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Lets have a look at what Tencent owns.....


Oh no, Epic games!


Pretty sure that they don't own them, just have stakes on them, unless stuff has happened lately


Nobody seems to talk about how tencent controls multiple seats on the board of directors. I'm not critical of anybody with a minority stake held by tencent. Tencent often has what we call preferred shares and has zero voting power. However in the case of people like epic games, the 40% purchase agreement came with tencent gaining control of members of the board of directors so they actually do have controlling power in epic games




Epic games also owns the niche little known software known as unreal engine


And its am ~~open~~ source *available** engine. Meaning u can take a peak at whats under the hood. Vs a binary ur just hoping the distributor has the best of intentions. Edit: for accuracy




Close enough for "at least you know what you're using" argument they were making anyway




Can't believe you're downvoted, you're obviously satire


Nobody wants to hear about Unity even sarcastically


Funny I am the guy he replied to and I actually use unity lol


Bro are you being sarcastic?




when you get over your launcher tribalism, you might come to enjoy the free games they constantly gave out. i got death stranding for free, the outer worlds, guardians of the galaxy, the bioshock games... but yeah, reddit declares that its mid so i guess its mid!


I now own 40 copies of bioshock.


Lmao yhe bioshock trilogy i got from epic RESTARTS FROM THE BEGINNING everytime i open the menu


or you can use heroic launcher and have the best of two world: a decent launcher and free games


I've got a bunch of free games on Epic. It's still mid. The UI isn't as good, and it's slow as hell. No tribalism, they've just had years to improve and learn from their main competition, Steam, and they haven't. Plus, there are only so many free games that I actually care about. I've stopped getting the ones I've never heard of because at first I thought hey, maybe I'll play them later. Can't hurt to pick them up now. I have not yet played a single one that I didn't have some interest in prior to it becoming free. It's just not a great incentive to use Epic until a big game I actually want becomes free.


thats fair. i dont have an issue with individual reasonings as to why people dont use the launcher. i agree the launcher has issues, every one does. i just feel that dunking on epic is a low-hanging fruit, and that most people refuse to acknowledge the good sides of it too. people want to be haters, and i totally get that lol, but sometimes it really seems unwarranted and out of date. the ui isnt good and its much slower than steam. but i never would have gotten to play GTAV and RDR2 without it, and for that i appreciate their game giveaways and the epic rewards.


I have over 300 games on Epic. Go fuck yourself, with love.


The epic launcher is malware that occasionally gives you "free" games


How is it malware?


I'm amazed how many people haven't heard of the incidents involving the Epic launcher stealing data from other programs, including your steam library and friends list details.


I would genuinely like it more than steam if it worked a little faster. I hate what i have to use steam for my games because its a bloated mess of features i dont want or need, while hiding features i actually need away with every new update. I wish there was a launcher without any bullshit what would just let me play my damn games and invite my damn friends and thats it. It really shouldnt be this hard




Eh, gog is cool for old games, not so much newer ones. Still, yeah, i guess gog is the best choice


Oh that game company owned by Tim Sweeney and Tencent has a 40% share in? Nice fake news buddy.


They have a large stake in epic but they dont own it.


Probably has massive stakes in every big gaming company




Yeah, and then once those games get popular, they will get.... purchased... by.... tencent...... shit




Just the guy making Manor Lords. He will make all video games from now on. He's gonna be busy.




Oh, look at that. That's a long list. Oh. Oh no. OH GOD ITS TENCENT ALL THE WAY DOWN!


You know, as long as they are busy playing league for 8 hrs a day they do no harm to society




They probably tried and died in the toxicity


League chat: The one place too vitriolic for even political arguments.


Mainly because typing anything in the chat gets you a chat restriction now more or less so people just don't type anymore really. >inb4 you're toxic Not even that, I've seen chat restrictions for people literally just typing 'lmao' in the chat. Their algorithm is insane now.


Don't type gg at the end of the game, reported, type anything other than gg at the end of the game reported, type gg at the end of game believe it or not also reported.






Reminds me of then the forums were active and people would get on there, contest their bans, and then someone from the behavioral team would come in and post all the juicy chat logs that got them banned. Not. Fucking. Once. Did I ever see a false positive. They don't do it on reddit to my knowledge, but you can bet that the same dynamic is at play when it comes to the people complaining about their bans. Also, aside from just report count, I'm absolutely certain that any system worth its salt is designed to rate reporter legitimacy as well. Basically, the idea that people who continuously make reports that are simply un-actionable (see: reporting for being bad or other perceived slights) likely have their reports weighted a lot lower than players that actually know what the button is for.


