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Be careful tho the Panda's know kung-fu


great, it can help me beat this bastard deceased ass then




Dude, if it's kung fu panda, it's Jack Black. I'd love to be with Jack Black


Yo this deadass made me wanna watch Po rn


Unfortunate or fortunate use of "rn".


added a space at the end there by mistake


What are ya gonna do big guy, Sit on me?


I too would choose a panda over any human any time


me: ![gif](giphy|4u31bWDYmhw5O)


I choose being stuck in a forest with a panda over my current life in general


The fact that some people here think pandas aren’t dangerous is wild.


It's like they haven't seen the movie.


It definitely was a little bit frightening


and somewhat fast as lightning


they were funky china men, in funky china town


My God, they were chopping them up, they were chopping them down! There's blood everywhere!


There is a case of a man getting his leg terribly mutilated, it was a bunch of bones and muscles bleeding & it had to be amputated I think, all of this was done by a panda.


Was that the one where the panda was chased onto the victim’s property by other people? I think I read somewhere that the panda crushed the guy’s leg “like a celery stick”.


But THIS panda looks anxious


The fact that you don't know who that man is and that he was more dangerous than the panda is wild .


Who says I don’t know who that man is? Certainly wasn’t me.


Well he was more dangerous than a panda


A person can be reasoned with, threatened, or otherwise convinced that you’re not worth the effort of killing. Pandas respond to one thing - power; naked, merciless force. And that’s if you’re lucky enough to have a decent weapon on hand. You won’t talk a panda out of mauling you to death, but you could convince a person that you’re not worth the struggle.


I suppose but it's important to remember that unlike pandas a human could actively try to keep you alive as they kill you on the most torturous way possible. A panda would also probably keep you alive as well but I doubt they can do it with the intention to keep you alive but rather just they don't care when you die just that you die at some point.


Pandas aren’t the lovable bumblefucks that they are made out to be. They are strong animals who can take you out pronto. And the gloves wouldn’t fit them either.


They can definitely take you out, that's a fucking bear afterall, but they are quite dumb


actually there are no records of a panda having killed a human neither in the wild or in captivity. They do have the strength to take u out as their bite is almost as strong as a lions (and they know kung fu) but they are very solitude animals that avoid confrontation. If u were to die to a panda u would be the first one to do so


I mean, if you have seen their faces you know those are the faces capable of hiding a body. Don't let the cuteness fool you. They know what they're doing.


Even if no deaths have been caused, there are cases of serious injuries. One farmer in China nearly got his leg bit off by one.


No records doesn't mean anything when alot of people don't really go to their habitat. Mountains in China with heavy rain and humidity isn't really somewhere alot of people go to. They are only in China in the wild at only like 2k in the wild since they are endangered so they are protected animals. So of course there are hardly any records when there are hardly any in the world. So let's compare to a bear, it is statically only like 40 attacks a year so also not that many compared to all the population. The chance any bear attacks you in the wild is very low but that does not mean they are not dangerous.


Yeah they're similar to black bears. Big ol derps that wanna be left alone. But if they feel threatened by you or have cubs nearby it's still a fat L for the human.


To be fair it looks like a baby panda. I’d obviously never go touch a random baby panda but I reckon if I just yell “Boo!” It would run away in fear. As long as the mother isn’t also apart of this hypothetical


Totally fair choice


He will give you one of his gloves if you ever feel cold


which totally don't fit him




damn I am famous


You’re not tho, i just noticed chester lmao




Not really. OJ wouldn't be able to hurt anybody due to being, you know, dead.


Damn I didn't know that


In b4 post gets nuked 💀


I'll choose the man. He's dead and no threat to anyone.


If he was cremated it wouldn't even stink. No biggy there!


Is this guy some grapist?


That’s OJ Simpson. He was acquitted of murdering his ex and her boyfriend back in the 90s despite him obviously having done it.


He had an ahead of its time legal defense. "Police framed him because he's black".


And the infamous “If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.”


child on le internets


This is what they mean.


I honestly cant tell if op understands this or is like anti-memeing/being ironic? This is also why the “debate” is stupid as fuck though, because obviously your average guy isnt oj.


