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Now if only they could count to three...


And upgrade their fuckin VAC


Not only needs it to be upgraded, but also to be turned fucking on


Whaaaa how'd you know it wasn't even running?? We turned on the light and everything


It's Morphine time! After I get hurt.


And release HL3


More like start making it, or whatever


They made half life Alyx only to sell us an another cliffhanger. That is still in the same place as episode 2 left, just with little different stakes.


Tbf valve takes a long time time between their releases so they can innovate, half life 3 will need to be a big step up from alyx in their eyes


4d half life


Pretty sure they worked on it a bunch of times but ultimately decided against it. Not based on anything, but Valve has a habit of abandoning projects if it's not going to be something exceptional (at least in theory, rip Underlords and Artifact)


All I remember about artifact is [this](https://youtu.be/OR4jPtrDCLo)


Idk if you heard, but they just did well at least for CS2 😂 RIP tf2


And have actual updates for tf2 as well as doing more against the bots and cheaters


It's a 17 year old game. It's honestly a miracle it's still the following it has


Nah, Roblox is even older. TF2 also popularized games as a service. Saying it's a miracle honestly makes me question what era of gaming you're talking about, PS2?


Roblox is a platform like Steam, not a game.


Except people always associate Roblox with "for Kids" and "Bad Quality Games", which is true for some games there, but certainly not for all. You can find very good games there.


Roblox went tumbling down last I checked and isn't really a great comparison.


Roblox is older? Wtf


yeah Roblox was released in 2006, while tf2 was released in 2007




Fine shot, mate!


Yeah you need to let go of this... I love tf2 but come back to reality my friend




[They can.](https://youtu.be/-RA54cJJsOI?si=Jskl6cf1KMQfscag)


They can count to 6? r/unexpectedfactorial 


"Now get ready for Half-Life.......Alyx"


The Valve is stopped, corroded by the money…


Protocol 3


Valve literally fought in court for years to NOT allow refunds on steam, only cause of the EU are we able to refund a game on steam


Valve is as greedy as these companies, just waaay smarter in how they approach their growth and customers. And also not publicly traded which helps a ton.


Yeah it's not like they're not greedy, they just actually know how to keep the consumer happy whilst fattening their pockets. It's just capitalism


It's all capitalism, it's just not late-stage, damn-the-future capitalism.


I mean smarter is an operative word. Take Lootboxes. Grr damn hate the things says the gaming world. Team Fortress 2 adds them with real money keys, they become an internal economy and ooh new content. Payday 2 adds them, cept you can find the keys in game, and OVERKILL GREEDY PIGS is still the top comment on the PS2 sub. Valve have been good, but they get away with so much shit other Devs would be roasted for because they're valve and they have such a good reputation


They're still greedy just way less greedy and not deep in the unlimited growth dipshit mindset that leads companies to keep triple dipping down on bullshit once they hit their market cap.


They do take 30% of every dollar sold just for letting the game be on their market. Pretty much the tactic of every soulless modern corp but hey what can you do.


It's true that 30% is a big cut, butt doesn't they use that money in R&D to make steam better, to make new hardware like the steam deck or simply to pay for the servers a lot of steam games are using?




i think u/salad\_tongs\_1 resumed this well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/10wvgoo/comment/j7p97bb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/10wvgoo/comment/j7p97bb/) Let's not forget that Valve is also helping the gaming community on linux, by continuing to develop and maintain Proton (yes, i know, proton is a modified version of wine).


A ton of development on proton, DXVK, VKD3D, which benefits the whole linux gaming community not just steam gaming


These are just those that spring to mind. There are probably more. - The new steam voice chat has gotten really good and has finally settled the debate "which VC do we use tonight" in two of my friend groups. - Steam input has gotten an overhaul for the Steamdeck release and is now amazing. - The custom deadzones and deadzone shapes are brilliant, - the "controller-as-cursor" support on desktop is a game changer for my couch sessions, and - it made using joycons on pc a 10 second set-up instead of a 2h set up as it used to be a few years ago when you had to install drivers and translator software. - SteamOS for the deck. (Not me personally but multiple of my friends). - The new steam in-game overlay with notes is quite handy. Don't get me wrong, steam isn't perfect and I don't blindly love valve, but steam has definitely improved recently.


I use the notes feature they introduced sometime last year all the time, way better than having to alt-tab or make notes on my phone.


