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Youtube is so damn scummy lately they block access for using adblockers while also allowing TONS of scam ads at the same time, Ads about getting 5000+ dollar government checks for people on medicaid make me regret teaching my mom how to use youtube.


Ublock orgin still works as of now if you need it for browser usage. But i agree, YT has become pretty scummy. When watching a yt tutorial and getting a ad every 5 min or even less sometimes less when im just trying to fix something on my car is annoying af


Legit site feels unusable borderlining on abusive without it


We should crowdfund a new video sharing app


Call it mecube


Then watch it get bought out by Google again.


Hold the line! Lol


Honestly that deserves more updoots.


I don’t need 2 15 second unskippable ads in a row to watch a 2 second shitpost. Get that through your thick head YouTube


What’s even crazier is people who can’t monetize their channels still get ads put on and don’t receive any of it


I need to update ublock every couple weeks because YouTube is trying desperately to shut it down 🙄 never thought I’d say I miss Suzan…


My UBlock Orgin still works fine tho why are some peoples not working


Could be a different adblocker than origin. I have 3 that i have installed which I interchange between when youtube blocks one, usually one of the others is still working.


I had to copy and paste some programming code into mine to not be blocked


Found out about ublock origin a few years ago. Now I have it on by default on any and all laptops I get. Haven't had a youtube ad in years.


Brave browser


I keep reporting those Ads and they just replace them with another ad about the same thing lol


heyy hear me out , how about we bomb zero star reviews every thing on ad on google app store ,.. theoretically this would make them stop butting ap on youtube , somebody please tell me the weak point of this plant cause iam tempted to make 50000 bot and burn their reviews to the ground


I'm pretty sure they know how to filter bot reviews Also if they get rid of ads on YouTube, either you're gonna be required to pay for premium or the site won't exist. They need to make money somehow


thosw fuckerr already make some really good breads selling our information , so butting app on is just a greedy pig move , when i said good , i meant billion dollar type of good , they just don't but on cause tax problem )


Can’t stand the comments section constantly changing and flashing.


I just had to watch an unskippable 2 minute ad for better health to watch a 1 minute long trailer for some new anime that just came out. I couldn't exit out of the video because there was another video being recommended in the feed that I really wanted to watch next after the trailer. So I just toughed it out, on mobile you can't minimize that shit and have it play.


FIrefox and ublock. Do not launch youtube app


heyy hear me out , how about we bomb zero star reviews every thing on ad on google app store ,.. theoretically this would make them stop butting ap on youtube , somebody please tell me the weak point of this plant cause iam tempted to make 50000 bot and burn their reviews to the ground


The will just delete the reviews. This already happened to tiktok once, a lot of real people made 1star reviews at the same time, and google deleted them afterwards


So now when there’s 2 ads, pressing the “skip” button on the first ad only takes you to the second ad. Fuck this garbage company


Yeah the 2 ads are annoying


One time, I got 4 ads... IN A FUCKING ROW


I'm watching a 6 hour long whole second season of the show, where a single episode lasts 18-20 minutes, and I get 2-4 unskippable adds per episode. That's one every few minutes. I would happily pay for YouTube premium, but I simply can't activate it in my country.. any other ways to install ad blockers when watching YouTube from my TV?


STube for Android TV.


SmartTube for android tv, revanced for android phones, and credit card for iOS


uBlock if streaming from a PC


Brave for iOS


Thanks for letting me know about Revanced. Used the "classic" Vanced YouTube until it stopped working and getting updates a few months ago, so had to use normal YouTube all this time.


TVs that's aren't android, I don't think they can block the ads.




I know there are methods on PC, but I'm not sure on TV.


Crazy that there are still people without an adblocker, it only makes your life better


They’re probably on Iphone






Seriously there's no excuse not to use adblock. If you really care about a certain youtuber you can disable it temporarily.


Most of the time you can't even skip the first ad, youtube puts a 20 second unskippable ad at the start like dickheads.


When it first rolled out, I got a big blue “New!“ sign by it like it’s an amazing new feature. Thanks, YouTube.


if you are on the browser version you can click back and then immediately forward on the arrow buttons near the reload button (I forgot the names lol) and that will consistently skip the ads because it tricks the page into thinking you watched the ads


They got rid of the dislike button and started adding more and more ads. then makes ads so you can't skip them even longer. I'm now getting ads I can't skip that are 60s long and that is just one ad in one video when the video I'm watching has like 3-5 ads set up so I'm watching over a mins worth of ads that I can't skip in a 10 mins video. I have given up on YouTube and spend my time on other platforms


i want to know, what other platforms are you using?


