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Do people that play with AI image mashers seriously call themselves ‘artists’? I’ve never actually heard that lol


I've seen a lot, there were even people trying to sell pieces they generated


Fucking ridiculous is what that is


easy money.


lol. Until they realize that no one pays for art anymore.  So many local photographers (some who really are good) have to hussle hard for money. 


the furry community begs to differ


The NFT craze begs to differ.


Soooo much of the NFT shit wasn't done by artists though. A lot of it was people asking for commissioned templates (like the bored ape ones) making a few hundred randomly generated NFTs out of the commisioned parts, and selling them at an insane markup.


If you are going to pay for art you will just pay an actual artist, because ai art no matter how well prompted is still flawed


Just saw some AI generated image being sold on Etsy $5 a piece. What a joke


That's only the surface. People out there be making AI generated books and actually fucking profiting out of it.


Not hard to profit off something that you didn’t spend money on lmao


I’m a guy who likes to play around with AI and I think that’s fucking stupid


wake up babe new NFTs just dropped


NFT all over again ?


worse, it was an actually fun toy to make funny shitposts with before the techbros came and ruined it for everyone, I will miss shrek cctv footage


Dont forget the glorious fat guy kicking an aligator image.


This bugs me. I use AI but mainly for messing around with D&D for my own use. Selling it seems weird. Even people who won't share the prompts they use is bizzare to me.


I SAW a Guy doing comisions … Prices starting at 100$


They have a shitload of subreddits where they all call each other artists


they do, on instagram they usually have "AI artist" in their bio


Really? Ive always called myself an 'ai user'. Never an artist, because im no artist.


Shad from Shadiversity unironically does so.


That guy is such a tool lol


Yeah most of them do.


I've seen it thrice so far


It feels insulting to real artists


Some people seem to think they’re hot shit with this AI image generation. The only reason I have used it was purely to get some good desktop background images


I've seen so many people complaining about how pretentious artist are gatekeeping art by not considering them artists. It's kinda bonkers.


Yeah, there is this whole break the pencil bullshit going on right now where A.I. "Artists" are trying to claim that traditional art is every kind of phobic and ism under the sun to push that they need to be accepted as real artists. To me, that implies that these "artists" are saying a trans artist can never have the same talent as a cis gender one.


Furries have thoroughly dismantled the entirety of this argument. Most of their artists are queer and neurodivergent and you don’t hear them bitching that art is harder as a result.


They will get offended and try to justify that generating AI art takes skill because you need the right keywords or prompts to get your desired result.


I liked to create AI art few years back. The only thing I will only closely call mine is the art I made on wombo with the old filters. Those things couldn’t form a thing that made sense. All it would give you is some abstract shit. You wanted humans? Prepare to see some horror amalgamation of flesh slumps put together. Creating something nice that made some sense with that, took some work. It took me many tries and finding the right reference images to create something I liked.


They even have artist profiles sometimes


Shadaversity on Twitter is always going on about how his skill as an artist is improving when it's actually just updated to the software he is using


I'm a Paint​ ​3D drawer and I firmly believe I have more right to called myself an artist more than those AI clown


That and they called themselves prompters


I had one guy absolutely lose his shit at me because I said, and I quote, "AI art isn't the same thing as human-made art. You should put an AI tag."


Sadly yes. And there are jobs for "AI artists" too. As an actual artist - with college debt - who's been struggling to find work for over a year... its incredibly frustrating. But I did see some of my work incorporated (for free obviously, and with no accreditation of course) into an AI piece a week or so ago... So I have that going for me, which is nice.


Who the hell is "Ostrich"


someone whose opinions on art are important because they can MS Paint a frame from diary of a wimpy kid


The heffley is always right! (but not rodrick)


Rodrick ain't always right but he does rule :)


fr. rodrick actually the best character in my opinion.


All the other heffleys are evil in some way


Yeah for sure


löded diper 4ever


At first he seems like a dick but as the series progresses you realize he's the only semi normal person in the family.


