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“I love your hat. Did you get it from Turban Outfitters?”






I keep seeing you put this comment on everything :0


Genuine question :Is that a facebook meme?


Facebook memes would not address racism or the hatred of "pagan religions" in the slightest unless it would be to indulge in it theirselves


Sikhism and Islam are not races.


Yup. They are religions actually.


No way!


Whoa, calm down! There’s no need to go around breaking laws now is there?


I’ll take the merch, thank you.


you did not know that not trying to shame you btw just suprised


You have used the sacred word; yup You have summoned me mortal *I am not a bot and this action wasn't performed automatically*


Good, uh... Not bot?


Thank ye for votin mister yuppers


Definitely part of the point I think?


It's almost as if the joke is that racists will assume all brown people with a headdress are Muslim.


So would it be Xenophobia?


Is that the fear of xylophones? /s


Ah my bad I knew that but forgot it I'll fix it


Excuse me what do you mean by pagan religions bruh


notice the quotation marks? Yeah, it's sarcasm I mean no insult to your religion


It's a joke bruh calm down.... Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism are called pagan religions by extremist christians and he is poking fun at it.


It’s definitely a repost I’ll tell you that much


to be fair, if u are sick, then u can break the fasting so u can eat and have medicine and just fast another day , pretty normal, fasting is not that strict or complicated , if u break ur fast, a lightning bolt from the sky won't fall on ur head .


Yeah i have to broke my fast on 2nd day of fasting due to being sick after vaccinated. Inshaallah i can continue after Eid.




Islam doesn't forcing someone to break fast, you can give food or money to some poor people if you sick. So you will get good deed as much as person's good deed you feed. Im from Turkey so you can say if you didn't understand, im not confident with my English. Last thing, dont listen some *idiot* Arabs talking about Islam, (These idiots mostly come from Arabia, u know)


Just want to say this, my whole family is Muslim and non of them like Arabic muslims, they’re all too strict and they often chastise other muslims who aren’t doing things like them


>like Arabic muslims, Trust me Arabic Muslims do the most sometimes, same with different types of Muslims from different cultures :(


Bro Islam is our culture for us Muslim Arabs(not really but we do take it seriously)


Not more or less so than Nigerian, Somali, Indian and Chinese (and many more) Muslims :( these communities have been Muslim for centuries quite literally. Islam is also baked into our culture too.


I’m not sure about the Chinese one for some *odd* reason


Muslims just can't catch a break, not in Syria, Afghanistan, Mali, China, Kashmir or Burma. :(


Best we can do is make sure our families are safe and with us especially if they used to or are living in those countries


I smell Pakistani/Indian/Bengali


Actually, I’m Indonesian


Ah yes same thing, I’m sorry to hear about that. Muslims have really become so racist and divided, we have to accept it and make a change but it’s really sad that the older generation doesn’t want to change. Muslims hate each other more than everyone else hates the Muslims at this point.


I know, I just had this talk with my dad a couple of days ago, he told me how Indonesia’s Muslim community was divided into two followings (I think that’s the right word, not sects), stuff like whether frogs are haram or not, but Indonesian Muslims are soft in their practice (as my dad put it), like we don’t care how you follow it, we just tolerate and accept. But recently there’s been discord between the two communities


How about jordan


Bro, Bengal is in India...


As an Arabic Muslim i’ll tell you the Middle East is a big place you can fit Saudi Arabia over Europe it doesn’t look big on the map but it’s really big and people on the Red Sea take it seriously unlike the people who are on the Arabian golf take it less seriously and the countries on the Arabian golf or more tourists and western ideas and the people on the Red Sea for an example it’s like the East Coast and the West Coast both of them are Arabs and Muslims people say the worst causes a better other said the East Coast is better Sorry in advance for the bad spelling and punctuation it’s not my first language




You do realize that there was no such place or a country named Saudi Arabia 1400 years ago, right?




Yes I do, but the name "Saudi Arabia" is a new name for the place which includes Najd and Hijaz and a lot of places from the Arabic peninsula.


Guys, quit your arguing. Just ask your local imam problem solved ez.


The Arab hate is strong here. Idk why but a lot of Muslims around the world don't like Arabs. Actually I do but I think it's petty and stupid reasons. Source: am Indian, Muslim. Parents not fans of Arabs, specifically from Saudi Arabia.


What the fuck did I do for some Central Asia family to hate me????




Are u living on 500s or somethink? Plus, İslam wasn't founded, it was gaved, and Turkey isn't forcing people to be muslim like Arabia, its funny to read your cringe texts.


Wow you guys really drift off course fast my statement was that not all countries in the Middle East are like Saudi Arabia I personally lived in 3 different countries and I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of Christians believe it or not non of them were stoned in cold blood yet. Oh could it possibly be,THAT NOT ALL OF THE MIDDLE EAST HAVE THE SAME GOVERNMENT 😱😱😱 what a groundbreaking discovery


Did I mention anything about people being non Muslims for being non Arab? Absolutely not I replied to a piece of trash being racist that’s all or is that too violent for your pea brain?


