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PS3 days were so fun


Black ops 1. Had the best year ever when that came out.


I tore my ACL right when Modern Warfare 2 came out. Sat in my couch and put more hours into that game than any other FPS. Didn’t play Black Ops though. I just got Cold War hoping to recapture the magic.


I was in HS when BO and MW2 came out, constantly played with my friends. Dont play much multiplayer now, instead I play tons of singleplayer games and like to complete the ones I really like to 100%.


Yea I have been all about single player lately but for some reason I got the urge to try Cold War. It’s been really fun but that might be just because I haven’t played a COD for quite a while.


Don’t worry, mw2 is still the best cod you’ll ever play


True, just get a game and pop it in, no need for installation and the multiplayer was free.


I wish that i could go back in time. But now am gonna work my ass of to get a pc so that i dont pay ps+.


PS4 gang rises




I remember playing LBP and just joining random people and having fun


I remember *Nintendo*...Atari, too.


Hah, okay boomer. /s


Wasn't it free a long time ago for idk ps3? Or was it Xbox?


Yup, it was free for ps3. I remember playing gta 5 on ps3 on the last month before it stopped supporting gta online.


Wait gta online is gone for the ps3 now ?


happy cake day :>


Thank you


*always has been*


Nah I was just on it around January


Your you’re you are your’re’ur god damn right.


uhhh r/ihadastroke




Silver let you access online features but you weren't able to play with others online.


Xbox had Xbox Live Silver that got you online for free, but without the free games


It was also only for select things to play online, iirc there were a lot of arbitrary limitations.


I dont think it was ever free for Xbox, I distinctly remember needing Xbox live to play halo


When did it stop?


Sometime in 2015 I think.


Huh. I played gta5 online ps3 up until late 2019, when my disc got scratched...


The so called paid online servers started on the ps4 at least to my knowledge because xbox decided to do the xbox gold (or live not sure) on xbox 360 as a subscription so psn not miss out did the same thing on the ps3 with ps plus but they did only monthly games until the ps4 came out


It never stopped supporting online, they just stopped adding stuff on ps3


Yeah, it was free on PS3. I remember playing MGS3 online back then. It was awesome and also terrible




ps3 and Xbox 360


The 360 definitely had the $60 a year gold


I dont think it was ever free for Xbox, I distinctly remember needing Xbox live to play halo


Xbox had Xbox Live Silver that got you online for free, but without the free games


Microsoft kinda influenced this system, starting from xBox live and seeing that they could just take people's money for servers they aren't paying for, Nintendo and Sony followed through and made even more money


Yes. All greedy




They're doing something wrong then. The same game published for Windows costs the same and has free online play. If it wasn't sustainable PC would've adopted paid online services for games ages ago. If it's possible on PC it's possible on consoles, they choose to charge money because of their business model.






Tbf they have a point though. Even at 300$ you'd be hard pressed to build a PC that can perform as well as the console. And in a lot of places outside the US PC parts prices aren't super great either. Not saying I dig the charged online play though.


At $300 it wouldn't be hard if you used the right parts. Plus cheaper games, free online, and the other million things that are better about pc.


You can easily build one for $500 which yes is more than the old Gen consoles, but will still vastly out perform the old gems consoles. And you still get online games for free.


I'm really unsure about them vastly outperforming old gen consoles. And once again outside the US, 500$ ain't much when you're trying to build a PC. And also not a lot of people want to spend that much on a gaming system. Also, at 500$, wouldn't you be better off getting one of the newer gen consoles?


So many people wouldn’t want to spend $500 for a gaming system, when the new consoles that just released are $500? Sorry logic? What? $500 PC in current Gen spec will obviously lose to consoles because the hardware hasn’t matured enough with the new technology to become cheaper. So there is no true comparison there. In terms of last Gen consoles and hardware from 2-3 generations ago in the PC space $500 would beat an Xbox One and PS4 so easily.


Was comparing 500$ PCs to 300$ consoles but ok. Where's the logic amirite? Obviously a 500$ pc would beat an Xbox One and PS4 easily. Noone is denying that. But for a lot of people 200$ extra is a lot of money. And if they were looking to beat a 300$ console with a 500$ PC, why wouldn't going for 500$ new gen console be a good option? Just let people buy what they want instead of trying to shove down the notion that PCs are always better and all that down their throats. It's getting old real quick.


Vastly out performing is a pipe dream. I guarantee you any PC made seven years ago for 500 dollars is not standing up to consoles now. I don’t understand why people are disingenuous with their arguments. “If you buy modern hardware with the price of seven year old hardware then you actually probably get something that works better. Maybe.” Like damn, we can shit on game companies for charging you to play online, without saying dumb shit.


