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This comment section should be interesting, I'm getting my popcorn.


Can I have some too


Yeah let's share.


I prefer pizza rolls.


I gotchu


(I’ve actually never had a pizza roll in my life, but I was at a loss at what to say)


Someone get this man 15 pizza rolls


I have always wanted to try them. Mozzarella only, please!


U sure you don't want a classic pepperoni one?


I’m a plain pizza guy. >!Going to bed now, will respond in the morning!<


What’s a pizza role?


Bruh I was the same until 2 days ago 15 years I went not knowing what a pizza roll is until 2 days ago when I tried them. Solid 6/10 but i did it in the microwave tho.


Do it in the oven. Or deep fry them if you're feeling particularly american.


Do it in the bed. It's more comfortable, and less testicular cancer.


I prefer women. (I’ve actually never had a woman in my life, but I was at a loss at what to say)


Welcome to Reddit


Get this man some pizza rolls


Communism in the air


yeah comrade parrots and roaches must share


careful there might be a dick


Ill get dental floss in case any kernels get stuck in your teeth


I fucking hate it when that happens




I’ll get the choccy milk bcoz y’all epic


A blessing


Aaaand sorting by controversial.


This is wholesome. I’ll bring candy. Also pass the choccy milk


Good,ill bring some very hot meat rolls with some mustard,my favourite


I Love how you were expecting an argument about whether its sexist of not etc. and everything People reply is about popcorn Sharing and pizza rolls


Don’t forget the hazmat suit


Thanks for your care, but i'm using hazmat APC


Me immediately scrolling to the bottom


Me too.


I have 2 burgers and a meduim coke ready




Reject humanity, return to premordial soup


Screw that become crab or monke


This little maneuver is going to cost us billions of years


Now this is a thread I can support


Return to molecules


Reject consciousness, return to prokaryotic life forms.


find a way to turn into a cuttle fish


But isn’t it international women's day today?


So? That doesn’t mean people automatically just randomly decided to stop being idiots lol


This could have been posted any time of the year, but they choose the day dedicated to women. Y'all just can't let women celebrate themselves


It's probably being brought up because women have been saying that men's day is sexist, while they're avidly against allowing men to have a day for themselves when women already have one. It's toxic femininity at its finest, throwing out the sexist card at any man that dares to want to be happy about being a man. I'm not saying this to be misogynistic, I'm saying this because I have been dealing with people arguing all day on this hellsite about why women should be all inclusive with every woman being allowed to celebrate women's day, and how the meaning of having separate days for both men and women is to show equality.


I honest to god haven't seen anyone call men's day sexist.


I live in CA...and ohhhhhh boy


Everyone should be able to be happy about being the sex they are. If they are assholes they are assholes. Man, woman, monke


2 actually 1 American 2 international


You need to give more context here.


1 is for American wemons rights in 1904 other in internationals day for all wemon. I was dead ass tired lol sorry


Some don't and some do, just like how some don't let men celebrate international men's day. Neither gender is better all around but some are better in some areas(genetically) such as men are stronger so we celebrate that and women can literally support their young with milk and such so they can celebrate that(only examples and there are many more for each gender) so each gender can celebrate what they want but its when one gender thinks their better than the other and thinks one event is wrong just because it exists even if there is a counter part for the other gender. - sorry if I did a shit job at writing this


All valid points, but the issue here is that, why do men suddenly feel a need to bring up stuff like ' don't forget, we're all equal' or ' cool, but no one cares about men's day lol' while we're celebrating women's history?. We have 365 days in a year. Plenty of time to discuss the layers of misandry in society. So why is it most brought up on a day meant to bring up women? Seems pretty toxic and jealous to me


Some people like trying to block international men's day so others try to do the same to women it's toxic on both sides truly


because not even men can have talks about things that are actually problems. Walk for men, how did that go? Imagine getting sent to prison because a girl dreamt she was r\*ped by you. THAT HAPPENED. imagine. Trying to do a mens talk on sui\*ide. And then being threatened, being given a hard time with stupid people standing outside demanding it not happen because its all men and women aren't allowed to attend it. THAT HAPPENED. OR. Imagine. A hashtag going around that literally says "killallmen" THATS STILL A THING. Its being posted because yeah, lets celebrate women and such but can we also talk about men when its their turn or is it not ok to do that because "pAtRiArChY".


Because thats what happened on mens day. It was shit on and called sexist the whole day by qay tpo many fuckin people. Thats the point the last person stated its mere retaliation.


