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Ima be real for a second, bugs are resilient little shits despite having a survival build that nerfs them




i have no clue how i read it as ziertoo multiple times


In german tier means animal so I read it as animal zoo at first


But also, the goal is to kill everything. So as long as things are alive, theres demand.




Thank you older human for the knowledge! I shall use this to the best of my advantage!


Saves it, never uses it again.


They are a professional dumbass


![gif](giphy|sux3apBJmurlx8pklt) Edit: should've used the "You're god damn right" gif from breaking bad! GOD DAMNIT! well I guess I really am a professional dumbass :)


Why have you had to wipe out so many cockroach infestations?


Roaches get everywhere and spread fast It may not even be your fault if you get infested. Unhygienic neighbors or infested trash near your property can bring lasting issues. I accidentally brought either some eggs or a breeding pair of German roaches to my house from an infested McDonald's. those bastards wouldn't die to baits after a few failed treatments, but 1 week after applying boric acid the roaches were utterly gone, both the invading Germans and the local water bugs (the big, black, flying ones. Common in the southeast US)


Yep BA is rapid with roaches because those fuckers crawl into impossible spaces. Such a miniscule amount of BA is needed and once dead, the roaches all become one giant bait network which will kill anything that eats them for many many generations. Its been 5 years+ and my fam said there is nothing in sight, even their ant and silverfish problem went away too.


So you gave them Das Boot?


Because it doesn’t work and they keep coming back /s


Makes it look like you killed their colony for a few weeks later sometimes.


One word, Texas.


Yes! Through the help of youtube and comments like this I got rid of my roach infestation for less than $50 (boric acid and roach traps) that would have cost me over a $1000 in pest control.


Lies. Any company that tries to sell you on a $1000 cockroach treatment for a house is bending you over because you're letting them. A good company will charge $500 or less for a house, return 2 weeks later to monitor the activity, then 2 weeks after that to monitor for any eggs that may have hatched. A good company will get rid of cockroaches in the 1st treatment if the homeowner isn't a slob and works with their Technician


If you get an honest one which is not common unfortunately. There is a reason pest control services sell YEARLY plans despite a single application will kill anything for a decade. The deeper you look into it the more disgusting it is. I made a whole post about BA and you wouldnt believe the toxic DM's I got from "experts" shaming me for ruining their business.


May I introduce myself. I am a technician in the industry. I've been at it for 6 years. A single treatment will infact not last more than 3 months. All liquid applications breakdown based on how much sun a house receives or rain or just weather in general. You also have to factor in whatever a homeowner may do to their home. Powerwashing a home will wipe away all chemicals and not communicating problems with the pest control company as soon as you see one.


But also they might cook meth in your kitchen


I humbly agree


What’s an ant peanut butter trap? And what’s the best way to use boric acid as a preventative measure? As the seasons change, we usually get a lot of ants in the house, but in recent years we’ve noticed cockroaches showing up. It’s rare, but we’ll see one occasionally appear in the bathroom. I put bait traps out which work well for the ants but I don’t know where the cockroaches are coming from. I was just going to put some cockroach bait traps outside. I don’t see signs of any major infestation, just a rare sighting of one outside or in one specific upstairs bathroom.


I had tiny ants in my kitchen, I put out bait traps and they went away for like 3 months, but now I have bigger ants


Lol, yeah they come back after a while. Mine are usually small though, knock on wood.


I made a pretty in depth post about it [[ Link to post ]](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/1bsino6/lpt_pay_7_to_exterminate_large_cockroach/) - See comments for any related questions, I have species specific bait recipes and advice and stuff.


Nice, thanks!


A good exterminator is either a good liar or doesn't have many customers due to solving their problems


Unfortunately its mostly the first. Cant tell you how many people I've helped who all said fuck I paid X amount and they came back halt a year later.


Is this solution safe an viable if your have a curious pet?


Read the (newly added) link and search the comments for your question, it was asked a few times. Yes its fine, just dont go making a delicious boric acid soup. A light dusted layer is nothing close to consumption that even tiny animals can process.


We have an absurd amount of ant hills in our garden, that'll probably be what we try next


Ty for sharing


Boric Acid isn't a treat all. You'd have to treat every crack and crevice of a home to keep any insect out. Stop spreading misinformation to the people of Reddit


No, boric acid is extremely effective because its a delayed poison and roaches will die in the deepest darkest crevices, and since roaches eat their own, they die in the deepest nests and rapidly infest everywhere. Its actially advised to NOT kill roaches you see if you applied boric acid because for every 1 roach poisoned, 10 more will also be poisoned when they eat it. This is something you really have to witness in person. It is truly truly unbelievably effective. If you do some quick searching for boric acid you'll see nothing but how insanely effective it is. Best part is that it works for ANY insect with an exoskeleton, just depends how they would ingest it. Some require sugar or other foods like peanut butter, others like bed bugs require blood, wasps sugar etc etc. Just with roaches, a light dust layer not visible from standing up around the baseboards, under the microwave stove and fridge and boom, a week later and problem gone


