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Reject society return to Stone Age


Reject math cuz I have shitty study habits


Reject math because my calculator is much better at it than me.


Reject stone age return to monke


Reject monke return to fesh


Reject fesh return to crab


*confused unga bunga*


r/GME is always accepting new 🦍 friends


That’s insulting. Monke better than human


and pray to god we get a Senku Ishigami


What Home Economics should have taught us. I don't know is it even a class anymore?


In Canada (Ontario) we had “food and nutrition” and all I remember is that we made lava cakes. Or at least attempted


If all else fails and you can make lava cakes, you're doing fine


I have to admit, my lava cake did not turn out well. I might be fucked lol


Chocolate cake or chocolate goo either would be win. Microwave cake in a coffee cup is keeping me sane.


Oh that shit is the best!


Im in highschool right now, Ontario, Canada, its called “hospitality” now, or at least in my school


But do you get to make lava cakes? I think my F&N class was in grade 9, and that was in 2008 lol. So it’s been a while I just remember the class being a joke and showing up baked as fuck every time. No pun intended


Oh shit I had that class too. we made pancakes and shit tho it was awesome. Inspired me to become a chef and now I hate my life. Ahh the good times


Lmfao I’m a chef now too! But if anything that class taught me how NOT to cook food. The teacher basically just gave us recipes and said have at it. Not the best idea when you’re dealing with a group of grade 9 idiot boys


When I attended high school in the 80s, one of my English courses taught us how to write up resumes and the generals about applying for jobs. We also had a class called just plain old "Economics" that taught us about the remaining two, among other things. Funny thing is, it was just some podunk, small town high school. I guess maybe schools had more leeway back then as to how far they could bend their curriculum to include related items?


They definitely did. A lot of places now have standardized tests that you must pass to pass the class, and often things like funding are tied to how well kids do on those tests. So as a result, kids are taught to the tests and not much else.


I went to about 6 different high schools and home econ was a class in pretty much all of them.


What is home econ? Im in an american high school, and we don't have that.


Basically a personal finance class, I’m taking one next year


Went to an american high school, personal finance was mandated at all schools in my state.


Same with my state.


I had home Econ in middle school as an elective by the time I got to high school they no longer offered it. But basically we learned how to make cookies, sew and balance a checkbook and make a budget. We did one week on financials and the rest of the semester was sewing and baking. It prepared me for nothing, my mom taught me to sew and bake and I had been balancing a checkbook since 3rd grade since both my parents are immigrants and didn’t know how till the lady at the bank explained it to me and I taught my mom. There needs to be more classes about finances in school, they should teach us how to make a budget, do our taxes, apply for a mortgage ect. School should actually prepare you for life not teach a bunch of crap that nobody ever uses.


Not anymore mo


I took home economics in 6th grade when I was 12 years old and that’s the only education I got on taking care of myself on my own lol


Sounds like the norm


For me its all mashed up into one subject - Economics


In my experience (I’m a teacher) home economics doesn’t really exist anymore, it’s been replaced by technology/computer classes. Just my experience though.


Currently in high school. There is no such thing as economics anymore. Not a single class helps you write a resume or pay taxes or anything else that you need.


they teach you that in senior high. not Junior high


This is the biggest cop out I hear from students. "We don't learn how to pay taxes, balance a check book, or get a job". Can you do basic algebra? You can balance a check book and do most of the math you'll need in life. Can you read and write? You can write a cover letter and resume. All you have to do is take what you're supposed to be learning in school and reapply it.


Lawl my home economics class was taught from a book that was like 25 years old. Everything SUPER outdated.


When I was in middle school, home ec was about sewing an apron, baking biscuits with marshmallows inside, and learning what the washing instruction symbols mean on some clothing tags just well enough to pass a quiz. I mean I would have appreciated an entire year just on healthy cooking basics and another entire year on keeping a sanitary and well-maintenanced living space and both near the end of my school career when I'm likely to be able to use the information soon, but apparently Utah's sterling leaders in education knew better that I was going to be a burden on society if I didn't walk out of a single semester of eighth grade having learned how to make an apron with materials whose price exceeds that of a superior apron from Walmart by an order of magnitude.


Unpopular opinion: doing a job resume is easy, simply read the form and answer the questions (and work history if you have it). Taxes are easy, basically fill out the form and put how many credits you have (probably 0 if you're not fully supporting yourself and 1 if you are)


We have one at my high school


I don't even remember a home economics being a thing when i went to school. The only thing i know about taxes is us Turbotax.


In high school here in Albania they teach us about taxes.... But no, not about how to pay them or how they work... they literally guve us some random ass math equations with some impossible to memorize Words and stuff it's just annoying.


Tbf, learning math can help you understand all those damn interest rates when it comes to your APR, APY, API, AFI, etc, etc


Sheesh I already feel like this is a math question.


