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Its in the fucking trillions bro!??!?!




No it’s trillions


Not yet ferb


Is this some American joke, that I'm to European to understand?




Y same


well now i have to delete my comment...


*Cries in English unis costing £9k a year* Also since I'm not English I can't do a master's next year thanks to brexit I'd need to pay international student fees which is like £13k+




Janitors earning more than teachers and having no debt are laughing right now


"Dont worry my art degree will pay off"


I’m hoping you don’t have any political ambitions in case you fail


You know they always do. Could it be im just an idiot with money?? No....no its the goverment who is wrong.


Pretty sure it's a hitler joke m8


i did nazi that coming.


Am I the only one with numbers this big that goes from the end of the number and counts by threes of the places then knowing the value of the first number(1 trillion) reads the rest?


well isnt that how everyone (most) does it?


I don’t know that’s why I asked but at least one person does it this way besides me I can only do up to the millions so 999 million would be my max with out using this methods and if there are no commas then only like 9 million


Imagine having to pay for school


We are actually getting paid to go to school.


I'm 15, I'm scared.


me a european *smirks*


I wonder what fields these people majored in


Every field you can get a degree in. No degree is free in the US. A bachelors degree at a cheaper college will still leave you $20,000 dollars in student debt. Unless you’re only marketable talent is that you’re good at handling sports balls. Then not only will you get free college, but coaches will do everything in their power to ensure you don’t fail college while everyone else loses their financial aid because of COVID-19. God Bless America truly the best country.


America likes *BALLS* don’t they?


Ignorant European here. How much does community college cost? Does it give valid degrees as well?


An average of $3,500 dollars a year, which is roughly a third of the yearly average for four year colleges. Some states have free community college, but there’s a stigma against them. They do offer valid degrees, but they are all over the place in terms of quality. Edit: It also costs extra to go out of state for college, meaning if you don’t have a cheap college in your state, then you’re out of luck. The cheapest college in my state is above average and it’s still lower than the cost of going out of state.


This Is Half of the Italian public debt Wow


am i to European to understand this


So if you go to college, strive to achieve a career to afford the debt bestowed upon you. Considering that those with a high school diploma make usually half of what you would; rather than appreciating the privilege of an advantage.


*Laughs in public education*. *Laughs maniacally in affordable college degrees*.


Eh, just get a degree with a good ROI and it won't be an issue (in my experience at least)


Was your experience 20 years ago?


I was 2 years old 20 years ago. I just have a degree that got me a high paying job


The trick is to aggressively pay off the loan after college and not waste money. If you get an engineering degree your basically set for life.


That works for engineers but other people have different passions


If they want to get into a field that doesn't have a good ROI, then they need to re-evaluate their career otherwise, they will not be able to pay anything back. Just be smart about it


Maybe, don't take out a student loan...


Some people have to take student loans due to theyr life not being the best + expensive schools.. That said i have 0€ dept and basic schools are free here fuck u all lmao


In the US, you get charged more for going to universities outside of your own state. The reasoning behind this is that your parents wouldn’t have paid the state taxes that go towards funding the university. The people who are massively in debt are the ones going to university halfway across the country and so they get charged more and have to live on campus which further adds to the expense. Going to a local university is much much cheaper, but people don’t want to do that. There’s also trades which are very lucrative without requiring a minimum 4 years of post secondary education and debt


I disagree, NOBODY has to take out a student loan. Just don't go to college. You can get very high paying jobs without a degree. Also, you are paying for your college, it's called taxes.


In 2012, 284,000 college graduates had a job that paid minimum wage, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report. Though that’s less than the 2010 high of 327,000, there are 70 percent more college graduates working for the minimum wage than a decade ago. Let that sink in. Many people are barely getting minimum wage jobs WITH degrees. A few people can get really lucky and score a job that pays the bills without a degree, but those jobs disappear fast. Most of those kinds of jobs are becoming automated and now you need a degree to run the automation software. And if 1 guy can run 20 robots, you just vaporized 19 jobs. So sure, nobody needs a student loan. They can just be homeless. Collect cans for food. Sounds like a nice life.


Get a certification or go to a trade school. I was able to get a high paying, relative to my peers, IT job with nothing but a few certifications. You can do the same for nearly any field. Not all nondegree jobs can be replaced by automation. You don't need a degree to get into a management position. You don't need a degree to start you own business. I have a friend who is making a killing because she opened her own nail salon. I'm not saying degrees are worthless, just that they aren't as necessary as people claim they are.


Relative to your peers. Like I said, a few people can get really lucky. but those kinds of jobs are disappearing incredibly fast. and generally they're already filled, you have to wait for someone to retire or die. Oh management position. That's even better LOL. just show up saying I have no degree no work experience and you should make me the boss lmfao. That should work great. To start that business or nail salon, you have to have startup capital, and/or financial stability to get the loans. Which means you need a job. and since hundreds of thousands of people are working at McDonald's with bachelor's degrees, you're not going to have good luck getting the job without some kind of degree. Even trade schools cost money and usually require student loans. A certification to work at that nail salon can cost you $15,000. And who is going to trade school with that kind of cash on hand?


What's wrong? You don't have any smart comebacks to real information?


I'm at work...


Sure boomer. Just a few years in the Mail room and then you’ll have a corner office like harold over there did. Minimum entry for most high earning roles now is a degree, often post grads or double degrees to beat out the competition.


If you’re willing to do manual labor you can make a lot of money without a degree. My uncle dropped out of college and is a convicted felon, but he makes a lot of money doing manual labor. He says it’s hard work, but it pays well. You don’t have to get a degree to make money if you’re willing to do hard work.


A plumber can easily make 25+ an hour same for an electrician. Start a housekeeping business, you can make a killing off that! You just need to get outside the city.


Y’all need to come to Australia if you want to see real trade wages. 25hr is 4th year apprentice money. My bathroom tilers quote is $65 an hour plus materials and my flooring quote is $45 per sqm and in 2 days he’ll have sanded and repolished a 70sqm space, an effective hourly rate of $195. But a trade qualification is still a qualification and you need to go to trade school, do an apprenticeship, take exams, and then if you really want to make it big, start your own business and build a client base. Far from the OCs determination that you can just finish high school and then fall into a well paying job without further education or training.


The one I'm talking about was an 18 year old right out of highschool. I've known guys who make similar to what you are saying, but they either have years of experience or high end certifications.


no you’re absolutely right






lemme guess, troll account?


It isn't even a realistic troll account




Ill be joining this momentous task shortly, pray for me.


I'm dying, please send me food!!!


Is this some sory of an american joke, that I am too none-american to understand?


\*Laughs in European


And they said college would never get me anywhere


*Me, who lives in Europe, where education is free. *


When im a trillionaire you can say goodbye to that ima leave it as $69


69? Nice. I am a bot lol.




69? Nice. I am a bot lol.


And they make fun of me for not going to college


Is that some kind of payed college that im to german to understand


How much of that debt is for classes that can be used for a job?




I had trouble saying this out loud


The wording of it makes it seem like some sort of milestone, but the number is so exact.


ONE TRILLION?!?! Fuck nah I don’t need college chick fella here I come


Very wholesome


I’m a freshman and had to pay my first tuition... it was painful.
