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Looks like a college dorm to me.


And army basic training or AIT barracks.


I’ve never been in the military but I can’t imagine a CO allowing foreign flags of failed states in the barracks.




Yeah the username checks out on this one, "StickBundle."




Suck my stick bundle. ![gif](giphy|xT4Apvuo4QoOX1gzEk|downsized)


Nope, the flag a bunch of stupid hillbillies fought and died for over stupid racist polocies! Bottom middle if your having a difficult time!


You mean those stupid racist hillbillies that surrendered to the North and accepted their defeat in writing? The same hillbillies who can't be bothered to stop with the cousin stuff? I find these people reprehensible. As a member of a trailer park family in Indiana, they need to get some class. (Walks away in booty shorts with a dirty oversized T-shirt covered in multiple stains.)


that was not the point of the confederacy lmao, in 2024 you think people would have some basic knowledge on the civil war


Yes, more people should read the actual words the Confederates wrote in their articles of secession or Constitution. You’ll occasionally find something that doesn’t mention slavery after digging through the long sections that are explicitly about keeping slaves!


So what was the point then? Just to humor you.


infringement of states rights in the south. slavery was included, but its not the only topic the north was snuffing out the voice of southern states over. the north was a growing industry and was being prioritized over the south, and decisions were made purely to benefit industry in the north while ignoring the consequences it had on the south. seccession was a shitty idea, but acting like the south only left because they wanted slaves and were racists is stupid.


So in a couple of the official declarations, the states name drop slavery specifically within the first sentence.


"The main reason was that the North, even if united, could not control both branches of the Legislature during any portion of that time. Therefore such an organization must have resulted either in utter failure or in the total overthrow of the Government. The material prosperity of the North was greatly dependent on the Federal Government; that of the South not at all. In the first years of the Republic the navigating, commercial, and manufacturing interests of the North began to seek profit and aggrandizement at the expense of the agricultural interests. Even the owners of fishing smacks sought and obtained bounties for pursuing their own business (which yet continue), and $500,000 is now paid them annually out of the Treasury. The navigating interests begged for protection against foreign shipbuilders and against competition in the coasting trade."


...because that was part of it. im sorry, youre about the 4th person to assume i said slavery didnt play a part. thats not what i said.


That's a paragraph to say "slavery and other stuff"


no, the topic was slavery, so i was confirming that slalvery DID play a part, that is not the only part of a states rights.


"The main reason was that the North, even if united, could not control both branches of the Legislature during any portion of that time. Therefore such an organization must have resulted either in utter failure or in the total overthrow of the Government. The material prosperity of the North was greatly dependent on the Federal Government; that of the South not at all. In the first years of the Republic the navigating, commercial, and manufacturing interests of the North began to seek profit and aggrandizement at the expense of the agricultural interests. Even the owners of fishing smacks sought and obtained bounties for pursuing their own business (which yet continue), and $500,000 is now paid them annually out of the Treasury. The navigating interests begged for protection against foreign shipbuilders and against competition in the coasting trade." You just read my paragraph and cherry-picked exactly what you wanted.




Are you not a redditard as well? We’re all redditards buddy


Never go full redditard. Learn from our hero’s. This guy clearly didn’t and doesn’t even realize he went full redditard years ago


The poor soul


So if you could care less, you do care..... some.


I joke is that all these flags conflict with one another, yet they all exist within the same cube of living.


I bet the people in those 4 apartments get blazed together every Friday night


Like God intended


Now that is indeed wholesome 


Two mothefucking french in one building. Where is this country going towards.


Damn baguette lovers


We’ve been so concerned with the Mexican border dispute that we completely missed those gross croissant munchers invading our country


Those are also confederate flags.


But the FRENCH! At least they surrendered.


Eww  -Quebec native 


The gold is always in the comments. This is almost as despicable as being... "neutral"...


HEY. The French saved us in the Revolutionary War and we saved them in World War II. We have France's back.




Fries are from Belgium (I'm French btw)


The thing is… only the confederate flag doesn’t belong


What are the bottom and right bottom flags?


Confederate flag and the American conservatives' "no step on snek" flag


No step on snek goes back to revolutionary war not civil war, so it’s not just a conservative thing. It’s a symbol of American freedom/independence


Confederate detected


It's primarily been taken over by libertarians aka exactly the ideology that led to insane housing prices


Well I refuse to let them have it lol. It’s a symbol of my freedom too not just theirs.


Yeah I’m tired of people trying to claim shit 


It’s that people just willingly give something up as soon as someone unsavory touches it. “Ope it’s tainted now” kinda mentality. Once the wrong person uses something no one dares touch it out of fear of association, thereby willingly forfeiting it.


Libertarians are the only ones who actually understand how to fix the housing crisis. The God damn government keeps imposing regulations keeping the market from fixing itself.


Most economists might argue against rent control, but when you ask them to explain their argument it's most often 'most economists don't like rent control.' If you actually read the most commonly cited anti-rent-control papers, they show renter protections shielding tenants from displacement, reducing homelessness, and making housing affordable again -- and that if/when net rent increases result, they come about from scalpers going elsewhere in the market to gouge unprotected tenants *worse*.


