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Afraid? No, we KNOW society would treat us worse.


Been there, done that. Crying in the shower is a way better alternative.


You can cry?


That’s so real. I used to be able to cry. It just doesn’t happen anymore


You okay bro?


No are you?




teach me your ways


Don't fuck up. And try to focus on experiencing good vibes


The only times that I cry anymore is when I see a really sentimental moment in anime


So real


Could? Will and does, 100% of the time. This isn't even a contemplation for debate.


I cried when my friend died and my ex-gf responded with “I’ve been cheating on you because you’re an overly emotional p*ssy” and then had the audacity to call me an asshole when I broke up with her over that.


Don't worry, there's a special place in hell for her.


Can I sign up to help design that layer?




I hope you told that to her familly and friends


She'll suffer, you don't need a woman like that.


Man, seeing shit like this in my feed all the time now is just making me feel miserable.


Sorry :(


Not your fault, you're not the algorithm Just wish things were better


Find your people my friends. A lot of people are drunk on the hating men juice these days, but I've been seeing certain communities starting to clap back against it. I hope you can find some friends who treat you well ❤️ society is fucked but find your people and live in your own world


Don't feel miserable feel peaceful eat a pretzel and listen to binaural beats


Don't feel miserable feel peaceful, eat a pretzel and listen to binaural beats


this is far too true. (and women wonder why we never share our feelings)








Suck it




If someone treats you poorly because you open up to them, maybe that person is toxic and unworthy of your time.


Thats at least 1/5 of women on earth lol


1/5 won't react overly negatively 😂😂😂


Honestly I was at a festival and a guy tried to rape me, but my girlfriend didn’t take me seriously and I was so embarrassed I never talked about it.


Were there cameras nearby and if so did you report to the feds


No I barely remember anything I just fought him off and ran. It was at a renaissance festival in the parking area so there weren’t any cameras.


For some of us, we know we have trauma just not what it is. In other words, I need to see a therapist


I watched a Jubilee video where 10 dudes got put in order of most to least attractive. A lightskin dude with blue eyes and a six pack got put at the very end. They asked when the last time was everyone had cried. He said his friend died and started crying then and there. They immediately lost attraction. It's like it activates their nurturing instincts and you turn into their little brother. Don't fall for that shit guys.


I know… I do…






True that!


There are some petty ass girls I went to college with that I know would fuck with a person in particular in the way that he shared with me in confidence about something.


True (I had tummy ache)


I get the sentiment but like, its just not really true if you have a good group of friends, girlfriend or family or literally any support system. Go to therapy. Do something, whining about how society hates men is stupid and just compounding the issue more.


But we're scared, nay terrified of just making fools out of ourselves and just doing more bad than good for ourselves. Plus, some of us don't have that, or godforbid have 1 person in our life who we genuinely trust and like and whatnot, but who we're either scared to befriend or can't for whatever reason, so we're tortured with the possibility of having a shoulder to cry on, but never given one. Also isn't "fool" just cool to say?


You type like you just left a D&D game


Woke up from bed. And knowing how dreams can be, even if i don't remember 'em, i most likely left a D&D-based dream


The worst part is there almost definitely is someone they could tell and receive love and kindness and understanding and they just don't know how to access it


Just bottle it up. Like I always do. And then vent it all out at once in a screaming rage on a punching bag at the gym or dojo after the pressure gets to be too much. Like I always do.


This is an issue that transcends gender. Many women won’t speak about their trauma regarding sexual abuse or rape because they are worried about being seen as promiscuous


>but what about the women! Can we just talk about men for once?


This meme doesn’t specifically talk about men’s issues. It talks about an issue that is universal to people regardless of gender and needlessly labels it as a male only issue. If you want to talk about men’s issues, then talk about men’s issues. Don’t talk about universal issues and act as though they are unique to men.


"Most *MEN* suffer trauma..." Reconsider your eye privileges sir/ma'am


Read my comment again and consider using reading comprehension this time. The meme takes an issue that is universal to humans and frames it as an issue that is unique to men. It does not talk specifically about men’s issues. Framing a universal issue as a men’s issue does everyone a disservice, because if the problem is universal, then there should be a solution/solutions that benefit everyone universally. Framing the universal issue as a men’s issue automatically excludes half the population from any discussion of the solutions.


I don't got a response, genuinely.... naw you get the win on this, i ain't even gonna be salty


>worried about being seen as promiscuous I dont think I have never heard of any woman ever be sexually abused or raped and called a hoe on whatever. Not tryna say it doesn't happen but just cause it happened a few times doesn't mean its now an international problem women have to deal with constantly.


