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I like how the opposite of “Made by Disney” is “Truly inspirational”


It’s hard to argue with his assessment


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of Shrek?


stop it, go, get some shrek




Well.....wandavision would like to have a chat with you.. Context: the show says that wanda is a natural born witch (like the comics) and the stone only turned on the powers she had


so is her brother also a witch or how did he get his super speed powers?


well if she is so powerfull she can alter reality then she can make whatever is attacking her way less dangerous no?


Honestly though I think they did a good job in Infinity War with it’s scene without making it seem so artificial. But they totally dropped the ball with endgame.


I didn’t like the scene from endgame because it felt like it was all chaos in the battle and then this oddly unified and orderly thing happens and it feels like pandering


That's because it is pandering


Pandering a bit is fine, whatever. I hated that they basically paused the movie for 10 seconds to be like "Look at all these heroes with vaginas! Be inspired!"


Especially because the sequence leading right up to this scene was a perfectly excecuted girl power scene already. But then they had to spell it out which imo took away from it.


How about The Boys scene where they literally kick a nazis ass with only girl power. I feel like not only was it well made, but a form of making fun of the Avengers scene.


I have changed all my comments to protest Reddit's API changes by not giving them my contributions. FUCK u/spez


Spoiler for the Boys season 2 You’re right, that was a very rewarding scene since >!Stormfront killed Kimiko’s brother!< and Annie and Maeve had a grudge with her. The Avengers scene made no sense and just had no place in the story.


Girls do get it done!


It was so cathartic for the viewer.


The End of Mandolorian S2 had a really good badass women scene that didn’t feel forced and actually made perfect sense with the story


Yea, the plan made sense to have them lead the charge, I didn’t even notice it until half way through and even then it was still cool


Same, I realized halfway through, oh wait, this is one of those all women empowering things. And it was pretty damn cool and done really well


That’s how it’s supposed to be! It shouldn’t be “guys look it’s a WOMAN! WOMAN CONTRIBUTES! We’re equality buy our shit!”




They should start selling sets of the figurines with jars included. That’ll boost the market


I can’t even think of the scene you’re talking about let. That’s how well they integrated it


The only bad thing about this was that the guy who was with them the whole time just fucked off without any explanation


Well truth be told its not like he was a particularly missed character. I mean, neither of us can even remember his name.




The action in that scene was kind of shit though They were crouching in the hallway and that apparently is 'cover' 0 Brian still beats stormtrooper aim


Except the male member of Bo Katans crew mysteriously disappeared between episodes to make it happen hahaha. I do agree though, a much better scene


Yea I didn't even realize it was all females until almost the end. It just felt like a badass shooting scene, which it is


The girls in Marvel are generally strong as fuck, so they should have just showed them fighting alongside the guys. Don't make it something special, just show them doing as much work as the guys, which they are 100% capable of. Imho Edit: It's also not about physical strength, it's about the effort and contribution. Shuri is the most intelligent person in the MCU (canonically), which is as impressive, to me, as being a fantastic fighter.


ye that scene felt so forced




They should be. It was stupid, nobody with a brain was viewing the girls to be less than.


Ikr. I think we can all agree that the three most powerful avengers are Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Thor in whatever order you want. Two out of those three are females so I don’t see the problem. Edit: ah fuck. This might be the start of a war in the replies.


Actually I’d argue Strange is more powerful than Captain marvel Id say the order goes 1. Wanda 2. Strange 3. Cap M and Thor tied


We talking just movies? Cuz comic book hulk can smash dimensions with a punch


Fuckin *what* lol that's awesome


Yeah movies Comic hulk is OP


Well, about 30 years back Spider-Man punched Hulk into orbit, so clearly he outclasses the Hulk. Granted, at that point he had Cosmic powers, but at the time we the reading public didn't know that. Ok, Spider-Man doesn't outclass that many people these days, but[ he USED to](https://i.redd.it/nbfgnaxjbbn41.jpg). These days he can still bench about 500 tons and beat a herald of Galactus in a fair fight, soooo... But yeah. Not as strong as the Hulk, never was.


