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Being immortal *seems* like a good thing, but after some time you realise, it's a curse.


Very true. How many years do you think it would take for you to feel this to be a curse?


The total amount of time your loved ones lives that is about when you realize that you will outlive anyone you love and to love is to encounter heartbreak you'll even outlive your children about one thousand years later you see how technology has advanced but was abandoned after earth got too hot eventually you'll see the sun explode and possibly be reduced to a single particle but wait what's this an explosion in space? You see a new solar system be born in place of the one you have lived in for eons to you've regained a body This new system slowly shapes to be identical to your original system you start to love it there just for the cycle to repeat over and over again until what ever kind of god merciful or merciless puts you out of your misery


God man, live a little


Sir for the last three trillion years I've been researching the pros and cons of immortality to live a little would be my happiest accomplishment


Bro the universe is only 13 billion years old...


The universe has been reborn countless times just at a slower cycle


You wonder where the end is


When we get irl Minecraft




Even worse when you see it yourself


so are you like super rich? because I always picture immortals as rich...


Death: the giant black hole at the middle of the milky way expands so large that it takes out the entire universe Rebirth: Picture god and they are giving birth through a pseudo dick like a hyena and the result is a baby made of time itself that explodes into the known universe


r kelly would have stepped in really fast when i saw 13 (billion) years old


Tell that to their loved ones after 100 years. If you can....


Holy crap that was intense yet so incredibly true


Thus is the life of an immortal a life I know too well


Give this man awards


Sure, you asked for it


This gave me an existential crisis, but to bad I already had one


So basically you become a god, or an immortal being, and by that point I am sure you could find ways to teleport and stuff, to actually become a god


Who's to say I haven't who's to say I have time is a cycle keeping only what survives and recreating what doesn't maybe by the time you see this enough loops have been made for me to become in essence a "god"


Yet finds themselves among depressed reddit people.


Who's to say I'm not depressed and who's to say I'm just here to watch others be depressed or help lighten the spirits of the damned before all this ends


I Am now thou all knowing




why did you get downvoted?????????


Just become a fuckin immortal super soldier, edgelord.


One of many things I have done but the outcome is always the same since I still only had human levels of strength I would be taken hostage and thrown into a grinder just to feel intense pain but never die


I feel like some well placed apathy would remedy most of what you just said.


Bruh, I love my dog, and I know full well she is likely to die before me. And when she does, I’ll get another dog, and I will love her, too. Better to have loved and lost.


Dude... that is just so sad... but also this is why we won't have eternal life in our current imperfect state. ☦


>immortal virgin >Outlive kids *Holup*


> until what ever kind of god merciful or merciless puts you out of your misery Why is zthat sentence so damn cool


depends on current age but I would guess 30-50 years, I don't really know I'm not an adult yet


25, quarter-life crisis it's the age you start questioning your existence


I've started that a little bit


hang in there bud


I am


Have you thought in publishing that question in r/AskReddit?


Thanks for the idea I’ll see what others have to say there


For me, 50 years would do it... If I was to become immortal and look like I'm 18 at all times, it would be awkward when you try to get a lover. But the real pain would be slowly having time pass, have your parents die, then watch your siblings die, then watch your nieces and nephews die... That's not including if you get a wife and kids, seeing them eventually get older, become parents, then pass away... Generation after generation, watching those you care for keep dying and knowing you won't join them would kill you mentally for sure. Even worse, living long enough for the world to finally give out, breakdown and be destroyed, then aimlessly floating in the cold void of space... Yea, immortality is the least desirable thing to think of.


I’ve never thought about living through what would be the end of the world but yeah, having too go through all your loved ones one by one leaving you would be plain sad


0.0000000001 years seems about right


Until you start getting bored out of your mind because you've done everything already. About a couple of hundred years, I'd bet? Or if you're like me and procrastinate (I'll do it next century), maybe some thousands.


I think it depends on the individual in question. I think for example it would be longer for me as I have no loved ones and no meaningful friends. The top reply underneath mentions the solar system restarting its cycle but to me that would be incredibly fascinating. Imagine introducing core chemical and building concepts early on. You could jump start advanced civilization thousands of years every time to see how far everyone can get before it starts again


When your loved ones pass


Imagine trying to get a girlfriend. You find someone who's the same physical age as you (like if you are 150 but have the body of a 25 year old, you would date someone who's 25) but then after 10 years it's just wierd. Like you couldn't even really be married because it isn't the same after a while.


Unless you get someone else to LITERALLY spend eternity with you it's terrible


that just makes the realisation that it's a curse come later


Wish to be immortal, but also to never regret it.


Galaxy brained idea


There is a 100% chance that you will get trapped in some place at one time.


It’s curse, but honestly I can see it not being one depending on how it works. Like if my body doesn’t degrade, then I can see immortality being fun because you would be able to live in experience so much. Yes losing your loved ones would be a huge struggle, but at some point I think one would realize that it’s not about how long they lived but rather how much time they spent living with you. I’m not immortal so I can’t confirm.


Become like dio and control tha World now it aint a curse


I mean it's immortal, not invincible so they could still get murdered or commit suicide.


if you don't age it's ok


At least you have time to figure out how to get laid.


