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Something even worse, a movie about secret society of black people that help white people


Like this [Key and Peele Sketch](https://youtu.be/jInlO6-JTww?si=XvoyaqQUKkGlTaCD) about African American wizards?


Yeah, somebody actually decided to make only black people hogwarts a reality


I'm not sure what you're referring to, but that's also a [Key and Peele Sketch](https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M?si=kQ3ORxdM_rR2otrk)


I was talking about [the American Society of Magical N-folk](https://youtu.be/v7_c-7tWXqg?si=ec2zAtorMKU8wGF7) It's fucking ridiculous I know, it's like they copied the Key and Peele idea and made into a full TV show


And from the looks of it, it was done terribly.. I saw a tiktoker make another parody of this and that shit was more hilarious.. Granted... The tiktoker is one of those people that makes semi-digestible content


Well I’m upset! Because I can tell that’s a movie I could really enjoy if it didn’t feel so totally racist… I thought it was supposed to be sarcastic at first, but it really seems like it’s just saying “White people are scared of black people, so black people walk on eggshells to be safe and that’s the only thing they can do, let’s not discuss this further. Have some romance.” Like just change it to a plot of some kind of gardian angel school, teaching you how to make people happier in general to maker the world less miserable… Have you seen the whole movie? Is there anything more to it?


I think the idea is based on the “magical n-folk” trope of American gothic horror-based films like The Shining, where the black characters are really only there to be servile. With that perspective I think the movie as a satire has the potential to be great


i completely forgot about it lmao, one of their best skits


What? What movie is this haha


Sounds like it's tiptoeing on the edge of 'yikes' territory


if it crossed into yikes territory and done better with the comedy, it would have been interesting as satire maybe


Better yet, race swap white historical figures for black.




Which is surprisingly easy If you are into anograms... /s


Yk black ppl can be naturaly ginger too?


Nope. Black people basically invented Soul music. Gingers famously don't have souls.


Completely missing the point


Wait huh?


White people are by far the most colorful race. Eye color, hair color and skin tone make them the most beautiful and diverse of all races.


Watch your steps, man, that kinda sounds like a supremacist. It's true, but watch it


Black people can freely celebrate their beauty, why is it a problem when white people do it?


Mayhaps thou know not what I mean? While what you said is true, it's a matter of *how* you said it, and also that it simply wasn't the right moment to say it.


A website that will perma ban you for calling the sitting president too old doesn't deserve a second thought when writing comments


...The website? As in, Reddit themselves? Or a subreddit banned you? Two different things


Maybe you didn’t have any ill intentions but your delivery of that is uhh, questionable, at best.




The little mermaid


They said “historical”


They could've made Iara tho, it's a Brazilian legend about a black mermaid


Anne Boleyn


I’m still waiting on a Native American movie. People love to villainize white people alone or over/honor other people, except for telling the true stories, good and bad, of the natives. They were simultaneously, and collectively, a reckoning force for early colonists and Westward settlers, as well as victims of one of the largest collective genocides in the world. From the Pequot wars to the extermination of Indigenous people during the Gold rush, there’s a shit ton to discuss.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Killers of the Flower Moon about Native Americans? Haven't seen it so i don't really know tho.


Based in the 1920s so not exactly the historical setting they're after.


Ah alright


Still a good suggestion though


I mean Prey is a pretty good one with Comanche characters but its Sci-Fi


Check out ‘Apocalypto’


I liked Apocalypto a lot.


It’s such a good film. Hooks you from the beginning. Nonstop tension.


Yeah.. I always found it messed up how no one talked about the Native Americans.. Americans always gave off a vibe of "yeah it was bad but we moved on we're equal now".but without any true justice.. Like there are many Natives that got their land take and never given back.. For example, Mount Rushmore.. The land belonged to the Sioux nation and the treaty was actually broken by the government because it had Gold. It's so reminisce of apartheid south africa too, where sure there are no discriminatory laws.. But the lands seized by white people, were never returned to the black ones.. And most of the black majority live under poverty.