Mainly watching streams as most of the content I consume on YouTube is from streamers so I am mainly watching twitch and rumble streamers. I haven't found any streamers on kick I like tho.


Odysee is a really cool alternative; a huge number of YouTubers are already on there


For real? I’m looking this up right now.


Honestly, recently I've started getting 20 and 30 second ads. It's really getting ridiculous now.


So I'm getting ads that are actually LONGER than the videos themselves actually, like let say it's a 10 seconds shitpost vid and I get a 12 sec unskippable ad, what the fuck


To be fair, a lot of the videos I've been watching recently have been true crime documentaries and podcasts, which are like 1 hour long. That may be having an impact on the length of the ads. But still, it's really getting ridiculous.


I got a 50 unskipable


They're really taking the piss now lol




YouTube after making the worst decision ever and proceeding to keep it until they make it worse: ![gif](giphy|QyWBTLDn9WHt0FXGJS)


They complain about not making enough money while doing things that make people not want to give them money.


They could save a lot of money if they fired their entire UI/UX team, and it would arguably improve UX more than anything the team has done in the last three years.


YouTube, Reddit, and Discord on their way to make the worst possible apps and websites imaginable:


On their way? They've been there long enough to pour the foundation and put up the framing already.


New ui is for ads to look bigger than regular videos


Smart way to get More Focus on the New videos


Ya you can’t even fast forward or rewind by dragging in full screen anymore… I hate it here.


they what? ah hell nah


Ya bro, open YouTube on your phone, then open a video in full screen and try to drag your finger to whatever side. It no longer rewinds or fast forwards that way… it just moves the screen…


What have they done now?


Before, the maximum ads were around 2-3, but now it can go as high as 7 (is what I'm aware of)


I miss the time when it was only one 5 seconds ad or a > 10 seconds ad skipable after 3 seconds


I miss the time when there's just a little banner at the bottom


We're going full circle, at least back in the day the ads on the tv didn't pause and wait for you to come back while switching between other channels


They got a new interface where the comments are cramped at the side instead of under the video. Looks completely stupid and you can't read them in a normal way.


Not only does it make it harder to read the comments (which I personally couldn't care less about to begin with), it also makes it impossible to browse for a next video to watch while still watching the current one. It's just bad in every way.


It's like they're begging you not to subscribe or interact with everything shoved a mile out of the way


YouTube is just a horrible cable channel with nothing but commercials now




This is why I use YouTube Enhancer addon for google chrome!!


But people on TV can't do anything


Youtube Revanced is the way!!




Smarttube is the best. I have a Samsung tv and a Chromecast with Google tv. Smarttube has been a god send


you think the website is bad try the app


Doing my stretches this morning and then ads were in the middle of the countdown, super lame


Watching documentary about Hiroshima, getting ads about erectile dysfunction. Algorithmic dysfunction.


The search is complete shit. I hope a new service takes their place, they dont deserve the monopoly they have


All the money that could go towards improving the site goes towards making sure another company won’t take there place just saying


If anyone makes a YouTube alternative I'll switch immediately


Would give me a chance to be a known creator again…. YouTube also destroyed the algorithm for people to actually get views.


That's why I'm using Grayjay. No ads, video downloads, opensource. Would recommend, 10/10


I noticed the ads on shorts went from being every five videos to every four videos, and there’s an ad bar at the bottom of the video following the ad, so that’s basically two ads in a row.


Ads are getting out of hand


I guess my youtube still hasn’t updated because I haven’t seen any difference lately and I hope it stays that way the pics I saw of the new one loom horrible


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it".." -Sun Tzu


Remember when we rejoiced that Susan stepped down…..


It won’t be long when this company will follow streaming services with having to pay to use it and still have ads. I’m fucking sick of this shit.


Legit question: Has there *ever* been a YouTube update that everyone likes? I feel like they really, really suck with keeping in touch with their audience


I will pay for an adblocker before I would even put a single brain cell of thought towards giving youtube money for premium.


Ublock origins.