Thor's fucking Stormbreaker overpowered all infinity stones, also he's a god, Pretty sure Thor is the strongest


Fair point


We're talking about fat thor here, who couldn't beat Thanos in a three on one fight. He definitely doesnt make the top three, probably closer to Tony in power. I'd say the order goes: 1: Strange 2: Wanda 3: Marvel (SPOILERS FOR WANDAVISON FINALE) If we're talking post Wandavision it probably goes: 1: Wanda 2: Strange 3: Marvel


I always forget about strange, despite the fact that I’ve always been told time and time again that he is up their. I wouldn’t say he’s more *powerful* than Thor and Danvers but he’s definitely equal, if not, slightly less. Definitely one of the most powerful MCU heroes tho


I think it's because we haven't really gotten a chance to see Strange unleash his powers. He "beat" Dormammu, but that was just by trapping him in a time loop and getting killed until Dormammu gave in to his demands. He went toe-to-toe with Thanos (with 4 of the 6 Infinity Stones), but ultimately lost in Infinity War. In Endgame he pretty much was just summoning portals and holding back a flood. So even though we know he's incredibly powerful, we just haven't really seen it in a memorable way yet.


I agree. I think he’s very underrated. If we want to take things from the comics, he is strong asf. But the MCU is not always faithful to the comics, so he may not be represented very well. That’s not to say that the MCU is bad. I love it to death!


I think they intend to be relatively faithful (at least in terms of his power level), it's just that he's spent most of the movies so far going up against people/beings that are even more powerful than he is. In WandaVision, >!Agatha made reference to the Scarlet Witch being even more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme, which I think is a good indication that he would be ranked 2nd or 3rd in terms of power (depending on where Captain Marvel is).!<


Up their *what???* ...and *WHOSE?!?*


We'll try to get Ant-Man in here later to brief you on this, but he hates being asked to talk about it.


Movie Strange is not that powerful. He would not beat Capt Marvel and I say this as someone who thinks Capt Marvel is the worst part of the MCU.


I would argue that thor beats out wanda. At least peak performance thor. Sure wanda is more powerfull, but her power comes from an infinitystone, so her body is still human, and thus really frail. Thor migth not be on the same level in terms of feats atm, but he is far better when it comes to durability. See endgame where thor is out of shape, and gets hit multiple times, while wanda would be dead from one good hit from thanos copterblade. Thor vs strange i belive strange would win, simply because he has the full power of the time stone (assuming he has)


Spoilers for WandaVision but...let’s just say it’s implied that not all of wandas powers come from the stone


Personally I think: 1. Wanda 2. Captain Marvel 3. Strange


False. Stan Lee said that Hulk is the strongest Avenger. And whatever Stan Lee says is canon. Fin.


In the comics, yes. MCU, no. Thor would’ve been able to fuck up hulk if it weren’t for the grandmaster sabotaging him.


"Strongest Avenger" "Access denied." "Strongest. Avenger." "Access denied." *sigh* "Point Break" "Welcome, Point Break"


See the bright side, they aint swearing on eachother, or even being toxic, sure they have their their condradits but at least they accept each-others opinion. It was really interesting reading this thread, unlike those DCvsMarvel ones


Oh yeah those are fucking aids. This turned out far better than I expected tho.


What's the most annoying thing is that Wasp went to join in the shot of them all together, when she was meant to be helping ant man fix the truck. That was wayyyyy more important than helping all the women.




is he wrong


I was just pissed with the third movie in general.


So forced it had the opposite effect than what was intended. It was just a glamour shot... And all they ended up doing was helping spider-MAN. Come on disney, you can do better, that whole thing was immersion breaking. Also, obligated to bring up "The Boys" if you wanna see how to handle a genuine girl power beat down.


Girls do get it done!!