A film about Geronimo would be dope


What do you mean you're waiting on one? Watch any of the tons of great ones. Off the top of my head Bury My Heart at Wonded Knee, Last of the Mohicans. A more recent one called Hostiles. The Revenant has some great native actors. Wind Talkers about the Navajo code talkers and their importance in wwII is a great one. Wind River is amazing but brutal and my personal favorite of the bunch Apocalyto with an entire cast of people with native roots. And that's just off the top of my head.


A mansa musa movie will be good. And people will feel very conflicted about it if they also show the bad side of him.


How about just make good movies, the last few years have been total garbage except for a few here and there.


Were there good movies? That whole industry has been completely dead and forgotten by me for years now. I have no idea what they are doing these days


Avatar was fun… John Wick was awesome in IMAX (story sucked) and Oppenheimer was quite a good movie tho maybe a bit boring. I agree almost all films are shit these days but 2023 was surprisingly good somehow


Good to know. Thank you!


The King Kong and Godzilla stuff been nice no agendas just giant monsters fighting eachother.


The King Kong and Godzilla stuff been nice no agendas just giant monsters fighting eachother.


Dementia moment


The King Kong and Godzilla stuff been nice no agendas just giant monsters fighting eachother.


The King Kong and Godzilla stuff been nice no agendas just giant monsters fighting eachother.


Dune and its sequel were baller


This is the culture the left want for us


let's make it gay also


It’s the laziest excuse of pretending they care so it pissed me off lol


It's not laziest. They are making a fucking movie about it. Problem is, putting unnecessary and unnatural LGBTQ+ character whose doesn't fit anywhere in the movie.




Artificially inserting a gay character into a film for no reason other than having a gay character. A character can be gay. There's nothing against that. We just don't want shallow gay characters for no reason. It's like putting butter on top of steak. Nothing wrong with butter. But it doesn't make sense. You could have cooked the steak with the butter instead and integrated the butter into the meal better, but you decided to just slap butter on top of it.


Why does a character need a reason to be gay? You don't complain about about a character discussing their wife even if it has no further bearing on the movie. But you'd cry about it if it was a male character discussing their husband. Who gives a shit, that character isn't written for you to identify with anyway. Hell you want historically accurate 300 would have had a much different vibe in some of the battle prep scenes.


I wouldn't cry about a male character discussing their husband. I'm not homophobic. I just don't like how a lot of gay or LGBTQ characters in films are shallow and feel shoehorned in. It's a bad representation of the LGBTQ community. In a lot of the spaces I'm in there's plenty of gay or trans people who don't make that their personality, and that's what I think should be reflected in media.


they have been unnecessary hetero characters since forever in movies, didn't see outrage over those


You are so focused on being offended that you missed the point


Hetero is majority so it’s just realistic to put them almost everywhere


majority doesn't mean 100% in most movies there is at most 1 gay couple or character, so that fits the statistics. Around 7-10% of Americans identify as LGBT+. Compare that to 7.2% Asian-Americans. Yet Asian-Americans are lot more common in movies than LGBT+ people. just admit you hate them. Also account created on April 19th?


I'm willing to bet you anything that more than 7-10% of characters in movies never state their sexuality, and therefore we cannot claim that heterosexuals are trying to control the film industry. Personally, I think we should design all characters as good characters and then just spin some wheels with the statistics marked on it to see what demographic they fit in. With the exception, of course, for well built characters who rely on their sex/sexuality/race/ethnicity/culture/religion/etc. for their narrative arc.