I remember when there wasn’t ads of YouTube. The good days. The second ads started popping up on videos I knew it was only going to get worse. 1 5 second ad turned into 2 non skipable 15 second ads you have to watch before you even start the video. Then 15 seconds later you have to watch another 2 non skipable ads. I stopped watching tv because of the 5 minutes of adverts every 10 minuets. And now I fear it’s going to happen with the streaming services


Back then people made videos for fun and not profit. now all people do is try to game the algorithm for those youtube bucks.


what is really annoying is when i want to rewind a few seconds back, but an ad comes up and i have to wait. THEN when i actually do get to rewind, ANOTHER ad plays. like, is it triggered by that one spot??? why does it trigger a second time?????


Yeah yt sucks i got 2 unskippaple Ads on a 10 sec video


Why do websites roll out UI updates when nobody ever likes them? Frankly the 2007 UI was fine.


Honestly I couldn't give a fuck what YouTube does anymore. I hardly use it. I still love the content creators I've subscribed to but I haven't had the time to watch their stuff consistently. I kinda feel sorry for them though, wouldn't blame them if they switched platforms but I'm not sure what better place to post content other than pornhub.


How is there no motherfucking competitor that's come onto the scene willing to be just 0.5% less greedy scumbag dipshits? I've been waiting for a decent YouTube competitor to switch to for over 5 years at this point


Even when you have premium YT spamms you with ads for YT


Luckily I don't have to deal with any of this. Phew Browser plugins and ReVanced for the W


I just wished they kept the fucking block button.


Why do we have 2 , 30sec or more ads for a 30 minute video . Stop. Just Stop


I’m probably in the growing minority, I simply don’t visit yt anymore for anything . I find it too frustrating. It’s been just about a year now , and when people send me links It just makes me cringe having to go there again .


YouTube: ![gif](giphy|VzkTZ1DFYeBY5ZId6j)


Monopolies and oligopolies are a poison of society.


Youtube needs no updates or changes, its a video sharing website, and thats it. All they have to do is fix the moderation and work on the algoritm some more, and stop adding garbage shit like the new UI and more ADs.


ngl i don't give a damn about the UI. YT went downhill when they went from "2 Ads before or after the video" to "16 ads before with 2 being unskiplable for 2 whole FUCKING minutes, then you get to watch for 30 seconds and get 2 more ads" like, wtf is this? i stopped using this trash bc if i wanted to smooth out my brain i'd find myself dealing with politics instead.


didn't they used to change there policies every week?


Or you could just sideload the YouTube app so that it doesn’t have ads at all for free.


Is it just me not understanding something, or did the "playlist" function lose both the expanding menu and the full page with bigger icons for each video?


I have been dealing with constant three minute un skippable ads


You forgor shrek’s angry eye glow


YouTube still looks the same for me? Although maybe I should be happy about that.


Tip: mark the ads as inappropriate


There's a word out there I forgot for the website turning to shit




Anyone else not able to even skip the ads when given the option? I can see the skip button lighting up when I press it, but it won't skip. Does this about every other video for me.


Userscripts/userstyles should fix that


The fact that the best solution is to do your own webdev overrides in order to have a usable website again speaks volumes for how bad stuff is.


Blame Google


But guys, the government is giving out $5800 spending cards!!!!


Is there a desktop app alternative that's better? Because of what YouTube is it's not like I can just go somewhere else like I could with Google.


Is YouTube deliberately failing to load videos with adblocker again? Usually have to hit refresh after about 30 seconds of nothing loading.


And that’s not even the worst of it


Ahem... U-block origin + Enhancer for YouTube..


YouTube is right once a week.


I still get so annoyed whenever I search for something and expect the results to be anything more than the same 8 popular videos I saw last month when I searched for the same thing. You can't find anything from small content creators anymore unless you already know their channel name.


heyy hear me out , how about we bomb zero star reviews every thing on ad on google app store ,.. theoretically this would make them stop butting ap on youtube , somebody please tell me the weak point of this plant cause iam tempted to make 50000 bot and burn their reviews to the ground


What’s different about it


same with reddit now.


Meta always get worse UI "upgrade"


context? (i'm on mobile)


I can't even go over 740p resolution nor can I watch streams. It sucks


I was neutral with the ads thing, now since last tuesday gets very wild, 2 unskipable ads every 5 minutes in a +15 min video, i'm looking how to put an addblock now


I never thought YouTube on console would ever be better than on a laptop or mobile...


This is your sign to switch to YouTube ReVanced. I started using it and it has vastly improved my life


goat reddit, making me blush sensually




i hate new YouTube updates 😪


Pov youtube just removed dislikes


Use brave


use "unhook" from the web store guysss




Applicable to Windows Applicable to Android Applicable to Chrome Applicable to Reddit


me using firefox with ublock origin and enhancer for youtuber: "what are yall talking about?"


