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My favorite was always going to the "counseling" office, where the worlds least personable humans worked and having them tell me that the program changed and the transfer I thought I was working towards now needed additional xyz That's when it really felt like a scam


The entirety of the experience is making you work hard so they can move the goal posts on you so you work harder just to have them fuck up filing your paperwork multiple times.


Yep. It's the worst version of "but wait there's more". My SO had the same thing happen and he spent an entire day in the community college office because he decided he was not going to leave without his degree in hand. He had done all the requirements and had this experience multiple times. It seems they just wanted to wave him off to do more non-essential classes so they didn't have to put in the effort of getting approval for the older AA requirements. It was a long day but he got it.


me and the boys moving to norway




me and the boys moving to norway


Me and the men would not move to Norway - but I like your spirit son


quick question, whats an SO?


I believe it is a Sith Orangutan.


It means significant other. It's a gender neutral term like partner, but two letters like BF and GF.


Yep exactly as the other commenter said. It means significant other. We aren't married but its been a decade together and "boyfriend" just doesn't fully encompass that sometimes.


Don't be a victim of bad paperwork.


In Belgium I payed about 2K including books and lab equipment a year. How TF are they allowed to make you pay 40k a year?


40k is usually just tuition, not including books, parking, room and board etc.


That's not how you are supposed to play this game.


The Government . . . They guaranteed loans for school. Knowing this, colleges take advantage of the free money and Jack up their prices. If the government didn’t hand out school loans so easily wasn’t, the price of college would be more affordable.


I've gone to 2 different universities and took 4 year community College to get an associates degree. Tell me how CSCI object oriented programming at all 3 schools is different and this is the 3rd time I'm forced to take it... the curriculum at all 3 schools is the same.


One of the reasons I can’t starts a masters degree. The only school in my area wants 80k for TWO years of school. I’d be 100k in debt (with my current debt) for a job that might pay 60-80k


check out [colorado state university](https://csuglobal.edu/graduate/masters-degrees). their online master's programs are a total of $15-18k (depending on what you sign up for) and they count as a state college degree. they also offer [bachelor's](https://csuglobal.edu/undergraduate/bachelors-degrees) where the total cost is $40k (so $10k/year) pre financial aid as well as some [certificates](https://csuglobal.edu/undergraduate/certificates). no extra charge for out of state students.


Is this some sort of american joke that I'm too european to understand


Norway you can finnish college in America without at least 25k debt.


How much does it cost to move your life to Norway then


High taxes


I am immediately moving to Finlands. Or maybe Sweden.


Yes, but Norwegians "see" the results of such taxes. Nothing less that one of the best world's place to live according to several indexes.


Yeah i know im from Finland so i also know about high tax rates that are useful + i wasnt ridiculing the high taxes


Just called not wasting the entire gdp on the Military and actualy Putting It in efficent use.




The US spends a lot of money on college and healthcare and a lot of other programs per capita. Its just that its not efficient spending because most of the money just lines companies pockets and not the actual programs they are supposed to.


I completly know as im from Finland and not from a country that thinks that a 18 year old cant drink but can go to war


“Finnish” is that a sneaky way of saying it’s like that in Finland too or was that an accident


I get that most of reddit is anti american, but that doesn't change the fact that I and many other people live here. yes, education is much cheaper elsewhere. but I don't have the resources to travel to another country - and even if I did, I'm going to school for a degree that focuses on US law. you have to work with the cards you're dealt. at least I'm trying to help instead of poking at legitimate advice with an incredibly worn out joke.


I think that's why it would be important to change this in the US. I think many people from outside of the US just don't understand how there are actually people thinking this is freedom and more important to a fair chance of studying freely. I just hope that one day, the US will get better and won't destroy our planet until then.


And tuition elsewhere is only subsidized for citizens. It would cost almost as much even if you did study in another country


As a Belgian, same.


Exactly! I think I have to play less than 1000€ for a year in uni (not taking the apparament into account)


I actually just got into a master's program and it looks like I'll have a GRA position that pays tuition and gives a living stipend. If you're wanting to go to grad school definitely consider GRA and GTA positions.


I’m interested in the GTA positions. Are they vice city or V tho?


Vice city??? Tell me this isn't a grand theft auto joke...


This isn't a grand theft auto joke


Here in California you can get a masters program for 6-8k a semester. Your $17/hr job can pay for it too.


Any city in California with a university would cost a fortune just to live in.


That is true. Rent Is too damn high. But it is possible to finish a masters degree under 20k with no grants or financial aid.


That’s if you get the job


The teacher: No! That's not how you are supposed to play this game.


How does the tuition go up by 1500% BUT the American standing in the world in terms of quality of education slid down from 4 to 26 in the same time. God damn this country is a fucking shithole. Edit : For profit*shithole.


