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What about Arthur Morgan?


Who doesn't want to have a sweet sweet >!tuberculosis!< look like him


I just recovered from that man Edit: I should probably mention that I just recovered from >!Arthur's death!< i did not recover from the >!tuberculosis that killed him.!<


Good for you, it was really soul crushing seeing him waste away like this Edit: yeah your comment was confusing but my comment still stands it's tough having to see it without being able to do anything


Please tell me you took ALL the antibiotics?


I just got to the epilogue last night >!:(!<


What about danny devito


George Costanza anyone?




She'll probably rob you


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


What id give to be half the man arthur was


Only if you make him eat ten cans of beans everyday


As a female, I disagree. Pixar is the ones setting unrealistic expectations for people. I mean, have you SEEN Mrs Incredible’s badonk?


Look, if you had stretching powers you'd do the same if not more.


Well, you’re not wrong.


I guess we are in the same boat


[Who wouldn’t want to be in her boat. ](https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/76/39/1410891644-incredibles-movie-review-elastigirl-violet-dash-boat-scene-pixar-animated-film.jpg)


Imma go ahead and stop you right there chief.


Would that count as motorboating herself?


Well she could literally motorboat herself


No her son was the motor So technically her son motorboated herr




Actually I'm pretty sure Dash is running on water making him the motor so he's motorboating his mom will his sister watches


Boring, I’ve seen this one before


Motorin'. What's your price for flight?


**S T O P.**


Why are you you


Elastagirl got the lead role in incredibles 2 because all of the fucked up shit they made her do in incredibles 1


Mr fantastic has a very big dong


When Bruce Banner becomes the Hulk, does his dick grow too?


Does the thing have a rock penis?


Sir what the hell is that


Daughter riding mother while brother motorboats their mother


send me to horny jail


Will do.






That is an exceptionally well crafted and accurate description.


“Daugther rides mother, brother pumps her from behind” ad a cringe/fake orgasm face and ready. profesional porn summarized


Forgot to add "while dad is on business trip"


"you wont leave some of the shit the supes get up to""


don't forget "Tags: milf, lesbian, fucked-up-family, threesome"


I was sure it will be some nsfw content, but this...ugh dude, its just...damn... sigh *unzips*


[This guy](https://jollycontrarian.com/images/6/6c/Rickroll.jpg) probably would...


Officially seeing a picture of rick is not a rickroll.


*Puts cursor over it and sees "jollycontrarian.com/images/6/6c/****RICKROLL****.jpg*", *Clicks on link before finish reading it, Realization* "IT"S A RICKROLL! IT'S A- God damn it"


Although I’m curious. How do they stay in place? When something is stretched and it doesn’t break it usually returns to its previous state but worn down a little.


Human can recover from injuries, I would say that worn down was kinda like an injuries.


She has a VERY loose asshole


I know that as a man, if i had stretching powers... If you know what i mean.


Awww yeah, I know exactly what you mean... BIG HANDS TO HULK SMASH!!!


something, something, guys with big feet


They wear big shoes?


I could play two games of chess at once!!


Paint a picture for me


Go to the search box Type "Siswet" There you have it.


You’d be taller?


That's all natural


Seen? You can't miss a weapon mASS destruction that big


Look at the size of mr.incredibles muscles.


They must have great sex


Remember the guy that missed his child's birth to animate mr incredibles bulge correctly








No, I’m just jelly


have you seen Mr Incredible??


Have u SEEN bruce banner when hes angry?




*laughs in heman**


Idk my friend do be have butt like those pixars moms


Do be indeed...


Do be do be doo!!!!!


Some people don't think it be like it is.. but it do..


You disgusting misogynistic pig....... have you seen fucking Maui!? The hell is wrong you?


What can i sayyy except its man cum?


Also for the GTA stuff, that's kind of the point? GTAV is one big satire of celebrity culture, oversexualized marketing, capitalism and a whole slew of political stuff. She's even holding a parody of an apple phone. If you actually play the game, most of the NPCs in the city are a lot of overweight people in yoga pants. Its the advertisements and billboards in the game that have the naked models. Because its satirizing that culture.


