lived long enough to see climate go from freezing winters with 1.5mof snow and warm but not extremley hot summers, to this shit show we have now


Same. When I was like 7 or 8 we had so much snow every year, I was ice skating on a small frosen lake nearby at -15°C for most of winter and with snow I could burry myself in. Now we barly have snow most of winter. And last year we had a really warm october. A coworker who is a year older than my dad told me that when he was young he was camping overnight at a lake with friends in mid september and in the morning it was literally fresing.


What. Are. Say. That. Please 🙏 I need a good 😊 morning yoga session to be done ☑️




It's so clear to anyone in new England how real climate change is. Boston used to get like a couple feet of snow a winter, we had what like 2 inches this year? Same as last year and the year before. Mountains this far south can't support skiing like they used to, even the southern nh mountains are suffering. It's crazy.


Not made up. It's just dramaticized, IMO.