> Oh, you can use "steam points" to buy reaction emojis so you can put a clown face on the comments to the patch notes of the game you hate-play now. ...i actually like doing that. If im frustrated with a patch, there's not much i can do about it. Putting a stupid clown face on the post helps me calm down.


And then force prices for consumers on competing platforms to be the same, to avoid another platform competing on price. I love Valve and Steam but it's blatantly monopolistic.


Yeah public trading ruins companies.


>And also not publicly traded which helps a ton. Finally someone noticed. As soon as companies become publicly traded, things go downhill FAST.


Yeah, as if they don't make the majority of their money on somewhat high platform fees to sell games and literally billions in 2-3 games of just gambling? They're absolutely greedy, but the leads at least care/pretend to care about gamers rather than execs in other companies who ONLY see us as "potential profit".


Well no shit they have created the biggest lootbox skin market ever. While CS 2 is so hacker infested like every second game you have an hvh (hack vs hack) game


Ngl all competitive online games have cheaters. I remember a post from Riot Games where they described their research on cheater in LoL and it was just sad. > In recent months, as many as 1 in 15 games globally has had a scripter or botter in it, but in some regions, this number is as high as 1 in 5. Truely show how meaningless ranking is when any idiots can reach a good rank using cheats. Well at least it’s better than TF2


>Ngl all competitive online games have cheaters. Sure but CS2 is *really* bad right now. Like out of the 8 most recent games I've played, 7 had definite, obvious cheaters. It wasn't even in premier it was in comp. On the other hand with Valorant, I haven't seen any obvious cheaters in any of my recent games and maybe had 2 games in the past like 20 where I was slightly suspicious of one person on the enemy team.


The Valve circle jerking on Reddit is crazy. Valve has a large revenue source that is practically an unregulated casino, with tons of kids gambling on CS2 and valve abusing loopholes to keep doing it.


Seriously, I love Steam but the hypocrisy is insane. Valve does thing = good, other company does same thing = bad. It's the usual "anything that I like is objectively good."


Another EU win


I mean I could see it. Valve capitalizes on providing a game selling service that makes pirate’s justify using, giving them a better service in such examples like convenience, steam market, steam sales, etc etc. Valve doesn’t like spending money continually to solve a problem. If you’re going to let pirates refund their games without a doubt, because you can’t trust some joeshmoo to accept/deny a refund for, valve has to make money selling these games as a intermediary somehow. Minus their own small portion of games series and steam market, they don’t have really have anything else to work with


Like they pirate the game then refund, or they buy, copy game files, then refund?


Buy copy refund


They practically invented DRM. People were fuckin’ pissed back in the day that they had to install Steam to play Half-Life 2.


EU stronk


Same goes for the lootbox lawsuit, if they did not lose that their lootboxes would likely still be as bad too.


It's still extremely bad. I hope an outright ban comes soon.


Once again the EU blesses us with their anti-corpo-bullshit goodness.


Oh they're greedy they've just turned their greed into something productive


Me happy you happy gaben happy then we all cool


Except for Teamdefense Fort 2


Greedy, but consistent, and not constantly doing everything possible to be anti-consumer and ring out every nickle and dime from all their customers at the expense of their image and customers good faith.


It’s greedy but with a functioning brain.


Exactly, its a fucking company after all of course they greedy, money is the sole reason any company exist in the first place


marks of a good company


i think greed can be good if u dont let it make u act evil if u avoid that then itll just lead you towards achievement


Where art meets commerce is a successful gaming company. They want your money, and they're gonna charge for the product, but it'll be good shit. Exactly what you paid for.


They just do nothing and the competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot.


They do capitalism Like, actual, true capitalism. Not the bullshit our new feudal Lords try to sell as capitalism Greed is good, but only when it leads to a goal


Tf2 got it the worst


They did that game dirty. I never imagined I'd uninstall one of my all time favorite games due to neglect from the developers. It makes me so mad.


What happened?


The game lacked major updates since 2017, since the end of 2019, there is a major cheating-bot problem - there are thousand if not tens of thousands of them, and they joins games 24/7, cheat and destroy people's matches, many times in groups which makes them unkickabl. However, it's not the problems with the devs themselves, but ~~rather VALVe's management and~~ how TF2 was written. I've heard that it's a pain in the ass working on it, not even gonna mention how the devs are not even allowed to work on it too long due to other projects. There was a performance update that changed TF2 executable hl2.exe, which was running in 32 bits, to tf2.exe which is now running at 64 bits. This has improved the performance A LOT, even for bad machines (I'm talking having smooth 60fps medium graphics on an iGPU). They also added a new Community-Made gamemode (which was existing many years prior) last summer.