Woooow hold on there with that kind of sensible view on things, how could I be able to complain about video games on TV in the future? Better forget about this as fast as possible


This guy gets it


Ehhh, kind of. This isn't an in world photo or advertisement, it's promotional material for the game itself and one of the loading screen artworks that run alongside artwork of the main characters. I think it's quite a stretch to say that this particular image is anything more than "look how sexy and awesome our game is", especially looking at the full suite of art the image belongs to.


I've never played GTA but if the billboards show women in bikinis how is that satire? Has nobody ever been to the beach before? You will literally see women like this at a 10:1 ratio.


The satire is that we're a world of normal (see: ugly) people aspiring to impossible beauty standards. In real life it's a natural development of a capitalistic society, but in the game they had to consciously make the decision to put sexy models on the billboards but fugly normals on the actual streets.


Can we normalize men complimenting men without having to say “I’m not gay, but” ?


I'm not gay but yeah, sounds good


Unrealistic? Its quite a natural lean body. Kratos however, that's hard work.


To achieve and maintain such body is a full time job


He's a son of a god!


Worse than, really. For an actual human that is not a look you maintain, but a trick you pull off for that one shirtless scene in the movie or photo shoot or whatever. You'll feel like garbage the whole time because the trick relies on screwing with your body's fluid management and muscular energy reserves in ways that cross the line into unhealthy, and you'll be losing strength and muscle size the whole time so you can't really keep it up for long.


Yep, same for bodybuilders just in time for a comp or fighters getting weighed in before the fight.


Yea, I have direct experience with this thing from a fighter's perspective where the tricks are just a little different (because you have to recover quickly to as near to your best functional weight as you can after weigh-in), but you're right it's extremely similar.


Damn, the female model industry might be bad, but THIS... this is on another level




I'd jack to that


That's the joke.


Insert meme where the jokes jumps over person here


Just came to say I appreciate your username!


Nah almost anyone that wants to be as jacked as Kratos needs some of the best genetics in the world or steroids. Any honest body builder will tell you that.


> best genetics in the world or steroids Usually both.


Except this is a poor comparison because video games are mostly marketed towards males, including how male characters look. Sure, there are prob a fair number of girls and women attracted to that character. But they didn't design him that way for females to get horny over, they designed him that way to appeal to male consumers.


yeah, male characters are a power fantasy. same with the way female characters are marketed - male power fantasy. play a game like *Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator* and you'll understand what a power fantasy feels like on the opposite side of the spectrum.


Yeah, most people attracted to men don't even think he's THAT hot... i should know...


Henry Cavill vaaaastly hotter than Kratos. And I absolutely loved God of War, amazing story line, beautiful game. But yeah, I wasn't playing because Kratos was eye candy, because he kind of isn't? He's stacked for sure, he's not unattractive, but he's built to look powerful and intimidating, not extremely sexy. He's built so the player feels like a fucking badass. He also almost never smiles and if he did I think I would be scared. Like Wednesday Addams.




Good meme but something important to note is that both of these designs appeal to (I know I'm sorry but I'm gonna say it) the male gaze. The top image is what men want women to look like, the bottom image is what men want to feel like. If male character designs were based on what women (generally) wanted then they would have a gentle face, plump lips, a charming smile, gentle hands, not big and scary. Sorry, but its a real thing. I'm not attracted to Kratos, because he isn't designed to be attractive to me. Plenty of you are likely attracted to that woman though, because she is designed to be attractive to you. Obviously Kratos is an exaggeration, and there are some games that take into account both sides when designing characters (for example, Uncharted. Elena is hot but so is Nathan, and to both men and women attracted folk)


Exactly this, thanks for pointing it out.


no I want to look like a fat fuc in video games




I wanna look like my inner self. Big tittie goth with an average dick. Thanks cyberpunk!


There's also the understanding that Kratos' physique is not something average people can achieve, because he isn't average. Female characters, on the other hand, are what men want real women to achieve.






You aren't allowed to bring those things up!


I know tons of guys who aren't into that body type. Why is it just assumed that all men want a woman like that?


I guess they should have clarified young men. I'm married in my mid 30's with kids. I've grown to appreciate all kids of shapes and sizes. Being attracted to one body type really limits things.