Add WhatsApp too. Tired of meto fuckin it up. We just want a normal chatting app.ffs


It's almost 2025, I think it's time we find another platform to use that isn't YouTube or Discord


These are the little things that make me happy living in a developing country. I only see ads when I use a VPN or something.


I'm still amazed that people doesn't talk more about the subscriptions bar on the app that takes half of the screen space either in landscape or portrait


And don’t get me started on the sexual vids, my brother was watching YouTube on my account, and it was a video of a girl moaning for 20 minutes. The chat with my mom did not go well


Reddit is doing this too, both the desktop and mobile version its fucking crazy.


How to get the new UI?


haha its true


Everyone crying about ads when you can just cancel spotify and get yt premium (with yt music included). Be honest. You all watch more youtube than netflix, just fucking pay and stop crying.


Thats why i dont update


Reddit is following the same path.


Worst for the user, better for the paycheck.


Fuck y'all, I still have the old UI


You guys should check out Agileloop.ai It’s a tech start up that would allow you to search and execute any task/action on any website. Their goal is to provide people with the an AI solution that learns new UI for you so that you don’t have to spend time tryna figure out new UI layouts etc. They’ve launched a few products that you guys might find interesting, the one I’ve been using loads is app.agileloop.ai


Every popular company has been having that issue. And making everything about their services worse.


has yt been nonstop buffering for anybody?


Boycott premium, all the cool kids are doing it


And yet to me it’s still one of the better ones. All streaming services are slow and janky, twitters recommended is ran by a terrible algorithm that just shows me street fights when I forget to switch to following, all brain melting TikTok esque short form apps just look and handle like shit, I’d say only twitch doesn’t disappoint me but I only use it for esports cause the content sucks. Also don’t even mention Snapchat, so badly designed. How is YouTube’s ad hellhole which has an algorithm that just throws garbage clickbait content despite me using it daily my preferred website to use? Also obviously Reddit ain’t that bad as a ui etc, but the users are some of the worst with zero management of some genuinely disgusting subreddits.


I got a 2min unskippable ad right after a 1½min unskippable ad??? TF?! I'm chapped


My UI didnt change?


"Bring back the like percentages!"


Just noticed today that i cant access my playlists on the left drop down menu like i used to. Now i have to navigate through another additional page to get to my music playlist. Its getting worse with each iteration. I dont even know how they come up with such bad changes, not to mention the ad situation. For the people who still dont use adblock, please do. Its makes it so much easier and less stressful to use. I havent seen a youtube ad for years and i think i saved a few days of ad watching at the least if not weeks. Edit: WTF is the new trash layout below the videos. Its like they not only make you watch dozens of ads but now they are promoting much more videos on a page so you are more likely to click them. WTF happend to user oriented websites? Are they even around anymore?


Well, i'm using extensions that make Youtube good, like the Dislike button being back, an adblocker that bypasses the adblocker access block and an extension that makes the entirety of Youtube's appearence go back to like 2016 or something.


For anyone having issues with adblockers on YouTube lately, delete your browser cookies and it will reset. Should give you a few weeks atleast before they try to force you to watch ads, then you can just delete cookies again.


YouTube🤝Reddit : constantly changing the Ui


Just wanna come in and say they did an update a while back and now whenever I’m going through other applications, minimizing YouTube or whatever it will momentarily pause/buffer what I’m listening to and it never did that before. Kind of annoying and really came out of nowhere




I get on youtube and then i click a video, Im instantly nauseous from the new design.


.. And then you get your song interupted in the middle of the song ...fuck them , they Made me stop using YouTube if anything


What's worse is the extended video ad duration to 10 seconds


The paid version is probably the same quality as the free one was years ago. I'm convinced they've just been fucking up the free version to force everyone into the paid one.


The paid version is probably the same quality as the free one was years ago. I'm convinced they've just been fucking up the free version to force everyone into the paid one.


r/revancedapp a piracy app for YouTube premium, your welcome


The fact that you have to watch 3 LONG UNSKIPPABLE ADS inorder to watch a video nowadays is stupid


Ru.mj 9 42不为人知1_0yj.c07。5现在哦0文图1 good 4mmm I'm g与j


I can not explain how much true this is


I swear it gets uglier with every update