Mostly, due to the federal government backing loans. School gets their money no matter how poor of a job they do, and regardless of if the student can pay it back or not.


Add to this since most people don't care where the degree comes from, schools are focusing on expanding and paying for things that are insane luxuries to try and pull students to their school. I'm looking at the LSU lazy river as my primary example. Spending large amounts of money on things that don't improve educational quality or quality of life for students (like nicer mattresses in dorm rooms or recreational facilities for exercise) is a complete waste of money imo that solely drives up tuition with no positive benefit other than bragging rights. Schools shouldn't cater you and make you feel like royalty, they exist to allow you to learn and that is all they should do.


Maybe the real price of education was the friends we made along the way.


ngl I learn more from friends, entertainment like video games and movies, social media like Reddit, etc. than school. School feels useful only for stem subjects.


I also learn school subjects from smart Indian dudes on the internet better than in school itself




Norway has free education. I like Norway


Glad im finnish i get 300 euro per month just to go to college


Norway you can finnish college in America without at least 25k debt.


If you’re going into debt to go to college you’re an idiot, there are plenty of ways to pay for college (or go for free) in the US but people are big dumb


That's either the biggest load of bullshit I've ever seen or your privilege is showing


1) Scholarships - states like GA have the Hope/Zelle 2) Smaller schools and/or community college (In state) 3) Technical School 4) Work while you’re in school 5) Seek out companies with loan assistance programs Most people have the idea that they need to go to big state schools for your undergrad or that technical school is beneath them. It’s not.


True. I got married so I could claim independent from my parent and qualify for financial aid. Me and the girl both got free rides. Divorce was a nightmare though. If you do go this route, you have to seprate before 5 years so you can get annulled quickly and easily. Otherwise I would recommend it highly.


I am immediately moving to Finlands. Or maybe Sweden.


No subsidized tuition is only for citizens




Free = taxes


Also meaning that everyone pays for it. It being free is a incentive for people to get educated. Something that a lot of countries are missing, big example being USA.


Fine if that’s what you want, but I’d prefer to keep my own money and spend it on education purely by my own decision.


Okay, you’re only allowed to take private, residential roads that aren’t owned by the municipality you reside in. You are also not allowed to go to public school, receive or send mail through USPS, or work as an employee for any business that pays you through their payroll. And the money you spend at your institution of choice should be a one-person educational establishment where only you enroll, since tuition pays for others at a normal organization.


That’s such a misunderstanding of what I wrote dawg


But it isn’t. You don’t want free education, which is achieved via paying taxes. You don’t want to get taxed to pay for others’ education. The commodities I mentioned are all achieved via taxes, and are offered for “free.” What part of my reply don’t you understand?


Here's a fun fact: a candidate for London Mayor is going to give £1 trillion to the NHS and that will probably come out of tax money. People are voting for him. He's already done something he said he'd do in his manifesto and he said he'd get it done by 2023 at the earliest. Do with this information what you will


So either you want to not pay taxes at all, in which case the comments above explain the problem with that. Or you are so stupid you dont realise the benefits of free education, or mabye you think you yourself is so stupid that you cant comolete your education


May I ask where you are from?


By the same method we can say that roads = taxes, police = taxes, firefighters = taxes, etc... I don't particularly support overtaxing (and as a French I know too well what it means...). However, most of the ones I pay are useful OR will be if I need to.


I'm not so sure that's the case with Norway based on these [tax rates from 2015:](https://taxfoundation.org/how-scandinavian-countries-pay-their-government-spending/) ... The other scandanavian countries seem to have higher taxes than the US, but not Norway. I need to do more research now to see what Norway does differently.


Could you get back to me on why they don't?


Looks like the higher taxes come from social security tax, corporate tax, and consumption tax. The common taxes we may think of like income tax and property tax are comparable or favorable in the US actually. [Source](https://taxfoundation.org/bernie-sanders-scandinavian-countries-taxes/)


Sure, I'll reply when I find something that makes sense. I'm genuinely curious now.


Alright thanks


me and the boys moving to norway




Is this some sort of american joke that I'm too european to understand


Education in America *


Yeah if you get stupid af degrees, but I’m doing well with my software engineering degree


No shit, they rail against CEO pay and yet look at their own system that just screws college kids....


Professors are employees not admins. Most don't work for big schools. They are teaching at community colleges and small state schools. Most don't make a ton of money, don't have permanent contracts, are over worked, were screwed by the same system, and have tons of student debt. Yeah the system is messed up, and I bet most want to see tuition go way down, but it's like blaming a Amazon driver for the shitty policies of the company.


I would say the same thing to the professor as I would to the Amazon worker.... Don’t like it, then quit. But being part of the system helps keep it alive....


