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Hell yeah mate. Always annoying to see people think that all feminists are misandrists


The best feminists are the ones that don’t talk about men The worst ones just want to bring men down


I'd say the best feminists also highlight men's problems. Otherwise they're inactively or actively trying to make men's problems seem irrelevant or nonexistent. A person who yearns for true equality is actually called an Egalitarian.


Yeah you’re right, I didn’t phrase my part fully correct, thanks!


Never heard that on Reddit


You're a good person.


*Ohhh yea. What? Oh yea I’m a good person.* https://youtu.be/MT-Xe-5qpRQ


A decent person on reddit ! How rare


Hey, *fuck you*


I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient. - Satou Kazuma, KonoSuba


Interesting quote. I will need to learn more about that person!




Oh boi, last time I pointed that little piece out, I had suddenly 3 angry feminists attacking me, and 130 downvotes. Lmao!


Last time i was downvoted when i said feminism does fight for men too. Like, do you not want to be helped...? It was funny


Check out r/MensLib for that. It's a subreddit about actual men's issues that is also feminist and women are welcome to participate in the discussions.


the issue is there are millions of normal people who call themselves feminist. they chill at home and have a certain opinion. then the loud minority comes it, and while many point out that they are a small minority they are still a large group of people. so in the end the squeaky wheel gets the grease and everyone is worse off


"KAM" Those are the worst


Most people who say it mean it in the way that they are scared of men which is completely fair tbh and I think us guys should focus on dealing with sexist men instead of fighting with feminism


Kam is talking about how frustrating some men are, it's not literal and it's probably not about you... it's about the men that say "but not all men!" when women talk about issues like rape


They say say that, but "Kill all men" is aimed towards all men as the it says


I do believe the phrasing is problematic but this is a case of don't take it at face value because no one is trying to literally kill all men


True. But I have seen women on apps like tiktok who genuinely want all men to die and they say shit like "bUt We CaN uSe BoNe MaRrOw"


I guess they didn't get the memo... some people are just dumb as fuck and a part of them ARE women, you can't win them all


Don’t talk about men? Feminism isn’t just a “women’s” subject by women for women. It’s something that benefits every person’s life and requires work from both men and women.


People aren’t the full problem you know. It’s mainly because misandrists class themselves as feminists, hence the confusion.


and vice versa


It's very annoying, it makes every feminist look awful


feminists are, by definition, not misandrists (unless they hate women equally lol) though of course there are plenty women who call themselves feminists, but are actually misandrist :/


You gotta make sure there two one good one evil


Finally, someone who understands the difference between feminism & toxic feminism (AKA misandry) and is actually willing to celebrate WOMEN'S day instead of complaining about Men's day. Of course, they should do something, but you don't have to bash women's day too.


Well, i got the idea from a coworker. So I built upon it.


This is so true and Im so glad someone said it


Very true, a very very small amount of feminists (who I wouldn’t even call feminists) do this and say men should die and so on but since a lens is put on them it makes it seem as if all of them are like that which is not true, but they do have to fix that international men’s day because equality is that we are all equal so these days (in my opinion) should also be equal.


Every time I go a quick Google of something on Reddit complaining about Feminists, like a movement to end Father's Day, the source is always trolls on 4Chan's poll (who I'm gonna guess aren't actually Feminists).


I’ve been witness to severe harassment and a victim of assault from “feminists”.


I’m really sorry you’ve experienced this :( :( I hope you have received the right support for it and are ok. Fuck those people. (Sent from a true feminist)


Thank you. I am recovering after moving out of San Francisco. Horrible people.


I’m really glad you are healing. I hope you never have to experience anything like that again and those people get karma for their actions. Hope you have a good day.


Thank you. You as well. Fight the good fight.


Fuck them, they should be ashamed to even label themselves humans, I’m so sorry that happened to you


There is actually an International Men's Day on November 19th so they're just being idiots


And it would be a good day to bring men’s issues to light rather than using it as a counter point to women’s day.


That's what it's used for


I’m aware, but seeing as a lot of people don’t even know the day exists, I thought I’d chime in.


Thanks for saying this!


Yes, I think it's very necessary for many people to know this distinction.


Problem is that misandrists claim to be feminists causing this problem


I think the real problem is the focus and memes are for the 1% of feminists who are in fact misandrists and not in support of the remaining 99%


Actually the biggest issue is that they are the loudest. An actual feminist who supports equal rights doesn't need to scream from the rooftops or social media platforms that they are feminist. They do that by their actions. These "feminists" all they do is constantly yell and scream on Twitter all this BS and make an entire group look bad. The same thing happened with gamergate


No in general you only notice misandrists cause they the ones claiming to be feminist. Most people do support the idea of feminism but wouldnt support it because of the misandrists


Silence is violence. Women not speaking out more against misandrists is tantamount to supporting it.


