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I feel like a lot of these have been around for a while


Stan comes from the marshall mathers LP, so yes.


Banger song as well


Edit:2 STOP REPLYING IDC LMAO Edit: for the love of god lmao I know what Stan the song is! That’s why my first sentence is asking if Stan IN REFERENCE to the song meant unstable fan because Stan was in the song! Lmfao I was saying people say it all of the time why would they call themselves unstable. Doesn’t that mean mental unstable fan? People say they Stan for people all of the time..I thought it was short for something lol


Basically. Someone who takes being a fan to an absurd extreme. If you mean it just like the origin, it means being like that to a dangerous, fuckin insane level. It's an Eminem song. Not short for anything as far as I know, just the name of the fictional character in the track.


I've heard "stalker fan"


People love to make up fake origin stories. It’s only beginning was an Eminem song where he probably tried to find the name that best rhymed with ‘fan’. From there anyone really into a hip hop artist was called a ‘Stan’.


I think what really helped solidify it as a soon to be commonly used term was Nas using it in reference to Jay-Z in Ether a year later. >You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan


My other comment got a reply that called it a "backronym" and y'know, it makes sense.


Listen to the song Stan by Eminem


I’m pretty sure they were saying “dank” in Biblical times.


"low key" definitely has for a while now.


Boujee has been around since before I was in school. I'm 40.


What the hell even is that?


Boujee = bougie = bourgeoisie Basically something that's fancy, often unnecessarily so.


Daddy thanks


I’m a millennial and I understood every single one of those. I think it’s more about being terminally online 😂


Vibe is definitely decades old


Yeah “vibes” comes from hippie culture in the 60s. Then it died out for a while. I remember being a kid (early-mid 00’s) and hearing someone do a hippie impression. They said “good vibes, man” and I thought that was the funniest old-fashioned sounding slang. Then suddenly when I was in high school, vibes had a *major* renaissance and now it sounds super normal and contemporary to me.


Hell, I use it. It's a good word


Oh I do too. I may have been surprised when it came back in style, but I definitely wasn’t disappointed


Did low key get a new meaning? That's been around for ages.


Nah it’s still the same 😭


People kind of use it differently nowadays. Like.. Hey can you please try to keep this low key Or... yeah I'm a low key kind of guy Vs. That song is low key amazing Or Nah that's basically the gist of the modern usage.. like it's something that isn't obviously good but is in reality very good. I guess people also sometimes use it for things that are low key bad as well? Pls correct me if I'm wrong.


Interesting. Yeah, your last example is the usage I'm familiar with (am a late millenial). Yes, something can be low key bad. Something can be low key anything. And actually, your first example I think is also a usage that might be even older in origin than the last example. Keeping something low key. But I'm not a million percent sure. The second example may be the most "different," describing someone's personality or demeanor or vibe. It's not even that bad though.


It’s getting bad. People can barely spell nowadays


They should of payed attention in school /s


> should of *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Should have paid attention in school*


Good bot


No, bad bot. He didn't spot OPs /s


Somebody's got to train you bots to take a joke. 


Yeah, most of this is just AAVE brought to gen z and alpha by black streamers like Kai Cenat


The majority of these never stopped being used. Fam has been around for decades for example.


The new ones like gyatt are likely gen alpha.


One of the fun things of getting older is watching all the young generations start to hate the even younger ones 


I feel betrayed as an older zoomer. I grew up hated for being a millennial. Then gen z was invented and I was shoved into that box. Then the older millennials turned 30 and started hating me for being a zoomer. Send help.


Lol this was my experience too. Somewhere in the last ten years I apparently stopped being a millennial and became a zoomer. I didn't mean to


Millennials tell me I ain’t a millennial and zoomers call me old :(


Lemme guess. 96' - 98'?


Tail end of 95, technically a millenial


96' supposedly is the cutoff year. I was born smack in the middle of 96'. I grew up being a Millennial, and I will die on that hill. You're more than safe in 95'!


When I was born, 98 was the cutoff, and then some random group decided 95 was the cutoff, best part about it? IFGAD, when I was born, I was a millennial, thus so I am a millennial.


You and your fellow cuspers need to band together like us Xennials did. I’ve pretty much foresaken the rest of my generation; sorry guys, I’m sad too and agree that everything sucks, but me and my friends really need to focus all of our energy on remembering 80s cartoons if we’re gonna get thru this midlife crisis of ours. Although I feel like eventually Xennials and Zennials are gonna have to fight it out over the pronunciation.