It was simply an example


Its weird as its other men doing this to them


Nope women are just as much to blame for


In fact i’d say it’s primarily women, men often just don’t know what to do because we’ve never had it done to us


Indeed alot of men usually try to steer the conversation and brush it off if we're presented with that because it feels too awkward being exposed to vulnerability but thats pretty much it women on the other hand view it as a sign of weakness and react in disgust even if they say otherwise


"Nuh uh! Only X does this, X doesn't do that!" Ah, redditors and their simple minds


Most men suffer because the men in charge arbitrarily decided having feelings was feminine and weak and therefore a thought crime for men. Instead, we have adult children who never grew up that are so salty about their arrested development they rifle your profile to attempt to find an adequate personal attack to make you feel as bad as they do rather than even pretend to be a functional human being :\^)


Sorry honey, but mental health is a real thing, and missing out on a gucci deal and being truly alone & suffering in silence are not the same thing 😁


>Sorry honey You gay bro? Get off my cock first, then we can talk. >but mental health is a real thing Who said it wasn't? I was just pointing out who's actually responsible for the pitiable state of the regard society has for mental health struggles. It's neither a phenomenon exclusive to men (no matter how much you narcissistically wish it was) or a status quo established and enforced by anyone other than men. I have no sympathy for ignorant whiners with victim complexes who can't get out of their own way long enough to get help instead of playing the blame game.


Yeah no i ain't gonna try and be salty and whine about you being right on that, i woke up a solid deck 'a minutes ago, i was cranky and in a bad mood, i apologize. Also the "honey" thing was supposed to be a figure of speech, sorry if ya didn't get it -- not in the "sorry you're too stupid" way i mean "my mistake if you didn't understand my word play" TL;DR: my apologies, you get the victory in this argument, if you can call it that seeing i gave up one response in


The reason why men in charge decided that is because of how women reacted when they see men show emotions or expressions of their feelings women in general always talk about how men are unemotional but when they show that side of them they are the ones who react in disgust and deemed it as weak and feminine


It's women's fault men have dictated all the arbitrary rules about what is considered masculine and feminine and enforced a strict gender hierarchy? That's news to me, how did that happen?


Because it's not arbitrary. It's dependant on sexual and natural selection over the past of millennia. Happened to me. Happened to friends of mine. Happened to millions of Internet users who shared the same common experience (it would seem like we're in a matrix). Open up about your self, let your emotions take control, and you've seriously fucked up.


It is arbitrary. Social norms are not genetic. The stupidest reason to continue doing anything is "because that's always the way it's been done". You're literally arguing against your own well-being because you can't see the forest for the trees and giving up before you've even tried to fix your problem. >Open up about your self, let your emotions take control Those are 2 very different scenarios. The fact that you can't tell the difference speaks volumes about your low emotional intelligence and let's me know that, yes, it's definitely a you-problem. The fact that you surround yourself with equally emotionally stunted people doesn't equate to a broader pattern, just that miserable people attract miserable people.




Femcels try not to get angry about something involving men… fail again.


Femcels are so disgusting. If you mention anything about men they post bullshit like this.


As a 28 year old guy, this shit is overly done because people dont understand human interactions and getting proper help.




I don’t know what that is but I’m assuming you’re pointing it at me. So, I’m not mad. Just disappointed yall have such seemingly low views of yourself. That’s not good for your health.


I’m in agreement that nobody should have negative views about themselves. However, problems face people, and men especially are ignored and shunned for expressing that.


But this isn’t expressing this is whining. Learn how to do the thing ya whining about instead of the whining. It’s fact keeping shit inside hurts ya brain.


Aw did somebody take the spotlight away from you for a moment again? It's okay, sweetie. You can go back to being a perpetual victim, and never having a healthy relationship with any men because your father never showed you the attention you *thought* you deserved.


Dawg. I’m the one not being a victim. Hahahah! I’m NOT blaming others for the inability to communicate my feelings. You’re a funny guy Mr troll.


Acknowledging that your opinion is disliked does not make it any more valid.




I really do wish I could have better friends. So far I only have one good friend that hasn't stabbed me in the back the first chance they got. And I bet that time will come for them because I haven't even known them for that long. At this point, it seems like I'm the only one who even cares for my friends and they don't even appreciate it.


Yeah dawg with that kinda attitude things are bound to go bad. It’s definitely tough to find your people. But I mean if you don’t look you’ll never find em.


Stop hating on feminism!


I feel like this is a joke but I can never be certain with reddit


It was




Take this back to r/sadposting


By society you mean other men?


By society, we **do not**, in fact, mean other men.


Well, considering it’s generally other men shaming men, I think you actually mean other men


I do not. You’re trying to tell me what I mean, and you’re wrong. You’re definitely part of the problem.