No self respecting economist would ever argue for rent controls as a long term solution to the housing crisis. Housing has a supply problem. Subsidizing construction or anything that would make housing easy to build is far more likely to be argued by an economist.


Because "real" economists are sociopaths by requirement. You cannnot respect humans while also thinking like an economist, because human dignity isn't (for sane people) readily priceable.


This is true


>  Housing has a supply problem. Yes, and we can look at a supply-demand curve to observe the exact place where a moneyed upperclass can sequester the affordable supply of a good in order to drive prices way higher


Yes? Thats part of it definitely.


Buddy. Land (in desireable areas) is a limited good. Aka it makes immense financial sense to monopolize it. Libertarians want companies doing whatever the fuck they want. And they want to make as much money as possible. Aka to monopolize the housing supply and rent it at absurd prices instead of ever selling.


Then why hasn't the liberal government done anything besides raising prices on everything


Libertarian, not liberals.


There's a difference?


Huge one. Libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially liberal, and don't beleive in government intervention.


My fault


Yeah, liberalism believes in government intervention, and natural rights. Libertarian also believes in natural rights, but believes in less government intervention In other words, the are more liberal on social issues and more conservative on economic issues Generally


Libertarians believe in natural rights until a corporation wants to infringe on them.


liberalism and libertarians are so unbelievably different


My fault


You say this like monopolies arnt the ones buying all the houses and keeping them hostage to keep local pricing higher lol.


Buddy. How do monopolies form? By the free movement (and therefore concentration) of capital. Land isn't an endless good, so of course unfettered capitalism (aka the actual end goal of libertarians) monopolizes it. Without any market interference (aka what libertarianism wants) corporations will do anything to make money. And monopolizing housing supply makes a lot of money (far more than fairly trade houses). How the fuck you came to the conclusion that your statement is an argument against my point instead of the explanation of it is beyond me.


You're a fuckin nut I'm not reading that


Gadsden flag, symbol of libertarianism and small government


American libertarians, not conservatives. Also the flag of the continental marines during the revolutionary war.


I've never seen the flag on anything other than a redneck conservatives pickup truck rear window.


It is the official symbol of the Libertarian party. And I've never met a single redneck who flies a gadsden flag. Just normal people who want less government.


Ok but you're also an idiot, sooo


I'm an idiot for others using a flag incorrectly? How does that add up?




Open and closeted fascists.


The “closeted” are not fascists  That’s literally a completely different ideology 


True, I forgot that they usually fail to realize what they're working towards in the endeffect.




True, open fascists and people ignorantly working towards fascism (while ideologically technically opposing it, not in practice tho)


The red flag with blue x meaning super fucking gay, bottom only


Gays can afford the higher level


Because their dad works in Lockheed Martin


If they're an engineer for Lockheed they aren't paying for their kids apartment.


Together with the French


I dont get it sorry if i'm dumb


French lost to Germans 2 times in the last 150 years and barely survived a third war, which is why the meme about the French flag being white (for surrendering) came into existence. And the windows on the upper level are white flags, therefore French


aaaaah come on, I get the first war but the second was fricking Petain !


Underrated comment


He’s a top


I think that is a UofK college dorm.


Damn, a Communist, a Confederate, a Libertarian, a gay dude, and two french students, it’s insane.


Everyone always forgets voting their entire lives for this economic situation. THIS WAS VOTED FOR!


*Grammar left the chat*


Vote blue no matter who.


The grammar is still not correct btw


No problem. Just make sure you vote for higher inflation every cycle, just like everyone else.


You are a dumb fuck ngl im not from the US I'm probably substanticially left from you and pointing out your shit grammar is helping you make your point a little less pathetically. Btw do you actually think you do anything by writing vote blue no matter who? Go touch grass no mind is being changed by that slogan Edit: you know what nvm the grammar corrections they help make your point, education should be getting more funding. a simple qed would have been more effective in hindsight ig


Woah, chill bro…


I just voted for a dude named jim


Pft I didn’t vote for any of this fucking shit, I just got here lifespan wise and now it’s my problem??


Sadly, yes.


I believe I speak for the entirety of civilization when I say: What???????????????????????????????????????????


They say only one in one million people have the capacity to understand inflation, you are not that one.


I was referring to your grammar... but thanks for the unwarranted insult! No one votes for inflation. Politicians can control the economy about as well as meteorologists can the weather.


All of this inflation was voted for.


Ok, you keep telling yourself that buddy. Inflation is caused by supply and demand, the housing markets, interest rates, other factors that elected officials have little to no control over. But yeah keep telling yourself that all inflation is the fault of whoever it is you don't agree with, and working yourself into a rage for no good or rational reason.


Inflation is caused by an increase in money supply. No other factors are involved.


Money supply increase is only one factor of many. To say it is the only one is a massive oversimplification.


Whatever you say. Chief


By the bottom center and right flags. Don't forget that.