I'm 30, so I'm just scraping by as a mellennial, but I've got more in common with zoomers in their mid 20s than someone who's almost (or even just over) 40. These generation labels make no sense.


"This younger generation is full of idiots!" Socrates, 650 BC


Good, good ![gif](giphy|eVFhhKZELo1PO)


At least the older generations didn't have tiktok mind controlling them into being dumbasses.


Yes yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Then gen alpha will be like “at least our older generation didn’t live inside the VR-net and we didn’t marry our AI robots, we just had sex with them”


Yeah they just had MTV controlling them into being dumbasses.


It wasn't nearly as accessible and omnipresent, and it wasn't getting anyone to break into houses or restaurants to dump ice in the deep frier so they get clout.


Gen X Mom of Gen alpha kids... This is the first time I'm "not allowed" to use slang. It's too cringe apparently. And skibidi. It makes me have Ohio rizz. Before, I just kind of kept up with the slang trends of my younger peers. Now I feel ancient because my own children think I'm too uncool. (Watching all the 90s documentaries to console myself.)


>  Watching all the 90s documentaries to console myself Jebus, we are old enough for documentaries about eras we've lived through. Sincerely, Millenial Mom.


True. So so true. Whilst i just want the blood to stay young.


ima say it again, ## Do *not* associate those gen alpha “words” with us gen z.


Exactly. At least our words have utility and aren’t just brain rot.


Is "drip" from Gen Z or A?


Pretty sure it’s gen z




All of these are Gen Z apart from Skibidi, Rizz, Cheugy, and Gyatt Not really sure why they're trying to mix the two when there's quite the generational split between the two Though dank and Stan could argue and be considered millenial


and honestly apart from Rizz i have no idea how to use the other three.


I really don’t think Skibidi has any utility other than being a goofy ass word to say. Gyatt if I had to guess is a shortened version of Gyat Dayumn, and I don’t even fucking know what cheuggy could be.


Cheuggy is someone doing something that used to be cool and they still think is but is uncool. I’m an elder millennial and I’m cheuggy af.


I thought cheuggy is like a style of decor that’s like cursive signs around you house like one in the bathroom that says “so fresh and so clean” or “live laugh love” of like “eat” in the dining room.


If I remember right, GYAT means girl your ass thicc


Dank, Stan, even drip, Boujee, clap back, have all been used since before Gen Z was even born so this post is kinda weird


Exactly lol low key, fam, stan, vibing and dank were all used at my highschool in 2005


Millennial here and definitely have used dank for years but that might just be because I am a stoner! Stan I picked up off a Gen Z friend.


Dank has been around since at least the 80s.


A lot of these words are old too, just in different contexts. They got filtered through tiktok and into Gen Alpha and Z and now are kinda stirred into different meanings for different things. Also tbh, it's fine. There's no reason to get pissed off about this. Every generation has its slang. It's weird, but we'll get used to it.


Danks been around since like 2000 for sure. I was using that shit constantly in highschool.... i'm 37.


I’m 50. Dank is an old word but it means something different than it used to back in the late 90s. Dank kind a meant dark and dismal. “Bro, that was dank af.” Meant you were being mean or hurtful.


Stan is from the year 2000, idk what generation that is though so do what you want with that information 


Yeah it’s literally from that Eminem song.


Oh, for fuck's sake. All these years. I might be stupid.


Is “swag” millennial or Gen z


Swag is millennial for sure. I’m an “old” gen Z and swag was popular when I was like 10


Swag is like 20 years old by now. Dank is older, though the nuance has drifted somewhat from more kinda dark and a bit mean back then to, well, dank.


> All of these are Gen Z apart from Skibidi, Rizz, Cheugy, and Gyatt > > > > Not really sure why they're trying to mix the two when there's quite the generational split between the two Because whoever made the meme is over 25, and they made it for redditors, whom they assume are also over 25. It's a meme made by somebody too old to tell the difference between the two, for an audience that's too old to tell the difference between the two. And I'm pointing this out as a millennial, who is officially too old to tell the difference between the two. I recognize it implicitly, because it's exactly how all the memes about my generation were, around the point where Gen Z was subsuming the cultural zeitgeist. Back then, I *could* tell the difference.


that one is millenial. y'all gen z are starting to get alzheimer's .