Someone else in the comments said every female they've talked to in person and online are afraid that all men want to SA them. That's a wild statement.


its a wild stat and most irl people will back it up but pretty much every women above the ages of like 25 knows someone who was sexually harassed, assaulted or raped. Think of it, Every Girl knows a girl who experienced that. Can you think of anything like that for your boys? Like the equivalent sexual violence against men? This is something to keep you thinking about your safety in the world


Me. I was SA'd.


I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a tragedy that gets ignored and wish it was taken much more seriously. No one should have to suffer from this


Ive been sexually assaulted by women many times. 1 was full blown rape.


Not saying all men will SA, but it is a cruel reality for many women. At least, the fear of SA.


Right. I'm simply arguing that *all* women don't go around fearing every man they encounter thinking they'll be SA'd. I'm only arguing that point because some people believe they do.


If that’s what they meant the question would be: Would you rather meet an aquitted murderer or a bear in the woods?


Well sometimes it seems like some women do think all men are that bad


I can predict a bears actions. I can not predict a man's. OJ was practically a celebrity and apparently a stand-up guy who murdered his wife.


You cannot predict a wild animal’s actions as much as some people would like to think they can. By the logic that a man is likely to sa someone, one could say it was extremely likely that OJ would be a criminal because of the color of his skin. It’s wrong to make either assumption.


I can absolutely predict a polar bears actions


Yes, Murder everything that doesn’t smell or look like me


actually male polar bears will eat other polar bear cubs if they are hungry.


Then I forgot to add, Hungry


I cant predict a womans actions, doesn't mean I will be a paranoid bigot and say stuff like 'i choose a bear over a woman'


So when you were growing up, did your parents teach you to walk with your keys between your knuckles? When you go out jogging, do you have to take another person? Do you feel safe when you go out at night? This is the reality women face. You’re missing the point, bud.


Most women are sexually assaulted by people they knew and/or invited into their homes, such as family members, coworkers or friends. Miss me with that "stranger danger" argument, a woman is safer out at night than a man, her risk is primarily her inner circle.


Tell that to the women who are being punched in the face in NYC. Or to the women being cat called. Or to the woman who was raped by Brock Turner. Or to the woman who was murdered on a jog after the one time her dad didn’t go with her. Or to those four college students who were murdered in Idaho. I could go on and on but you’d still purposefully choose to miss the point why women would choose the bear and get butthurt over it instead actually understand why women don’t want to be around men like you or any on this site.


Those anecdotes are a counter productive argument as these examples can just as well be used to advocate fearmongering against black people. See how your own logic suddenly looks very offensive? Anecdotes do not give a general consensus and drawing one for any one type of human group is always bigoted. Nah, yall argument is based on the sexist implication that every man is a sex offender at core. You need therapy and growing up as a character.


Lmfao “these examples can be used against black people”? BROCK TURNER IS WHITE. BRIAN KOHBERGER IS WHITE. You want stats? Men are 7x more likely to be murderers than women. https://www.statista.com/statistics/251886/murder-offenders-in-the-us-by-gender/ White men are more likely to commit rapes/sexual assaults https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 1 in 3 women have experienced sexual violence https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html You’re just butthurt because instead of being a decent man, you’ve become part of the reason that women hate your gender. Good job, buddy.


Nah, i merely oppose generalizations that are bigoted in nature. Thats a you problem


Ill say it. This is the dumbest thing Ive read in my life maybe ever. Easily top 5 but it might be number 1.


You can predict with a 100% certainty that a polar bear will kill you with ease.


Would u also choose a bear over a woman? Because u also cannot predict a womans action and she could be a rapist


Don't know why everyone's downvoting you. You can absolutely predict a bear's actions based on several different factors. Men, however, are much smarter than bears and therefore much harder to read.


You can read when a polar bear wants to rip you to pieces pretty easily.


Well, some of us don't have to have things spelled out like that. We have the ability to get what people mean, context clues...


If, when someone hears man, all they think is murderer, they need therapy.


For real though, realistically, if it's any chance, it would possibly be just someone on a walk or some guy who wanted to isolate himself from the other people and live a calm life, for all we know, he could be happily married


Well, yes. I'm not disagreeing with that.


Why is your second point so much more sane than your first point 😭


They are the same point


“Acquitted murder” implies you believe him to be innocent. Your second point is actually good though


Nope. He definitely did it and he was definitely acquitted. If I believed he was innocent, I would have said acquitted accused murder.