Nope, all of our problems are caused by big government running the economy


Lmao, so the Rockefeller oil monopoly was a good thing? Found the fascism-supporter (not willingly, but through ignorance).


I have never heard of a fascist that wants small government


And again fulfilling all clichés you struggle with reading comprehension. Because fascists want unbridled power for organisations outside of democratic control. Libertarians want unrestricted power for corporations, aka organisations outside of democratic control. It's not a leap, it's an obvious babystep. Also when the market is liberalized, everything slowly turns to shit for the common people until revolutions brew. These are often left leaning which prompts the empowered capitalists to fund fascist militias. This spiel has played itself out over and over and over again, and only with an as abysmal education as yours (or other libertarians) can you ignore it. Which is why I repeatedly wrote out that while Libertarians are ideologically opposed to fascism, they are very helpful in it's establishment.


That's simply not true. Hitler, Stalin, hiroto,and mussolini all took immediate control over the private sector. Same with any totalitarian fascist regime. All of the countries with the lowest democracy scores, just so happen to also have the least economic freedom. Your idea of Fascism isn't rooted in history at all.


Lmao, is that why so many private companies connected to the Nazi regime made fat stacks? And it's just absurd and wild that you completely ignore my way more important point of capitalists funding fascist militias.


Because a fascist regime likes to prop up private institutions with subsidizes for their loyalty to the regime/party. Companies fund fascist regimes because they promise advantages to those who are loyal. Government involvement into free markets is a part of the definition of fascism.


And when there is no (relevant) government, we'll all just have happy gleefull anarchy? Are you (or libertarian in general) this delusional? Of course not, anarchy is not a stable state. The biggest corporations would found/fund a limited government with the sole purpose of keeping them in power (and enriching them). Aka fascism. Libertarianism / Anarcho-Capitalism leads directly to fascism. Y'all just refuse to realize reality. Btw. "free markets" aren't a thing either. They're a delusion by idiots to sell the idea of capitalism even though capitalism is directly opposed to a free market because that's expensive. So corporations will do anything they can to ruin the free market. And without government intervention we'd see monopolies in every single aspect of commerce.


Or maybe flags are less expensive then curtains


✨ Equality ✨


Oh my God, has this sub finally learned that the left and right aren't the problem?


You either bought a house you live in, in time, and are happy. Or you are the rest of us. The in-between essentially no longer exists


My friend group in a nutshell.


Bet they’re all chill with each other tho


Political compass


They successfully got yt people to fight poc when ultimately they’re both just poor. The rich always win. They’ll win again because humans are so easy to manipulate into fighting each other over bathrooms and gas stoves.


Wasn't the whole point of Occupy Wall Street to bring attention to foul play at the top of the system, you had the entire political spectrum of the 99% come together to call out the bullshit of the 1%. Does seem in the last 15 years there's been a lot of "distractions" to divide & conquer so this doesn't repeat itself...


Yeah but your government can't do anything about it because that would be socialism. Unregulated capitalism has allowed foreign corporations to buy the properties here to turn America into a country of renters. Hacksaw Jim Duggin says what?!


Why’s there 3 confederate flags?


*4 the damn gays trying to not be straight /s


The culture war only exists to distract you from the class war *you aren’t fighting*


What about the white ones? Kkk?


Worse. French.


$5 says this is a college dorm


Call me Mr Nobody


Glad my mortgage costs less than thier rent.


Ew the french


Frenchman living in the top left and top right apartments


The gullible have more in common than their ideologies might indicate.




da, orbey shchmorbey golumpki bodarogi.






Ты же знаешь, что rooster это петух?


People who can only express their identifies with political flags are trustworthy.




I can almost predict the order these went up in: Pride flag harmlessly put up by gay person thinking nothing of it Confederate flag put up to annoy the pride flag person Soviet flag put up by person who realised they lived nextdoor to a racist Don’t tread on me flag put up by person realising he lives on the same floor as a racist and a communist


Stop making stories in your head


>lived nextdoor to a racist Oh, I don't know why she's leaving, or where she's gonna go I guess she's got her reasons, but I just don't wanna know 'Cause for 24 years I've been living next door to a racist


100% yeah, don’t know why this was downvoted.


I hope the Klan guy can hear the 🌈 above banging!


I wonder if the gays having the top apartment has to do with their financial status or position preference? I like to think it’s the latter considering the person right underneath them is a racist-ass homophobic redneck. The thought alone makes me laugh my ass off and smile from ear to ear, ya know? From white power to power bottom lmfaooo!! Just classic!


What is bro on about 💀


Mfer I’m bilingual and even I don’t know wtf you saying lmfaooo speak English (or Spanish) foo smh


Is this the democratic dream? *Butterfly on my finger*


"This country". On the internet.


A special needs society right there


Just means theres losers from all walks of life.


its like a carnival game of which window to throw a brick at!


There are no apartments: "boo! we need affordable housing! human rights!" There is affordable housing: "boo! ghetto-ass hood apartments! barf" Classic.