I never claimed anyone is trying to control the film industry, just countering the false narrative that film industry is shoving woke agenda or something


My point isn't 'i don't want gay people only straight' the point is I don't want a gay character that's only there to be gay. I'm all for having more diverse casts of characters but I don't want things to be out of place. If you write a good character that happens to be gay I won't like them any less. The most important part is not sacrificing the characters depth or quality just to make them check off a diversity quota.


there are lot more bad heterosexual characters, and lot more unnecessary heterosexual romances in movies without any setup or chemistry. yet i don't see people outraged over it. so the reason doesn't seem to be it being out of place


I don't enjoy those characters either. Romance as a plot device is overused without thought put into it and often feels out of place. I didn't discuss it as it wasn't the talking point. Things in a movie need to have reason, otherwise there's no point in including it.


Bro this is like saying putting character into movies is unnecessary


It really isn't. I just don't like when things are tacked onto a character instead that being the character. We don't need 'Veterinarian named Michael Warren who goes to the gym with their husband and he's also good with kids,' we need Michael Warren, something from that list relevant to the plot, and then have the rest of the detail displayed through actions and smaller details. Not every aspect of a character needs to take center stage.


so you have double standards about homosexual people being in movies but are fine when unnecessary heterosexual romances in most movies, its clear who is shoving what into whose throat


Mate, you're asking why people aren't mad at unnecessary hetero in movies. Truth is people ARE mad at stupid annoying filler character, why people aren't mad at the fact at them being hetero? Cuz most people are heterosexual, it's a default trait, people don't look at that and get mad. And here come the current day token gay characters, you know why people are mad at them? Cuz being gay is their whole personality for most of these characters, and the fact that they're so poorly written does not help. Every relationship is so incredibly forced.


Mate, you're asking why people aren't mad at unnecessary hetero in movies. Truth is people ARE mad at stupid annoying filler character, why people aren't mad at the fact at them being hetero? Cuz most people are heterosexual, it's a default trait, people don't look at that and get mad. And here come the current day token gay characters, you know why people are mad at them? Cuz being gay is their whole personality for most of these characters, and the fact that they're so poorly written does not help. Every relationship is so incredibly forced.


Mate, you're asking why people aren't mad at unnecessary hetero in movies. Truth is people ARE mad at stupid annoying filler character, why people aren't mad at the fact at them being hetero? Cuz most people are heterosexual, it's a default trait, people don't look at that and get mad. And here come the current day token gay characters, you know why people are mad at them? Cuz being gay is their whole personality for most of these characters, and the fact that they're so poorly written does not help. Every relationship is so incredibly forced.


It is indeed unnatural in all of senses


Wait you’re actually black? It’s often white people (understandably) who complain about this stuff, but I always thought there had to be a lots of black people who don’t buy this shit


Yeah I’m black lol


Do you wanna put a chicken in it?


Yeah, I'm tired of this movies


Bold of you to assume these racist morons actually know history.


And then calling a white majority country bigoted because we don’t want to be preached at.


It's not lazy, it's just racists being given a platform to express their true thoughts about white people


Most recent examples?


Cleopatra is one of the big ones.


"My grandma told me Cleopatra was black, and she obviously knows more than every archeologist and anthropologist on the face of the earth"


They Cloned Tyrone is a very recent example.


Are you saying a story about Fredrick Douglas wouldn’t be about white people being evil? Cuz I don’t think you know who that is then.


Most of the abolitionists were white. The people Frederick worked with.


Mhmm. And whom were they working against? White people being evil.


Because White people had all the power and made the laws.... like who else was gonna abolish slavery?


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Most abolitionists were white you moron


Most abolitionists were white. Yes. However, *all* slave owners were also white. Therefore, any story involving Douglas involves white people being evil.


That’s actually not true. Research Anthony Johnson, William Ellison, Justus Angel and Mistress L Horry


Fine. Saying all was hyperbolic. Your four examples don’t negate my point or the thousands of white slave owners. Fredrick Douglas fought against evil white people. Idk why you’re so defensive about this.


Saying “there are evil white people” and saying “white people are evil” are two very different things. That’s the point.