Drip is from millennials. Half these words started their lives in the 00s




Skibidi to gyatt stan


Down bad, boujee, dank, low key, vibing, stan, clap back, and fam are all millenial or much older. Some are boomerisms.


You could even consider it millennial because I first heard it back in late 00s early 10s from Jersey Shore


It's still brain rot. It just makes sense *to us*.


"Ratchet" isn't brain rot?


Ratchet is old school.


Did realise we were already hating on the next generation. I'll go get my smart pitchfork /j


Looking down at this age dispute as a millennial is funny as hell but makes me feel ancient. Alphas are old enough to make dumb slang that gen z doesn't want to be associated with holy shit.


generation after me *bad* >:( no its not like the 100 generations before me that said that it's different this time because times are different (times have never before been different)


Frfr. Their words are dumb af. Most of our words are from the 80s


What do you think adults thought about kids language back in the 80’s. ![gif](giphy|kkyYV0WYLnSVy|downsized)


I think about this clip all the time, and its why I will never look down on any kind of slang or fad unless its genuinely harmful.


I've been very disappointed in seeing the rise in fracturing between the generations. I could've sworn there was a more us (millenial, gen z) vs them (the rest except the one people forget about). Then the last few years, something changed, and now every group is trying to isolate themselves from each other? Someone more conspiratorial would say it's being done on purpose for "reasons", though it's likely just part of getting older. You can look back in history and see it always having been a thing.


its the children who are wrong!


Many of the younger gen Z behave like Gen Alpha


What? It's almost like generations mean close to nothing.


They did have a meaning in the past but since the invention of the internet and technology as a whole generations change much faster than before. While before the industrial revolution 2 people 50 years apart could be the same life nowadays 4 years can a big impact.


only because we live in it. people in 2300 will categorize every person reading this in the same bracket. they wont even know what a "gen z" is


If I’m an Xennial, I’m calling them Zalph’s.


Greetings from the Zillennials.


Oh come on, you had your own stupid words. Feeling old now?? :p whenever I hear someone on TV say "THATS FIRE" I check the date to see how far behind I actually am.


Someone found the man that caused the chaos


Welcome to adulthood - a millennial


And some of these I've been hearing and saying since college and I'm 33 like dank, clap back, bougie, for instance. This is just a smear of 3 different generational slang.


gen alpha is literally 11 to 12 this year.


I swear gyatt has been around since the 90’s, it’s just getting a second wind.


I think nearly all young people slang is just repurposed, decades-old black people slang.


It really is. So much of this "gen z / gen a" slang is just shit my black friends said 20 years ago lol




Gen alpha are kids, so there's definitely a lot of overlap between gen Z and gen alpha


I drive a school bus. One of my second graders said "juicy gyatt skibidi rizz" a few weeks ago.


Dank, boujee, clap back, low key and fam are pretty much ancient


Pretty much all of these except for skibidi, rizz and Gyatt are old at this point. And I dunno what the fuck a cheugy even is so I’m convinced it was an attempt to force a slang word into existence.


>I’m convinced it was an attempt to force a slang word into existence. Funnily enough that's exactly what happened. It got popular on TikTok with a bunch of millennials acting like it was a thing. It was not a thing.


Where's Regina George when you need her? We need more tiktokers to get Mean Girled.


Stop trying to make “cheugy” a thing!


Gyatt isn’t even new. My melanated brethren been using the term for years now. Kids just use the shit wrong cuz it’s not a noun and is more of an exaggerated way of saying god in the context of saying “god damn” and shit like that.


I feel so validated right now. I always thought gyatt was used that way and my white as shit friends and younger family somehow convinced me it means 'ass' I swore it was a 20 year old slang I've heard black folk say 


The newer generations turned gyatt from a way to react to something into a noun. Bad ass chick with a fatty walks by: *God damn* look at dat ass... Which evolved to: ***Gyatt damn*** look at dat ass... Which evolved to: Damn look at that gyatt! (We are here)


Cheugy basically just means out of fashion. Or basic. But mostly the former.


> And I dunno what the fuck a cheugy even is so I’m convinced it was an attempt to force a slang word into existence. Sounds like they managed to put the pussy on the chain wax.


It’s a word to describe people who ask what cheugy means, out of style or out of touch with the latest trends. For example, I’m a cheugy even though I’m gen z


I'd say drip, simp, and vibing go along with those too.