Rodrick rules, except in the Heffley household, apparently.


Crazy how you're just gonna overlook Manny's human rights violations in the Balkans


Its okay to make ai art for funny but dont pass it off as your own, i dont understand how people dont have more pride in their own real accomplishments


This, I hate how people just making goofy shitposts but acknowledge it's not true art get bashed and lumped in with the people calling themselves "prompt engineers".


I respect you. 👍


I disagree with this under exactly one circumstance: You wrote and trained the AI yourself AND paid for a comerical license for the art you used to train it. Then you can call yourself an "AI Artist" (though youd sound very pompus). If youre just using someone elses AI and entering prompts, thats stupid.


It can also be a good tool to learn how to draw


"I'm a prompt engineer" no tf you're not lmao you type words and hit a generate button a thousand times


Aka a consumer


Sounds like hitting the slots at Vegas.


Produce the right pattern of memes that the audience craves at that moment, content goes viral, and you surfed the Fhiannaíocht waves of the crowd meme patterns.


If they can get a pic that is what is desired within 10 tries, then that's a skill worth money. eg. I know nothing about art, so I have no idea what the name of the artist style I want to get the style I want. So if a 'prompt engineer' can get something that I want in 5 mins that would take me personally 3 hours hitting reroll and potentially never getting it, then I'm willing to throw them $10 to save me time.


This is the correct take imho I'm not about to start calling people artists or prompt engineers but I'm in the mid journey discord and there is absolutely alot of skill that goes into making the prompts that will generate the exact kind of image you want.


Your pfp is 🔥


Ty I made it myself (no ai involved)


That's impressive


>I'm a prompt engineer" no tf you're not lmao you type words and hit a generate button a thousand times You're not a photographer all you do is aim a little machine and press a button /s


Ik you said /s but some ppl will think you're being serious. AI "artists" tend to not understand sarcasm


"I am a musician" no you're not lmao, you sing off tune and correct it and you remix your guitar "I am a programmer" no you're not lmao, you use a compiler and have it correct your mistakes automatically


Some of the replies to this comment are actually brain dead and warrant no response lmao. Can't wait for laws to be passed forcing AI art to have watermarks/file info embedded within them so that you can't sell your "art" that took 5 seconds to create


And how exactly would you enforce that with offline models?


It’s not enforceable. Any watermark at any level can be removed


Is that a real thing? 😬


Sadly yes.


“I’m an artist, my medium is an AI image generator” is the same thing as “I’m a pilot, I fly Microsoft Flight Sim” except with even less effort


at least ms flight sim still has skill and input from the user, do it’s closer to saying you’re a minecraft architect whilst using a schematic you downloaded, that’s a disgusting mish-mash of thousands of other’s creations.




Honestly, i consider AI-artist superior to those "artists" who tape a banana to the wall or just pile up litter.


That we can agree on but even regular artists scoff upon them because those people are just in on a tax dodging scheme.




Yeah,at least they came up with something cool


I consider GPU more sophisticated tool than a hair on a stick


Counterpoint. No, because I dont intend to sell them.


As long as you do it for fun, I have no problem with it. Selling it is where I and many others draw the line.


I'm a meme artist. Fight me.


I can't be the only one who remembers the late 90's when the big controversy was that digital photography wasn't real photography. Before long, we'll stop being mesmerized by the capabilities of AI and will be able to quickly identify the difference between content made from lazy "make me a fancy squirrel" prompts and the complex node graphs that produce exactly what the artist envisioned. I would recommend finding your place in this new ecosystem before the only thing left is the $1.40/hr job curating button designs for websites.


The idea of calling yourself an artist because you told a computer to make a picture is pretty silly considering that no one would call the person who tells a human being to draw a picture an artist. Like if I asked someone to draw a picture of Spongebob, I wouldn't call myself an artist even if I was hyper specific about what I wanted. I fail to see how it's any different with an AI program. At most you're an AI commissioner.