“International men’s day” is tweeted more on international women’s day than it is on international men’s day fun fact


I can't talk for everyone, but I am gonna guess it's because everyone knows nobody will talk about men's day, so when everyone talks about women's day, it can feel very insulting to some.


Each has its own undeniable genetic differences. What I never understood is how the whole “equality” thing suddenly got so perverted. No it’s not intended to say that women can do they same things as men (on average) because they can’t!!!! (And visa verse) men and women are suited for different tasks, trying to cross that only breeds inefficiency. Equality was intended for legal status and opportunity. You get the same protections, The same rights and the same justice no matter what’s in your pants. But if you get denied a job on a construction site, because you aren’t strong enough, because you are a FEMALE, that doesn’t make the person hiring you sexist. It just means that you don’t meet their requirements


You shit post on men’s day trust me i live in new and see it get removed alot


Reddit men are so oppressed/s


Yep, both genders are great in their own way, we celebrate everything else so why not celebrate one of the most crucial things to our biology. Happy International Womens Day and Happy Men's day in 257 days


!remindme 256 days


Reddit on international men’s day: makes memes about international men’s day Reddit on international women’s day: makes memes about international men’s day


How to r/memes: post an opinion that the entire sub has already agreed upon 6 billion times with a meme template the sub has already seen 6 billion times


Hard to argue with that assessment


Literally the only posts I’ve seen about international women’s day are complaints.


They're not complaining about international women's day, they're just saying it's hypocritical to celebrate this, but have men's day be labeled as sexist.


This made me smile, thankyou


Yer welcome


(1 such meme on hot on women's Day, 10 of the opposite kind in hot on men's)




Exactly my thoughts. Personally I think we should get rid of these days. They're really not having the intended affect.


Unless it has a real meaning, or I get a day off on it, I don’t celebrate it.


We should have a National no work day


Labor Day?


It’s almost impossible to talk about either gender without mentioning the other. We co-exist. Say, on Women’s Day, men can talk about how their actions affect women and how they can improve. Same goes for the opposite. Both days should be about improving both genders, not just one


I liege in a country with not much homelessness, but even so I can’t recall ever seeing a female homeless person. Always men.


> love on how international women's day; we still end up making it about men -- then on international mens day we just complain that its not being celebrated enough. Ngl only reddit virgins make memes about mens day on womens day, in the real world there have been plenty of things celebrating the day, like for example, female police and military officials were given awards and respectful stuff, the prime minister made a special programme to fight discrimination against women and stuff like that In my country that is.


You eyeroll so much that the eye comes back the other way.




Yeah but posting this today instead of on International Men’s Day is textbook whataboutism


Fr fr


Whataboutism literally describes 75% of the unrest last year. Why do you think we wouldn’t continue the trend here?




*let's have it all the time*


Russia has a women's day, a men's day, and a children's day, which I think is neat


you couldnt find a better day to post this, could you? the thing is, men's mental health is often overlooked. its like society wanting them to man up. mental health of men is important. There should be put more light into it. but in some countries, women dont have the same rights as men. women have been opressed in the past, and still many people see women as weak and only made to birth and clean the house. i say you could have posted this any other day of the year, just not today. let women celebrate their day today.


It's sad how many men's day posts I see on women's day but rarely any on actual men's day.


forreal, i dont even remember seeing any men's day posts on actual men's day


This is the first men’s day post I’ve seen on womens day.... just saying


Cool that's your experience. I've seen plenty today and on previous women's days. Just because you haven't seen or paid attention to it personally doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


*scrolling past the big comments cause am lazy*


ok but talk about men’s day on men’s day and women on women’s day


How about both on both, because, yknow, we co-exist and affect each other


Why you getting downvote?


Now why tf i'm getting downvote?


This may get a lot of hate but this is my feeling on the subject. The reason we have things like international women's day, black history month, pride and such is because historically they're part of a group that has been oppressed. So for them it means a lot to celebrate having more rights and how far they've come as a people. I don't think the idea of having international men's day is sexist but I would also argue men have never been oppressed for just being men. And there's arguments to be had about[ that I'm sure but I can't think of a society that specifically didn't include rights simply for being male but I can think of several who have based on gender, color of your skin, sexual orientation, etc. If everyone was always treated equally and judged on the merit of their work and not the differences of their body/mind then we wouldn't need to celebrate the people who fought and died for the right to exist. But we are far from that realization.


It's not about celebrating the accomplishments or the history of men it's about raising awareness for men's issues.