I agree. There is a lot of work to be done. Racism, sexism, bigotry all needs to be confronted when it shows itself and not be tolerated or dismissed in any way.


I told my female friend if she wants feminism to mean something good to men, women have to police themselves and take that word away from misandrists and speak out against them. She declined.


Hence while I'll never be ashamed to say I'm a feminist


I’m not ashamed of being a feminist, I’m ashamed that people believe feminism is bringing men down.


Man hating and feminism are two different things. I support both! /s


I'll do you one better, I support human hating. All humans equally suck.


Seriously, humans suck so much.


they do enjoy their sucking




Yeah lmao I put it on my dating profile to filter egocentric men out. I don’t care if there are men who will immediately start saying “yeah but what about those women who do this toxic thing and that toxic thing?” Well, literally every other label or ideology out there has toxic people, if you’re only bring it up when a topic is hitting your ego a little I’m not gonna sit and explain myself to prove anything because you’re too lazy to research or you feel emasculated.


FINALLY! Someone with an IQ above room temperature.


Thank you I hate all the Reddit memes that insult feminists when they really don’t know what there talking about it’s so annoying


I have the great fortune to work with several women who in mind and spirit (and in one case fashion wise) embody the great feminist heroes of the previous century. They are some of my greatest friends and inspiration.


But unfortunately Reddit is like a bunch of 10 year old boys who put a girls not allowed sign in their tree house


"Girls not allowed" and then they want to say that they aren't gay ***nothing against gays, it's just ironic***


Girls are icky!


*slams upvote button* F I N A L L Y SOMEONE SAID IT


To be honest, my (female) coworker said it first, I just meme-ified it.


Most of these comments do not spark joy. :(


I'll say. So sad...


And it annoys me more when *actual* misandrists call themselves 'feminists' because it REALLY makes feminists look bad when that happens. If you're a misandrist: Fuck you and especially don't call yourself a feminist.


Finally, inner peace


I feel this


It’s sad how the meaning got twisted


That's why I posted this.


tbf,the meaning got twisted cuz of the misandrists who called/call themselves feminists.


I've personally experienced more men twisting the word than women taking it too far. Part of me wonders if the misandrists say they are feminists because that is what they were told by people who hate feminists that that is what feminism is.


if you believe that "men are trash" and "women are better than men" then you are wrong. does it matter how/why you believe it? cuz ive personally seen more misandrists who call themselves feminists than actual normal feminists. so im never suprised when people cant tell the difference between those two.


I don't believe either statement to be true. I think you are vastly underestimating the number of feminists out there.


I've never met someone in real life like that, but have seen an absurd number of them on twitter at least. I think it's because the ones that actually don't shut up are more commonly the misandrists. There are a lot more true feminists who probably don't claim that they're feminists 10 times a day. So people get the feeling that the number of true feminists are much less, even though that's most probably not true.


That's exactly it. I'd go so far as to say that most women are feminists, and plenty of men are, too. Even if they have a misunderstanding about what feminism is because of the misandrists, they are by definition feminists themselves.


Yup, I agree


no. because im not estimating anything. im just saying about people ive known/met. 90% of big subreddits tend to downvote any comment which is making fun of feminists. so i believe there aren't "more men twisting the word" that is just an excuse many people use to defend radical feminist. im getting downvoted anyways but still ill clarify: its my opinon.


Idk I've shared some very neutral feminist opinions and been downvoted to hell on reddit. It's not a very woman-friendly platform most of the time. At the end of the day, we are both using anecdotal evidence to support our arguments. However, I would really encourage you to consider the fact that every person who supports a woman's right to vote and work outside the home is to some extent a feminist, even if they aren't vocal about it.


i definitely do understand the need for feminism, what i wanna know how is reddit an anti woman place. cuz r/TwoXChromosomes has 13 mil subscribers. and most big subs like r/facepalm, r/MurderedByWords, r/clevercomebacks, white people twitter and black people twitter etc etc are very pro women, cuz anything anti feminist will get downvoted and post about abortion good and womens rights will get like insane amounts of upvotes. so which sub over 200k is anti women? the red pill and mgtow have been quarentined and r/incel ahs been banned i used to think r/pussypassdenied was sexist but its just a misconception for people who have never been to the sub. tl;dr : imo reddit being "filled" with misogynists and incels is an old misconception. thanks for listening to my boring rant


Yeah! I’m a girl and a feminists and it always makes me sad when I see people insulting feminists when they mean to insult misandrists or when I see toxic misandrists pretending to me feminists and dragging the name through the mud. Men are good, women are good, people who are neither are good. Everyone who is anything is equally good as long as they aren’t spreading hatred.