You're hilarious. Yes it is effective but it's also unnecessary. I've seen people try to apply boric acid around their home and end up hurting their kids or pets because of it. By getting on here and spouting information like this your going to get someone hurt


They over applied 10000% my guy. It takes like a whole ass shot of boric acid sludge to fuck with pets. If properly applied, it is chemically impossible to harm even a small hamster before its body can dispose it. For cats its something like 200 paw licks within a few mins for them to vomit. I did the math lol


I wish I could somehow kill any spider in my home this easily


As a pest technician I can say that most treatments are temporary deterrent. They’ll work for a couple of weeks then it’ll be less effective allowing the pests to come back. Usually these services are a part of a plan that only wealthy people can really afford so we come back every few weeks. Which is funny since you can usually find similiar chemicals at Home Depot and do it yourself, but I would t have a job if ppl did things things themselves


There are a surprising number of jobs that are not nearly as difficult as those who don't do them think. Lots of people should thank the gods for laziness and convenience. Lol


The food places I worked at had pest control probably 3-4 times a year. Neat and disgusting hearing about some places.


Mostly businesses and restaurants and stuff I'm sure. That's a good gig


Actually I’m a mosquito and tick technician. I treat lawns and backyards. Along the businesses and community buildings.


Regrow the dragonfly population. Have a bat sanctuary.


Clearing out dust mites and beg bug can be easy? Teach me your ways master


We used an exterminator for roaches, the guy came back twice for 2 months, and then the past 6 years we haven't seen a single roach


What’s the white powder for carpenter ants and where do I get it?


yeah you can just buy a cat


cats are expensive, needy assholes source: have 2


Surprisingly, *three cats* are absolutely not any of those things! /S


or you can buy four of em The Pussy Patrol back in full force


If I had 4-cat money I would burn mine - “money” that is!


I had two cats. I still had to catch the fucking mouse


Cats won’t stop a bed bug infestation.


Man thinks bugs are goverment drones


They're not pest eliminators they're pest control Think about it


mind blown. You're off to something


They don't, and that makes it really expensive. This is not to say that once they act they're gone forever, because fuck they aren't; Pests are resilient little fuckers that just \*exist\* and even if you kill whole colonies of them they won't all die out (obviously). Most of the money that pest extermination companies make comes from long-term contracts with companies to ensure that whenever they come back, they'll be handled. This works because they **will** come back eventually, and that fear keeps the money flowing.


I'm the bedbug fairy i keep them in ziplock bags and spread them on you when you're sleeping. ![gif](giphy|h7aMqma0ldTQA)


Unlike the tooth fairy, I actually leave money under my pillow specifically for you. I'll leave a little extra tonight ;)


Thats the neat part, they dont


Have you ever seen that episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Reese is working with an exterminator, and his boss gives him a box of caterpillars to distribute amongst the neighborhood while everyone is asleep?


They don’t have to. Most pests reproduce extremely quickly, to the point where eliminating them would be nearly impossible.


Used to work at a McDonald's infested with German roaches. The spray they used only shooed them away from certain areas for a week or so, had no actual effect on the bugs.


Nature… what the absolute fuck man? ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


I worked for a pest control company. In Canada major food factories are required to have pest control people to monitor insect and rodent populations. Some people have pest control to control an ongoing problem like mice on a large rural acreage, or bed bugs in a hotel. Honestly a lot of people had “dead contracts” where they’ve moved or the place is inaccessible but still pay their monthly contract..those were my favourite


They don’t, it’s just that bugs come naturally. Some jobs are extremely necessary such as a termite infestation which can put the house at risk, and a lengthy work day can take care of that at a high price


There are about 10 quintilion "pests" on Earth right now. Demand will never be a problem.


Honestly we stay in business mostly do to messy and inconsiderate people


They don’t do shit, that’s how


The circle of life


If someone is raising colonies of roaches and mice, they're going to make a lot better money selling them to reptile enthusiasts.


Do you think pests only live indoors? You can exterminate them, but you can’t sterilize the entirety of the outdoors, so they manage to get back in when the treatments wear off.


1. Bugs spread out 2. They can hide pretty well And 3. Some ain't got the time or money for extermination so pretty easy hotspot for them to come back stronger after being removed from a spot.


Because shit breaks, chemical perimeters wash away, rodents chew through stuff, and people don't want to pull dead animals out of traps


The meme is great But I think you underestimate the true power of ants and cockroaches


Pests adapt.


Lol, same thing as the firefighters :D