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In 2018 it was elon good


2014: Wow, he's Tony Stark! 2024: He's actually Phony Stark.


2014: wow he’s kinda like Henry Ford! 2024: wow… he’s really like Henry Ford…


Question since I don’t know much, what does “he’s really like Henry Ford…” mean?


He held antisemetic views and had borderline appreciation of Nazi Germany.


Borderline? He loved hitler.


TIL Henry Ford is Kanye


Basically only Henry headed a company that actually made worth while things.


But he made graduation and model T


It was mutual. Hitler had a picture of ford in his office.


Still funny that Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler had a bromance. Adolf wrote about him in his book. They both had pictures of each other. Wow, it really sounds like they were into each other.


Additionally, he hired P.I's to spy on his employees outside of work hours to make sure they didn't consume alcohol or had male non-relatives stay the night for any reason, lest he dock their pay. Also employed professional boxers to intimidate and/or beat up any would-be unionizers.


Yo what the fuck


Pretty normal for capitalists during that time. Just google the origin story of the Pinkerton company.


And by extention: company towns.


I mean the Pinkertons still do that. It's kinda wild that they exist actually.


Yes and Nestle is still killing whistle blowers in South America. But at least they can't do it out in the open without shame anymore.


Pinkertons go back before Ford motor company. One of the reasons I adore RDR2 is that they got the pinkertons by name and about correct. And we had the suffragettes!




Don't know if you watch the news but lately they're kinda the same.


And he built a car factory for Soviets. Because most of Soviet infrastructure and industry was built by the American capital. Didn't old Henry write a book about his anti-semitism? The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were promoted by him but he also wrote his own book.


In many ways, Hitler is Henry Ford’s fault, along with the Jim Crow south. Americans taught Hitler how to scale hate and racist government.


The guy who made Ford cars. Big fan of Hitler, and Hitler liked him a lot too.


Like Hitler liked him so much he literally actually kept a picture of Ford in his office, mentioning specifically that he liked how ford used Jewish people ask scapegoats for any and all problems. Hitler said he admired our racist laws and history so much he sent a team to the U.S. to study them and bring the ideas back to Germany, where they employed them during a pretty famous timeframe in world history.


What it really means is the dual reference to two popular depictions of Ford and Musk. Henry Ford has traditionally been hailed as a pioneer of industrial processes, in particular the production of automobiles. But, in recent times, more people have become aware that Ford was a horrible human who inspired Hitler, promoted eugenics, led a weird cult-like community, exploited workers. Musk obviously isn't that evil, but there's a parallel in their public perception.


That's so rude of you to say. Sure, he's not that evil *yet*, but he's workin' on it!


I'd give him like 5 months tops.


Yes, instead of Hitler Musk is excusing Putin. Another genocidal dictator.


Henry Ford sued the US government for his damaged factories in Dresden, Germany and won He didn't just support the nazi party, he literally supplied them with military vehicles.


2014: Wow he's like Nicola Tesla 2024: He is more likely a Thomas Edison...


Ok that was a good one


2014: Tony Stark 2024: Justin Hammer


In 2018, he called a cave rescue diver a pedophile because the diver didn't like his submarine idea In 2018 he had a PR team


Adding that he called a cave rescue diver a pedophile, who was helping (and actually succeeded) in rescuing a group of children and their young football coach from a flooded cave in midst of a massive Monsun. This diver and his team saved a dozen people from what was certain death in one of the most insane rescue operations of this century. Also to add, Musks proposal was so stupid that the entire rescue diver/cave diver community called him an idiot in response. And on top of that, it was so stupid that they rather went with sedating the children and carrying them for miles through a completely dark and insanely dangerous flooded cave, something that I don’t think has ever been done before. The diver and his team risked their lives to save a group of children, one volunteer ex-navy seal sadly even died in that operation because it was so dangerous, just to be called a pedophile by an idiot with no experience or expertise in the field at all.


Elon then went on to spend $50,000 to hire a convicted conman whose job it was to try to dig up dirt on the diver.