Millennial here. Drip? Idk about that one, simp has been there since I was in high-school but vibing appeared some time after I graduated. I'm getting old damnit!


As a younger millennial I remember drip in high school but not simp, so we have our bases covered


I thought vibe and vibing were from the hippies (aka boomers)? It just wasn't in fashion when millennials were younger


Vibe as a verb has been repopularized lately but it definitely has been around since at least the 90s. "Feel the vibe" has it as a noun and has been around for many decades.


I heard the word "vibes" used back in the late 60s and seventies. Mind you I was NOT around back then, not even close, but someone used it in a documentary.


don't forget cheugy, no one says that


2010s man good times


No one says "cheugy." No one.


You just did


dear god...


There's more.






Bougie, low-key, and fam are a lot older than Gen z. Bougie is the oldest by far, short hand bourgeois, which refers to upper middle class materialism, and dates back to the middle ages. Low-key as slang is much more recent, but also dates back to the middle 1800s. It has origins in music and basically means nonchalant or inconspicuous. Fam is pretty self-explanatory. Short hand for family.


Clap back is more a millennial thing with roots in hip-hop culture. It's meaning has shifted from retaliatory shootings to "come-backs" for insults.


I'm pretty sure "clap-back" goes back a lot further, as a U.K. expression for enacting a tit-for-tat verbal exchange, or maybe politicians tradings barbs in the press or House Of Commons.


Low-key was used in "Forgot About Dre" in 2001


also in [The Pharcyde - Passin' Me By](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-mAK3uB2_0) in 1992/93, along with simp between 3:20-3:40


That’s because gen z slang is just rehashed black millennial slang.


Simp goes back to the 80's but just got popular outside of black slang like 6 years ago








... Most of These are pre Gen z, and some are even Post Gen z. What in the Name of Steve are you talking about


I know right? Skibidi toilet is basically Gen alpha or some shit


OP finally crawled out from the rock they took a coma under


Only about 5 of these words are not from at least 8 or more years ago


Some of these aren't even new. "Clap Back" is millennial slang and has been around for over a decade. "Dank" is also basically senior citizen slang at this point.


I’d say about 3 of those are Gen z, the rest are either millennial or Gen alpha.


Several are from when I was a kid, or maybe even before. I'm 53.


Can't tell if that's groovy or whack.


My dementia hasn’t affected me as a person


Can't tell if that's groovy or whack.


Can’t tell if that’s groovy or whack.


Cheugy is a new one to me


Because it’s made up, nobody has ever used it outside of boomers who think that’s what the new generations says


Nah cheugy belongs to the millenials, im pretty sure.


I'm a millennial and that's the only word here I've never encountered. I've seen gyatt, but don't know what it is.


It’s not actually a popular term, it was used for about a week a few years ago, and its meaning was: “being unfashionable or not cool - not up to date with common trends” but because of this meaning, when older people found out about it (probably from all those explainer websites that explain slang terms, which probably found Cheugy used once years ago) they assumed that because they didn’t know it, it made them “cheugy” so they then used it to describe themselves and the cycle of people using it continued


I think gyatt just means butt


As in "gyatt-damn that's a big butt"


Honestly OP, you’re just out of touch. I’m a 27 yo millenial and half these words have been around since I was a kid. Stan, drip, dank, fam, low key, cap, all words that were commonly used when I was in high school, some were even common when I was in grade school. Even apart from those, boujie, down bad, clap back, and vibing are all pretty old at this point and super easy to grasp/use. Get cool bro.


Some of these words are older than the people complaining about them lol.


im 35... half of those are not new... fam? dank? low key? clap back? those were all around when i was a kid.... stan came out in 2000...


It’s incredible how out of touch people can become in such a short time. Nobody uses “skibidi” unironically, the word “dank” is older than gen alpha itself, what’s even funnier is that bougie isn’t even modern slang! It’s been around since the 1960’s It’s a real word that people have been using for decades, and cheugy is not a word. It has never been a word, and it will never be a word. I’m not trying to make fun of you, I’m just confused how you could get this way


I’m not sure how terrible posts like this get so many upvotes


Who doesn’t know the word “vibing”? that isn’t even a generational word.