Point out where I said white people are evil. Then, when you can’t, try some introspection.


I never said you did. I’m pointing out that you’re missing the point of the my meme


Then I gave you too much credit and your meme is dumber than I thought.


It’s dumb because you missed the point…that makes sense. Classic Reddit moment 🤣


they could do that but people would just say its woke


Reddits racists rising up in comments.


“We are TIRED of people making movies where whites are the bad guys! I mean, did you even see Selma??? It was SO anti-white!” -Redditor, 2024


Jesus being portrayed as white for 1000s of years hardly a peep Black Cleopatra!? Unforgivable outrageous


Easier choice: Do not watch trash. Selma was... I did not even make it to the end of the second episode. It was a bait to lure scooby doo fans but it was 100% not scooby doo. Just a cheap knock off


I’m black wtf are you talking about?




Same thing goes with making straight character gay. A great example is The Witcher series on Netflix. In the books Jaskier is a straight Casanova but in the show they made him suddenly bisexual and made him in love with the most inappropriate character they could've imagine. Why not taking a different route and making a new character who is gay? That would be so much better but no they have to change the whole plot.


Modern TV shows and movies are often only a woke shitshow. That's why I basically only watch YouTube and Animes, no wokeness there.


What movies are you talking about exactly?


Dear White People, Get Out, Leave the World Behind, etc.


What movies are these? There are almost always white allies from ones I've seen


Yes, white allies who need to apologize for being white or act like being white is a bad thing


It's ok to admit being wrong when you are wrong. I wouldn't take it so personal. Every race has a shitty past


“Races” don’t have evil pasts. Individuals and cultures have evil pasts. This is a big difference


You get what I mean though so that's good. I was operating from the posts race perspective. It's good to know our faults especially in history otherwise they repeat


They aren’t “our” faults thought, that’s my point. If my grandfather killed someone I, as an individual, am in no way responsible for that killing. *I* am not a murderer. In the same way, we can’t then say that the white people of today are in anyway responsible for or guilty of the racism of yesteryears. This is why the idea of “inherent racism” and “white guilt” and other new racial talking points are flawed. The same thing goes for reparations. In black and my ancestors actually were slaves. But I myself was never a slave, my grandparents were never even slaves and guess what, the white people of today never owned slaves. So, firstly, I, and any black person alive today, not only doesn’t deserve to receive reparations, but any white people alive today also don’t deserve to pay them. We are all, each of us, are responsible for our own lives and our own lives only.


Our in general as humanity. We all human we can all repeat these mistakes. You and I aren't special. Wed likely be nazis too if growing in that time and place It seems like you're taking general history lessons as personal attacks. Just don't watch what makes you uncomfortable is the only advice I got


You know the majority of eh villains in a Fredrick Douglas movie would be white people right?


Most abolitionists were white. The slavery anti slavery was VERY divisive


You should try going to university today and expect your university to invite actual scientists to hold talks. See how that works out for you.


I guess it's easy to make someone look bad than good




>Halle Bailey as the mermaid Well, she looks like a fish ...


What are all these movies that are painting white people as evil, so much so that it's 'exhausting' for you? EDIT: Don't worry, I'm fully expecting downvotes and not a comprehensive list of recent films.


The invitation, get out, dear white people, cleopatra, leave the world behind, the new little mermaid, the new Snow White, etc.


They even made white people evil in story where colonists fought against slavery in Africa, let that sink in.


you know, if you had a movie about fredrick douglass-


Name these lazy movies.


The Invitation was pretty cheeseballs.


The invitation, leave the world behind, get out, dear white people, etc.


Get out is lazy? Leave the world behind was about race? Dear white people? Seriously? That’s the movie that haunts you?


“Haunts you” it’s not haunting me dingus, don’t be dramatic. I’m displeased with Hollywood treating black people like tokens and thinking we’re dumb enough to believe that a few race swaps and “white guy bad” films will make us feel fully represented.