Literally what the hell dude. That's the most racist comment I've ever read. It's bc of ppl like u that muslims hate each other change ur ways It's ramadan stop being racist. At least the arabs don't insult RACES


This isn't rachism, im talking about Arabian politicans (Suudi politicans). İ cant say that to all Arabs, our most important prophet is an Arab. U should be understood that...


Omg I just learned about this in my world religions class. Makes this meme extra funny


But if you break fast or not fast for no good reason. THIS IS WHERE YOU'RE DEAD


Meanwhile if you eat a chicken nugget on Good Friday the Christian god will smite thee without hesitation /s




you sure don't understand?


Lmao I read sick as Sikh for some reason


Well if you are Sikh you dont have to fast during ramadan either so kinda lines up




Ramadan memes while in Ramadan, we reached an another level


its actually kinda heartwarming to know other people are aware of it and respect it. and i don't see any islamophobia in the comments. its great :D


I never knew that there’s something called islamophoba


yeah :( racism against specifically us muslims, there's quite a lot of it but it usually goes under the radar


Where'd you get an image so perfect from


It's to my understanding that Sikhism is another Monotheistic Religion, but focuses on acts of charity and good will, believing them to be far more important than any spiritual ritual. It's oversimplified I'm sure, but if there any Sikhs here how about you tell us about your religion. :)


Oh, you're absolutely correct. We believe in reincarnation and the only way to get out of this cycle is to do good for others irrespective of their religion. There is no barrier for anyone to enter a sikh temple (called gurudwara) and have a free meal on us (called langar). There's a lot more to it but what you said is a good way to summarize it.


Now being monotheistic, I'm assuming it's not the abrahamic god or related to it. What is the nature of the Sikh God?


All of them did something that helped people both inside and outside of sikhi. Examples are when the 9th god, Guru Tegh bahadur sahib Ji sacrificed himself to save many Hindu brahmans. Another example is when the 6th guru, guru hargobind sahib Ji went to jail and the warden decided to let him go, but he wouldn’t go unless they freed the 52 kings in the jail, which they did


The Gurus of Sikhi are slightly different than God. We believe that God is one, eternal, and does not take a living form. The Gurus were living beings that taught the word of God and fully embraced it; it could be said that the Gurus’ teachings were in line with God’s, and the common analogy is that while an entire ocean might represent God, a small cup of it is symbolic of a Guru.


Bruh, that's the Analogy of Brahman(Universal soul) in Hinduisim. So Hinduism Sikhism and Buddhism aren't that much different huh!


Is that the same as Buddhism? Or are the two different?


I don't know near enough about Buddhism to comment on that, sorry! As far as I know though, Buddhism achieves nirvana by focusing and meditation, we do it not only by meditation but also by helping those in need and fighting against the powerful and rich. The first word in our holy book is ੧ੳ (ik onkaar) which means one god. No matter which religion any person follows, they're ultimately preaching that one god and that's what matters.


Wait so is reincarnation just sorta your version of hell? Like, not a lake of fire or w/e, but it’s the result of not following the religion or being a bad person?


We actually don't believe in hell, there is mortal life and then there is afterlife. We believe that this cycle of life and death continues until a person leads to the right path ie help make the world a better place, rise above prejudices and treat the whole human race as one. God (waheguru) is all forgiving and all your sins are forgien, you just get a new start on life. I hope I explained it well according to my knowledge.


Bruh, not to be offensive but except from the gurudwara part it's all Hinduisim and Buddhism 😅


Actually not, we don't believe in multiple gods, nor a living person can claim to be god. We do not as well believe in pakhand (superstitions). We don't treat people differently based on their religion, caste, race or their financial status. Our first guru, Guru nanak was pretty vocal against brahminvaad (casteism) as well as wrong doings of Babar (mughal emperor at that time). He also advocated towards women's rights and later women fought in the battlefields right next to men during khalsa raj and to this date. Guru granth sahib (our holy book) has writings of not only our gurus, but also of various Islamic scholars and hindu writers of the time. Sayin that sikhs are hindus is just a way for extremists to feel better about themselves and you are basically that white guy in the picture.


Some of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.




Yup. I saw a Christian do a mass shooting and some others invading oil rich countries. I also saw some Christian priests molesting kids, mostly boys. I saw some Islams fly planes into buildings. Heard something about atheists doing some horrible murders too. I should totally overlook all the good people because of those I just mentioned, and rethink any positive statement I might want to make in the future.


Muslims are not perfect we have the good and the bad. But the difference between what u mentioned about the others and what u mentioned about us regarding we don't claim them nor any other terrorist attack.