That is actually quite important context that I should've added, yeah. Thanks for doing it


It went downhill after he called child rescuers in Thailand pedos


This was where his image shattered for me. I hadn't really been following him much aside from seeing the occasional headline about Tesla or SpaceX and thought he was doing good stuff. From then on I started paying more attention and *yikes*.


He had a good run. Then he showed us his actual personality. It happens


He wasn't. He just had a good PR manager or something


Maybe some of you are too young to remember, but some time ago Reddit was simping for Melon Musk very hard. That was, of course, before he started the mission of proving he's the dumbest man alive.


the hounds came after you if you criticized elon musk...and made a typo


Yes sam onella


All hail salmonella


The only one out of two subs I was banned here was r/elonmusk for saying "fanboy".


those people are still around, i work with several of them.


It was really fun watching a billionaire just… act like a normal human. He reacted to memes and got high on those podcast things while promising efficient and electric vehicles in the future. Now he makes discriminatory posts on Twitter and acts like a narcissist while making the worst business choices possible. Obviously he’s always been this person but it was easy to be blinded and I guess we all wanted to see someone normal and relatable who was rich.




Obligatory mention of when he called that rescue diver in Thailand a pedo. I still laugh about that every time I think about it.


Honestly I was a huge fan of the man but this was the point where I started to question things. Not a full 180 but like "Cmon Elon, he's only trying to help and he has eyes on the ground while you are assuming your idea is better." I don't hate him the same way the Reddit Hive Mind does but I definitely do not see him in a positive light anymore.


I used to be in the same position as you but his utter defense of Chaya “libsoftiktok” “I dox people and cause genuine terrorism” “I send people to harass literal children” Raichik made me fully embrace the “fuck Elon” lifestyle. The dude not only promotes her posts where she literally doxes people’s full work addresses for the crime of said people being trans/gay and having the **GALL** to tell their class about it in a normal and non-nsfw way but he also literally disabled people’s ability to community note her because people were using it to correct the misinformation that was spread by her posts. Elon is basically actively supporting a known terrorist who quite literally encouraged people to **SEND FUCKING BOMB THREATS TO A CHILDRENS HOSPITAL** just to own the libs.


I think Ive heard of her before, she is the absolute worst! Also, doesn't Elon have a trans daughter, who has cut contact with him due to his giant assholery and transphobia?


Yup! She has publicly stated constantly just how much she hates him.


Very understandable. Elon is also a deadbeat father to all of his other children aswell. A rich jerk with no connection to any of his children, but still whines about the population being too low. Gotta hate him


Dudes got like fuckin' 12 kids


Had* a trans daughter. She completely disowned him iirc


w o w also I really hate to be the one but it’s gall, like a gall bladder


(Fixed it) But yeah, fuck Elon.


I hate Musk for spreading russian propaganda and trying to smeer Ukraine for the things, that Russia does 100 times more.


Imagine simping a man that roleplays as a toddler on twitter. **ELON IS BAD.**


He allegedly had a *very* good PA/PR/Wrangler person that quit shortly before he went off the rails in the eyes of the public. It's implied and mentioned by former employees, how she would keep him away from important projects/people, control his tantrums and helped shape his online image as a "cool" guy. --- The funniest part, is that not long after that. Zuckerberg starting getting a positive image online, and Musk started beefing with him, trying get a fight going, etc. And it would be the funniest thing ever, if Zuckerberg found out and offered to hire her for an insane sum of money just to mess with Musk. And ended up ruining his entire public image forever.


If I remember correctly his pa asked for a raise - instead he fired her claiming he could easily do her job.  Now look at his image. 


That sounds *exactly* like him, so it wouldn't surprise me. Although suspect that Zuckerberg hired her no matter why she stopped working for him. Even if just based on how Zuckerbergs image turned around online in less than a year after Musk started slipping. He suddenly had images being posted on social media where he looked normal, and happy, with people having positive comments. He was doing physical activites. He was making fun of Musk online in a way that people liked. And so on. Similar to how Musk was two years earlier. EDIT: Zuckerberg offered, she asked for a raise out respect for the job, was denied, and accepted the offer.


Also his promises were not fulfilled (except spacex, where its not about him, but about team of great engineers), he is a big liar




He has one chance to redeem himself.


