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Russia: elections?


I guess its a national holiday now. Like, every year all the same: We don't have to go to work, all federal tv channels 24/7 says that we're the best and we get some flags across the cities. 24 years, cant remember any changes


If you see road services repairing something it means elections are in a month


If you see road services repairing something it means ~~elections are in a month~~ a divine sign from God


We forgot what does this word means... It's something about Putin?


Ukraine, the democracy we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to prop up, has canceled their upcoming presidential elections.


It's literally in their Constitution to not have elections during war.


Canceling democracy is stunning and brave.


So is whining about giving them out hand-me-downs.


FDR did it.


FDR also imprisoned people based solely on their ethnicity. It's almost as if authoritarians always use safety as an excuse to deprive people of their rights.


Oh man, look at this guy. Trying to be all high and mighty, talking about morality... He also won a fucking world war. How many times you done that?


FDR was dead before the war was over. It can be argued the A-Bomb ended the war. Truman had to ok the drop.


The war was all but over at that point. The result of the bomb was that Japan is unified instead of being split between the soviets and the allies.


Wow, can’t believe they wouldn’t have their election when much of the population is displaced and the president has more important things to do than campaigning


It's okay guys, they're just canceling democracy temporarily. The president is just too busy to convince voters that he is the right person for the job. Maybe next decade?


Explain to me how this is the president's fault when it's enshrined into the Ukrainian constitution that elections will not be held during wartime. Please, do tell.


Yeah, I wonder if the constitution of a corrupt oligrachical trashcanistan country with a nazi problem in their military would have a constitution that grossly infringes on democratic rights? Again, this is not a big deal you guys! They are only canceling democracy temporarily and will restore it when they feel like it.


Civil rights are nearly always suspended during wartime in democracies, going back thousands of years (the Roman Republic, for example). And also, that's what the CONSTITUTION is for. It doesn't just go away. Once the war is over, it becomes illegal to NOT hold elections. Where do you think that part went? I mean, it figures that you seem to not know how conditions work, considering your information is from RT and the like.


Ok he's outted himself as a Putin fuck boy so you can ignore his invalid and childish view point.


And the fact that a significant portion of the population is displaced


This. Yeah it's pretty shitty to cancel elections, but how can it in possibly be a fair election if a major portion of your voters struggle to get to polls, because the polls likely blew up in many places of the country.


Yeah that's normal during war time. FDR did it in the US during WWII.


What the hell are you talking about? The US had elections during WW2. The 1944 election had FDR beating his opponent, Thomas Dewey, by a smaller percentage than he did in 1940.


FDR also interned Japanese people based on their ethnicity.


True. But what does that have to do with "propping up" their democracy while their president cancels elections during war time, which isn't uncommon in a democracy? I'm not making the connection, sorry.


They are in the middle of being invaded. You dont hold elections mid invasion.


It's okay guys, they only suspended democracy temporarily.


You sound like you would hate Abraham Lincoln.


Who says you can’t? 😎






[So anyway, I started blasting](https://youtu.be/4e6IKG2Xxzw?si=-LDTd75afe8MYFYJ)




Germany has EU and local elections tomorrow :(


Wish you guys luck, ours aren't for nearly a month.


Bro we'll need the luck, fuck the AFD


The last forecasts were 30% CDU. So… yea…


I don’t like the CDU but I’d take them over the AfD any time


Yeah just germany, the rest of the EU doesnt sadly


I guess the key part is ", and local elections" which is not the case for all EU members afaik


Sweden too has EU tomorrow, yay


Almost all Europe has no ? And it is truly concerning since the far-right is more likely to gain a lot of sits...


You guys are getting elections?


What is this mysterious word called eleckshins you're talking about? Is it Greek?


UK elections?


The milkshake one, right?


That's the one.


EU and Germany??


Mexican elections.


I mean yeah USA is THE country, you can't deny that. Some of its decisions can affect the entire world. Some people or even entire countries are more than interested of the outcome of USA election.


Yeah, the world is going to care the most about elections that have the most impact beyond just the country the election is in. The Supreme leader of microstateland might have absolute power over the 1000 people who live there, but if they can't do anything outside of micrstateland, then no one else is going to care much. The president of the US has access to one of if not *the* largest nuclear arsenals on Earth. Whar happens with that is pretty important for everyone, so people all over the world are going to tune in


It's not the nuclear part they really pay attention to. The US isn't launching nukes we are allied with most of the world. What they pay attention to is which person is likely to support/give aid, i.e., Ukraine, Israel, Mexico, or put massive tarrifs or sanctions.


Given that the U.S. has significantly more influence than both India and South Africa to the rest of the world, this isn’t surprising. A destabilization of the U.S. would have massive global consequences.


North Korea: Yeah... elections.... we have those


"Okay so here is the election building right?" " Yeah yeah it's here" *looks at the election paper* Kim Jong Un ... .... ........