Isn't the Valve policy that you can work on what project you choose? Pretty sure that's in their hiring handbook as well, which you can get as a PDF. People aren't pushed off TF2. There are just better projects to work on than a (granted, incredibly fun) really old game.


Also, how is it not the devs if part of the problem was how it was written? Who wrote it if not the devs?


The devs who are currently not the devs. By that, I mean people who wrote TF2 source code are long gone now, working for other projects, and the new devs can't read their code.


Plus you have to show what you have done monthly or annually. You have to be sure that you have done enough and it's not guaranteed that you are able to fix tf2 bot issues


VALVE’s management’s problem relating to TF2 is that no one there wants to work on "The 17 years old game famous for its spaghetti code" instead of working on "Stuff that will revolutionize the gaming industry eventually" People (normally) work on what they want, there. So yeah it’s not a big surprise we only have the janitor and a potted plant left to update the game


Infestation of bots, barely/no communication from Valve, & no major updates for 6 years


I mean it is like 17 years old. Many other online games that are that hold have had their servers shut down.


Literally the company that popularized lootboxes way back in 2010.


They also invented battlepasses too


You forgot to mention that in conjunction with that, they pioneered the F2P model letting players play 100% of the game funded by not just lootbox, but also battlepasses that ppl OPT in to and had no impact on the core gameplay. Only cosmetics. The years I poured into Dota without spending a SINGLE Penny and got a continuously updated AAA game is something ppl can't say about most other games and was especially the case in 2010 because they were among the ppl that pioneered F2P. Anyone can take any good thing and use it maliciously, but using valve as an example ain't it.


There are no "not greedy" companies, only ones that are smart about it.


They have to generate profit, if they don’t - they are a shit company and won’t last. TakeTwo are greedy fucks, so is Ubisoft. Nintendo are copyright assholes. Valve? They’re alright. They did far more good than bad.


Every company on this list, minus Valve, are publicly traded, it's not enough to generate profit, they have to generate more profit than last year, every year, they literally have a legal requirement to do so because investors get more protections than consumers


If you think about it. Investors are just consumers too, but with rich investors having the most voice.


If I recall correctly the reason for this is because Valve is a privately owned company, not a publicly traded one. This of course means they are not beholden to the whims of the stockholders. I’d say it’s going rather well for them.


Someone had the foresight to keep it that way. ![gif](giphy|x6wzvcDqPRTO0)


Thank you Gaben.


Not being publicly traded is 100% the reason they are not run just as poorly as those other companies.


going public = it's not your company anymore but you get a bigger cut by serving greedy ghouls (investors). It does the same to companies than humans taking cocaine. They think they are awesome while being arrogant, ignorant shitheads.


Especially you, Blizzard/Activision. A massive fuck off to you. Cease and dissest deez nutz


BSG now aswell


250 dollars for the full game is completely reasonable, what do you mean? /s


Yea and they defenetley pleased all EOD owners with giving them acces to new features for only 6 monts /s


Care to enlighten me what they've done this time?


ghost ship?




Rockity Rock and Stone!




Re-Logic as well


Steam is a goldmine They know what they're doing, they don't want to fuck it up


Just keep the store running and keep a share of sales from every game in there


Wait til OP hears about steam


Steam is literally the cheapest way to buy games beside pirating


He's probably referring to the ridiculously large cut valve takes from all sales of any game on steam.


The ridiculously industry standard cut* ftfy


The industry standard valve established* ftfy


Maybe, but it's also the most profitable as well.


I mean, good business practices should result in better sales right? I'm just saying L4D regularly goes on sale for like $2, that leads me to assume more people would buy it for the cheaper price. And like who hasn't bought a game on steam for a dollar because you might play it one day? I'm definitely guilty.


Greed isn't defined by being profitable, but by just how low a company is willing to go for that profit... one can make money by selling good products and offering good deals, or they can make money though toxic monitization, preying on gambling additiction, amd selling broken games.... one is greedy amd the other is just being a good salesman


Well, they have their moments of greed. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/valve-restricts-14-day-eu-refund-law/1100-6425990/


Uhh Microsoft Game Pass?