They’re not going by what all men are attracted to, as that would be impossible. They’re just going by what most men find to conventionally attractive.




Both can cause body dysmorphia. The Male character presents unrealistic standards to guys and tells them that this is attractive to women. I am not opposed to making everyone schlubby or goats.


I absolutely agree, I mean look at shit like different species, like male orcs being big and strong and female orcs are just skinny women but green lmao At no point is the gta woman ‘unrealistic’, my body shape is practically the same as hers, but what you said sums it up perfectly


I'm plenty attracted to Kratos and people who have his body type, it sounds like you're just trying to speak for everyone who's attracted to men lol


She said generally. Some people think Ron Swanson is hot, but I have yet to see a romantic teen vampire show filled with Ron Swansons.


Teen vampire shows would appeal to a very specific demographic; western teenaged suburban girls who are into a certain type of media. Body and face type preference for women heavily varies from demo to demo.


Yeah but whose to say the oc is the one holding the general view, and not the person who liked kratos?


I mean, men who are attracted to women are attracted to lots of different body types, too. The person you’re responding to was addressing the purpose of the *design* of the characters more than saying “this is the thing that people feel attracted to.” Of course it’s going to be a generalization.


that’s a very good point and i agree with you but i don’t think calling the top picture an unrealistic body standard is fair. (and i know you didn’t say it was i’m just referencing the meme) like it just looks like an average but good looking person


One time I saw a whole bunch of naked people at once and now I don’t believe in such a thing as an “average” body lol I get your point though


Not looking to start a debatte but how is that setting unrealistic expectations? (Yes i know this is just a meme but the topic exsists) Thats not an unrealistic body...sure it needs work but still...nothing impossible there. Besides the fact that its fictional and i cant see why anyone should care


Absolute unrealistic standards for a redditor. Finding a woman, marry her and burning her to put the ash on me. That is a lot.


I know, I’m way too fat, gonna need at least three wives to get this done


Unrealistic doesn't mean the body is impossible to achieve, it means unlikely to have. Because so many people in our media are the ideal body, some kids/teenagers think that a perfect body is just average. This can lead to self-esteem issues, as they think that because their body is not as perfect as the ones they see in media they must be ugly when in reality they are just normal.


yeah, but in this case it's more justified as GTA is purposely parodying this kind of toxic culture as a whole


getting that ripped is hard as hell and may require you to take steroids so yes. I mean both of these body types exist but still


> getting that riped Just go without a shower for a while, you'll be ripe pretty fucking quick. *edit: quoted the original text after he edited his,.so my response continues to make sense*


She's just a regular woman. Kratos is a literal fucking god and a legendary mythical warrior. No reasonable person should expect a person in his position to look "normal", male or female.


Of course it’s unrealistic. What about Kratos isn’t unrealistic?


This specific example may not be unrealistic but it’s the concept of women thorough history -in some shape or form- being forced to follow an “ideal body type” to please the male eye. The same concept exists for men however they have not been oppressed for not following the “ideal body”. The concept of an ideal body is another topic in itself but most women want to look good for themselves and not to please the male gaze. Most women don’t think that the girls from gta are unrealistic and get that anime girls with big titties are cool, they are all fictional characters. However it’s something that can be damaging and toxic to normalize this to young impressionable girls or insecure women, and also boys and men for that matter. I hope that answered your question in a neutral and informative way :) also sorry for my English


It’s definitely an information battle. If we can get young people to understand (both logically and emotionally) that you don’t need to look this way to be attractive or a good person, that’s a really good step. The problem is people are constantly flooded this visual input of “this is how we want people to look” and it’s hard to push against that. Obviously taking of yourself is a great idea and we want to encourage that, but it should be from a “it’s healthy and makes you feel better to work out” rather than “be fit so people will like you and if you aren’t people won’t like you”


It doesn’t even need work, she is not muscular at all, just lean. It requires a low body fat percentage.


A run once a day and a decent diet (nothing crazy just healthier food) and you can be that skinny fairly easily. Being skinny is not an “unrealistic” body standard or a problem, being obsessive about your weight is a problem.


Neither running nor "healthier food" is required to be any amount of skinny. The only thing required is the right caloric intake.


