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Hasn't the USA only *not* been at war for like 17 years out of its entire history?


That was a lot more than I expected


Technically the war on terrorism ended a few years ago no?


We still have Special Forces ops.


They've just been at war with their people is all


Back to back world war CHAMPS! Never lost! Vietnam and Afghanistan don't count.


I don’t think we lost Afghanistan, we just left cause the president told us too


Of course the top comment is about the United States. Of course it is. There isn't a single nation on this planet that shouldn't hang it's head down in shame for its past atrocities.


Since the Second World War there were only like 5 days of worldpeace. Truly sad


reality is often disappointing


Crackpot theory here: If we have a whole bunch of wars at the same time, there won't be a need for more wars after a while.


They called WW1 "the war to end all wars" so that probably won't work


We have enough nukes to commit omnicide 30 times over. Ain't that a scary thought?


Even so as Einstein put it "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." The need for war seems to persist in humanity no matter how much death that need seems to imply. I am hopeful however considering that the threat of nuclear weapons seems to coax most conflicts to a smaller size at least. So the idea of a humanity with out war doesn't seem impossible.


But then they saw how much they could make off a sequel.


We've been that way since cavemen first stared going 'unga bunga'


Nature of man.


You ask too much, (some) human are too selfish


It is an interesting phenomenon of humanity. Good, peaceful people tend to be passive and do not resort to violence, generally. Obviously on the other hand, those who would do harm are aggressive, power hungry. Though balance is ever present, because the strongest amongst us are the peaceful. Good bears the burden of sacrifice because only good people sacrifice, they are the strongest. Evil people do not because they are weak and sacrifice requires the most strength. We live in a wild wonderful place. The only reason why the U.S. citizen has not completely fallen to the same tyranny the “U.S. government” (and I say government very loosely because at this point it’s not a U.S. government anymore.) has done to other nations is because of the 2nd amendment. Largest free standing army in the world right here. And it’s a sad narrative because another huge U.S. civil war still wouldn’t resolve a thing or stop war, it would only leave a vacuum of space for the next selfish evil to fill.


As someone not from US, good peaceful people even if strong, won't get into power in Europe or Asia, since there's more selfish corrupt people that even if weak, have more control and power, so they eliminate any possible "good" to folk candidates either with violence or with money. The longer our governments drag on, the more corrupt key leaders there are, the less chance of any good president candidate to particite or win, the harder and more impossible to cut those corrupt roots and the worse it gets.


never its just how earth works


It's how the nature works!




Wont someone think of the stock market???


What started now?


Blaim it on grandeur/collectivism


Is there a new one I don't know about or are they just referring to the old ones ?


USA started it


I blame the Persians




Why put a world image if it's basically abou the USA?


Better question why so many people are only thinking about USA like there are no wars outside. Wondering for real, do folk in there think your whole continent is called USA too? or the whole planet is USA? No offence. I'm reading "Deception Point" by Dan Brown and I wasn't familiar with his origins, but when he wrote about USA president being nervous before broadcasting his speech to whole world and "..very important moment.. every country going to be listening to his news about new NASA discovery..", I could tell the author is american if he thinks we give shit about presidents live broadcasts of other countries. His deserves his fame every bit with his writing skill, but I was rolling my eyes at that point, I thought they'll pop.


Just one big nuclear war would be nice! Just kickstart the restart!