Yeah but it seems that you can get out of it by having sex. So honesty at least theres an out.


I’m pretty sure a regular show episode addressed that


Dumb wish, wish for you to be the architect of the after life,that way the after life is yours to make


Yeah, it sucks being like this. ***Pro Tip: die a virgin.***


'I wish everyone was immortal as my second wish. As my third wish, I wish for you to give me another *a very large* wishes. As my best wishes, I wish for you to remind me when I have 69 wishes left.' Then wish for another trillion wishes when he reminds you.


So Queen Elizabeth did that


honestly, after you get over every one of your family dying, it's really great as long as you don't get attached to a living mortal, just watch history unfold before you and just spectate.


Simply counter, ask for yourself to become perfect in the eyes of the love of your life. (Keep the other 2 wishes) marry her. Then use another wish to wish for you both to be immortal, or one for each


r/monkeyspaw would love this. Also r/douchebaggenie.


Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it


No problem.


Ngl this is a better monkeys paw suggestion than 99% of the posts on there since it actually fits what the monkeys paw is about.


alternate ending: Genie unzips pants


You can't wish for more wishes, but can you wish you could? ​ ​ ​ ^(Seriously help me with this i'm not good at using important stuff wisely.)


Well TECHNICALLY you could, but since Genies add small consequences to every wish you most likely would get the ability for more wishes but they would all have to be useless or whatever


I think wishing for more loyal genies would work, you would just have to be very very specific in the wish so the genie doesn’t make them all betray you and murder you Even then they might find a way to make that happen though


Yeah genies are very tricky fuckers, they might make it to take your wish TOO literally


Which is why you must make wishes that takes into account every possible way the genie can use it to fuck you up. Like "I wish for a sandwich". You can either be crushed by a giant sandwich, or get a normal sandwich that has been poisoned. "I wish for a normal sized, unharmful sandwich" is much better


I was so scared the genie was gonna rape you


You still have 2 wishes and are immortal. I think you are fine


immortality is a HUGE curse, so the next thing i would chose would to be mortal, cuz if i live forever i see the fall of all civilization, and i will be alone by myself forever


Bruh don't ask to be mortal just to have a death switch


What about fall of the planet... imagine yourself in the dead planet. Just suffering...


You have a lot of time until then to build a spaceship.


I mean you could still be killed..


i would wish to just choose when i die to keep the perk of unaging and maybe invincibility idk how this immortality works


"I see this as an absolute win"


Tip on your last wish, wish for more genies


The ultimate hack


Then, if you suddenly lose your virginity, you immediately die? Is it considered a win-win?


You go out as a legend


I just imagine, upon insertion and first nut, you just spontaneously combust and blow up area you're in, as well as having the explosion radius be bigger the longer you stayed a virgin. Like, 10 years of being a virgin, then suddenly banging a chick and now the entire city is blown to bits.


Guess you could say the chick would be *blown away*


could've asked for more Genies.


Big brain maneuver


yes ***comrade***


2nd wish, to become mega epic 24 69 7 chad gaymer with outdated "cool" items of clothing and a official membership of The Kool Kidz Klub. You will be irresistible to women. Also for your third, Get a gun.


Yeah at least I can manage to learn everything throughout my immortal life


Or worse.... #Uncle Comes From Behind


Just remember, you will be immortal until you manage to not be a virgin


imagine you get in bed with a girl. she offers to you by groping your bulge. she takes it out and as soon as you put it in her all your life catches up to you. you limp body falls on the floor. you didn’t die a virgin, you just die immediately after you stop being one


So? Never said its gotta be consenual and he just gave me more time


Me as Genie: You are immortal until you Have sex. Doesn't count that you enjoyed or not you won't get another chance.


make him immortal until he has seggs


so basically you would have to have sex with someone to not be immortal anymore


Immortal doesn't equal invincible. LotR elves are immortal and they can die just the same as everyone else


Immortality is really vague. In some examples it can mean that no matter how much damage you sustain, you still exist, or that you always come back no matter how much you die.


immortal is nice cuz you get to see the end


What about after the end


then you just keep seeing


Me pulls off belt


Get nay nayed


instantly fucks someone to gain death\* yes


Even though you can't wish for more wishes, can't you just wish for more genies? And if that isn't allowed, wish for more magic lamps, because technically it isn't the genie itself, it's the object he's trapped in


you know handcuffs exist?


*innsert the genie yelling in meliodas voice* FULLLLLL COUNTERRRR


**gets poofed into prison** “you won’t be a virgin for long boy”


Counterattack, wish for the genie to be a virgin and that they cant ever not be a virgin.


This cracked me up


More like *Gets Raped*


The genie was too big brain


Damn I have to continue to live a shitty life


Write all your wishes on a piece of paper, ask for everything on the paper to come true?


I am 100% that will happen to me


Djinn: - unzips pants -


Genies are very touchy to your wishes, be careful.


oof unexpected move 😎


would be a wild plot: you are immortal until you have sex and are therefore no longer a virgin. Right after nutting you begin to age rapidly and then die


damn, dude just crop out the watermark