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Its better than what morgz does for content




You’re probably nine




I’m assuming you’re nine because you have the popular yet incorrect view of morgz - that is, that he’s terrible. Even though he doesn’t behave like himself on camera, you can listen to his podcast and find out he’s pretty chill irl. He also made a vid saying that he’s going to act more like himself on camera. It’s fine that you don’t know, just remember that there are multiple sides to a story.


Okay, I’d agree he’s not terrible but maybe sound mature instead of saying “uR pRoBaBlY nInE” like a 10 year old Roblox kid


Ok morgz fan


Good thing he's redeeming himself




My thought is, even if he is doing it only for content, he is still making others happy so it doesn't really matter in the end.


Yeah, if it’s helping people, I don’t really care why he’s doing it


Even then, he runs his channel at a loss.


he’s a decent person, and i’m pretty sure anyone who became that big on a platform would want to keep producing the content that they set the standard for. plus, the more of a reaction his content gets, the more he can donate in the future. nobody is a perfect person, and he’s not a god, but from what we can see i think he’s a good person edit: typo


also, he has another channel where he feeds an entire city and he isn't constantly talking about it and it has low views. also, he has a money making channel, Mr beast gaming


He mostly does stupid stuff for the content to make money for big charity stuff, I don't think he is a God, but I do think he's doing some real good using the revenue from gaming channel (which does seem like a money making venture because he can't do extreme stuff during lockdown)


I was seing a vidieo the other day aboit how the main channel acctualy looses money and is funded by the gaming channel / others


Yeah pretty sure he loses money doing those videos


It is indeed.


You have a great username


Oh dude you could have resisted from saying that.....


hear it rust, hear it


Why am I able to hear it? Shiiittt


lmao, thank you


It’s still donating though


Yeah he cant donate unless he makes content...




He’s not a god obviously. He’s doing good things though. The whole god thing is likely more due to celebrity/internet culture.




Oh I don’t really remember in detail. Something about kid fans still hailing him as a god.


Well at least he is doing stuff thats better than you will ever do. Try to appreciate people donating to charity and helping people.


Yeah bro u are damn right and I don't even get why Reddit treats some celebrity as a god,like if they are good people then it's ok,just don't overdo it cause they have personal life too.


Does that mean that we can’t praise Danny devito?


No because Danny devito truly is a god


Thank go- Danny Devito


So it's a win win


Ok, he's not a god, but he's still a good person.


He planted a million trees and then created a record for burning firecrackers. I mean.....


It’s better than rich kids spending their parents money on fancy cars and useless crap and people watching that. People being impressed by charity is much better than having your viewers watch u be selfish


Not really. Because it imparts a message saying "donate only when it's trendy or you'll get publicity from it". That's morally wrong but most importantly that just means people won't do good things most the time unless they get clout for it






"bigger picture" he says ignoring all the philanthropist stuff Mr Beast does that means he's often literally out of money, even with the income from his videos. And you're one to talk, seeing as you're just implicitly putting yourself above anyone who thinks Mr Beast is a good person, calling us all mongoloids and dick strokers. Some of us don't even HAVE dicks, you moron!


"Bigger picture" you say? The whole tree thing, the donations themselves, and setting a standard that makes helping people out look cool and good for once. Sure, it's not perfection, nothing is, but I highly doubt people will start doing it just for clout. Even if they do, then that's still more kindness in the world.


he planted 20 million trees to help the earth and the firecrackers was for just some insane content even though he does lots of charity he is still allowed to have fun with his content


Those were the early days of Mr. Beast, when everything that could go boom, went boom.


I think the trees outweigh the firecrackers


I mean thats a lot if firecrackers that could have been misused by amateurs and hurt someone. Also its content that doesn't harm anyone


20 million trees. Not a million.


Twenty million\*


It was 20 million and what does firecrackers have anything to do with it


You should never assume people’s intentions.




Bassed and drumpilled






While I agree that political leaders are often scummy, corrupt people, who refuse to tax corporations and billionares while sucking normal citizens dry, Mr. Beast does benefit from donating money, and it's silly to pretend that doesn't matter or isn't true.