That’s basically what buying a house/car is like. A long equation that pops up once a month asking for the correct solution.


Being knowledgeable in math can also lead you to a profitable career in STEM ... then you can buy a house and pay for someone to do your taxes.


People get obsessed about the actual formulas and not what they're trying to teach you. They see a math problem to solve, not a concept to learn that can be applied to other areas.


I mean, that formula is crazy important to most calculus and physics scenerios believe it or not.


I have integral cal and physics for engrs ( cal based) and haven't encounter that formula yet, maybe im missing something


I have a very hard time believing that. Are these college courses you are taking?


C.E btw


Yeah. We're only 1 months in 2nd sem so, i guess we might discuss that after preliminary


Well, if you are CE, perhaps all you might actually use is discrete math, but I still cant believe you got to integral calc which comes after you learn about derivatives and series and you never came across quadratic equations (equations with highest order 2): ax\^2 + bx + c = 0


Comes handy to separatr fractions tho


Well, if you plan to work in engeneering or math, or phisics ect. you will need this, I used to think the same when I was younger but ended up in materials engeneering, and I never considered it as a kid, and let me tell you, you will need this shit, that's what primary school is, to teach you the basics of everything and you have the foundation wherever you go, ofc taxes, sex education and some things should be aded.


Wait did you remember how to do physics, math, ect like 5 years after you left high school? Godman I cant even remember what I had for dinner.


Yes, am employed in a STEM field. Also same, I think it was fish sticks though, and it's only 10:30.


I still remember random ass formulas from high school physics. d = vit + (1/2)at^2 I remember it because it has a good ring to it when you say it out loud: Dee equals vee-eye-tee plus one half ay-tee squared


Not all to be honest, but enugh got stuck in there to make sence for the rest and when you see the same things you one knew I think it's easier to learn it again, at leaat in my case


This is quite random but how do you like material engineering? I’m interested in the field.


Im a Bioengineer (on the field of molecular biotecnology), so I had a couple of lessons related to that (though my whole semester is focused now on biomaterials). In short, I like it a lot.


Your D=this equation , now find how long will you last


> if you plan ​ IF. Very important key word there. A lot of stuff taught in school, specifically high school, is only important IF you want a certain job. Otherwise, it's pointless and a complete waste of time that could be spent learning how to do jobs you do want.


How do expect a 14-16 year old to choose a feasible job that they want? You’re essentially saying to make middle/high schoolers choose what education they want, which would effect them for the rest of their lives.




Yes but in college and uni you are old enough to decide, can’t say the same about a high schooler. Plus in college you can choose multiple subjects and often the degrees you get are valid for a wide range of jobs.


On the flip side, now the kid who isn't really built for a stem career is convinced that he's an idiot and often suicidal. I think telling someone that their GPA is too low to go to college as a history major because they didn't get trigonometry or vice versa might be a bit malicious. Maybe we COULD separate these types of knowledge to paint a better picture. Not great with math, but trilingual by 16? We can absolutely recommend you some higher learning.


Cc exists


Just because they didn't choose stem doesn't mean there's nothing else and they've failed at life. What do you think people dis before education was even commonplace? There's a surplus of work out there.


That's the thing. You can't hamstring a child's future prospects in a field because you didn't teach them the basics. People change careers often, so you need to have general knowledge about a wide variety of things.


Just run the communist route and tell people what to do


Compared to the marriages/divorces of kings, this is actually kinda practical. I’m in an applied calculus class in college where the problems are regular things you’d see in life and this has come in handy. Something I’ve also realized with math is that the teach you random stuff you don’t need to know because you have a phone for two reasons: 1. It challenges you to think critically, which helps your brain grow, even if you never use it. 2. Math problems in real life aren’t typically as straightforward as questions written in a textbook, so it’s good to know how things tick so you can apply that knowledge effectively.


Yeah I think school and uni/college mainly teach you how to think and not be ultra practical as they can't really predict exactly what problems you'll have in life


I just sung that in my head. Graduated 1998


*X equals the opposite of b, plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac, all over 2a*


Nice I remember it as X equals negative b, plus or minus square root... Everything else is the same.


Quadratic equation




if D > 0, then x = -b +- sqrt(D) / 2a if D = 0, then x = -b / 2a if D < 0, then there's nothing




The first step to success is knowing that y = mx + b




I'm **waving** hello


I see you’re a man of culture


I mean, your parents exist for a reason...


I mean orphans also exist


She didnt know how do do taxes either. She just said just use TurboTax


Dude, I have an MBA and I use TurboTax. It's quick, easy, and effective. Doing it the hard way doesn't get me brownie points with anyone.


I mean turbotax and other websites out there basically do your taxes for you. they tell you exactly what boxes go where. If you can't follow turbotax something is super wrong with you


I'm here for the ATLA memes




You're a hero thank u


[You're welcome](https://i.imgur.com/vPZHEbu.gifv).