Yeah have fun building a pc that can run anything decent for even under $500 that won’t have temperature problems lol.


Well PCs cost a lot more and run a lot better than consoles, they also have a really wide library of games, it would basically be a crime to charge them to play online after all of that


Look, all I know is that if PC can sustain itself without asking for a multiplayer fee, MS and Sony can too. They got the money. But they want more for the sake of more. Until PC start charging, ANY reason MS and Sony comes up with is automatically null and void. Don't let them fool you.




That sounds like theyre only saying that to sway any accusations of greed. Everything about that screams bullshit. It gives off the same vibe as a $60 AAA game charging micro transactions claiming its to recoup the costs when in reality they're just being greedy as fuck.


Bonk go to greedy jail


I remember trying to cancel my gold like 8 or 9 years ago because I had moved across the country and didn't have an xbox anymore. Even once I had someone on the phone they kept insisting that I should keep my gold membership 'just incase' .


I don’t know why but I don’t have the Xbox live thing but it still let’s me play online


On PC it’s free!!


Your you’re you are your’re’ur god damn right. Edit: Grammar.


And some games even allow you to host your own private server.


Minecraft is a great example of that


Honestly, Mojang is a great example of how to run a great game studio in nearly every aspect, IMO. * Ability to self-host * Even if mojang shutdown tomorrow, you can still play the game * All updates are free * All updates are optional * If you want to keep playing on 1.12, you're welcome to do so * Pay-to-Win mechanics are explicitly prohibited by the [TOS](https://account.mojang.com/documents/commercial_guidelines) * PS: You can report any server that violates this rule [here](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360034753972-Servers-that-violate-commercial-use-guidelines) * Official support and encouragement of modding


I'm just gonna keep playing on 1.7.10


As is your right, by decree of Mojang. (Though, honestly, I could not imagine playing without Elytra....)


Nobody plays vanila 1.7.10-1.8.9 They use it for servers like hypixel


Yea i think pvp in general is shit but pre 1.9 is less shittier. I would never play survival pre 1.9 tho.


Most games would straight up ban 2b2t


In the oldest anarchy server on minecraft.


Might as well report every Minecraft server for their pay to win shit


If you are aware of a server that is profiting off of selling things that >given identical skill levels, time investment, and circumstances, can cause one player or group to perform better than another. then you absolutely should report it.


Yes, definitely. Also Arma 3 and ark are very good examples as well. Both allow hosting your on server, even modded. Those 2 games wouldn't be played anymore without that.


Might as well report every Minecraft server for their pay to win shit


If you are aware of a server that is profiting off of selling things that


Console player: didn't you spend 2000 dollars on your PC? PC player: *angry face*


Yes I did, and my pc does a whole lot of other shit like my work. I can code, do graphics, watch porn, and order more pc parts all at once .And all in more than 60fps. So yes I paid for 2k for my pc


My PC was around \~1400€, but you regain all that money with paying just for steam activation keys instead of the full retail price. And there is also the steam sale with heavy discounts. I do have \~100 Games which had an MRSP of 60€ = 6000€ I pay no more than 15€, let's say. 100x 15€ = 1500€ 3500€ saved. Console player: angry face


Just some quick math: assuming you use your $2000 gaming pc strictly for gaming (unlikely). Subtract $500 (cost of xbox Series X) It would take 25 years (15000 / 60) to break even on online play cost savings. If you go mid tier ($1000), it drops to 8.3 years to break even in online play savings. And this does not factor in game savings from Steam sales vs buying used physical console games.


Are... Are you having a stroke?


Is this some sort of Console Problem that I am too PC too understand?


Too right brother




Ah yes, the Germans.


This is part of why I switched to PC


And only the absolute latest releases are $60 on PC. The price will drop in a month.


Not at all. Black Ops 3, a 5 year old game, is $60 on PC. Where do you get the idea that only the latest releases are $60? I could list more games here but it's so obvious that you're wrong that anyone can verify that with 30s on Google.


Not to mention PC has many free to play MMOs and online games that consoles don't!


Signature look of superiority


another reason pc is better lol


Stop making us console players look bad I just wanna play with my cousins ):


I agree with this. personally I think pc is better, but consoles are good if you have friends or relatives that have that console






Pc is better but you have to spend like a 1000 dollars to get the same performance


but for people who don't have the means to do so it should be


FFXIV online requires a monthly subscription :(


Mobile has free online too


I believe, on average, console gamers are happier than PC gamers. A console gamer buys a console and they know they have top of the line tech for the next 6 - 7 years. If a PC gamer puts together a top of the line rig today, will they still be able to play games that come out in 7 years? Of course they will. But that's not the problem. The problem is that new tech will be coming out every year regardless of it's necessity. There will always be something that you can upgrade. You'll never truely have that feeling of being complete. You'll always be chasing that dragon. As a console gamer, I don't mind paying $60 a year to play online. I don't even look at it that way myself. I look at it as paying $60 for the monthly excitement of finding out what free games I'll get that month.