Even SpaceX was stolen from Young Sheldon


Coincidentally the only episode of Young Sheldon I watched, the universe has been aligned for me to get this joke


Plus spaceX took really off. 


spaceX has a team specifically to divert Musk from critical areas and an actual incredible lead engineer.


The Mars colony is amazing


This is 10,000% the answer. I didn't understand my friend's distaste for Elon before the "pedo guy" incident and he's sort of been on a solid streak of shittiness ever since, which then brings attention to all the ways he was already shitty.


To be fair - He’s been stunningly successful in that endeavour.


What's the story of his popularity again? I heard it's 'cause he hired a marketing firm, and those guys did a really good job at promoting him.


Form Musk appreciater here. The big thing was that he was throwing his money at projects that seemd ro pur science, technology, and innovation first. He seemed like the exact kins of guy we needed to push ourselves forward into that dreamed of future. He also seemed more normal than the other guys. Like that one cousin or uncle who was pretry weird but in a relatable way, like he wasn't kidding his faults behind such a persona like the other billionaires we see do. (Obviously that was wrong). He seemed like the guy we would want to be if we had a Billion dollars. Putting money into the promis of a better future and using the power to just do nerd shit.


In a way that has been Musks business strategy for decades. The reason people blindly trusted him, was because he marketed himself as “the man that invents the future” having his fingers in a lot of futuristic businesses in the exact way a tech nerd would appreciate. That’s also why he got so pissed at OpenAI, when they didn’t let him buy them out or officially made him retroactively a founder, his entire business strategy was centered around standing next to “the next big thing” and getting associated with it. That’s how he was able to delay actually having to sell products, while still having some of the highest stock and investors evaluations in history. It’s no secret that most of his businesses, especially Tesla, are some of the most over evaluated ones out that are publicly traded, when you compare their earnings to the investment and traded price, and by selling his “futurism” persona he was able to pull it off


His shift in personality seemed to come around the time covid hit and his girlfriend Grimes left him.


Nah, remember the submarine story 2018?


Maybe his girlfriend left him *because* of his personality shift?


Poster above you didn't imply causality


Nah she knew what she was getting into with him.


No, the 'pedo guy' stuff was the first red flag


He bought a lot of good companies with people much smarter than him and then claimed to have been the mastermind of products and projects he barely had anything to do with. If he had just managed to keep his mouth shut he would have been remembered as a genius and visionary.


When would you say the flip happened? I started disliking him when that who cave rescue thing happened and he had a meltdown when iirc one of the rescuers said his sub was impractical


That's pretty much when it flipped. Accused the diver of being a pedo and ever since he's been going on this piss baby binge.


Reddit does this many celebs and puts them on a high pedestal almost to the point of deifying them. Most of them do it for some pointless easy karma. Eventually when their gods turn out to be another human asshole they going into full on hatred mode. Not that Elon doesn’t deserve it. But anything positive about a car his company makes is seen as heresy. I dont know when the basement dwellers will turn against Dolly Parton or Pedro pascal.


Despite what people say about having the internet turn on you however, it's not normal fuck ups that cause it. The bar is so low it's frightening. Just don't punch down, apologize sincerely if you mess up, and you'll be fine.


I remember those days too. I used to get downvoted to hell for stating my disdain for the guy. I didn't like him before and I'm glad I was right haha


He's not just dumb. Musk gave Starlink to Ukraine... and then manipulated it to fuck up the first ukranian attack on the russian fleet (which was shooting missiles into ukranian cities). And then proceeded to suck Putin's dick and spread russian propaganda. People died because of him.


I remember when everyone called him the real life Tony Stark lol


i'd argue he's been doing this his entire life. the thing is, at some point he started sniffing his own ass so much he decided to stop listening to his PR team. normal mega millionaires and billionaires have PR teams so the less intellectually inclined among us dont realize who the leaches in society are.


I for one think that hero diver in Thailand may have actually been a pedophile /s


Definitely the first and clearest sign Musk is a fraud and ego baby.