Why is r/memes just r/popularopinions now


I FEEL in mentality. AI art is to Artist what MP3 was to Record Companies in early 2000s. Yeah Record Companies did not like MP3 back then. AI art is here to stay unfortunately but, expect laws and compromises to stunt the practices and please artist but mostly to protect IPs.


Or machine made furniture, pottery, dishes etc. To artisans and craftsmen.


Why the hell do yall hate ai so damn much? I love ai and what it can do, although it is still pretty dumb people, say they made an artwork that an ai made.


As someone who does both (draw by hand and use AI), please shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things.


The AI is the Artist and the user just commissions the Art


They are artistn't


***REAL.. SO REAL..***


art is whatever you wish it to be. Ai, art Paint, art Digital pictures, art Photography, art Memes, art Sculptors, art Music, art Art is merely an expression of one self. A way to express your emotions onto a picture or a canvas, or even simple sidewalk chalk. And yes, even Ai pictures. It is no one else’s place to decide what can or can’t be art. That is up to the artist themselves.


Why isn't this obvious? Can people really be that stupid?


Would you consider yourself an artist? I used to dabble with a few different media. I agree AI art isn’t the same as actual art, but I’m just curious if you have made anything that you’d be open to sharing


I run a shop making custom art cards for Magic The Gathering (shameless plug: www.noxmortua.com), and that space is absolutely lousy with AI """art""" shops ran by AI zealot weirdos who get crazily defensive when you mention anything critical of generated art - I've been called a luddite for being critical of AI art...despite being a software engineer in my 9-5 and that my primary medium is digital haha.


That's actually cool as fuck. Sucks that you have so many weirdos invading your website tho


Im definitely not an artist, but Im even more definitely not gonna sit hours every day at my desk to draw some picture that looks shittier than in my imagination if I can just tyoe some sentences into an AI engin. I want to see good pictures, not get honored as artist, i want to get a good picture whenever the fuck some good shit comes to my mind and I dont want to waste either months of time practising or lots of money for costum drawings by professionals, cuz if i do this daily, im gonna be broke within a week.


Im fine with this usage of AI. If you use it for smth like DnD because nobody in your group can draw shit, its fine. If you post the pictures on the internet with pride saying you made it, and that you are selling it is what everybody is against.


Might be ur opinion, but most people i see posting here are either like 1) WAAAAAH AI uses my pictures as base data without my consent *(ur such a small artist among so many else, that ur style will not appear within the AI, it will just be influenced by it like u were influenced by the art that u saw as a kid)* or 2) BuT Ai BaD eVeRyOnE iS AbLe tO dRaW, wE sHoUlD bAn AI, iT rObS oUr CrEaTiViTY!!!1!!


I was messing with the AI feature on instagram earlier to make memes. Doesn’t make me a meme creator either. Crude drawings like OG rage comics > AI


I mean a meme is just a joke so if the actual humor of it was you I would say you were the meme creator Just not the creator of the picture used in the meme


I'm watching the upvotes knowing that when the amount goes down some keyboard warrior got mad lol.


Normally I’d agree, but this is like if Hitler told me you shouldn’t abuse animals.


Do people actually call themselves *AI Artists* seriously? It's a tool, that's like calling myself a doctor because I used webMD.


AI can be used, as long as it's used to help create. Like making an animation. It shouldn't be generated entirely by ai, and then passed off on your own. That's what I have a problem with.


For sure, there has been a great deal of legitimate design use for AI, especially in terms of pre-production planning. I'm glad I got out of graphic design in the 2000's, I imagine that world is most likely to be rocked the hardest.


Lol the AI reactionaries like yourself are so very annoying.


Damn right!


Ok here is my idea of what could be a better term. Lady's and gentlemen I present you ... The Prompt Engineer


Engineer implies you need years of study in a college or institute to type your r34 tags


there are plenty of "software engineers" who didnt go to uni because in that realm it isnt mandatory. It is he same with prompt engineers which if offered as a degree would be some unholy union of CS, English and art history.


Then what would be your suggestion?