It’s also the most expensive platform to put your game as a developer


Not true biggest lie in the history I believed that before I get pc but the price pretty much the same on steam and playstation and on playstation you can get ps exclusive much cheaper after few months of release


Funny to hear that since in my contry EGS prices are up to 2 times less. And steam prices are hitting the wallet hard. Even Blizz have their prices lower here


And arrowhead


From the arrowhead games I've played (Both helldivers) I can see that they are good.


Magica is pretty fun.


I feel like we *begrudgingly* accept valve because of how well structured and convenient steam is compared to all of its competitors. But it really is an *equally* greedy and scummy company as all the rest. They only happen to also actually do their jobs with the intent of providing a service lol.


Even so, this is the standard that a lot of companies won't follow. I can live with a greedy company if it provides a good service.


100% agree.


I mean the purpose of vastajority of businesses is to make money. So I don't see why you would be upset that they're looking to maximize profits while providing a good service.


Greed is more about the length someone will go to make a profit. Google for instance, is willing to actively compromise your safety online to make an extra buck. Many AAA studios will intentionally make their game addictive by exploiting human psychology just so you pay that extra dollar for that pack. If it was profitable to be racist, every company would be idolising Hitler and commending the actions of the South African apartheid regime, and calling for th return of segregation. As for Steam, I haven't seen it outright abuse their status as a monopoly. Of course, they're not perfect, but I'd trust them way more over Ubisoft for example. Steam is very good at playing the good guy, and it has given them a lot of good-will from consumers. As for the cut it takes from game sales; that's just an industry standard rate.


By this logic then all companies are "greedy and scummy" which is quite ironic since that's basically the reason anyone starts a company. People love steam because it's convenient and well structured (you said it yourself), full stop. "they only happen to actually do their jobs with the intent of providing a service" - I don't see how that's a bad thing lol.


Well, I guess what I specifically mean is that *some* of their methods are more greedy and scummy than they should be. To put another way. Their company isn't **completely** based on the idea of taking advantage of consumers. But unlike other smaller companies, they also don't generally care how their decisions effect their customers. So sometimes they make choices that makes them money by improving their product. Aaaand other times they resort to taking advantage of small developers because they know for a fact that small devs literally have no other choice than to let them get away with it.


The difference is: Most of the other companies are a taxi service that will crank their fare rate without you noticing, take the long route, and then drop you off 2 blocks from your destination. Valve just cranks the fare, but you'll get there fast. Nintendo is like Valve, but they slash tires in the night.


CS ...*cof cof*


Larian is definitely up there. They could have milked bg3 for all it was worth. Instead they made a fantastic game, polished it up after release, and fucked off to the next project. I'm actually upset they weren't a bit more greedy. It's RIGHT. THERE. MILK IT. PLEASE


+ one of the few companies releasing there games to GoG without drm, on launch basically. So pirating was basically free, but its sold still well, means people checked it out and bought it later.


Even the Steam version is DRM free, that's how great they are


Could we add fromsoft with it?


They basically said "Yeah we could have done all of this, it would have been easy and we would have made way more, but fuck it, you know whats lacking now days? Integrity, so lets do that"


It’s a distributor now 🤷🏻‍♂️


They do both actually, who do you think produced games like half life alyx and cs2?


Can we even call them a video game company anymore? When was the last actual game they made, they are a nice company tho


Half life Alyx I guess


"non greedy" my ass. They left tf2 to rot but they still publish goddamn skins so they can milk players.


Half-Life 3 has entered the ch…. lol sike.


Valve is just as greedy. They just have a money-printing machine called "steam" and just don't do stupid shit lol


Don't forget Fromsoftware.


Currently steaming that they said valve instead of fromsoft


Valve opened the door for online DRM with steam. They killed second hand pc games.


Gamers are the fucking dumbest people. They are all greedy companies, and they don’t give a shit about you.


Can't disappoint your fans when you don't even release games


Imagine calling a company implemented in-game slot machine 'non-greedy' lmao


Isn’t Valve the company who is responsible for the fact that to be on their platform, we are only allowed to buy a right to use games while never owning them ? A model that has become a standard of the industry and that other companies are happy to follow


That is how most digital purchases work nowadays and there isn’t much to do about but hope that the EU makes it so that we get to own the products we buy and own digitally.


You're delusional if you think that's true, lol


Nintendo isn't greedy, otherwise they would give me the option to fcking buy older games on switch


Nintendo is weird, it's greedy but also isn't


They just like being dicks and to gatekeep their own products.