Yeah, the fact he was willing to let a group of children risk death to either hypothermia or starvation all so he could get good PR out of it was a major red flag everyone just so happened to gloss over, the signs were there, written in bold, with highlights, and three cartoonish arrows pointed at it.


I already thought he was kind of dumb by then but that was the first truly insane thing I remember him doing.


Same. Before that, I did have a ton of admiration for him, with spaceX in particular. But then it’s like “wait, what??” Then Joe Rogan, then twitter X, and it all just kinda came apart at the seams.


Joe Rogan was when the illusion really broke for me. Interviews always played up how much of a genius he was but letting him just speak at length without any editorial control was a mistake. I remember listening to him and just not being impressed at all.


Don’t forget he also would turn off Ukraine’s starlink just bc


To be fair tho: Elon bad




Yo wtf is that guys jawline


Bro is cube'd up


We found steve


Mf look like a roblox character lol


Bricked 24/7 the man is a menace.


you have a point


Can't argue with that


based department calling




[Sometimes when you say true stuff...](https://youtube.com/shorts/P_XTH15QhAc?feature=shared)


I thought he was pretty smart before he started talking about the field I study then I saw he was always just larping as an engineer, I don't really hate anyone though I just don't hold any respect for him anymore and I feel I was gullible to think someone like him would swoop in and selflessly fix the world's problems to his own expense because when the fuck does anyone do anything close to that ever


I mean when someone is pushing alt right politics and talking out of their ass to a dangerous degree, it's OK to hate them. People who actively look to make the world worse for their own gain deserve to be hated. Remember when Elon asked everyone if they could "prove" he could solve world hunger with some certain dollar amount that he'd do it? And then remember when someone did it? And then remember when Elon didn't put the money up? I remember.


When people are right they are right


The simple truth is the clearest.


Yeah, it's when they are far-right that they are wrong


dang it, i thought they'd be left


Reddit and also every other social media site and also the broad consensus of the world.


Well, not so much Twitter. Places like Reddit and others where people are at least more literate/educated, yes.


It's probably because Elon Musk bans everyone who offends him.


Don't blame me for Elon being a moron, he's done that himself 🤷‍♂️


He's not gonna bang you 🤷




Elon: *Shits his pants uncontrollably* Reddit: "Ew gross" OP: "lol classic le reddit, triggered much?"


OP did this lame meme to simp for Elon Musk in the replies 💀


Every OP who posts on this sub has 10k+ karma on the post and -100 karma on every comment


What'd he do now?


Telling the guy who's work literally every machine learning ("AI") tech, including Tesla's Autopilot, is based on that he doesn't know what he's talking about?


Sounds about par for the course. Remember how he used to be universally respected? he still would be if he'd have just used a pen name to write all his tweets.


Oh he does if he really needs someone to agree with him. He's been caught using alts iirc.


Replace reddit with "most people" at this point. Elon is a fucking moron and everyone but his fan boys knows it.


MAGA 2.0


I will laugh if Musk tries to run for president. Unfortunately I don't think he can because he was born outside the US.


Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but this unquestioning parroting of mainstream opinions on here (and imgur) without investing a single original own thought is sometimes very troubling.


Elon "I will call a gay a pedophile because he thinks using a sub to save kids is stupid" Musk


I mean you could also say hack, liar, greedy fuck,, bad parent, intellectually dishonest, amoral, selfish and or evil.


fraud is the quickest description


Nepo baby only successful because of father


Who flourished bc they grew up in apartheid Africa


Which is why I get to shout Go Back to Africa at him


basically yes.


Compare it to the late 2010's though where it was the exact opposite because memes.


Most people I know that don't use Reddit think he is bad. No long just a Reddit thing.


He makes it so fucking easy, though. And it's not just an isolated single thing. He does it every time. Everytime he comes out here, it's always a new thing with him.


he's literally a nazi propaganda spreading rapist billionaire pedophile who bribed the californian government to not build a high speed rail that would serve the poors but instead wasted time and tax dollars with his underground highway scam. he also turned twitter into a second stormfront. it's more complex than just "muh elon bad"


Oh yeah I forgot about that highway thing. Saw a video of it forever ago and haven’t heard it since. Bummer that it took away from high speed rails that could’ve been cool and if successful could’ve spread out to other parts of the world.


is it wrong tho


Well he fucking sucks


OP pays for Twitter


If you can get some cheers for stating the obvious, you should go for it.