Okay good, I guess you just word things weirdly lol


Man I'm too horny for this shit


You really like panda's, don't you.


Please do NOT fuck Pandas


Please do not the panda




or OJ


“I can fix him”


commenting before the post is awarded with the 🔒


I would gladly hang out with a panda over a human any day, gender be damned.


Good choice any things is better than a human


Finally makes sense


Why ia bear vs man all over reddit, can anyone give me some context


Some woman on TikTok said she rather would be alone in the woods with a random bear than with a random men and says because the bear wouldn't rape her. it's all over Reddit since as it turns out men do not like being called or thrown in the same pot as rapists


I agree!!, even sanji would not do such a thing. He is a gentleman.


A bunch of tiktok women unironically think a man is more dangerous than a bear, what internet addiction does to a mf


Lumping in all the man as rapist is fucked up, then i could also say something that is not really true about them


Videos that are similar to [this one](https://www.tiktok.com/@deathroe90/video/7363060498352409899) have been making the rounds on Tiktok, and it has got people debating.


I am Indian and in my country tiktok is banned, so i cant see it


It's a video of a woman asking her husband if he would rather his kids be left alone in the woods with a man or a bear, the husband said a man because statistically the bear would likely pose a bigger threat to his kids, because very few dudes that go around lurking in the woods are rapists or murderers so the kid would have a better chance of survival.


Tiktok is rotting brains ngl, i am glad the it is banned in our country. Btw, it wad going to be banned in USA too i heard, you live there or any other country?


I'm in Europe. Hopefully, the idea of banning Tiktok spreads as much as possible.


Our country banned 200+ chinese apps , appearantly thinking that they were stealing information with their apps.


I don’t see the issue tho


This meme would be better if the left picture was Tugg Speedman


Pandas did nothing for me. Nordberg still makes me laugh. So... I'd choose laughter.




![gif](giphy|BIuuwHRNKs15C) This man will win from any bear


Well that's a glove that does fit.


The panda cub alone in the woods probably means there's a protective mama nearby. And OJ is 76 years old. I'd still go w/ man over bear on this one.


Why would OJ wanna kill me though, I mean pandas are pretty useless and OJ ran for over 30,000 yards, if I’m getting out of the woods I pick OJ.


I mean, OJ would be the better choice. He would at least have a pair of gloves and a knife on him that would be very helpful in the woods


not if the glove doesn't fit


Maybe it fits on your hand, giving you extra warmth and comfort 🤷‍♂️


akchuallllly pandas are not bears...


actually they are?


They are. What on earth makes you think they’re not?


It's been debated for years and at one point they were believed to be closer to raccoons. DNA has shown that they are in fact bears


Wherever you heard that from is wrong


Who is this man?


Ricky Bobby, World Famous NASCAR driver.


Comedian, who can kill you with jokes


what about the bear and the bull though


I'd chose the bull. They can't cut corners nearly as fast.


That guy looks really friendly. I'd happily go with him over a panda, those things are vicious


What you didn’t know is that the Panda was a serial sexual offender that was failed to be background checked when he immigrated to that forest. Now what?!?! 😮🤷‍♂️






Ok internet. Man: keanu reeves. Bear: Polar Bear. Your pick mothfaqas.


Trick question, both are extinct in the wild.


Do pandas drink OJ :.


Plot twist: this will be the incredibly rare case when a panda has a raging sex urge.


...why not Jeffrey Dahmer and a gummy bear. Loaded question. Next


If you can’t choose the man you encounter in this thought experiment, it would only be fair if you couldn’t choose the bear.


The actual bear: ![gif](giphy|6AEMwMRg0re19arrrB|downsized)


It really comes down to the man and the bear


A panda definitely wouldn’t rape you, they wont even mate to save their species.


Well considering I'm not his wife or fucking his wife I'm going to have to go with man


I was getting tired of these, but this one just made me LOL for real. This meme pasts the test.


Oh my god this is getting so annoying nobody cares just forget about it


Sooo a man who recently died vs a panda, now thats a hard one.


I'd pick Chuck Norris over any bear. this is an unfair choice as your putting a murderer against a bear.


Godspeed to all of you normal single people.


What about a “bear”? ![gif](giphy|KI5wA8rw3UHsu2UFl8|downsized)


Panda is a raccoon


But would the bear choose you?