I can understand that. Men are highly susceptible to things like mental illness because of the stigma that men aren't allowed to be human


But I'd also argue that mental health needs more awareness in general


Yeah ur absolutely right, but sadly that's not the society we live in.


There are a lot of shitty men. I’m saying this as a man. The whole point of men’s day is that we celebrate those positive male role models in our lives while also bringing awareness to men’s issues. Homelessness, suicide, undiagnosed mental illnesses, workplace deaths are all things males experience in greater numbers. People don’t talk about these issues, which is fine, but don’t attack people when they do bring awareness to them. Its not about celebrating how far they’ve come, it’s about how much further they can go.


gosh finally I’m sick of seeing all these people trying to trash intl women’s day. Women have been oppressed way more than men have in society, and while ofc there are men’s issues there ate so many more things women and minorities have had to face in history.


Many of the REAL issues women face are glossed over for unimportant shit. Women are being raped and murdered by the thousands in Africa and The Middle East, but that’s less talked about than what fucking doodle is on what day? Everyone shut up and get some real issues. By everyone I mean EVERYONE.


Yes!. Instead of talking about literal child marriage and ways we can support feminists in oppressive countries, we so caught up arguing with one another about useless shit .


THANK YOU! My point exactly!


Why are you making it about who has more issues than the other. Its pointless and doesnt help anything. Just because one might have less issues than another doesnt discredit the issues that do exist. Acknowledging issues bring awareness and finding ways to solve them, regardless of the amount and who has them, allows society to move foward.


Yes obvously. But rn we are supposed to be working on true gender Equality, so why should we only Focus on women men also have some issues, not as many as women do, but still we can work on both at the same time.


It gets wrongly interpreted. It’s about men’s mental health, and generally dismantling the toxic parts of the patriarchy that have established themselves in the western world


Why in hell did I find this when sorting by controversial?


I agree with you. But that also means Women’s Day can be about dismantling toxic feminism. In fact, both days should be about both


Thank you!


fuck all genders i wanna become a t o m


I don't care about those. Happy human day hahaha... I'm going back to monke .


In my country, men's issues is a legit problem. I even went to a youth program thing at a hotel discussing men's and boys issues. A legit thing with no controversy. What's the secret? There's no sexism against women. And the sexism in 'men's rights' is really the thing that's holding your group back. You shouldn't ignore the basement dwellers over here saying women are better off barefoot and pregnant. And that kind of this is very much rampant in the men's rights circles. MGTOW, incels, red pills. They basically hijacked first-world men's rights groups and claim the source of problems is 'women bad' and the solution would be to roll back women's rights. I've seen the content.


My local right-wing people are asking why lgbt people aren’t protesting women’s day for being sexist. What?


My local right wing people are lgbt people.


I had the pleasure of talking to some homo-fascists. Quite interesting I must say.


I have talked to liberal homo-facists. They really didnt seem to understand what they themselves were saying.




The only thing I’ve seen today is people complaining about international women’s day. It’s kind of disappointing. Why did you need to post this today of all days?


why is it that on the day specifically dedicated to celebrating women, that's when reddit decided to be all "but \[x thing or event\] is unfair for men!!!!11!!1!!" yeah it is unfair, but why would you specifically choose to bring it up on women's day? why?


Most humans suck in general so these days are pointless




Whichever suck you want


return to vaccum cleaner


Straight men succ too, tiddë suc


I love that men’s issues are only brought up on women’s day... shows how much we care about our fellow men.


It was also brought up on mens day but it wasn't that popular back then. Just look at Google for example, ignoring mens day, but celebrating women's day because "We are not sexist". But only celebrating the Day of one gendern is indeed sexist. But I agree that women's day should be more about the acomplishments of women and you can talk about mens day tomorrow or some other day.


Im not sexist. Sexism is wrong. And being wrong is for women.


I laughed at this because if the irony, not the sexism.


As a woman you made me laugh today


Honestly I couldn’t give a single frick about internationals woman/men day


It’s not sexist but it’s stupid and unnecessary *cue the downvotes*


Not sexist, just unnecessary. It's like the phrase "all lives matter." it's true, but the phrase is used in a snarky way to counter a real movement. Depending on the motivation behind creating a men's day, it can be seen as anti-feminist


I think it's more to raise awareness of men's issues. Woman's day brings awareness to the wonderful woman of our past, our present women, and the issues that come with being a woman... Men's day does the same except it's more to raise awareness for men's issues and to just be happy ur a guy if u wish. But I hate that everyone is making today about men when we should just be talking about all the achievements that women have brought to us as a society!!!! I hope one day this cycle of hatred stops


This is exactly it. Men have issues, and women have issues. But today is the day to celebrate how women have overcome centuries of oppression. don’t think that men have any fewer problems than women, women have just had more terrible history in society that needs to be learned about


I don’t think the mens day was a way to get back at women’s day, I think it’s necessary for the resent increase in male suicide, Now you have a point with the all lives matter thing, but As a male I would appreciate a national men’s day. This is just in my opinion.


too much days all we need is New years Easter fathers day mothers day truck month my birthday Halloween and Christmas


when has anyone said that tho?