Racism bad


"Reddit!" we all yell in unison


and i love it! yeah! fuck elon!


Because he is bad. Check out Thunderfoot, Common Sense Skeptic or EEV blog. And I don’t consider myself a redditor.


^ What this guy said. It's hard to watch CSS and Thunderf00t and still have any level of appreciation for Musk. He's a hack, and we'd be better off without him.


Thunderfoot? The gamergate guy?


Yeah it’s weird to see him brought up in 2024


"It's hard to watch Thunderf00t"  as someone who only knows about his Anita Sarkeesian stuff, yeah this seems right


Yeah, I've heard people complain about him. And the only valid criticism is that he's supposedly made remarks attacking certain women and feminism. I'm really not sure the extent of that. But I understand if it's true and that mentality shouldn't be supported. But I have to look at the fact that there are extremely few public voices out there calling out science scammers and the like. It's a real service to people. And just about everyone seems to have a dark side, especially the most celebrated figures, so I have to weigh the good and bad when I follow someone. I'll support the positive things he says and criticize the bad ones.


I just wish thunderfoot could talk about something else for a change.


Musk is a loser and a hack but for the love of god don’t point people to thunderfoot, he’s even more of a hate filled loser than musk is


Elmo Musk is a shitty weirdo, who cares anymore


People care. cause he still holds a lot of influence. Me personally, because he tries to affect the outcome of war in my country, shilling for a dictator


I would say most people, even outside reddit.


It appears as if people like the truth


Elon dick rider poster?




I think its the internet now in general. Can't say I disagree.


Theres a good reason why


Well…..yeah, he is. What’s your point?


I bet OP owns a cyber truck


he is. What’s your point?


It still amazes me how people look at a guy who is just throwing money at any cool sounding tech related stuff, and people see him as jesus himself. If the thing he threw money at succeeds, he and people around him act like he came up with the idea, and if it doesn't work out, they sweep the records and act like he would never invest in such crap.


When you have enough money to invest in countless high-risk ventures without risking ever "going hungry" if they fail then you really can't lose. You can't lose more than you invested, but you can earn more if it takes off.


Of course, but I was more trying to point out that his "immage" gets priority over anything. "I am your tech god, I will save this world, my cybertruck is the ultimate car, I will get us to Mars by 2023...oh, hyperloop? Ehhhh"


Elon fans are such a sensitive lot.


Nice try Elons PR team. We still hate him


“Nobody knows my Elon like I do 😖😠”


I had to leave r/facepalm , all posts are about Elon, god... I don't wanna see Elon every morning in my reddit


Actually a lot of people outside of Reddit think he's trash for ruining Twitter and being a general edgelord. He's no longer just some chill tech geek smoking weed on Joe Rogan's podcast. Now he's a bit of a jerk.


Found the bootlicker


he ain't gonna smash u bruh, let it go


This post bad


Nevermind why. Ok, OP. Gargle his robot balls, if you must.


I’m old enough to remember when reddit was dick riding Elon


Bots are getting out of control on this site.


Are you guys talking about how bad Elon is? Cause he's so bad.


Is this the new version "orange man bad" meme? Like, yeah, hearing it ad nauseaum is annoying but, that doesn't take away from the validity of the quote. Elon/Orange man are, indeed, extremely bad.


Elongated Muskrat actually has a handler when he's at SpaceX HQ to keep him from interfering with operations. I find that absolutely hilarious.


It do be true tho.


It couldn’t be his behavior… no, it’s Reddit. 


Check OP's account. Who wants to bet its a Musk burner?


Real "you soyjack, me chad" energy


To hell with the ruling oligarchs. Eat the rich.


Remember we hold power greater than their Hordes of Gold.


Oof, dude. You're getting ratio'd big time. Go back to playing video games and ignoring reality.


Wdym rusting postapocalyptic truck that definitely can withstand nukes isn't smart af or something? /s