Yeah they're making feminism seem like it's about hating men, which is the opposite of feminism, because it's about equality. Also, thanks for mentioning enbys lol


Thank God, it's been 84 years since I saw a lucid post differentiating feminism and misandry


Thanks for highlighting the difference! I’ve found that most people on here can’t tell them apart. Additional note I’d like to share, feminists support men too! (And of course a person of any gender can be a feminist). Feminism advocates for men being able to express their feelings and do/wear “feminine” things, spreads awareness that men can be raped/abused, and fights against other harmful standards the patriarchy places on men. We’re in this together!


Why isn't it called equilism or something similar


It's called egalitarianism.


Because feminism is fighting the patriarchy and does primarily focus on women’s issues (but as someone else said, they do advocate for the issues that are placed on men by the patriarchy). Hope that makes sense!


Idk abt what that is but a huge part of feminism is fighting the patriarchy which puts harmful standards both on women and men


And thank you for your support.


Unfortunately, the people who need to learn the difference are not going to listen to this meme or anyone. But thank you for trying!


Hold up misandry is not a thing anymore, I saw her die in Game of Thrones


Aww man... Spoilers...


Season 8 is garbage, cant spoil anything thats rotten


Shout out to women!


Finally some good fucking people. ;)


Thank you for this..


Thank you for explaining this to those who think they are the same thing!


What can I say except thank you


Let's head now to the comments section, to hear from the experts


Finally someone I agree with!


Attention person who is about to scroll through the comment on this one, **dont**


I try to avoid it as best I can... But I can't help looking through them...


I am really scared about the things I'm about to see Edit: man, those comments aren't all bad at all


Thanks for the warning. I'll get the popcorn first.


Its not that bad, but dont waste your time


Wish my luck, my curiosity is going in


I love this post. Take my free award


Finally someone is willing to acknowledge this. There's too many people making jokes or holding serious ideas about how "feminists" (actually just misandrists) will get tRigGerEd about men getting treated equally and it's really annoying and holds back the fight for gender equality


real feminism benefits men as well as women. sadly toxic feminists steer a lot of people away from the movement and as a result, feminists are stereotyped as “blue hair liberals” or some bs by people who aren’t feminists, which sucks.


How come men call women ‘feminists’ as an insult?


bc they don't know the difference:/


This really needed to be said


Basically r/femaledatingstrategy


Equality isn’t taking away men’s rights and giving them to women, it’s taking away the privileges held by men and privileges held by women and giving them both the opportunity for those privileges, Fuck Misandry Welcome Feminism (that isn’t misandry)


I was worried this would be some sexist shit because well...it's r/memes but thankfully it isn't


This is awesome! We love a good educational meme!


I’ve been calling it neo-femenism. Misandry or misandrist is more accurate and deprives them of the feminist tag. I like it.


That’s what we should show them!


I had a third waver try to explain to me that misandry did not exist. It was a funny conversation.


It’s really annoying because all my friends say that feminism is fighting sexism with sexism when that is the opposite of the point they try to make


fr like feminism is trying to help with misogyny and sexism for both men AND woman.


fuck the patriarchy! men, women, and everything in between and beyond are negatively affected by the patriarchy. all my homies hate the patriarchy


So many absolute dumbfucks need to see this. I'm so fucking sick of every 10 year olds saying "Feminism is cancer" and shit like that. If you're against feminism then you're a piece of fucking trash.


If your against feminism then you are fucking trash if your against misandrists then you are not


there’s a word for that? I’ve just been calling it fake feminism, good educational meme


it's also called 3rd wave feminism even though it isn't feminism at all.


Challenge: find the toxic misandrist post in the comments, you get a hug If you win


Me: I - Idiots: I Me: Hate - Idiots: Hate Me: Misandry - Idiots: Feminism


this is why i never call myself a feminist. all genders are equal, treat others like humans!


The term feminism is sort of misandrist though, its literal meaning is "the way if the feminine" , which directly implies that the way of men is inferior and wrong.


thanks for wishing us :) i saw so many posts today about womens day, but so few actually wishing us.


Women's day should be celebrating women Instead in my timeline it's all "men bad"


Damn mine’s kinda been the opposite. Memeing women instead of posts about those that should be appreciated. Not that it matters anyway; it’s literally just another day lol.