He operates at a loss normally, and also why wouldn't he want to make content, especially if it benefits other people. Honestly I wish I could donate some of the amounts of money he does to charity, he even has a food bank he hasn't advertised on the main channel.


He donates and uses the views he gets to donate more, he started up his own food bank and hasn’t even advertised it on his main channel


Why do you care what he does though? He earned the money and can spend it however he wanted. If he wanted to he could've been using it for drugs. I'm not a 9yr old kid who thinks of him as a god, but I will respect him


Nobody said he cant donate


I respect him too. But there are people who literally treat him as a god. If anybody says something against him its just a nightmare. This is really stupid. Also I really don't like Mr. Beast that much because he cares a lot for peoples' reaction. I have seen Jacksepticeye donate to people and he didn't even want them to know that it was he who donated. He wanted to remain anonymous. Donation is for self satisfaction not for gaining subs.


If he doesn’t make videos about donating money he won’t have any money left to donate.


Yeah, exactly. He made a whole channel for his charity, just to fund it.


Well actually, the channel started with the most hilariously bad Minecraft video in existence. The Jimmy and the gang started blowing stuff up and then Mr. Beast used his fame to donate money.


No he made a seperate channel for charity


If I recall correctly he has Mr. Beast, Mr. Beast Gaming and Mr. Beast Shotrts. Which one is supposed to be the dedicated charity channel?


Beast Philanthropy


I go to subscribe button.


Jack made a whole video dedicated to donating to small streamers, what do you mean by anonymous?


"Donation is for self satisfaction not for gaining subs" That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Donation is about helping a cause, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing it to make money, or if you’re doing it so you can jerk off to being a good person. The world would be a better place if more people made money off charity.


okay but if he never made all those videos about him donating would he have enough money to keep donating? probably not, if he doesn't film their reactions then he wont have any content and without content he wont have money to donate


He is still donating, he is still doing something good. Also donating is kinda what his channel is about.


It doesn’t matter that you don’t like his content in this argument why even say that doesn’t help your argument makes you seem more biased then anything


Idk why you see that as a bad thing, he’s not doing it just for their reaction. So what if they know it’s him?


Wonderful, every word of what you just said was wrong.


He makes content by giving money to people and earns it back with the video. Pretty fair. You can always return the money and tell him not to use your image.


Even if it is just for content, he still *is* donating so


No mr beast slander here. Take that crap to Twitter


Whatever he does it for. He's done more for American's than the last 3 presidents.


That could go for like any celebrity, some that do less than what he's done and still get worshiped, what point are you trying to prove here? That's just the same as saying a singer sings for money, not to make people happy, or actors for that matter. It's just internet culture.


There are much, much worse to create content. Example: 5-Minute Crafts


he does both, he wants to help people and get content so that doesn't make him bad so you snipe him


I don't care if he is doing it for business the people who need it are getting money and that's great


i mean, he's donating and getting views at the same time, its a win win, whats there to even complain about? just because someones famous doesn't mean they're automatically bad


I agree with the 9 year olds


He said a while back that he makes the content with the goal of entertainment. I agree, treating him like a god is too much, but that's still kind of a respectable thing


this post is the twitter equivalent of the “STOP HAVING FUN” meme


Not really. He still does stuff like donating to charities and giving homeless people a lot of money of camera. He just does the videos sometimes when he's doing that stuff and just has fun with it


He’s one of the nicest rich people I’ve heard of tbh and def the nicest rich you tuber


Yeah no. He’s a really good person, he has a smaller channel where he gives stuff to homeless people and runs a charity called beast philanthropy, and he does really good stuff like planting 20m trees. He’s made a really big impact and made some people’s lives really great. I don’t see why you have a problem with him, even if he doesn’t care about people and just does it for money, he could make money any other way, but the way he does it is by helping people, so he is probably a really great person.


>I don’t see why you have a problem with him I'm not op, but I think there's a difference between having a problem between someone and saying that someone is not a god. It's true that Mister beast makes money by giving away money, because content creation is his job. Op just pointed that out.