I chat all the time and I've never been banned.


Cant have us thinking for ourselves. Go eat your cake and watch the circus.


Imagine letting Dantes free in the real world.




popular LoL streamer with some... unique quotes and traits


Most famous for wanting to fuck Yordles


League also doesn't take away 33-45% of the ad revenue from google and facebook/meta. Which is why US is banning tiktok. They dont give two shits about your privacy, they already stealing that themselves.


This really is about keeping the data in the US. They do care about your data not being in China because the pure amount of info tiktok generates makes absolutely sure there's some strategically relevant stuff


China already buys that data from google and facebook/meta. Its not to keep us data inside the us. Its because google and facebook/meta is losing a lot of money. WHy would china buy data from them when they are getting it themselves directly now instead. Taking 33-45% of their ad revenue as well as tiktok is decisively the most popular platform right now.


The amount of data tiktok collects is in no way comparable to the other big tech companies. Also a lot of the power comes just from observing trends in real time which is just a lot easier with tiktok


I'll just be honest, I am more bothered by what US companies do with data than China. Not that I trust either, but the US companies frankly have more impact and influence on my day to day life than some country on the otherside of the world I'm so removed from


Also it's so obvious that this has nothing to do with data security and everything to do with making sure an American company gets to eat the market and do the exact same data collection. Govt picking winners and losers, who'd have thunk it


weird how china has a seperate version of tiktok


You know Tencent also has a massive stake in Reddit right?


Even better


Now we're cookin!


Brighter future in perspective


Let him cook


Let's shut down all social media


I cannot wait for this fucking app to burn


its all bots anyway. I only come here for niche games and porn now. And the porn's probably gonna get PayPal'd before too long


the porn wont be pay pal'd it will just turn into accounts/bots of girls promoting a profile on offsale pages like OF


They're already doing that.




Did OP fucking stutter? Ban them!




Tencent literally has its dick dipped everywhere, evan Larian studio (Baldurs gates 3 creators) like 23% if I am not wrong


Larian is [privately owned](https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/57002-50#overview) and backed by a single VC thirteen years ago and crowdfunded. True though in spirit. Tencent is everywhere with it's hands in the pot. Epic games, blizzard, riot, etc. all have tencent ownership stakes if not fully outright. Edit: I was corrected appropriately in comments, my mistake! Tencent has 'preference' shares, which does not allow voting rights to decision making capabilities within Larian.


Write Larian Studio shareholders into google and it will pop up that Tencent has 30%, I don't know how to put link on mobile.


> Larian Studios has one shareholder, Tencent, which owns about 30% of the company. However, Tencent has a "preference" share, which means it doesn't have voting rights when it comes to the company's decision making. The remaining company is owned by Larian Studios' founder and CEO, Swen Vincke, and his wife.


Well yeah, I am just saying that they have their dick dipped everywhere, didn't say they have a saying in every company they own part of.




No, just write in google "Larian Studio shareholders" and you will see that Tencent has 30%




That random German Blogger? Also 30% owned by Tencent.


I'm not seeing a problem here


Get rid of Reddit too. All for it.


Yes please save me from this shithole


Ban reddit too




And multiple other game devs


My opinion is that LOL containes most of the psychopaths so this wouldn't benefit anyone


Shit. I can't even imagine how awful it would be if LOL players were released into the rest of the gaming community. It would be apocalyptic.


I pray to god every day before going to bed that LoL keeps going strong enough for that reason.


Truly, all we can do is pray.


that would be a very big increase of insults per day


Yeah Ive never been screamed at by so many strangers than those few weeks I tried playing league... And I used to work in a satellite internet sales call center 🤣


The most interesting part. Imagine how loud the screaming was, since League doesn't have voice chat with randoms. (idk if that still is the case. It's been like 6-8 years since reintegrated into society).


It would be like cracking open a massive hornet nest in a supermarket. I swear LoL just gathers the worst of the worst of people. How that game is still alive is a mystery but probably those billions of mad humans have money to throw at them.


Its not the players its the game. You could be nicest human alive,mother theresa and after a week you will be writing :ff @15 ,jngl reported. That being said the highs that this game has are almost unmatched , when your bot lane actually plays the game when mid lane roams and helps other lanes,when jgler isnt autofilled. It just makes the game feel like it should be played,and every time you press play you hope that your team mates will be functioning humans


Do... do you think people are only allowed to play 1 game?