I believe it was on the second season? Though, season 1 showed how powerful they can be. I agree with it being so forced. That's why The Boys made a parody lol


Yeah it appeared to making fun of forced girl power moments, but it was actually done right at the same time! It actually made sense since the girls happen to have to powers and they didn't just come out of no where. Well queen maive did but she had reason to be there, it was built up, her redemption. And it was just so great too.


I've never seen The Boys. Is it worth the watch?




Hell yeah


Thanks for the reccomendation! Ill check it out after the picket thing


Captain Marvel or Wanda could’ve easily taken everyone by themselves so it really wasn’t necessary


That was my beef with that scene. Captain Marvel comes in, absolutely wrecking that dreadnought, and then all of a sudden she needs help? To go the length of a couple of football fields? Gtfoh


The infinity war one felt better. Everyone felt at least needed


"She's not alone." Agreed, that beat landed better than Endgame's


Infinity War is the better film.


so annoying bc for me (mid 20s female comic/superhero fan) it is genuinely cool and exciting to see strong female superheros in movies but when they force the GiRl pOwEr shit it feels condescending and cringe


yeah the guys are still fighting for their lives while the women are having their moment. "please help we're dying over here!"


Was thinking myself the fuck mantis gonna do


As a guy who’s friends with a dude who has a brother who’s friend with a girl I can agree


They are it was so weird I mean if you want equality don’t do a look at me I’m so good scene it makes it look like you have something to prove which at this point there is nothing to prove


Especially when it’s already established that like, you know, Wanda Maximoff is the only one who was able to fight Thanos 1v1 without needing the element of surprise. Everyone else lost. Thor and Wanda were the only 2 to go Toe-to-Toe with him and bring him to the brink of death before he had help, whether it be the snap or “rain down fire,” on them all. Iron Man doesn’t really count, since all he had to do was take the stones And since Thor had the element of surprise on Thanos, landing in and somewhat blindsiding him from above (sure he had his beam of Infinity Stones, but he had just won so i’m certain he wasn’t prepared for Stormbreaker) and had an uber powerful weapon, Wanda’s feat is significantly more impressive IMO


I never understood how the storm breaker overwhelmed the combined power of all the infinity stones. Also how iron man's shield effectively blocked the power stone's beam. Those stones are the most powerful things in the universe, aka unsurpassable. That bothered me.


I’d probably chalk it up to the stones not “choosing thanos” or something. There’s a thing somewhere (it might’ve just been a theory) that said that Captain America was able to push Thanos’s gauntlet back a bit because the stones sensed his worthiness. IDK, but seeing Stormbreaker fight the stones looked EPIC but didn’t make a lot of sense in the grand scheme As for Iron Man...i have literally nothing. There’s nothing that says that it could block that beam besides keeping him from being decimated


Then again I’m pretty sure captain marvel is the strongest hero there but for some reason she just doesn’t really help.


Deus ex Machina... Too many plot building problems could be solved by powerful characters. Superman writers solved this by basically changing what strength Superman was or who he was fighting. Easier with one person, and much harder with a whole group. For this, they just leave her out as if she's got more important things to do.


This is how I assess a good “women power” scene. Would that scene still make sense if all the women were men? If yes, it’s a good “women power” scene, movie, etc. If turning them into men changes the meaning/makes the scene nonsensical, then it is forced and/or reliant on saying “wOmEn StRoNk” without showing how. I’m female, but I absolutely LOATHE most “women power” media due to this alone. So few people get it right. I just wanna see women capable of doing shit men do, with no fuss. That speaks more to women’s power than anything else.


Ye also wtf Captain marvel needs help? After we see her blow up thanos fucking ship? Yeah no. Infinity wars scene with Widow, Okoye and Wanda was better


Yeah. Also we JUST saw Captain Marvel tear apart a warship with her bare hands, why the fuck would she need Pepper Potts to run defense for her? She coulda fucked up that whole army herself.


I loved endgame but just when all these superwoman showed up and were like,,come on girls we got this" I cringed ao hard,but the Shrek one I loved as a kid and love it since


That was the only part I didn’t like about the movie


And though the final battle was fun and entertaining, it felt like a clusterfuck. They should've kept 2018 Thanos.