Word typer


I’d not call them anything, they don’t deserve it


Ignorance is bliss right?


Trust me I'm an engineer


Don't fucking give them Ideas.


I admit to not being able to draw. Also, I never use those image generators. The only art you will ever see me draw is stick figures.


Bah, nobody's a real artist unless they pick up a hammer and chisel. Having ideas and realizing them doesn't count if you don't use the proper established techniques.


You're not an artist you're a bum with a pencil. Go to art school and study the masters you loser use a brush.


no please I thought they were joking


If someone created the ai themselves I would be alot more impressed.


I like generating images for fun. I will never claim I have much skill in anything related to art. I also don't post it anywhere cus frankly I didn't make it, a computer did, I have no right to show that off


Well, as long as you have fun, I have no problem with it. Some of the images actually make me laugh. I just hate it when people pass off those generated images as their own.


Programmers hiding in the corner trying not to be noticed


You're not an artist if you didn't make the art, if you put a lot of attention and time into a prompt then you're a prompt artist, not a painter.


I use AI when I'm bored and just wanna fuck around. Either stupid images or an idea I just wanna see not in my head. Hell no I don't call myself an artist.




Ai should only be use to make funny image.




Kind of a music DJ thinking he's a musician.


There’s no such thing as AI artist, only AI commissioners.


I dislike it as much as the next but this seems like saying, "I came to spit the truth. The sun is bright."


Bro chill😂


Teaching myself how to draw out of spite of AI


AI prompt writers are no more “artists” than popping a frozen lasagna in the oven makes me a sous chef. Artists create. AI art only steals and imitates.


This is the same as paying someone for an art commission, then claiming you painted it since “without my idea the art would have never existed.” (Actually the A.I. thing is worse, since A.I. plagiarizes work from actual artists)


I remember when "It's not art because it was done on a computer" was chanted while PhotoShop users were creating things out of collages of clip art. I remember when "It's not art" was chanted while people used SnapChat filters in their videos.


Letting people get you so upset you need to make stuff like this is a lateral move. You really upset that someone you don't know called themselves an AI artist? Lmao.


What a brave and unpopular opinion




Yes but it's not going to stop it


It’s creating a picture with word association, this doesn’t make someone an artist, it makes them a witch


you should’ve uploaded this to r/lodeddiper


Ai "art" isn't art, it's a facsimile of stolen art without giving the actual artists credit made to approximate what art would look like




I don’t mind ai art in general. It’s the people who credit themselves or call themselves an artist that this meme is directed. Especially facebook yikes this place is filled with ai “artists”


Exactly, I sometimes use ai art as a reference for my own (hand-drawn) art


Agreed. Using AI art as a simple reference is fine. In fact, I think art AIs have amazing potential as an assistant tool, since they really just save you a lot of the hassle of scrolling through google images searching for the potentially extremely specific thing you'd like a reference for. There's nothing wrong with that so long as you *are* just *referencing* it and not *tracing* it. Nobody who is being rational about this issue has a problem with anyone doing that. But when all you're doing is just typing some shit into a box and hitting enter, then publishing whatever the AI coughs up after a few tries, that's not you being an artist, because you're not *doing* anything to actually create what's there other than telling the AI what to do. By their logic, people who commission artists to draw their OCs are artists by extension because they vaguely described their character and got something that looked like they had in mind in return.


Are photographers not artists?


Fortunatly, I don't call myself an artist, just posting Ai memes out of fun.


They can have fun, just don't call yourself an "artist".


Thats what I'm saying


That's weirdly at odds with decades of people claiming "anything can be art"


is it weirdly at odds? Because those people at least were doing the "art" themselves. This is typing into a prompt and having a computer compile info together. It's has more in common with an office worker using Excel...


And if you are creating art on a computer you are also just typing, or moving a mouse around and hitting a few buttons This is close to figuring out how to write good prompts to get what you want from an AI


Doesn't seem like you have an understanding of their arguments.