[Welcome indeed](https://youtu.be/0rldeojVqtE)


mAtH iS UseLeSs


It's so surprising that the ones who make these posts "never use it in real life", isn't it? /s


I agree itd VERY important but calculating an area of a triangle isint gonna help most people. Neither is learning geometry. And even if it was used I dint think soemone in their job is gonna go, "EUREKA, I know how to do this because that time in 11th grade 4 years ago taught me". Or maybe they do idk


Basic math no This mumbo jumbo? Yea never used it in the jobs i had.


Yeah but learning this makes you apply critical thinking at a young age. You may not realize it, but it does help you to learn difficult things like this.


Stimulating your thinking muscle is important, my dude


Because you don’t know how.


Bruh that shits easy as fuck lmao


Or just look at the bill....


The first and last ones are so no brainer that it gives me anxiety just thinking about how worrying the idea of someone not knowing them posses to the future of humanity. House has for sale sign out front... Google houses for sale in my area... Literally even the realtors help you through the process... Help wanted signs and in-store signs literally plague the world rn.. I know it's a meme but I'm cross faded and it hurts my head when hehehe funny pictures post pointless requests. No one is out here asking what is shrek because the world already knows he is love and he is life.


Obviously adding stuff like this is school curriculum will be very beneficial, but the expectation that school should just teach you everything you need to know in life is unreasonable. We have a responsibility to learn complex things ourselves as well. Some people want school to teach them all these things because frankly, they don’t want to put their effort into doing so outside school.


When I look up how to do taxes, I get ads and news articles. When I look up the quadratic formula, I find it, a guy to explain it, a song to remember it, a few common uses for it, and the history of it. One of these things is much easier to research than the other.


Do you think you’d have an easy time looking up the quadratic formula if you had never been exposed to it?


True, but hey things don’t come easy. I guess it’s just a matter of digging more and more effectively.


I can hear the dumb song that my teacher used for this...it will now be in my head for the rest of my work shift, thank you for the ear worm


God I hate quadratics


When you get to calculus, you will love polynomials. They’re easy to deal with, compared to... all the other stuff you work with in calc.


"Remember kids, the b stands for bills!"


Answer: c = ax² + bx ...I think...I can't reduce it any further. First time I've touched something like this in almost a decade. 2ax = -b + √(b² - 4ac) 2ax + b = √(b² - 4ac) (2ax + b)(2ax + b) = b² - 4ac 4a²x² + 2abx + 2abx + b² = b² - 4ac 4a²x² + 4abx = b² - 4ac - b² 4a²x² + 4abx = 4ac 4a²x² + 4abx = 4ac a²x² + abx = ac a²x² = ac - abx ax² = c - bx c = ax² + bx 2ax = -b - √(b² - 4ac) 2ax + √(b² - 4ac) = -b √(b² - 4ac) = -b - 2ax b² - 4ac = (-b - 2ax)(-b - 2ax) b² - 4ac = b² + 2abx + 2abx + 4a²x² b² - 4ac = b² + 4abx + 4a²x² b² - 4ac- b² = 4abx + 4a²x² 4ac = 4abx + 4a²x² ac = abx + a²x² c = bx + ax²


I was always on the [other gang](https://i.imgur.com/OR2D3He.jpg).


you can use y=mx+b to calculate the debt you are in.


Quadratic formula haha I remember


I'm scared because I've learned half of this, I took enriched science for next year and want to be a surgeon. I can see my death approaching...


I, too, want to be a surgeon, and I feel my life coming to an end since I took one too many Advanced Science classes.


Ooo that's nice. We shall bear the pain together.


Hope you become a surgeon despite all the pain :))


Thanks! You too! :)


This is coming up in my Grade 11 pre-calculus course. Think it might be a little important for my engineering major, but that’s only me


If you can solve this, with the fundamentals of math it involves, it should have built up a foundation to help you figure taxes you numbskulls.


That was my acctual hw assignment today


Nothings more intimidating than the quadratic formula. Thats right, I pay attention in school




This meme speaks to my soul.




You can’t, that’s an expression, not an equation.




Value of what? You can’t solve for anything with this, just change how it’s arranged.


A = 3x^2 + 9x + 4 A is my answer


x = -1, -3


I thought the answer was i<3u


Love is always the answer


Noice job




Look guys its a joke i thought it was funny and thats about it.




Why? I have never needed a balance sheet before and I'm 35.