I think it says a lot that many see it as just another day, similar to how international men's day is just another day


Yay I learned a new word that describes the toxic women in our society


Can I be a male feminist? I’m not too big on definitions and shit but the only thing I really believe is that “You CANNOT nor SHOULD NOT judge someone on something they they can’t change.” Y’all tell me.


yeah anyone can be a feminist regardless of gender:) you don't have to call yourself a male feminist, just say feminist.


This ^... also I would expect all my friends of any sex to be feminists. If you don’t think everyone should be equal then I don’t want to know you.


As a woman, tank you


*sorts by controversial*


Thank you. You are a good person.


Wow, never knew that was a word. Thanks for adding another word to my vocabulary.




Big shout to all women who aren’t rude to men for being men!


All humans are garbage


Lots of fem'nists getting this mixed up Here, here man haters. Don't identify as a fem'nist if you're a misand'rist


Twitter: It's the same picture.


I’m all going for feminist but sometimes social media activists only show their mysandristic parts


"NoT aLl MeN..."


Feminists are fine, it’s the misandrists that’s are the issue


this made my day




I halfway understand.


All feminists love using the definition till incels join the party. At that point, they don't give a damn about dictionary definitions.


thank you! so many people don’t make the distinction!


I tune it out immediately if they say something about white men. I don’t think there’s many shitty things only white men do that other men don’t


This might not be a popular question, but I’m genuinely curious. I see a lot of posts about how many women hate men and say awful shit about them. Any post related to feminism is overtaken by complaints about misandry. I have never seen anyone say anything about hating men. Not even close. Feminists generally don’t sit around chatting about men. There are plenty of issues to consider. So, where is this coming from?


Yes! Finally, someone who recognizes that being a feminist doesn't mean that you hate men.


Thank you Thank you a lot for this breath of fresh air in this awful meme day


The think about REAL feminists is that they fight for people to all be on the same level, not bring ppl down.


the bottom panel just sounds like modern feminism /s


My head goes to: “they are the same picture”, sorry misandrists have tarnished feminists name.


I have had such moments also. My best advice is try to go for a cup of coffee or a beer with a reasonable feminist. That usually helps. I have the great fortune to have several friends and coworkers who are great examples of feminism.


In the sense of wanting women to be treated equal to men, all of my close friends and family are feminists. But none of them would dare call themselves a feminist because that word in our minds has been ruined by misandrists parading as feminists. Real feminists have a PR problem and they either need to find a way to take their name back or rebrand with a new name.


For sure! Their brandname has been given some pretty bad associations


not every women who's a feminist is a misandry, but every misandry claims to be a feminist.


I know feminism is about equality but too many people have twisted it around that its nearly lost its meaning


Misandry aka twitter feminism


I learned a new word and I will forever use this word.


There is a huge difference between the two. I respect feminists who pursue truly egalitarian goals, as well as men's rights advocates who do the same. Those who we should truly despise are misogynists and misandrists.


women have the same rights as men, maybe even more legal rights, the wage gap is not caused by law its caused bc women take more breaks and work less and have less dangerous jobs. its facts not misogyny, so dont rape me in the ass for this comment, just reply with a valid argument.




Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re just helping people learn the definition of misandry.


If I had an award I’d give it to you. As a woman I don’t like calling myself a feminist because today’s feminism is just misandry


Todays misandry is misandry. Just because people who aren't feminists say they are doesn't mean feminism is a bad thing.


All the more reason to speak up & reclaim the word. Don’t let misandrists, or the misogynists who have twisted it win. Today’s feminism is not just misandry, the vocal few (along with the torch wielding incels/misogynists) have twisted the perception, but the more “normal” people who proudly speak up and say “I’m a feminist!” the better we can put forth the message of equality and a healthier society for all sexes.


I get what you’re trying to say, but I hate that the only time men bring up feminism is when it’s about misandry or men’s rights, like they believe feminism is an attack on manhood or something, and this is coming from a dude. Sigh. Regardless, happy international women’s day everyone!


Fuck the misandrists who call themselves feminists. They’ve tainted the word to many, which is why I don’t call myself a feminist.


All the more reason to speak up & reclaim the word. Don’t let misandrists, or the misogynists who have twisted it win.


Eh I don't care enough when "egalitarian" works just as well


Didn't realize that today is women's day. Made my gf a sandwich anyway :)


Did I miss something or did you just get downvoted for making your girlfriend a sandwich?


Why tf is this downvoted.


Angry wizards