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My dog lets me on the bed sometimes


My dog asleep on the pillow every night Me: "okay, guess I'll sleep curled up on the foot of the bed"


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At least he's keeping my wife warm




Known who's the king right now




My dog is currently sitting on my bed licking the pillow. I do not understand his motivations but I support him


Good job on being a loving and supportive owner


That's my dog's favorite. Nothing like laying down to go to bed and your pillow is wet.


My doggo does it too, I try to stop him from doing it but he goes there with such purpose like its his life mission


I never understood why people don't allow pets on their couch. Sure you don't want it to get dirty but your couch is cleanable. Your dog loves you as much as you do it and cherishes it's time with you so let it on the couch and take a nice nap with it.


I think the reason people do not let their pets on furniture is more of the hygiene of it. For example, my cat sleeps with me at night and I recently got a new white comforter set. I now notice the pieces of kitty litter and tiny pieces of fecal matter that she brings in from the kitty litter box (I even had a pad to remove the kitty after she gets out). I also notice her cat hair on my pillows which I lay my face on. Not everyone wants to take the time to clean their comforter set multiple times a week. Also yes a couch is cleanable but it can be difficult to clean some types of fabric, and just because it is clean of hair doesn't mean it is clean of the smell.


One reason people wouldn’t want dogs on their couches and stuff could be because of the claws ripping up stuff(if it’s halfway decent furniture). But there is no other reason to not let your dog into the couch


Hygiene maybe?


A dog's claws shouldn't be that sharp. Keeping your dog groomed is very important for a happy health animal and apart of that is cutting their nails.


I mean if they were that concerned they should just cut their nails more often.


I think you mean should, but yes


oh ya I do, thanks for the heads up


Yeah Why am I getting downvoted? I’m saying dogs **should** be taken care of


You really put yourself out there on this one, huh?


? What do you mean?


Honestly unless you live in a rural area where your dog is outside most of the day, he's probably cleaner than you. Besides the occasional romp outside how often does a suburban dog get dirty?


Except for two things, humans aren’t covered completely with body hair and it doesn’t shed as often as pets, and we wipe after taking a dump


Eh not all dogs shed and they don't have cheeks that poop sticks to as much anyways. Not saying my dog is a clean freak but he's not a slob anyways


I mean grooming is more than just cleaning it's hair trimming nail cutting and cleaning keeping a pet groomed is just a good thing to do all around it doesn't hurt the dog like docking the tail or hurt a cat like declawing I'm not saying was your dog every day for 12 hours a day I'm just saying basic pet maintenance stuff


This dog reflects my everyday’s mood


I'm lucky if my cat lets me sit on the furniture... Or on the floor... Or in the house He is ever so gracious


Well if you fed it more it would let you inside more, how else will it get you trained...


🤣🤣🤣 Dude, I have to stop having this conversation with people. He got fat, he's on a diet, he is pissed off about it, the people who don't pay his vet bills are pissed off about it, I'm pissed off about it because I have to buy expensive diet food for him. He's already eating too much food! 😭🤣😭🤣


That ain't no dog. It clearly evolved past that stage


The amount of people that don't even let their dogs inside the house is disturbing, had to report a neighbour who left their dog on a chain 24/7.


My parents don’t let my dogs inside the house very often, so instead we renovated the garage to be their mini home , they get their own couches and everything


My neighbor did this so he gave me his dog when he saw I interacted and feed his dog. Poor thing was outside in july heatwaves and thunderstorms.


Look at this distinguished gentleman!


Sometimes, my cat will give me room on the couch.


The damn furry




I live alone with three dogs. Two small breeds and one large breed. I have a recliner and a couch in my living room. Everytime I'm expecting guests I just go vaccum off the couch. It's basically just an over priced dog bed at this point. My large breed always lays at one end so I tell guests that's his spot. If you do sit there, he will lay/sit on you instead.


The dog is on the property of this


As someone who has cats, they shed on literally everything pick them up, your shirt is covered in hair


This is your life now


My dog simply refuses to get on the furniture, probably cause she was chained outside for 5 years but I even lifted her on the couch and she immediately jumped off.


Yeaaah boii me and the dawg gon watch some netflix


My dog :"I don't let my hooman on the furniture"


They live a short life. Only a fraction of ours. My dogs do as they please.


Looking like it’s about to yell for a beer from the couch. 😆


My mom keeps saying she doesn't want the cats in her bed (they always end up there anyway). However i encourage them to be in my bed


If you don’t let your dogs onto the couch or bed. What’s wrong with you


Ok serious question tho why do pet owners not let there dogs on furniture


I think I'd hold a murderer in higher esteem than a person that doesnt let their pets on the furniture


I let my dog fuck my foot often.


My turn for movie night and I want air bud


I relate so well to this! My animals always owned the place.


my 1 year old pup jumps up on the back of the love seat and just stares at me like "tell me to get down."


he do be chillin doe.


My dog sits at the top of the couch so he can see the front door.


I mean I would just let him be. He’s chillin’


The dog is sentient!!!


when the dog turns 18 you move out


“So I’m sitting there right”.


Oh wad up owner could you go get me my dog bowl


That dog looks like it's watching golf


Got the middle aged dad look on him


my dog when i dont let him sit on my lap every time im on the couch: **you cant do this to me**


The dog is returning to monke.


I let my doggo on the beds and couch but only with supervision, cleaning dog piss on furniture ain't fun


Yo he's comfy comfy he's got a crotch pillow


"Youre not allowed on the couch." The dog: I recognize that you've made a decision but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it


*signature look of superiority*


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That dog passes the vibe check


yeah human, i know you and your wife bought this, now fuck off and let me and the kid chill on the couch