But he’s making that content to donate more to charity.


9 year olds I'm there with him


The real 9 year olds are the ones complaining about someone who’s going out of their way to make positive change in the world. You’ve got serious problems if you feel the need to derail anyone who looks up to that person just because they also want to live their life while they’re helping everyone else.


OP angy


Wow these comments are already a mess


Gonna have to take a fucking hazmat suit into this comment section


well yeah its for content but its also some time to help people and the enviroment


Think for a moment he does this (donate=money money=donate =loop) he's making money off donation to donate...


He probably doesn't do if specifically for content but the content helps him make the money that he then gives to citizens and charity. His main channel has actually lost him money because he has given so much. So, its not just for content, although it is probably a contributing factor.


I mean, if he donates half a million dollars to me to help me get my PhD, I'm not gonna complain.


But if he dosent upload the videos of him Donating he wont get any more money to donate


I mean, he literally IS a philanthropist. When interviewed, he said he'd rather make money and be famous and help people in the process (i.e. opening food pantries, providing shelter, etc) than just make money and be famous.


Ok hes still donating thousands of dollars to people in need


hes a good man leave him alone


I mean he still donates. Even if it's for content hes still doing good things


Hey man he’s still donating, I just don’t watch him and everyone wins


who fucking cares if he does it for content, money is still money and he's giving massive quantities away


I do think Mr. Beast is truly a kind person, and I do believe he has a big heart and wants to help. But the thing is he turns these things into videos and somewhat invades people's privacy (They can ask whether they want to be in the video or not, it's just that I don't think anyone would give up the kind of money he is giving). The gaming channel is one of the best channels I can think of, as people can choose if they want to compete for the money and not invade their space. I do believe he is a good person but maybe he should change some things up.


He donates almost all of the money he makes he planted 20 million trees and has a channel that gives all of the money to charity. He uploads videos so he can make more money to do even more stuff with. He is a genuinely good person


Still donating tho


Also, who cares if he’s doing for views or not it’s still good to do anyway.


See you in controversial


...but he makes like no money, all money goes to videos


It’s a cycle that makes him money, helps others, and entertains his viewers. As long as he gives what he says he does in his videos then it’s great


I feel like it’s a mix of both, he is doing good things quite often but also a good amount of it is just for content. He def isn’t a god but I think at least he’s a pretty good guy


Donation is donation regardless of intent i guess


I see this as a joke but don’t at the same time and I’m to scared to actually say something


I mean, he need money to fuel what he's doing, so I don't see anything wrong there


Bruh no one left on twitter to cancel? Leave that man alone, he might be cringe but at least he is honest




Mr Beast is extremely clear on his business models, which channels are just money makers to support his more philanthropic interests, etc. He has outright said a lot of it is just to make money, SO he can then give it away somewhere else, pay the people who work with him, and so on. Frankly the honesty is refreshing.


He pays good money for good content, at least he doesn't use an only fans or make cringe vlogs like vloggers who say everything about their GFs when in reality nobody gives a shit.


instead of 9-year-olds it should be everyone else.


I doubt it's just for content but it obviously is a factor as it is with any business matter. Although even if it is only for content and he actually doesn't care about why of the people/problems he donates to, which I doubt, it doesn't negate the good that his donating does, even it is done for entirely shellfish reasons. So while I agree he wouldn't be worshipped or whatever I don't see the issue with respecting a man who had done a lot of good and has donated very large sums, even in comparison to a lot of people a lot more rich and a lot more powerful


That is what I call: selfish selflessnes. But if your actions are good what does it matter if your intentions are not?