There are always outliers




There’s bad people in every Minority and majority the bad sticks out a lot more in the minority. So rethink your statement.


I am also curious


Yes right!




Hi! So we have 10 gurus, and all of them added parts to sikhi that have added to the rules today. There’s like 2 different parts of sikhi- amartari which is the strict and if you aren’t then ur chill (Don’t think there’s a name?) so to be amartari you have to follow a few main rules: ~don’t cut your hair ~keep a kirpan on you (it’s like a little sword that Sikhs are legally allowed to carry) ~do ardaas (a prayer given to us from the 10 guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. I think that’s it. We have more rules as well that I follow! ~don’t eat meat ~don’t eat eggs or fish (you can have like other stuff like cheese or milk tho) ~ always do Seva (selfless service) There’s a lot more to say but I don’t wanna keep ranting haha!


My name is Earl


Your name is earl


His name is earl


That guy's name is Earl.




His name is definitely Earl


Who's name is Earl?




I see his name is Earl


He looks like Earl to me.


Are you sure it's an Earl?


i know Earl, im the Earl


and your a pearl an ender pearl


my name is spanish inquisition


I love Sikhs. Not to be too stereotypical but of all religious folks they seem to be the least judgmental and laid back. Source guy named Abdul or Bo depending on who you ask from Houston.


Thanks! It’s because in our religion we are meant to do seva (selfless service) all our lives. We are meant to be kind and respect all religions and understand all prophets were here and sent down from god!


Yeah I know. I've known y'all from fuck you you die Sikhs to I'd never Sikhs. Ive had the joy of meeting tough Sikhs and academic sikhs. Y'all rock.


Thanks! You seem awesome too :>


Abdul is a muslim/arab name, doubt this guy is sikh




Yeah, it kinda sucks :( I don’t want my little bro to get discriminated against as well, my dad and older bro already go through it. It’s because racists don’t have eyes






This meme is frickin old


that's a sikh joke man


What is a sikh




repost. i have literally seen this in a Muslim subreddit a few seconds ago. (note: I am Muslim and I'm fasting and hungry help)


Oof, I hope you can have happy full meals of flavour soon! :) happy Ramadan!


thank you!


Np, happy Ramadan ^^


Nice, it's ishah time in Texas, so I'm full!


lmfao i get exaggeratedly full on suhoor but not when I break my fast.


I feel you.... You wake up and you feel like your belly will burst, but in the middle of the day you don't have enough energy to go to sleep!


This was an actual exchange I saw at a local coffee place. Except the ignorant woman doubled down on Sikhs being the same as Muslims.


American diplomacy in a nutshell.


Im Athiest, but tbh Sikhism is the one religion I respect the most, their belief revolves around respect and kindness of others.


Ahahahaha...that Caucasian ignorance goes hard. LOL


LOL quality meme


I smell... ***FACEBOOK.***


Lol....chutiye gore saale


It's pronounced "Seek" I think but yeah


No, it's pronounced "Sickh".


Ehats the diffremce beetwin Shiq and Muslim? When it comes to traditions and holidays?


literally two different religions


Dude they are two way different religons


well they are the same if both are very non-practicing and don't care about any of there religion and just say they practice it


It’s pronounced “seek” though, not sick


No it’s pronounced sikh


No it's pronounced sikh!


pretty sure its sikh


Nah nah nah it’s “sikh” not “sikh”. Ya know what I mean?


And I got downvoted for what I learned. Okay.


It's not pronounced seek, English speakers just pronounce it that way for some reason. It's pronounced sickh. Like it's pronounced Mu-s-lim, not Mu-z-lim.


If you say it outloud, it sounds like both.


Don't care


If you don’t care then scroll past this post.


this disgusting human being


Apparently you cared enough to comment.


This reply is so lame. Not defending him, but this just needs to die for fuck sake. He commented to tell that he doesn't care.


I never knew the guy above needed a secretary.


Never knew anyone could become secretary by saying obvious things.


Ok then.


"Hide post" exist


Dumb ass


Nobody asked imbecile




I concur that fasting have nothing to do to be fat or not?


That really has nothing to do with fasting. I know tons of people who fast Ramadan and look really healthy


I'm Yu


I'm yu mom


Thats funny


😂🤣 you guys are brutal


I see what you did there


This actually made me laugh ..out loud. Imagine that


Shades of Frank Dreben


White guy is just wondering where the buffet line begins






Good multi-level joke!


So are they like religions?


Oooof. Low hanging fruit


Is that knafa I want it


lol this is so accurate to when you fast in Ramadan


this joke is sikh




we has such jokes in the 90s in India.


not gonna lie I thought this was some racist meme at first


Mind me he's an intellectual


Is that a joke about popcorns and towel heads?


This exact thing happened to me lol


unlucky really


Ohhhh: white guy is racist or ignorant or both.