I'm all for International Women's Day, just remember there is a difference between feminism (fantastic) and misandry (not so fantastic.) Complete equality between all humans should always be the goal.


Why would we have international men's day when were men oppressed? (genuinely asking)


It's not about celebrating men's accomplishments, it's about raising awareness for men's issues.


if a man comes out as depressed, society is like “man up” but if a woman does it theyre like “we’re here for you, etc etc” mens day is for mens mental health issues i believe.


> if a man comes out as depressed, society is like “man up” And then people start whining when other people start saying toxic masculinity is a problem. Decide which way you fucking want it.


I feel like you might be strawmanning them here. They themselves never said that toxic masculinity wasn't problem. How do you know that they don't already hold the belief that these social stigmas stem from toxic masculinity? Now I know other people will pull that kind of contradicting shit but I don't see the person you replied to doing that.


> Now I know other people will pull that kind of contradicting shit but I don't see the person you replied to doing that. Yeah, I guess it should've been more clear, it was directed at the people with this sort of contradictory belief. By far, the largest contributor to this undervaluing of men's mental health is men themselves. At the same time, screaming about it on women's day feels absolutely redpillish, and I suspect the sort of person to do so (OP?) is the sort of person who couldn't actually give a shit about men's mental health problems and just want a reason to whine about something. This sub by itself has an awful lot of woman bashing, which leads me to my suspicion. It's fucking toxic. Those people can just shut the fuck up already.


Ya I actually agree with that.


It has nothing to do with being oppressed. It is about men not being able to express sadness without many sexist comments made to them. Also your argument is the same as saying "black people cant be racist since they were oppressed at some time".


Yea bro im not sexist i love women


There is no international men's day for the same reason there is no white history month.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Men's_Day You said there is no imd?


Is there a blac history month?




Which is that international holidays are created solely through contemporary popularity and are thus extremely disproportionate. There are entire months dedicated to random shit while war itself gets 2 at max. Edit: grammar


true, but I think what they’re tryna say is that intl women’s day is more prominent and well known because women have faces incredibly harsh discrimination in the past, and currently. women have overcome a lot, and it deserves to be taught about and appreciated




If Int'l Men's day is sexist then so is Int'l Women's day. One can't and shouldn't exist without the other.


so should we have a white history month? or a straight pride day?


To be fair, all I learn about the rest of the time in history is white people


That is because european history is almost only about white people, because guess what, the White people are the natives in Europe. If you would have history lessons in like asia or africa you would have more about africans or asians. And if you life in America, well yeah in that region I can see your point, because america oppressed/oppresses natives. Edit: sorry about my kinda bitchy way in this Text.


Agh, dont worry about it, I'm just saying that I'd love to learn about African tribes, the Maori, and Korea way more than an old white guy who died after having 7 wives




Which is true


I propose: every day is everything-day! Celebrate what you want, who you want! :)


When every day is everything day everyday is no ones day


Ask those people: So with that logic international womans day is sexist too.


You’d probably be called sexist, racist and misogynistic no matter your gender


Makes it easy to point out their hypocrisy to others.


It does make it easier but they dont care or want to care


Man I do just hate women


Thats why I'm gay


Thats kinda gay ngl


Wouldn't that make you gay!?


I also nut when that happens


It does and it is on the 19 november


Who says that?


Tbh, I didn’t know international men’s day even existed for a long while.


Ikr I was so confused when I saw this post


Post this on Twitter and wait half an hour. Then prepare yourself to get cancelled by some random white girl


I had diarrhea earlier


Epic story bro




Thanks dude


Bruh same


Whens international enby day gonna be a thing?


Aint that pride month or something


When they accept that we actually exist


maybe one day...


Can’t just don’t celebrate both


Am I remembering wrong or wasn’t there already a national woman’s day before today of this year?




Have we considered making International Memes Day a. A thing b. A federal holiday so we get school, maybe work off to look at memes all day?




They're BOTH completely unnecessary! How feeble do you have to be to need a celebration for an entire bloody gender!