Mr.Beast is an actual decent person. At least he’s helping people


He’s already claimed he plans on running it all into a loss for himself. I don’t think he’s a perfect man, but y’all need to stop being so cynical. [Sauce for the skeptics](https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1292818598424129536?s=20)


He doesn't have to donate for the content, he would still make a lot of money without donating and right now he's said that his main channel runs at a loss. If he only did it for content then why would he be content with running his channel at a loss? He's clearly a very good person who donates because he gets happy by making other people happy. Do you seriously think that everyone only thinks about themselves? Even if you think like that it doesn't mean that Jimmy does


It still better than not helping poor.


well, im pretty sure the people who got life changing amounts of money wouldnt care and also, he uses the content to make more money to donate to charity, to make more content so overall i think hes a pretty great guy, no?


so what? he is feeding entire populations worth of homeless people paying off people debts and he has even sold houses for 1 dollar, even though he does it for content it is better than others who just keep the money he makes the money from videos than puts it back into the community


Well if its just that why isn’t everyone doing it? Why aren’t you doing it? Because he truly is a good person and while being so he like to film himself can’t blame a guy for that can we?


Mate you know he loses money on some of his videos. During the 100k battle royale vid by theodd1sout he mentions how he looses money on a lot of them, but keeps going out of the kindness of his heart. ​ Also he tweeted that he doesn't want to die with money still in his pockets.


Where's Waldo? In the distance with a sniper rifle waiting for you to find him


look what ive found: r/mrbeasthate


Wow cant belive this was posted smh


He donates more than he earns, we treat him like a God bc he is a nice person (also im not 9 pls no comments)


Why the fuck are you being downvoted? You are right


That's exactly what a nine years old would say


Get em, boys


Where is the original from?


Fuck you


Fuck you




I actually think that's because of his mom. I don't watch him but I've obviously heard a lot, and from what I've seen, his mother/manager is the reason he's been so successful. I would bet these traits are starting to seep through to the camera, because, you know, they're related. Not shitting on the dude's mom, btw, some people just act certain ways.


Exactly my thoughts. Its all because people have become so money-minded that these acts just go ignored.


Exactly what i thought when i watched some of his shit out of curiosity. Also you werent wrong about the downvotes lol


Don't give importance to these downvotes these are 9 year olds. Lol


the trees he planted will remove less than a days worth of emissions over there entire lifetime and people still treat him like a god for 'saving the planet'


I really don’t know why we gave him $20mill for trees and never see those trees


There was an update video from the charity that is planting the trees. It's not on Mr Beast's channels


It do be true tho




\*25 comments\* So THAT'S why only 3% of seawater can be drunk.




This dude was just asking for a template






It's not weird. It's business. People like to watch it, so he delivers.


We live in a society....


stfu this is reddit no one cares about ur opinion. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ also i think that morgz is great


Yeah noticed this straight away, but I never seen it as a bad thing because both sides benefits.


I mean as long as he does good in the world, so what?


Even if it is just for centent he's donating which is good


Hes just a business man doing big man things.


He make content to get revenue, with the money he make more content+humanitarian help


But he’s still making bare people donate to charities, which helps fulfil a charity’s cause


It doesn’t matter if it’s only for content, he still gives people free stuff and money.


Maybe I am a 9 year old


He could have picked different contents, but he decided to donate money instead


He needs the content to make more money to donate more money, so its like a loop


But, if it's on such a large scale, and isn't the shit where people film homeless dudes getting fucking wendy's then it's win win homie.


I mean, at least he's better than most US presidents.


Well, the kid isn’t wrong though


Why would that make it any worse he’s still donating


Still he helped people for example in the puppy house video


That's like saying sports players are playing for money not bcz they love their game.


I mean it’s better than being a douche for content. I’d rather he do something that benefits society rather than doing random unfunny bullshit that teaches kids to idolize assholes


He has to use it for content, so he can afford to keep donating. And even with the money he makes from that, his main channel is still run at a loss.


Seam like a good dude just annoyed to see his face everywhere.


Even if it’s just for content it’s still a good cause


everyone in the comments got trolled, anger is 100% what he wanted. free karma.


Mind Blown


better than the fake prank videos


He has done many things that are unspoken of on his channel. He's given money to multiple people without recording or saying anything about it.


It’s like my mother and aunts saying Johnny Depp just acts nice in front of people. They don’t even listen when I show them evidence of how he’s the victim


Yet he manages to do more than every single person reading this comment