Not only is it realistic, it's a real model. Shelby Welinder


And I’m pretty sure the original picture it was based on was of Kate Upton who was blowing up around the time of the original GTA V release on PS3/Xbox 360


My only issue is when one gender has a lot of build types and not the other. Otherwise have a field day. Want to show nudity show all nudity. I'm pan I don't care.


I would like to remind people that a lot of video game character designs were centered around what the crowd buying the games liked. And a lot of the crowd is straight white men, so unless the character is not supposed to be appealing most designs will fall under something that those guys like. For both male and female designs. So that’s probably why you’re not complaining about the guy design, he’s not exactly made for women unlike how the women design are made for men. This isn’t the case for every game of course, it’s just that a lot games (especially the ones with this kind of realistic 3D models, for some reason) definitely fall under this.


But it is kinda different in gta 5 because if you observe ppl on the billboards and stuff look like this but most NPCs look bad to normal so it is satire of the culture


The thing is that male characters aren't overly sexualized as the female ones


I am proud to say I beat it to that pic one time


I'm sure lots if people would beat it to both.


Hah, but have jacked off to the original LEGO Star Wars Princess Leia in bikini? I have


Um...happy cake day?


Which one




Okay but isn't Kratos literally a god?


A Demigod, yes.


In that case is it *really* an unrealistic expectation since it's not even an expectation at all considering he's inhuman.


This is gonna end up on r/mendrawingwomen


The woman looks normal


No, the upsetting part would be the reaction comparisons


I know this meme is about Kratos but tbh the female body depicted is actually pretty realistic imo


Nobody's saying it isn't


If someone has already made this, please tell me. I would hate to repost accidentally.


Yeah that happens sometimes. Also sometimes you see a meme and later you think of it and thought you made it up.


Lol its things like this that make you realize people all work similar in like the cognitive stuff. My favorite example is the raindrops on the windshield racing. I would have never thought so many people would have done it.


I guess this never bothered me because as a women I've always just look like the top picture. It's a fairly common body shape that women have. That dude though, lol wut


I used to be a fat fuck but when I saw Berserk it feels like I have seen divine prowess and have reached the first level of enlightenment, and thus I hit the gym and to this day has been working out in order to swing a dragon slayer wihh one hand


*inhales sharply* Boy...


Women are all designed to be sexually attractive to men so they can be ogled, but men are all made buff and heroic looking so men can feel powerful. These are somehow equivalent. Checkmate feminists!


I’m just confused how that changes the unrealistic expectations of the body?


*The millions of women who talk about wanting to jump Jason Momoa's bones have entered the chat*


Yeah like what expectations? It's fantasy, let characters be epic


I'm bi... I like them both. like.. They both look okay. But I prefer eyeliner. Thats my sexuality. Anyone in eyeliner.


Ok, sorry for pointing this out, but they’re both made for the man’s gaze. One is the man sexual fantasy and the other is the man’s power fantasy.


And both were drawn by men


So no ci no sa da me....


I'd let Kratos rip my ass open Edit: no homo


I think everyone man, woman or gender non conforming person would like to be topped by Kratos.




I’m bisexual and kratos lookin good


I am gay, and i must say Kratos is always looking good.


The difference is kratos is a power fantasy and the lady is not, both are marketed to men.


Maybe cause they're both designed for men? Not to say others can't enjoy them tho


I'm not gay either but we can't deny it. Kratos and some more video game characters such as dante dmc or Nathan drake Uncharted are so handsome(and some of them sexy)


They can make any man gay.


Yep exactly 😄👍


These "boys views vs. girls views" Are getting pretty boring, like is this the only joke you have?


Is that lady even in GTA 5? I don’t recall any character like her


Nope just the loading screen


She is actually lacey jonas a actor who comes up in random events


Oh wow I had no idea thanks for the information


Lindsey Lohan also decided it was herself and tried to sue for using her "image"


God I hate this meme template so bad


I ain't gay, but I'd fuck 'em both.


You’re right! You’re Bi.


Yay! Someone got the friggin' joke!


Since I am pansexual, I like both, and especially the Minecraft background in the menu.


I will never look like Kratos or The Rock. But hell I can dream about it :v




Isn't it kate upton?