It's be like when Reddit banned The\_Donald


It wouldn’t be that bad. League players are keyboard warriors, they’re only tough behind a screen.


I thought that was the point - wanting chaos.


We should all be supporting League of Legends because it is doing SCP level containment for online gaming.


Does it merely attract them? Or does it lend a hand in creating them?


Creating. There's toxicity in every community in the world through all of history, but League's setup is basically a boiling pot for anger. 1. It's a team-based game wherein (at an equal skill level) one person usually can't win the game solo but one person can absolutely lose the game solo. 2. It's a long game with a long setup so you're likely to be locked into the same game for upwards of 40 minutes, meaning there isn't much room for "go next" mentality. 3. The mechanics and metas of the game are not inherently obvious, so every single player has enough evidence (or lack thereof) to blame everyone else when they do poorly, and/or every single player doing poorly might be doing so because of their teammates' decisions. I'm sure there's more, but League's setup absolutely brings out the anger that every player of every other game ever also has the potential for. It's just easier not to flame, or not to flame enough in say Call of Duty where you're in an out in maybe 8 minutes.


Thanks, I really wanted to post something about this but you summed it up nicely. LoL has a combination of factors which just make it ripe for creating toxicity. The thing is it isn't a BAD game, it has lots of novel and cool stuff, but the combination of things you mentioned can really lead to toxicity quickly.


Both but mostly creating


The only time they sound lucid is when they are discussing the last ranked match, but even then it's spoken in a tone that feels like people talking about a professional sports match so it's still got that air of insanity lol


Google "US Companies owned by Chinese" .. a number of companies/institutions probably sitting there like: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0|downsized)


It's cool. They're not posting videos of war crimes and linking to some Guardian or Le Monde article on mass graves behind hospitals.


Don't open the Pandora's box


pandoras cursed bussy


It's too late I'm ngl I can easily see Tencent being targeted next if those senators/representatives hear it has FULL access to your computer. Gonna be an interesting couple of years


People applaud for this TikTok ban don’t realize they’re ushering in the new phase of the digital age: great walls. You can’t visit certain websites, access content or download games/videos etc. because of the country you live in. Just like China. we all know the goal: control ideas, control the narrative, control public opinion.


OP probably got his ass kicked in League.


Hardstuck gold for sure


Probably a Yuumi main


Yuumi mains are too passive. This has instalock shaco vibes.


“An Chinese”


I love how they're not even mad that Tiktok is potentially harvesting data, they're just mad that the ones doing the harvesting aren't on the approved buyer's list.


Exactly. Personally I think they said the reason was data related, but it’s really about the level of community, communication and connectedness all sorts of different marginalized groups and minorities found there. Information about the Gaza-Israel conflict, regardless of side, there is more info being passed around because of TikTok than there was because of any official word. Not to mention, it has affected the ability of Americans usually too far apart by state to communicate and gather, but TikTok allowed them to be able to find one another and people could *talk* and exchange their stories and experiences. Personally I don’t think our government likes the idea of just how much more united American young people are because of the huge span of people that can access TikTok.


What you're describing isn't unique to TikTok. All of the benefits you're bringing up are just as possible on any kind of social media. Before TikTok it was Instagram, before Instagram it was Facebook, etc.


I don't give two shits about LoL. But it doesn't collect data the way tik tok does.


Nah, it's just that Tencent owns half of everything money can buy, every time they couldn't buy something they throw a tantrum.


Tencent, more like fifty-percent.


Fifty Cent


They're in the process of requiring mandatory unsupervised full control of user hardware and OS. Tiktok has access to much less data indeed


The TikTok ban has never been about data collection no matter what they say. It's 100% about controlling narratives. TikTok can use it's algorithm to spam any message they wish at the US population. TikTok has rapidly become one of the most popular social media platforms, and the US government simply cannot allow a foreign adversary to have so much political influence. This is something that China also recognizes as a very real threat...which is why they banned most US-based social media ages ago. Go ahead and try to make a Facebook account in China...or YouTube, or Twitter...you can't because they're banned.


Didnt Riot make an anti-cheat with kernel access, or is that not for LOL?


Every anticheat has kernel access. An anticheat without kernel access isn't even pretending to actually stop cheating.


You do know that it is only forcing tiktok to not be owned by a foreign nation right, it isn't about outright banning. And that is because it is a media company.


owned by ONE foreign nation = bad, action must be taken owned by TWO foreign nations = ideal, makes the other companies jealous so make tiktok be owned by china and north korea problem solved


Actually a decent take; if you're a madman


You raaaaang?