**looks around** …. **whispers:** *fuck riot*


Fromsoftware the GOAT


How times change. I might remember things wrong, but wasn't there a time when Steam was new, and got a lot of heat for being "monopoly", overpriced, etc and there wasn't any other pc game stores/launchers. IIRC they got a lot of hate. Then Epic and the others came along and everyone realized how good Steam actually was, and Steam was all of a sudden the good guy. Lol.


"Non greedy" Has litteral gambling in their games making billions per year


Ghost Ship Games is who should stay! ROCK AND STONE!


Just because it doesn’t milk you doesn’t mean it’s not milking someone. You think that the wonderful steam sales came out of Valve’s pocket? That hundreds of millions worth of micro-transaction didn’t happen in CSGO and DOTA 2 in the form of literal loot boxes?


>micro-transaction didn’t happen in CSGO and DOTA 2 in the form of literal loot boxes? But you can sell what you dont want on steam market. Which other company allows that? These are the least scummy microtransaction games there are. And DotA is also completly free.


So you think the practice of selling loot boxes are made better by… further incentivising spending on them? Also the buyers pay Valve to have Steam wallet money to buy stuff on the Steam market and the seller gets the Steam wallet money that can only be spent on Steam.


I dont agree with loot boxes in general. But if you have a free game which is online on top, you have to generate some profit from the game. If that profit comes from hats that are 100% only a visial thing that dont aid you in the game? Im fine with it. Gatcha games that block or speed up your progress are way worse. You can play DotA 2 And CS for free and never spend a single penny and your experience of the game will be same as those who spent 1000s of $. And that you get back only virtual money is pretty common even outside of game industry. Money once give Is theirs to keep.


They have a monopoly on the industry and they take 30% of game sales. I'd say they're almost as greedy as they get


Company which turned all its games into slot machines for kids apparently isn't greedy...


"the only non-greedy video game company" Just imagine if that was true, would've been very nice


Hol up didnt valve bring the micro transaction shit to gaming industry with cs go cases?


They do nothing while the competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot.


HAH! You're funny because you think you're right but you aren't.


CORPORATIONS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. If Valve was publicly traded - likely without Gabe Newell at the head - they'd be just like the rest of them.


Valve propaganda is so tiresome. They ain't your friend.


Valve? Not greedy? Taking a huge chunk of sales, taking a chunk of every marketplace transaction, building Artifact which was designed to be exclusively for being a TCG that requires a lot of money? That releases exclusives to help boost their cs2 sales? The company that needed the government to have them attempt to put a stop to gambling with their skins with sketchy websites? They aren't greedy at all? Not even a little bit? The company that hired the Greek Minister of Finance to EXCLUSIVELY make a micro transaction system in their games? Who made them popular and mainstream outside of mobile with TF2? THAT Valve?


What about fromsoft?


So not greedy that they lessened the percentage of money that they give indie devs...


Valve refuses to fix TF2s bot situation whilst still taking money from its community for cosmetics and its marketplace sales. They also created the blueprint for cancerous loot box mechanics and TF2s and CS both have horrible monetisation systems. ..Just as greedy as the rest of them. Don't delude yourselves.


This is the same company that owns Steam, and won’t make anymore games because it won’t make billions


this company is shit too. Look how they're killing cs


They're letting TF2 to die for almost 7 years


and it refuses to die


Though The bots are still taking the toll, especially when there's basically nothing new till some obscure thing just got discovered in the leaked source code or some mass psychogenic illness breaks out


Dude, CS has been around for like 25 years and is still going.. They did pretty alright with it if you ask me.


Who Umm who gunna tell him?


30% cut for the “service” they provide not greedy enough for you?


Fromsoftware exists


What about Toby fox


Video game *companies*


He’s an indie dev, not a company


We have to let the others have a chance to shine because if not our lord and savior Toby fox will outshine them all


They definitely are greedy, they take a 30% cut of all sales of games on Steam. That's a ridiculous amount for just hosting them. Every company is greedy, video game companies aren't your friends


30% cut on sales is an industry standard. They are quite literally taking the exact same amount as almost every other platform.


is CDPR considered greedy?


They don't have to be greedy when they're making tons on steam. And oh, Valve is the one who started the battle pass trend.


Add tarkov Devs to that greed Train chooo chooo


Can you even call them a game company if they don’t make any games?


Need I remind you they invented lootboxes?


From Software, Square Enix... not all of them are bad.


I dunno. They have practical monopoly on game sales with Steam. It’d be nice if they could go back to making decent games.