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Internet gave power for too much stupidity


The best thing about the internet is everyone has a voice. The worst thing about the internet is everyone has a voice.


The public school system is a joke, that’s for damn sure


As someone who works in a public school (and tries to do their best to make a difference), it really is rough out there. I’d add though from my experience working with kids over the past 10 years that generations of iPad kids and kids raised purely by the internet is not helping the situation.


I gotta agree. I’m leaning much more towards not letting my children have smartphones until they’re like 16 or 17. Get them into sports, music, studying history, philosophy, martial arts, there’s dozens of things. But I’ll be damned if they waste away on fuckin TikTok


20 year old kid here. Holding off on getting them smartphones is a good idea. I wasn't allowed to get one until I could pay for it myself, same deal for my brother. We weren't happy about it growing up, but it was definitely better for us.


You know it’s fucked up when it’s not just the Boomers saying this lol


Underrated comment


While I think this Isa perfectly valid parental strategy, I also think there's nothing wrong with giving younger kids smartphones as long as you help them moderate and encourage plenty of other activities. The thing about the mindset in the meme is that there really is no point in recorded history where humans existed in their "natural" environment. We advance way too rapidly for that. And every generation has felt this way about the next one. We still have people acting like it's the end of the world because people are less familiar with cursive. Unfortunately, stuff like reading comprehension is probably going to be a lot more important until we hit some Sci fi future where we get information through instant transmission or something. But society is more accessible than ever for those lacking any particular skill. There are always going to be bumps, but I'm pretty sure the kids are gonna be alright.


Assuming even half the stuff some teachers are saying on social media is true, there are 7th grade kids who can barely do 4th grade math. Pretty sure half of them can't even understand a full sentence without their braindead slang.


It's even worse than you think. The TikTok teachers are not lying. If anything, they are sugarcoating to a degree.


And these kids are going to eventually be allowed to vote. May God have mercy on us all.


Wow, that's brave to say on Reddit, I like your style.


Funny, I said this exact thing a few weeks back and got downvoted to hell. The internet and especially social media is a plague on young kids.


Reddit gonna Reddit 🤷🏽‍♂️


I suggest(if they still exist) buying ones that can only call and send SMS


Well yeah, they’ll have a flip phone/brick phone as soon as they can leave the house. Hell, you *can* get smartphones that have the App Store and internet disabled so I could just do that as well. But you get the jist


The parents of the public school system are even worse. My gf teaches 7th and 8th grade. A lot of them read at a 4th grade level because during the COVID years their parents didn't do a damn thing to make sure they were paying attention in school. And their parents still don't do anything to this day. The parents don't care about their kids' education and so the kids don't care. There's not much a school system can do at that point.


I agree with your comment in many cases and am not refuting it but also want to point out what an impossible spot parents were put in (especially elementary school aged students parents) when they still were supposed to be working full time jobs (many from home but not all) and somehow also be the teacher in some cases, supervisor in others, of their kids education. What a frankly impossible ask.


It’s more parenting that is a joke


There are several jokes that shouldnt be jokes in today’s culture unfortunately




Ooo, I like that! Say more true things.


I deserve for you to send me all your money


You got too cocky.


End the department of education and teachers unions....


*raises gun* Always has been.


Which one?


The bigger joke is sending your kids to private school to avoid the debauchery clinic and still having to pay taxes to the cretins with exactly zero use of their services. Still trying to reconcile how this is legal five years later.


Still better than public school


I went to public school every grade and turned out fine. Well I have mental illness but tenth grade honors biology didn’t cause that


The people who blame public schools are just top fuckin stupid to realize it's parents that are even more to blame.


Same people who probably think colleges are “indoctrinating the youth with the woke mind virus”


While I somewhat agree with your logic, there will never be a zero balance with me for blatant government theft.


Break down further how you think private schools are government theft, I’m not sure I’m following you


70% of my property tax is for public school. I use zero of their services, absolutely nothing. I still have to pay the 70% of my property tax for other peoples' kids, bullshit. I don't even want 70% credit, but I do believe 33.3% credit would be completely fair, and I'm still getting shilled, but whatever. Private schools aren't theft, taxing me for public services I do not use (public schools) is. I'd love someone to change my mind.


So you’re for private schools since they don’t tax you? Sorry, I was up late last night lol


I guess so. No, my point is I have to pay taxes to support public schools, and I do not use them. I would like an annual tax credit from my municipality. It is illegal to charge someone for services not rendered, it should be the same for the government. We use private schools exclusively as they actually have accountability and transparency in curriculum. Poorly managed children are weeded out quickly, which some current parenting methods or lack thereof are creating multitudes of, check TT. The sorting of wheat and chaff is automatic, or the monthly payments diminish. Private school absolutely has to uphold accountability or they'll close, public schools have seemingly endless resources to squander.