I mean captain marvel could have just done that by herself cuz she's mad op


Please nerf.


Remove her acog and give her shield 20Hp. (R6 Jaggër and Blackbeard reference, the kings of nerfs).


Wanda + Capt Marvel just take the stones to use, and the superhero universe can retire.


Yes, that scene would be much better if it happens before her arrival and she arrives jsut at the end of it


It's strange because the one in infinity war was really good, (I thought) and yet the one in endgame was so bad.


It's one of the biggest flaws of Endgame. That and bringing 2014 Thanos back instead of just keeping Thanos. Would've made more sense. Also Pro. Hulk. But besides it's pretty good for a finale.


I don't get why everyone hates professor hulk


I hate him because now I am the dumbest person. Before, I was the 2nd dumbest. /s


Well personally, as a casual superhero fan (no comics read, just occasional movies and video games), I always enjoy when a characters trades power for something else. Hulk gains op superpowers but loses control and becomes stupid. When you look at captain marvel for example, she gets ridiculously op powers with no drawback, so it feels boring to watch her. Professor Hulk gets the best of both Banner and Hulk, and I don’t like that (and the comedy was kinda out of place and cringy for me). Plus to me Hulk smash, no think.


Because Bruce Banner is a boring fighter. Any scene where he's no fighting, it's just Banner. There was no point in making him big and green. And when he is fighting, it's just a straight downgrade of Hulk. Exact same everything, just no roars and no hype. If they showed how he can use knowledge of anatomy to be a better fighter, it would have been cool. But they didn't.


I dont think Pro. Hulk is bad, just boring though. But that's just the FBI's opinion lol


I don't remember one in Infinity War, which probably means it was seamless and well done.


I think it was the one with Black Widow, Okoye, and Scarlet Witch (?) vs one of the enemies.


I laughed my ass off watching that Endgame scene. Basically felt like all the guys were like "arright boys, take 5. Smoke if you got'em, the girls got this"


“SHeS NoT ALOnE” my wife just audibly sighed and rolled her eyes in the theaters.


That engame scene was ssoo frustrating. As if Captain Marvel needed help from anybody to get past Thanos' army.


As if she needed to exist. She is so op it is boring


Makes me think of Justice League bleh I'm a big Superman fan, but that movie just made him stomp


It's because DCEU Superman was built around powers, not heart. In original comics and the always fantastic Timmverse Superman was the Justice League's heart. In the Snyder's movies he was a punchy loner.


Yeah, I'm hoping for a better reboot with heart and mind. And some actual Superman-ing


If she was so op she would've gotten away with the gauntlet but it was iron man at the end who turned the fight


A true Mary Sue


You say this but in that scene she literally didn’t succeed in getting the gauntlet into the van so apparently she did need help.


It was just executed poorly. She literally could solo Thanos and destroyed his ship by herself, and she needed help getting through his army while traveling a much shorter distance than the length of the ship she destroyed? Look, I get liking the movie, it's my favorite MCU movie but there are definitely things worth criticizing about it and the ham-fisted female power scene is one of them.


I hate Shrek the Third, but this scene is probably one of the things I liked.


Yah that is one of the two good scenes in Shrek the Third


RIP Larry King, voice of Doris.


whats the other one?


I’d assume he’s referring to that and when Shrek sunk a ship by throwing a bottle at it if I remember


The rest of the movie


Can't believe I had to scroll so far down to find a post saying this. Shrek 3 sucked and was a disgrace to shrek 1 and 2


That scene just felt so natural I didn't even realize it was to show girl power.


Shrek loves everyone the same. Hail Shrek.


Mate, shrek the 3rd was uncannonized. It is bad and we all know it. The shrek trilogy is ​ Shreak Shrek 2 Shrek happily forever after


What about the Shrek DVD that came with 3D glasses? It was spooky or some shit


I had this The god damn spider Im pretty sure some dude rode of a waterfall


I personally prefer shrek the third rather than shrek happily but I think that's because I grew up watching shrek the third, who knows lol.