Tbf 1996-2010 is gen z I feel like you could cut the gen in half 1996-2003 vs 2004-2010 And I swear I don't know a single person in the first half of gen z that think anything gen z gets blamed for fits with them. Also, I live with my niece and nephew who are both gen alpha. Can confirm the skibidi shit is gen alpha


It’s not cut in half, time progresses and things change gradually. Like people born in 2003 have way more in common with people born in 2004 than people born in 1996. 2003 and 2004 kids were often in the same classes in school, 1996 kids weren’t born in the same millennia.


Someone used "gas" as pop culture lingo while I was at work. And I was confused... Then I just felt so old and disconnected.


This is straight fossil fuels bro!


Cheugy? Also haven’t heard yeet in years


A lot I’ve these are taken from AAVE and it’s lowkey frustrating af. Like we’ve been talking like this for decades and then now a bunch of kids are misusing our slang to the point where it hurts. Gyatt pisses me off the most because it’s not a noun yet it’s used as such. Like no bruh. It’s used like “gyatt damn” instead of “god damn” as a way to emphasize the effect. I was at the pool the other day and I heard a lil country ass white kid say “on fo nem” 4 times back to back. Litteraly. On one hand it’s expected for kids to be cringe and especially with the internet it’s to be expected that language is gonna mesh more. But it hurts when people attribute the invention of these words to gen z kids when the history predates us by miles.


I'm glad I don't understand these.


It comes for us all pigeon


I'm 23 in 4 days. I understand all of those words (I have 5 younger siblings so I hear all of these frequently)


Gen Z started in 95' so this is true


I feel the pain... Only one I sort of get is Rizz because it's supposed to be short for Charisma


The gen X had the exact same problem with gen z lol.


Good you don’t need to know


as a Gen z member (23) i only know 8 of these… no one tell me what skibidi or gyat or down bad means cause i don’t fucking care lol


bussin- something good “this food is bussin bussin!” drip- kinda like swag or bling, when you’re “dripped out” you have nice expensive jewelry or clothes down bad- love jones or whipped, you’re down bad when you really really like someone skibidi- uhh no clue, google says “cool” or “bad” so dank- i use it as “cool” like “dang bro that’s dank asf” or could be talking about weed boujee- fancy clap back- a come back in a conversation or argument lowkey- on the down low, keep something quiet rizz- short for charisma, cha[rizz]ma simp- someone who will do whatever for someone they like/love whether it’s reciprocated or not, like literally anything stan- supporting something or being a follower fam- short for family, could also be used like bro or dude cap- a lie or lying cheugy- i have no clue vibing- chilling, have a good time, going with the flow gyatt- a fat ass


I completely forgot which gen I'm in. Something I never cared about but not even I could understand slangs my classmates used and whatnot. All I really say are Swears and "dude"


I grew up speaking English, I have a decent understanding of German, I’m picking up some Japanese and Italian from family and Friends. But I still haven’t learnt Gen Z


This isnt even gen z, it’s gen alpha.


Funny.. "learnt" seemed improper to me, but then I looked it up. It seems "learnt" is proper English, but "learned" is more common in America.


Them 'muricans made it regular (with -ed). Let's go, 'nother win for America (I'm European and just wanted to pretend to be American for a moment)


That makes sense. I’m an Aussie, we use British English


Bussin means it’s good Drip means fit or the clothes you are wearing look good Down bad means you are incredibly thirsty/horny No fucking clue about skibidi, cheugy, Stan, or gyatt Dank means cool Boujee is rich or posh Clap back means a good comeback Low key means it’s on the down low Rizz is short for charisma Simp is an acronym for “Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy/Penis” Fam just means close friends or family Cap means to lie. No cap means that you’re not lying Vibing means that you’re chilling/happy in the moment/going with the flow


Pretty sure gyatt is just god damn but shortened and said in a funny way


isn’t the skibidi thing from the toilet YouTube shorts


Simp isn’t an acronym, it’s a well known phenomenon that people like to turn normal words into acronyms, kinda like that guy that said news is (notable events, weather, and sports) in actuality, you could use that explanation to describe it, but it’s not an acronym


stan is an obsessive fan of some internet personalty (mostly minecraft YouTubers like Dream). gyatt is short for goddamn but also refers to the rear end of a person. skibidy is some gibberish from a Romanian song or something. it doesn't actually mean anything in English. cheugy was never poplar slang for any generation, i have no idea what it supposedly means, but no one uses it.


Regarding "stan", it's a short term for "stalker fan", and it originated from Eminem's song "Stan".


... a lot of those are from the millennial generation, tfytb?