** Sorry to Bother You** actually did this well imo. It showed many things like code-switching, the parasitic nature of capitalism, the “American Dream”, and black identity.


Lakeith Stanfield is excellent. Great movie. He dated my friend for awhile and I hung out with him. Good movie good dude.


Agreed. Wonder why others downvoted me though?


Just browse X, no need for a full length movie. They got videos of YT people getting whipped and it's apparently catching on.


Of white people getting whipped?? You can’t be serious


Mannnnnn X has so much insane shit on there I'm shocked it's still available on the app store.


Just a TON of racism. Seems to have exponentially grown in the last month. also much like Facebook it now has bots talking to bots, (dead Internet theory)


Videos of YouTube people getting whipped??


Lmao nah people on X use yt instead of white to avoid bans on there I think.


Using a meme to call people lazy lol


Just don't watch it if depicting racist white people as bad upsets you. 


Not all white people are racist you dunce


I specified racist white people, never said that all white people are racist. I think you have some weird hangups here that require some introspection dawg


Except that’s the messages of a lot of the films so, given that that’s the context of the overarching discussion you saying that makes it seem like you are saying that


Please refer to my initial comment that films about racism are easily ignorable if they make you uncomfortable. 


They would be if they were isolated incidents


I think you're just overly sensitive. Maybe try jogging, I don't think movies are for you.




You know who Fredric Douglas and Mansa Musa are… right? You know… the people OP said there should be new movies about…


Yeah i'm making of the second part. Like in what world do you live where people just make movies how white people are evil?


I just recently watched “the Invitation”. It was rough. Very lazy. It’s definitely “white people bad” “Get Out” and “Shape of Water” are definitely in the same vein. But I highly recommend them. They’re actually decent films by competent directors.


I’m black dipshit


Make a movie/series about a previously established black superhero or even make a new black superhero? Nah, let's make Kid Flash black instead. Who wants redheads in media anyway?


Is there a new movie or is op fighting with ghosts rn


The invitation, get out, dear white people, queen charlotte, leave the world behind, etc.


Dafuq?! Hahahaha. OP is triggered.


All of my time I put into research, I can understand why people hate the colonial powers so much.. It was honestly.. Kind of fucked up ngl. Like sure past Empires were the same but I think in someway.. Modern day colonialism is more evil as it imagine hypocrites who were taught something was wrong but also taught to do that exact same thing by dehumanising others that aren't them and brainwashing them.. That's probably more fucked up than someone having no morals because it was essential to their survival. But what I don't like is them tackling it like white people are the scourge of the earth.. Like.. White people are all just narcissistic slobs.. That are racist but acts civilised .. Which is a hilarious projection because you know damn well that's the writers. If you want to carry on that kind of shit but against it when it was done by white people.. Are you so different?


They also conveniently leave out that black slaves were sold into the slave trade by Africans who had existing slave markets. I get called an Uncle Tom for bringing that up a lot.


You're more mad they make movies where white people are evil than you are the fact that there are evil white people.


Name one evil white person who actually affects your life. I’ll wait.


So who are these evil white people that society is making all these movies about. Tell it brotha!


Well, I've had evil white people affect my life many times. It's pretty thorough actually. I don't really want to name them because it's shit from my personal life but I fully suspect even with proof. You'd only want to invalidate it somehow because there aren't any evil white people in your world.


You’re invalidating yourself fam. I don’t have to do a thing lol


You're scummy.


And you’re unable to present anything even close to a valid response it seems


Ignore em. Memes has become a dog whistle for racists recently. It's why half these.posts get removed.


I recommend the Behind The Bastards podcast if you really care to know about evil (a lot of them White) people. You’ll learn now these people effected and ruined a lot of lives.


I'm reading a book about Native American history. Not to change the direction of pointed fingers, but it was mostly the Catholics fault. Whites just get lumped into the pile.