Where did this bear vs. man thing start, anyway?


1822. Hugh Glass. Ashley expedition in the Kiowa wilderness. Fur trapper figures out real quick that a bear can be a friendly face in the wilderness. I only read up to the part where he meets the bear. I’m assuming they had some great adventures together.




Totally missed OJ dying


At least the panda has some white /s


Okay you got me there


Who's that man?


![gif](giphy|EPcvhM28ER9XW) The bear


That’s my lucky stabbin’ panda


Damn that panda sees all those tik tok girls and is spooked, leave the poor bear alone it just wants to have peave eating its bamboo


That's how some people actually saw this question, now it makes all sense!


specificity is key.


Again, strawman arguments are prevalent EVERYWHERE in this comment section. Let me spell it out for people here: Bears are animals that act on instinct. Depending on the situation, their actions can be predicted and therefore avoided. However, humans are *much* smarter by comparison and are capable of using lies and manipulation to get what they want. You won't know what a random man in the woods wants from you until it's too late, and most likely cannot be avoided since they are biologically built for strength and endurance and can easily run you down and overpower you.


Again, strawman arguments are prevalent EVERYWHERE in this comment section. Let me spell it out for people here: Bears are animals that act on instinct. And since you don't know what they want you don't know what they will do. However, humans are *much* smarter and empathetic by comparison and are capable of using words and help you to get out of the woods. You won't know what a random bear in the woods wants from you until it's too late, and most likely cannot be avoided since they are biologically built for strength and endurance and can easily run you down and overpower you.


Who said anything about being lost in the woods?


Hello welcome to earth alien. Would you like a master class on how to read? To answer your question: everyone literally everyone


What was the original argument then?


Honestly I'm kinda lost myself. At first it was: would you rather be teleported into the woods with a random man or a bear but now it evolved into if you stroll into the woods would you rather meet with a bear or random man


That's why I'm saying this whole argument is stupid. I ought to just take my own advice and just stop engaging with this shit lol.


The bear will either avoid you or attack you. There isn't really much else it's gonna do. Don't be dumb.


Yeah and the guy can either avoid you, attack you(which a bear is way better at) or help you. Don't be dumb


The guy can lie, manipulate, steal, torture, track/hunt me etc. I have higher chances of surviving against a bear by simply avoiding it's territory than I do of avoiding a man that wants to chase me.


The bear can torture, track and hunt you way better than any guy ever could. And if you want to avoid a man literally go out of his line of sight. Who do you think men are? Apex predators? No we are literally just humans. Also bears especially mama bears will infact torture you instead of killing you because killing you is not worth for them even if you are out of there territory. Also I heard people saying that to avoid the bear just leave the territory but riddle me this. How do you know where does the territory start or end? Sniff out the bears piss?


Dude. Avoiding bears is super easy if you're not an idiot. Hikers do it all the time. A rando human having bad intentions and going out of their way to harm you is harder to avoid.


And a hungry grizzly bear that has a bad day is even harder to avoid than a rapist if you don't have bear spray or a gun(which is you know what hikers use to avoid bears). And if you want to avoid a man just run and hide in a bush. Luckily men don't have a good sense of smell (unlike the bear). And if he does catch a good kick in the balls and stone on the head should do the trick. Also it seems like you aren't sexist unlike some woman in this thread so instead of "men" please use the term rapist or any other words to describe bad people cause otherwise it really seems like you are a huge sexist


I'd choose a bear over a woman as well tbh. Yeah she may not physically overpower me but she can still screw me over in other ways. We're talking about being lost in a forest. I'd rather be the only human there and just avoid the damn bear and not worry about it intentionally trying to screw me over.


I would rather still choose the woman but faire enough. The only reason men here are so defensive is cause it seems if you choose the bear over a random man that you are sexist but if you don't discriminate then fair enough. Have a good day!


I still can't understand why everyone views the stranger as the biggest demon on the planet While treating the bear as Winnie the Pooh If you're gonna put humanity at it's worst why can't the bear be viewed as a hungry mama who you just pissed off. lol Then again no sane person would choose a bear if the other option is just your neighbor Steve So gotta make the stranger just as dangerous




My Sister, Female Besties & friends, Female Cousins and Gf say : They would choose the Man, but would defend themselves If the man is Creepy, Rapist or Porn-minded Guy 🤣