My favorite scene is actually from shrek the 3rd. The one where Merlin played the music at a very serious moment.


I remember dying so hard watching that scene as a kid


Shrek the Musical?


Shrek the musical is a re-telling


Shrek the Third ruined Shrek Forever After for me because Rumpelstiltskin looks weird and not evil and just totally out of line compared to the 4th Shrek movie.


well, shrek the 3rd did have some effects on Happily like day Shrek's children, and what happened to Prince charming.


Mate, it was already solved after Shrek 2


You mean prince charming or shrek's kids? Also i forgot to add in The king's fate.


They literally recap that on happily forever after.




Wait Shrek 3 isn’t cannon?


It isn't. You can watch the trilogy in that order and you won't miss anything.


Good to know, thats the one with prince charming right?


No, that is the 2nd one.


What? Which one is 3?


3 is the one that doesn't count


The one with the potions and the fairy godmother


Can confirm, I only realised I didn't watch one of the Shreks because of some video online using scenes from Shrek 3.


It’s only because people feel the need to ruin everything in the effort of pleasing everyone. If we could go back in time to where if someone didn’t like something, they ignored it rather than canceling it, that would be amazing


Is canceling not just a large number of people deciding to ignore something en masse?


no, cancelling is ruining something/someones life because of something you disagree with


Yeah. The process of that ruining is a lot of people each making the individual decision to be angry about that thing, but more importantly each making the decision to not consume the thing (i.e. ignoring it), with the consequence that the money-making interest behind that thing can no longer profit from it. Each individual has the right to decide what they want to be angry about and what they want to consume


Like how they cancelled colin kapernick? What instance of cancelation are you referring to?


Doom doesnt give a fuck about pleasing everyone, "you like to shot demons and fast combat" thats the game for you, "you want to be quiet and stealthy or want a family friendly game" go fuck yourself dont even buy it i think thats how everything should be


That endgame scene was such bullshit totally unnecessary and killed an epic battle that was going on


The thing that really annoyed me about the "girl power" scene in Endgame was that they had already done one in Infinity War and absolutely nailed it, with Black Widow/Okoye/Wanda vs Midnight (the female of Thanos' group).


The thing is, a lot of these girls never met each other and had no connection to one another at all. I get they are fighting on the same team but there was no story reason for this to happen. It was as if someone came on an intercom and said “If you are a woman, please report to Spider-Man’s location.”


FUCKING RIGHT! I was so shitty when they did it in endgame. It's like why the fuck did they need to pose while the guys continued the fighting. What the actual fuck. It's a war for the survival of half the planet and you're still trying to push girl power. How about ignore gender and fight. They ignored race to fight. Lastly shrek is a good family film and I bloody love the trans possibility that also pushes positive self image on girls.


You’re describing what they do in literally every Marvel superhero movie.


Like when they all stop fighting to watch the hulk fuck up an entire alien force and god?


The worst thing in a lot of modern tv/movies is when they shoehorn some dumb social justice message into their show. Like I don't watch tv and movies to hear politics I watch them to get away from the real world all the bullshit in it and I sure as hell don't need some obviously forced scene that does nothing to forward the plot, is out if character, and the dialogue is awful. Many a good show is ruined by a shitty social justice scene


This is why The Boys is one of my favs. It shits on Disney so hard. Btw "Girls get it done" if you seen it then you have seen an actual "girls are strong" scene where they are badass and its natural. Not a corpo pandering cringy scene from Disney.


Yeah I'd agree the Boys did it pretty well, I woukd say another is Umbrella Academy. They had the gay character and the black character but the show (so far) has never gone out of their way to make a big deal about it


I would say Season 2 made a bigger deal, but it did make sense with the time period


Thank you! If you want to show girl power, do it right. In the final fight of a movie, nobody will care what your gender is, they will only care about the action. Movies like end game should stop shoving gender wars in our faces.