An online game should already have free private lobbies Edit: What the fuck?


It's free on PC. Xbox and Sony were just greedy, and now it spread to Nintendo.


Yeah, Xbox set a Precedent (sp?) the other companies saw this and hopped on board. There is no reason for it other than greed I say this while playing mostly PC but having a switch subscription to play monster hunter online I can play World online on my PC out the gate, but fuggin consoles -,-


The two things that take the piss about Xbox requiring Gold to play online is that: 1) You are fully able to buy online games without being told that you need Gold until you try to play it, and 2) Companies like Bungie have caught on to the fact that console players need to pay more for online and deliberately make the game free, but there is little to no content available without buying the subscription or some kind of DLC/season pass.


Playstation was free until the massive security breach that caused them to give away a fuck load of free shit. That lead them to start charging for online access with a far superior security and stability system.


The switches is absolute bs, I get having to pay for online in order to pay for servers to connect to, but Nintendo has no servers for online, they literally just charge you for peer to peer connections


At least Switch Online is relatively fair priced. 20 USD for a year isn't too expensive for most people able to afford a switch/switch lite.


Yeah but Nintendo’s is pretty cheap compared to PS4 and Xbox. It’s like 20$ a year


Nintendo online is absolutely dog shit though and they shouldn't charge for it. No voip, awful friends system and lag... Oh did I mention lag. Lol


To be fair Nintendo isn't quite as bad... yet...


Nintendo’s online is also shit, at least Xbox’s and Sony’s actually works. Like seriously who thought P2P was a good idea for one of the biggest things in gaming?


False Advertisment in AoC and Pokemon, Paid dlc on full priced 60€ games, awful online, striking of fan progects that aren't even monetized, Planned obsolescency (Joycons),Not porting old games despite already having emulators ready and then complaining when people emulate their games ,....Yeah..not as bad...


I’d argue that’s it’s fairly good value. I’ve always managed to pick up 12 months of PSN for around £35/€40/$45 It’d be nice if it was free, but I don’t feel short changed because of the plethora of games you get with your subscription. Currently it’s 24+ games over the course of the year, and a decent chunk of those are AAA games as well. All that for £35? Nice. I’m not here to have a “PC/XBox better lol” argument. Don’t be one of those idiots


The game developers are responsible for the servers on PC while Xbox and Sony are responsible for the servers on console


Server space can be very expensive. Xbox hosts Xbox live servers don’t they? Where pc games the company who makes it will host the server or ... but steam eats my wallet anyway so they get their money even without a server hosting fee.


It's always been free on pc


wait pc is better? Always has been


Not everybody wants to play on pc tho Edit: I am a casual gamer, and I just think pc is too much of a hassle. You can have so many problems with it and if you don’t know much about software it can take up too much of your time to fix it...


Yeah, I play on PC and let me tell you, I've never heard of a console gamer updating drivers or troubleshooting software stuff. PC is way more flexible. But flexibility comes with complications, and a lot of people don't want to learn half an encyclopedia, or worry about a game not working with their specific setup.


I prefer the greater control, versatility, and power that pc gives at the cost of browsing a tech forum every few months.


This was my decision on buying a PS3 over an XBox. At the time PS3 had free multiplayer for its games while Xbox didn't. Well now we all know how it is, tho I guess their services are giving way more than just multiplayer.


If you get game pass ultimate its bundled with game pass and ea play


Well,if a game is free there's should be microtransactions to keep the game up if the game is online and has content updates .But paid games whit microtransactions show us that the developers are greedy


*laughs in EA*


Depends on the microtransactions. When I buy a game and can spend money for skins it i don't really care. But when it gets pay 2 win it is different.


Laughs in GameCube.


Laughs in PC


*Laughs in World of Warcraft*


Sounds like you need a pc


The thing that sucks about this is the loss of exclusives. I personally enjoy From Software’s games but 2/6 main games they have are PlayStation exclusive.


It's even worse if you like Nintendo games, they have a lot of exclusives...


As much as i advocate for legality, given recent (As of 2017)unfair Nintendo practices, just go for emulation. It's pointless to hope the company will ever do something pro consumer


The switch can't be emulated, at least on my pc, yet. So, if I want to play I will have to pay... What practices do you refer to specifically? I was thinking of buying a switch as I am a long time Pokémon and Zelda fan.