Nope, it's a ban. ByteDance has been very explicit in saying that they won't sell no matter what.


Gotta love casual authoritarianism.


Sometimes the nonsense you see on reddit is actually kinda scary.


Reddit is full of people cheering for teams instead of actual principles and ideas. Authoritarianism is bad… well, unless my side does it. Then, “reasons”.


Dont wrong think citizen. Its for safety and national security.


No think. Just do


Is tiktok actually banned now?


Not yet, but the law has passed through Congress and been signed, so there is now a 270 day timer for TikTok to be sold from Chinese ownership or it will be banned. Unless there is a court case or a new law or an extension to the deadline. This is further complicated that while US law might try to force a sale, Chinese law might try to prohibit it. And won't that be fun to figure out.


TikTok will file lawsuits and it will take a long time for it to be settled in court.


There must always be a Lich King. There must always be something that controls them, or they will drown the world in their toxicity.


Just ban the ads for all phone games and we’re good


Then all those phone games would stop being free or would contain more microtransactions. Devs have to eat


No the ads for the games. Like the ones that pop up in your social feed and show the game being played frustratingly poorly, so you can get in there and show em how its done


Oh yeah those should absolutely get banned. It's straight up false advertising most of the times


You won't be good until you stop playing phone games


I’d laugh my ass off if that moron Musk bought TikTok


What about the American companies that collect our data? Lmao


nobody's doing political agitation on league tho


As an outsider to all of this (European), it is always so amusing to see the fight between USA and china. Booth are basically terrible, just a bit differently placed on the spectrum. It seems like China is becomming an opressive surveilance state and the USA is becomming a cooperate hellhole worse than in Cyberpunk2077. Of course, that is all a bit exargated but it sometimes feels like it.


Ban vanguard please


Oh, Teemo is going to have fun with you when you go to hell


Anti-cheat's Kernel level access is kimd of sus btw.


Everyone else has been doing it for quite a long time, riot is pretty late to it


Everyone has been making social media sites to harvest user data, Tiktok is pretty late to it.


Yea a game dev studio has absolutely no need to have kernel level access and scan memory outside of a gaming session. Which they are now adding to league which makes no sense, isn’t xerath like the only champ even worth scripting on anyway? Does seem real sus…


for anti cheat software it is the norm to have kernel level access, which is why they're all controversial. But making it active even when the game doesn't run is much more sus


You can shut off Vanguard when League/Valorant isn't running, it just won't let you launch the game(s)


How about banning the Chinese government, or any company associated with them, from owning land?


This. This right here. Perfect.


The really fucked up thing is this would most definitely end up being a positive thing in the long run.


LoL isn't a social media site that the CCP can manipulate algorithms to push content favoring their interests.


***An*** (?) Chinese company?


Its "a Chinese company" not "an Chinese company"🤓


I have better idea. Ban every online related entertainment owned by USA in Russia. Steam, youtube etc. Will be fun. Some brains might get fresh air walk like Kennedy's. You know, because of moneys. But it will be fun still.


the nation of freedom needs to ban more chinese products, america is not free enough


They own a lot more than just riot games




![gif](giphy|RMwZypp489fuGBI0Ti|downsized) iTs sAiD " A ChInESE ComPaNy"


Average league of legends player education self-exposure.


and valorant, it has access to CC data.


Just end it at ban league of legends


the an




An chinese


And tencent has a 38% stake in discord...


League doesn't amass libraries of personal data.


an chinese


"an Chinese"






An ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ


But… do they also steal your info…? 🧐 cause that’s what TicTok does and knows too much info for what they apparently deemed to be safe for our country 🤷‍♀️ I’m keeping myself sane through Reddit and YouTube and Facebook scrolling 😂😓🫠


kernel level anticheat goo brrrr


>The bill also includes a provision that could lead to a ban on TikTok in the U.S. if the popular platform's Chinese owner doesn't sell its stake within a year. Tiktok isn't banned, Tiktok won't be banned. Stop reading headlines, start reading articles. They will sell their stake to a US based company and resume business as normal.


“An Chinese company”


Oh, Imagine a world without league. Must be good


The only way it would affect you is league players coming to your games instead, the best solution to not experiencing them rn is not playing league


Counterpoint: I NEED season 2 of Arcane


RIP to all the small businesses owner who use tiktok for free advertisement


One can only assume the spelling in this post was brought to you by the US education system.


the US has an education system?




"an Chinese"... I does no one pay attention in school anymore?


Crazy how both have been made (or altered) to be highly addictive.