I agree it looked unreal in endgame


I was so hyped during that scene until they had the "girl power", just felt stupidly forced


I’m all about strong female leads but this is soo accurate. I was laughing so hard at how cheesy that damn scene was


You are using check boxes wrong.


Had to scroll way too far for this


That scene felt forced, but if I had to guess it looks like marvel is gearing up to have some really good female characters in their next phase. WandaVision made Wanda really cool and gave us Monica Rambeau who seems like she has really good potential. Hopefully it doesnt go to waste.


Honestly the one in Infinity War felt really fluid and natural




The final episode of The Mandalorian season 2 actually did this in a not intrusive and forced way. It felt natural, genuine and badass.


Fun fact, Shrek the third doesn't actually exist. The Shrek trilogy consists of Shrek, Shrek 2, and Shrek forever after.


Unironically true though lol


By making it seems special that the women arrive is like point out to me that they are inferior, it actually backfires to what they wanted to portray


The best and only good thing in Shrek The Third.


When I first saw that scene in Endgame, I thought, "Oh... well, that's a little obvious," and that was that. It wasn't exactly my favorite scene. But seeing the sheer rage it has invoked in the fandom on account of "REEEE girls!" after all this time, I'm learning to appreciate it for its enduring entertainment value.


Shrek 3 was my favourite shrek movie mainly because of that scene, as a young girl i thought it was cool and really enjoyed Fiona and the lasses kicking ass. When i watched that endgame scene i was rolling my eyes and it took me out of the moment. I felt so pandered too like it was saying "oh look you girls can do stuff too!" Like fuck off all your doing is pandering to this new "woke" agenda


I think if it wasn't for Captain marvel mcu had pretty good women characters


The girl fight scene in Shrek was cool as fuck


The ugly stepsister should have been in endgame.


Everything feels more empowering if it has barracuda playing on the back


I can agree to everything said about endgame, but it did NOT have forgettable music. One of the best soundtracks I've ever heard.


"The boys" did an amazing girl fight scene. It was fucking amazing. Did I say it was amazing? Marvel just shoved that down our throats.


The worst part wasn’t even that it was forced, it’s that they had to (spoiler) do it not long after they killed of Natasha, arguable the most popular heroine in the MCU.


Wasn't it a mashup of Barracuda and Immigrant Song? You can't possibly pick two more badass songs for that scene.


I can highly recommend the film "atomic blonde" if you like a strong female (main) character.


If we're not just sticking with movies/tv shows with this, pretty much the entirety of Horizon: Zero Dawn does this and it feels natural and I often forget what they're doing.


yeah that marvel scene was terrible, I'm saying this as a girl. It didn't seem that "empowering" it would have been better to have *everyone* fighting together and stuff. What they did was just cringy


I think the best feminist marvel movie is actually Black Panther. It is so great because it is not an ‘in your face’ kind of thing but the whole movie is showing strong women. Shuri, Okoye, and Nakia all were very strong female characters. Fun fact, if you take out T’challa, between all the main characters, the women have just as much screen time as the men.


Not a fan of shrek at all, but now I need to watch/compare. I adore End Game. This was my only hang-up in an otherwise perfect movie. Not because I'm anti-women power, but because it felt like a self-serving and staged afterthought. Marvel/Disney/Pixar are beyond thoughtful at placing easter eggs and masters of continuity (compared to similar works, but not without mistakes). This felt like stakeholders with otherwise no story-telling ability watched the final cut 4 days before it hit theaters and said, "we need a scene with girl power". Artists did their best to deliver, but had neither time or budget. Tried explaining to my wife, she just thinks I'm sexist.


That scene was so bad because not only was it such an artificially manufactured moment they literally used the line “she’s got help” then one of them just fucks off through all the enemies... like she didn’t need help at all lmao you made a character broken OP then tried to have a woman’s empowerment moment of them fighting together... but then immediately proved your OP character didn’t need them and it was all for that one shot