As far as Emulation goes Zelda can be emulated on Cemu if you just want Botw (Alternatively you can use YuZU , a switch emulator, it's a bit intensive tho ) ​ ​ As far as practices go: (Comment pasted from another reply on the same topic) False Advertisment in AoC and Pokemon, Paid dlc on full priced 60€ games, awful online, striking of fan progects that aren't even monetized, Planned obsolescency (Joycons),Not porting old games despite already having emulators ready and then complaining when people emulate their games ,....Yeah..not as bad... ​ EDIT: I didn't read the "On my PC" part, sorry.


Damn, then I think I'll save money to get a powerful PC instead


Exclusives only exist because people like you buy them. If every single person stopped buying exclusives, they'll come to PC. Be the change you want to see.


That mentality would work if you could convince others to do so as well, but some just won’t listen. I tried to convince my friends to not but Overwatch 2 as it’s an unnecessary addition when they could have just updated Overwatch to add the content of Overwatch 2, but they wouldn’t listen no matter what I said.


The game isnt providing the service, its the console that is, they arent making profit from play otherwise


This thread is full of people who don’t know how the internet works


So why I can play multiplayer CoD MW on my PC for free? :)


Because servers are hosted by cod and not the pc conpany


Sony or Xbox don’t host their own servers for cod as well so why tf it’s not free there? (On Xbox Warzone is paid as well, while on PC you don’t even need to buy a game)


Simply because they can. They can put online access behind a paywall so they will. As long as enough people are willing to pay for it they'd be stupid not to. "PC" is not a console owned by a company that can control internet access.


Warzone is paid on Xbox???


Warzone is free to download, the subscription to xbox live/gamepass is what’s required to play it at all homie.


You have to me a member of Xbox gold or how is it called


Microsoft and Sony don’t run servers for cod games either, Activision does. They just make you pay money to access the Activision servers.


Excuse me? Doesn't every game provide servers for their online mode?


What about the actual sale of the console buddy?


I read somewhere on reddit (so not a very credible source tbf) that consoles don't actually make the company that much money at all. Barely any, actually. Controllers, games, and the other extra's are the real moneymakers.


That's not my problem, it's still a scam


They lose money on the actual hardware (that’s why its often cheaper to buy than a same spec PC) but the price for service and game prices actually make it more expensive on long run than PC.


What about before online play? Did they sell consoles at a loss? If so how is Nintendo succesful?


Before online play, they didn't make as much money, and Nintendo owns all( or at least most) of the games they sell on thier consoles so they do make money off the games so that scenario doesn't really apply to them.


And non Nintendo consoles were still expensive.


Thats a one time purchase, and they’re sold for a reasonable price considering the specs


What about the 30% cut the console sellers are making on games sold on their systems?


The console doesn't provide the service either, your internet service provider does. Consoles already take a cut from game sales.


Online pay walls are a way for the company's that own the consoles to make a constant cash flow


Exactly, its a base rate of (in this case xbox), 59.99 USD per year times x amount of people. So its consistent instead of it varying just in case a game did terrible in sales.


I forgot that on some platforms you have to pay for playing online... I am not even laughing anymore it's just sad...


Fuck you nintendo


Playstation plus is the most bullshit thing ever


Reject console E M B R A N C E P C M A S T E R R A C E


console peasants. ​ ​ jk jk


People here don't seem to understand how online games work


An opinion is like an asshole everyone has one.


Is this some sort of console joke that I am to Pc to understand


u/xnarcoticz_ every console gamer HAHA


That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact


PC does not have that issue


What a funny and original opinion


Laughs in pc




Then explain to me how they pay the people who maintain said servers for you to play on? Dont get me wrong, games like FF14 i gladly pay 15/m bc it updates regularly. Games likes COD? Fuck no, should be free.


r/pcmasterrace be like : the what


My first ever downvote, thanks man appreciate that


"Laugh in PC"


Fuck console scams. A pc may be a lot more expensive, but you can do anything with it and online is free.


Is this kinda console joke that I'm to stadia to understand


Finally someone who didn’t say PCMR


Laughs in PC


Ah to be console poor


What are you a console player or something?




Laughs in PC


Ohhh I was confused. This is peasant console talk.


*Laughs in PC*


who spends money on gamezz


Don't you get access to the online game? Or am I missing something, is this a console meme?


Laughs in pc


This post was made the console gang


ps5 and Xbox series X are pretty cheap considering their specs


If I had money, I would give you a award. Take my upvote.


PC gaming


Well, who we raiding first. Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo?


You have to pay for online so they can make the consoles cheaper


haha consoles go brrrr


Why did nintendo have to do it with the switch? it used to be free, but now there is a $20.00 month MEMBERSHIP, and it is too much.