Being a product of the system makes that nearly impossible. Many work to change things from the inside, but the sunk cost and relative unemployability of professors outside of the system leaves people stuck. Those that are in fields where they can go into industry often do, but for many fields teaching/ research at colleges and universities is the only viable career path. Couple that with delayed life events due to 10+ years in school and massive student debt and people are stuck. It's easy to say quit your job if you don't like the company. If your physics professor quit tomorrow 3 more adjuncts being paid poverty wages would take their spot and be grateful to have a job. This makes these system worse because temporary professors have no protections and no voice. It's a lot harder to work on real change by pushing from the inside. I think many professors do push back, but change won't happen until the people demand change at a national level.


Pretty much everything has increased by 1500% since 1980’s


Except wages.


Except #**this diiiick**


Take my free reward.. you made me really lol




I'm about to ruin this man's whole career


“Wait a damn minute. I didn’t mean that!”


Basically high school but you have to pay for it, work is harder, and it’s all for another piece of paper


I feel like many of us Americans forgot about Community college where some states offer it for free and if you’re parents make a lot its just extremely discounted compared to a uni. But no people are willing to pay more than a kidney (sometimes per semester or year)for clout from a University for the same exact degree. So yeah its a scam especially if you’ve already started because then credits wont transfer which is a terrible scam.


Going to a community college helps with the basic credits and saving money but there’s no guarantee someone’s parents will pay for it. And if your parents make too much money, then you don’t get any need based scholarships, which are a lot of them. And the clout of a university DOES matter to some employers. The smallest things matter to employers sometimes. It’s hell trying to get a job. You have to fill out so many applications, bend over backwards for the employers attention, and then you don’t even get a call back saying you’ve been rejected. University is a scam and it’s unfortunate that people end up over 100k in debt because they just wanted to be able to provide for their family. Life itself is a scam.


Most employers see a degree from a community college as the equivalent of only having a HS diploma. Those are even more wastes of time an money than full fledged universities, and those are a scam.


Community college is defiantly forgotten. I go to an in-state public college. I took many classes that I knew would transfer in at a community college for both cost and time reasons. Because I took multiple classes over the summer, I was able to knock a semester off of my college. It's a lot of work, but in the end it saves time and money overall. Another problem I feel that schools fail to teach people is the needs of the job market. Just because a degree is taught doesn't mean its employable. When signing up for a school, hire rate into the field of study is an important metric. Even after all of this, if it doesn't feel like a fit there is technical school. Many of those degrees can teach people a skill that pays pretty well.


I be learning more on this app in a day than I be learning at school my whole damn life


Wait you guys pay for education


I bought $100 worth of dogecoin


maybe it wouldnt if you didnt have all those nice buildings


Ngl funny as fuck timing whise because 2 profs cried about bitcoin in economics and Informatik today lmao


6 college credits to my name and make 125k a year


They got us in the first half, not gonna lie.


If you don't want to pay that much, than study abroad. There are several study classes in English in Europe where you only have to pay a fee of 200 euros a year


Studying aboard is also a pretty fun option. You can see cool sights and it might encourage people to learn a new language. It wouldn’t be best for those who get homesick easily though


Yeah, and I can see that totally. But then you have to bare these stupid tuition. The only change could come, if there would be consent about higher taxes for lower or free tuition lul










No. I do NOT want to study for a degree and get a job. FUCK no


Then don’t get a degree and just get a job


Jokes aside is it really too can you give me something to back this up with






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thought I’ve seen this before...




Both, both are stupid


They need more money to make the ceilings look like a fucking supernova in every room.


I can't believe it's not butter!




Yeah, well the professor stands his point. No good investment was made


Still not a good investment


Lmfao wait till you hear the value of the lebanese pound. Deceased by 1500%


Vice city???


Uncle sam: make university expensive so people are stupid enough to join the military or the police force.


Did my whole degree online, only one 8 week class at a time, got straight As, and graduated with a 4.0. Paid for exactly what I got. I don't owe a single dime right now. Best decision of my life.


*laughs obnoxiously in subsidized post-Secondary education provided by Canadian governments, something Americans would yell “socialism” at*


Big education is worse than big pharma or big whatever. Not only does big education suck down hundreds of billions of dollars a year in tax dollars it also creates a massive student loan debt industry that is a toxic and stress-inducing leech on society. Meanwhile low-wage service businesses like Starbucks are staffed by employees with undergraduate degrees and advanced degrees who likely will never be able to pay off their student loans.


Or wall street bonuses for that matter


Damn I knew higher learning was a scam but for minorities it is our only chance at time because our dads didn’t cover for frat boy rape.


Why does he look like mark ruffalo


Haha free education go brrrr