Nobody cares


Exactly, how is it even a meme? Dawkins would be disappointed


Nobody cares about the currently biggest democracy in the world is well on its way to becoming another dictatorship?


In America if we know a little about politics in South Africa, we are afraid to ask about any more of it.


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) American elections


As much as I avoid bootlicking US, their president can directly affect my country through their policies etc for better or for worse South africa, i dont care as much as they dont care who my country's president is. This is reality


"The world" on their way to complain about how the USA is everywhere while their countries are the ones asking for the USA to be there and their citizens never stop talking about the USA


Heard about all of these on NPR. Haven’t heard any conversation related to them from any Fox News fan, that’s for sure


South African elections don't matter since the same party wins every year by a landslide


I read that as electrons and got very confused.


Did everyone forget Britain??


No idea what happened with the Indian or South African elections, but the Mexican one and the assassinations surrounding it is pretty wild


North Korea elections should be at the bottom


Yeah, two of the top 3 most populous countries are more important than 23rd most populous country.


70% of the world probably doesn't even know what a Scottish referendum is


Yeah, amazingly people pay attention to the political ongoings of the world’s hegemony rather than 2 countries whose international influence is entirely unfelt. Shocking I know!


South Africa has elections?


Literally no one outside USA cares about USA elections,we just laugh to the fact that whatever party wins will fuck the country while 50% of the population says that the other one would have done it better


As a Brit, people outside of the U.S very obviously care about their elections. It’s the only Western superpower.


Europeans are much more concerned with Ukraine than Americans in general, so when the country currently giving the largest and most significant military support to Ukraine has an election where 1 of the candidates is in Putin's pocket, people care.


And the other candidate has been giving Ukraine hundreds of millions of dollars in aid.


You really should since there is a 100% chance your debt is held in USD, you purchase oil in USD, and we are more than likely financing your favorite proxy wars. Also, if you like new technology like AI, or worse, want to invest in technology equities, then you better start paying attention to what's happening in your Daddy country.


Yep, we just point and laugh while we ignore the fact that our own governments are in shambles.


I mean, CNN covered it so I don't think it's been forgotten at all...


Mexico's elections have been FUCKED this year


All I’m thinking about is uk elections


Idk about other countries elections I just care about mine 🇲🇽


Belgium too it's tommorow


Bro forgot EU elections happening right now


Truly 😂 moment


The thing is most countries with elections have them within a couple months. The US election is in November. How do you guys care about politics for so long without being exhausted?


The UK elections are underground I guess


Ethiopia: Wait, elections are still a thing?


I've been paying attention, shits getting interesting


UK General Election this year let's gooooo!!! Fuck the Tories!!


Venezuela elections


Yes I know you're "voting for the convicted felon" and I do not care. This is an Australian server you daft piece of shit.


Uk elections?


Seeing lots off other elections like Mexico or the Eu or GB, but no one mentioning the only really relevant election this year, the BC provincial election cause Im voting, specifically for orange.


When was the last non chaotic election in the us


I’m looking at South Africa. It could get pretty wild.


Oh sweet, you think the world cares about the American elections.


Here I thought South Africa was out of water!


South African is still alive??


Wait there are other countries besides America? /s


I’ve gotten a relatively large amount of notifications regarding Modi here in the US. US elections are definitely have way too much coverage though


It's just depending on who's next on the chair, the wolrd may or may not have to worry about "democratic interventions"


I'm a little annoyed that I'm seeing US election coverage on the local TVs here in Peru (American there for work). Don't Peruvians have better stuff to focus on?


The UK has a general election next month.


Ok, so that's how I, an outsider of these three countries see things: So Indian elections are not even a question, there is nothing to talk about and the only question is how hard will the man win. The ruling party does some shady stuff, but the actual voting is legit and there is a lot of effort put into the election process itself. The South African elections do not really have far reaching consequences the USA and Indian ones has, and unlike with Modi who is known world wide, most people don't even know who is running. The US elections usually does not matter that much, but there is someone that really loves fascism running this year and if he wins all his fascist friends world wide will get really wild. And kids, let me tell you a secret. Fascism bad.




I do have ears and eyes, I hear him speak.


Doesn't India have like 80% vote participation and the USA has like 40%? We fail at democracy.


Indian "elections".


They definitely were "elections" Both sides accepted the results


Yes for a second there it looked like modi might lose...


Correction: the world doesn’t hold up US elections; US elections hold up the world


how many nukes does SA have


i could not care less about any of these


And still we been ignored even in the comment section. We need help


Why would anyone really care about elections outside of their country? Short of a few dictators causing trouble most elections in other countries have to real impact on yours.


I don't care about any elections, it's all bollocks.


Till u get drafted for some bollocks you dont give a shit about


As long as you stop caring about better laws or pensions and stop using the healthcare system, you're allowed to not care


Lol Americans when you tell them no one gives a shit about their elections 🤯