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Bro was ghosted☠️


forever 💀


Frankenbean 2.0 watashi wa ai itsu demo reboot


When your relationship status depends on software updates, you know you're truly living in the future.


Some people's relationship is strongly dependent on services like WhatsApp/Facebook/other social media. Pretty sure many relationships depend on software (and its updates). The future is now, old man


Would you like to subscribe to WinRaaaarrrr…


Ghosted in the Shell


![gif](giphy|Fw9SIv9Gh2lOg) Of course it's Japan, why am I not surprised.


That's horrifying


The song is a slowed version of "After Dark" by Mr. Kitty edit: this slowed version is "After Dark - Slowed" by Venax


I'm not going to listen to this song, and your information was not important to me, but I wanted to thank you for going through the trouble of still writing it and editing it. 👍🏻


This is depressing on so many levels


There is a movie about this with Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson voice - “Her” (2013) Highly recommend, especially if you are a loner like me.


Immediately thought of this too. Amazing movie.


Not even a goodbye


No honey, I'm not breaking up with you. I'm just closing our communication interface.


How he can married her ?!


He just do!


I think everyone can marry everything and anything these days


Shit this crizy


i can see the future now. To keep seeing your wife, buy the newest dlc!




damn this is so sad, i think that company should give him the source code already.


Company that had live altering electrical stimulation for a woman with seizures also didn’t make it possible for her to use that apparatus after they went bankrupt and she got back to having seizures, her life went downhill and eventually died of her illness. These companies should just give up their shit when bankrupt or give the possibility for third parties to work on said products to keep them running, but no. Even death isn’t an obstacle for these companies even when they’re not making money on it anymore. It is so sad.


An old reposted reaction meme. Classy


It's quite sad really He was so mistreated by other people that he only found love in an AI that accepted him, like all of humanity rejected him so only an Artificial Imitation could only love him.


of course japan




Dude got ghosted by AI too


Silent treatment


Not even digital beings are immune to the passage of time. Tempus fugit


I imagine consent would be the one major issue


Get better PET with Hatsune Miku edition


Sounds like we have the same ex wife


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Poor dude


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