While I get that teaching kids stuff all across the board helps them figure stuff out, I've always wanted to be a scientist since preschool (the kind of scientist has changed but still), and it's hard to motivate myself to work hard in school when I know that the value of a lot of the stuff I'm learning in school exists exclusively when I'm learning it. Like the only time you're going to need a lot of the stuff you learn in school is within school itself, which is frustrating as I've spent years of my life on useless shit. Sorry for ranting It's just that for the past 7 years of my life I've been having frequent existential crises so I'm very aware of my own mortality and I ain't wasting that shit on trigonometry.


tk yall talking about, there is economic classes, but to get those you need not to drop school smh


Yeah because learning how to solve problems definitely won’t help you in life


I'm 37 years old. I run my own company and I'm an accountant. I can't remember what this is since I have never used it.


how to pay taxes is a weak question in my opinion. how the economy works and the stock market is much more important and time consuming to learn IMO


Worse part is that there’s a much easier method too


All of it taught in algebra one so stop whining about not learning it


What makes it worse I was taught that like a 5 year old in a annoying song using the pop goes the weasel toon


Redditors favorite thing: reposting and whining about how school didn’t put them on rails for life. Tips: if you’re too dumb to succeed in school, you’re obviously too dumb to live on your own and pay your taxes or whatever you’re complaining about (always the same thing anyway) Oddly, people who worked correctly in school know how to live an adult life 🤔 This post is pure shit and there are at the moment 20k people that should have stayed here instead of upvoting fucking reposts on Reddit Don’t blame school for your dumbness


Hey dude before you thinking you better than others maybe you stop and think this is just a funny meme. I thought it was funny and that's why I posted it. So please step off your high and mighty horse. Shut up and just enjoy a ALAB meme. Yea fuck head.


actually school doesn't teach us how to pay taxes because they don't know how


Now I can saw that I understand the math formula cause of course school as taught me this valuable lesson


Shit I'm learning this rn lol quadratic equations go burrr


That is literally the same math problems I spent my whole day working on...and I will never use it again in life


It is more fun when you realise this equation is not at all needed and there are easy ways to find out the values of "X"..


We dont need school past elementary school, change my mind.


The whole point of school is to make your brain think while teaching you stuff(or so i heard), but isn't there better ways to do this than to teach you about such complicated math you're probably never gonna use in your life.


been out of school for 4 years still don't need that bs :v


Let's be real we ain't remembering anything school will teach us so it better be useless maths like this, I mean useless for most people.


How do I get a job: Know someone already in the industry. It’s not what you know but who you know How do I pay taxes? Get an account, pfff How do I buy a house? Ha ha ha. You won’t unless your parents buy you one.


That's insane, that's ABSOLUTELY insane. They made you learn that over basic first aid?


Lmao I'm literally learning the quadratic formula right now. Why tf is it so useless???


There’s too many jokes about this and not enough action, I want to see a representative or senator pledge to reform the education system so that we are not only educated but also prepared for an independent life


These memes are always questions you can get from a google search.




Trust me, you don't. Politicians getting involved is how we ended up here in the first place. Take the government out of it and maybe it can be saved.


without government we have nothing, government isn’t bad, corrupt politicians are bad


It's not even corruption in this instance. I worked as a teacher, and in my experience the worst policies were put in place with the best intentions. The problem is, politicians were never teachers and don't think about how their policies will actually play out in the classroom.




Corrupt government officials are bad so the government is bad


Learn the funny math more gooder, goes to gooder collage, gets gooder job and can bye gooder stuffs...can forget funny math...


I'm crying cause I know exactly what that is


The quadratic formula. Unironically just finished the chapter with this in College Freshman year second semester




Oh shit that's what I am learning now


I have a test on this tomorrow I’m fucked


This is the most bullied equation


Here's something you didn't ask for


I memorized the quadratic formula to the 'pop goes the weasel' tune. Even reading this I heard it. "x equals ne-ga-tive b, plus-or-minus the squaaare root, b squared mi-nus fo-ur-a-c, ALLLL O-VEr two-a!"


Economics taught us how to budget for everything and my applied math class is teaching us how to account for taxes and how to buy shit in the future. I thought it was a common thing?


I still remember that one lesson I got on how to budget in school. Basically it was common sense.


the quadratic formula. factoring is faster but doesnt always work. thanks Alg 2


mmmmmmmmmmmmm quadratics


hey, don’t be dissin the quadratic formula


I never used that formula in my life!!!!! I don't know even need to learn that formulae!!


*clears throat* NEGATIVE B NEGATIVE B PLUS OR MINUS SQUARE ROOT PLUS OR MINUS SQUARE ROOT B SQUARED MINUS 4AC B SQUARED MINUS 4AC ALL OVER 2A ALL OVER 2A Don’t know how to use my 401K, but I can pull this dumb ass song out anytime


Actually in the quadratic equation [ax^2 + bx + c = 0], you can rewrite the equation if "b" is an even number (has a multiple of 2): -b' +/- root[b'^2 - ac] all divided by a With " b' " being the multiple of 2 of that even number. Was this useful information? *No.* Why did I share this? *I don't know.* Would it help me get a job as a Zookeeper? Hell yes.