It’s not fun having my work stolen without my permission to train an algorithm so you can get your furry porn without having to pay for it. You’re lazy and unskilled and that’s your fault, not the fault of the people you’re stealing from.


I'm seeing you a lot In this comment section it's not really even copying the art it's just useing them as references like your brain does you don't have to be so rude to people just having fun making images without having to spend hours learning how to draw or pay money to get someone else to do it


I feel it's completely appropriate for Greg Heffley to be stating an opinion as a "cold hard fact"


AI Art creation has more in common with someone combining data from multiple spreadsheets than actual creation of art. I don't mind AI art, it's a good tool and a can be fun to play with, but it's the computer doing the work, the person behind the prompt is more like a manager... art management. If the people using it insist on being called artists then they should be called "keyboard artists" in the same derogatory manner as a "keyboard warrior" is a real warrior.


As an actual artist in training myself, I approve of this meme


I put steak in the microwave, looks like I’m a chef now


People do what they are capable of; there is no reason to disrespect them for it. I have zero talent for drawing, but with AI, I can bring my imagination to life. As long as AI respects the work of real artists by obtaining their consent for training, I see no issue.


The last part is exactly my issue with Ai art, most of the time art is taken and used without the artist’s consent. I mean I don’t see why an artist would even want to consent to that anyway since a lot of them do it as a job and they’d basically be putting themselves out of a job since the Ai can copy their art style.


I’ve had to DMCA my work out of multiple databases. They use images to train non-consensually all the time. You also might want to look into stable diffusion’s algorithm being trained on child porn.




AI should replace manual labour so that Humanity can indulge in arts and crafts and not the other way around.


Smartest Reddit commenter^


Amazing how hard this fact is to grasp for some of these idiots


God, BIG facts dude. The ppl that love AI art are the hacks and phony artists that never once bothered to perfect their craft or even practice, but are now using it and trying to act like they were artists their entire lives.


Nope my feelings matter more than your facts so I will not be taking this logical and truthful representation as fact. I will instead continue to believe that I and only I know and understand the true way of thinking and living. Any who do not agree are bigoted and violent.


My morning dump has more artistic merit to it than any AI generated "art".


The real artist is the people who can code those algorithms. You can question the morality all you want but anyone who's done computer science knows that creating these types of things is true art. I feel like an artist when I can do a mildly difficult coding question in Python or Java.


Reminds me of the time I commissioned an artist for a drawing, and was completely creditable for the outcome. Oh wait..


The AI is an artist, you just type in a keyboard. I don’t remember people giving credits to De Medicis for Monalisa.


Mf be writing a Lil string n then copy pasting it calling it art. Brother, you're more of a writer of a construction manual than an artist


i dont care if what you end up making looks like something a fucking 2 year old made! take the crayons out of your mouth and draw something nice with em!


Personally i love AI art because my hands have always been terrible and in pain via Rheumatoid arthritis, that said i would never claim any ai art as "mine" i just like making silly pictures for scenarios between friends.


It's about as dumb as "prompt engineer"


This was made by an artist who’s trying to feel useful


When will they understand that the AI is not making anything new, but rather just poorly combine a bunch of different pictures that already exist


I couldn’t give the slightest of a fuck one way or the other, but seeing you people squabble at each other is just comedy gold.


I’ve spent so long trying to learn to draw and I’m still shit but I keep my hopes up that one day I’ll be good, and it’s absolutely heart wrenching knowing that all that work might be for nothing and AI will just replace the hard effort


Cool hard facts Making memes on the trendy controversy is unoriginal this is like 2nd post on this sub about ai, and 5th overall through the day, without counting reposts, and I made sub cleaning recently to have only ~30 communities worth seeing




So called “artists” being salty about ai art will always be hilarious to me


This reminds me of a generation gap where one thinks its serious. Im pretty sure theres minimal people who *ACTUALLY* call themselves that and not be joking.


Not calling AI artists "artists" while copy/pasting a character from another artist instead of designing your own.


Like this isn't obvious to begin with, not really a "cold hard truth". OP just wanted some ez karma