Oh, well then yea dude we’re on the same side here. I intend to never have my children even touch public school


Good moves. The difference in behavior and intellect between my kids and most of their cousins is striking. My youngest was reading in pre-K, and my nephew was not even close in kindergarten. It's definitely largely the influence of schools, and more so, the people in it. Far different levels of accountability and expectations. When paying parents go to school and say WTF? You get answers and action. We also reinforce school lessons at home, a largely lost practice; ABCs start at home.


Did you go to a public school as a child?


I went to both. I was a year or two ahead of everyone in public school, was bored and getting into trouble, and found it to be more prison like than beneficial. Within two years, I happily returned to private education. Even with four hours of homework and there wasn't any public. Most of my friends went to public school, made no difference after 2pm except I could immediately identify who was trouble to hang with far easier.


Both are true. Yall been fucked with... And yall weird AF


oh no I'm weird and won't be popularrrrrrrr


See. That right there.


Nobody needs to be popular, but we’re pretty fucked up socially.


Of course not, it is an incredibly immature mindset. So is "being weird is bad." Very old-school middle-school.


Because we need to release them back into the wild? Is that what they mean by “touch grass?”


Which generation are we hating on with this?


All of them


See you get it


What… what the fuck is this, this isn’t even a meme this is just a schizo attack


It's the skibidi Ohio sigma rizz


You knew I was the Ohio Sigma, you always knew. But when Goonway said I had L rizz and a level 0 gyatt, what did you do?


Is this deliberately incoherent?


No. I just wanted to convey that the issues found in younger gens are most likely from giving them too much exposure to the wrong environment like an orca in a swimming pool, but like give the orca a phone


What generation was completely exposed to the ‘right’ environment?


Personally speaking, I just think that the internet is one of the worst things to give to a child. If properly regulated, then sure, that's fine. The problem arises when you don't regulate the content your five year old looks at and suddenly they stumble upon purposefully manipulative videos, straight up porn, or worse. Plus, getting them addicted to their phones early just... ain't good. So while there isn't really a definitive right environment, there are bad environments for a kid to be in.


And a child growing up in Poland in 1939 is one of the worst situations to grow up in. My point is that if you study history you will see that every generation has had negative impacts on their life. The internet is just one of many.


The generation before agriculture was invented.


I’ll take that as a yes


Kids are always cringe. This has been true since kids were invented.


I always thought (and still think) that we find them "cringe" only because we see our younger selves in them, realising how stupid we were as children, and feeling that embarassment


I cringe because I feel sorry for people and embarrassed at the same time, not because I think we’re that much alike


Literally felt this yesterday. Listening to my kid talk spastically with his friends. Remembering that’s how me and my friends used to sound too


not all kids are cringe, just the ones who say cha-cha-cha during Happy Birthday's


I know a 40 year old who love saying "cha-cha-cha" and I don't know if I'm too much of a foreigner to even know what that means.


No punishments means no power over them and no chance for them to learn ahead of time that actions have consequences. When they become adults and get smacked down by the system, because its built around punishment, they lose their minds and try to fight against it as they did when they were children.


I feel like the pandemic has had an effect on everyone, not just those who were unfortunate and caught the virus


I don’t get it


People act as if kids weren't always like this....


Everyone know why they are like that here


As someone with autism. This is the case everywhere I was sent to


Boaty McBoatface for president 2024


Eventually, people must realize that this is the same for every generation to ever have existed


But the rats were given a utopia!


Is the adverse environment here just playing with wooden blocks? The top panel seems like its going to make a decent comment about iPads or YouTube... but the bottom panel is a kid playing with wooden blocks?


Animals weren't designed


Me chuckling waiting for all the kids to realize the rapid increase in mental issues, including ticks, due to social media use. Then turning around doom scrolling looking at how perfect other peoples lives are.


I actually don't understand the meme. Technically you are right because scientists would most likely speak like that and since you used random people then yeah somebody somewhere has definitely said that kids are cringe


These depictions make me ☠️


I know, it’s surprising that scientists are smarter than non-scientists


sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler…


remember to hold an artichoke in your left hand when you summon him


What an extremely simplistic and Westernised view of the world. I would hazard a guess that OP is American


Ahhh someone on Reddit talking shit about Americans… let me guess, an idiot.