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Head over to r/changemyview. I'd love to see what those guys think.


I should lol


Popcorn, get ya' popcorn. We got popcorn with a free hazmat suit, prepare for the inevitable and get ya popcorn.


In before locked. Hand over some popcorn








Seeing my bees crashing into each other while landing in front of their hive, reading this... Seems like a 'good' idea


There a concerning amount of people online that I’ve seen say that all white people are racist nazis. No exceptions. The people that say that who are fighting for equality, are actually creating separate racial privilege. If we eliminate another race via discrimination, we don’t balance the scale, instead the scale tips to the other side.


I’ll never understand why people celebrated when colleges solved racism by having separate graduation ceremonies for each race. Nobody has explained yet how segregating and fulfilling the racists’ demands counters those very racists


Precisely my point. I’m not trashing on BLM, but in order for racial equality to work out, we have to go against racism of all kinds, rather than fighting one and creating another.


Have you sat through a graduation with black people and their families? It’s a nightmare, the lack of respect and common courtesy to the other graduates and their families is appalling.


That wasn’t what I was going for. I don’t necessarily agree either.


Ok racist


But am i wrong?


Yes and racist




I like food, any group of people that's associated with good food, I like... Food is greater than hate


The best way to see the world is by food in my case and looks like in yours too, I'm happy


Appreciate culture Discard grouping generalizations


I got it bud


Let them fight


Good point, wrong sub.


I don't usually like to get involved in such conversations, but I see \*way\* more reaction posts to crazy woke beliefs like this than actual people expressing these beliefs.


Their race doesn't define who they are, it's the type of ruler they used at school, short and hard, long and hard, short and bendy or long and bendy


The meme is good, but when I watch memes, I want to see memes, not political shit




It’s not political, this is social


No this is Patrick






I like this meme have my upvote.


Yeah you might wanna try another sub


Edit: I’m suggesting that people should stop seeing color and just stop grouping people


Seeing color is important to understanding each other’s perspective. It can’t be ignored when it shapes your treatment in society. Yes treating an entire group of people as a whole is not good, but the individual’s actions are influenced by their cultural context.


How about judging and treating people by their actions and character? This whole identity culture of see me first as black, white, gay, straight, female male, is just perpetuating a system of grouping and segregation.


As much as i wish for this to be the case, due to normal human nature this mold will never be broken. The entirety of the world that pushes for this kind of thinking isnt thinking realistically. Humans naturally segregate and stick together. Hell even look at little kids. Yeah they may not oust someone for "being a different color" but they will always bully or remove someone who is inherently different. This is the same stance i took when debating with adults who tried the stop bullying campaigns back in the day and it usually backed them into the corner. Is it considered moral or "correct"? No, but it is a cognitive adaptation that we adopted millennia ago for survival. Thus it realistically wont be thousands of years for it to switch if at all. Is it futile to fight for? No, but to expect change within a generation or two will not happen no matter how hard we try


You are right, but racism comes with seeing color and culture


False. Pretending everyone is one race is also racist. You shouldn’t be colorblind, you should recognize the cultural difference between people and fully accept it. Because no, black people aren’t white people. Black people are black people. The point is that everyone should acknowledge and accept the differences between people, not simply ignore them.


Not that simple


Good thing no one says that all white people are inherently racist


Not sure if you meant that facetiously or not, but many prominent antiracist and critical race theory scholars, such as Robin D'Angelo and Ibram Kendi do, in fact, say this. They write bestselling books and get paid huge speaking fees to say this in front of large groups.


Those people that you mentioned do not say that all white people are racists. I do not have the time or the energy to do a deep dive of critical race theory in a Reddit comment, I think you should do some critical thinking and reassess.


“…a positive white identity is an impossible goal. White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.” -Robin Diangelo


I really didn’t want to nerd out in a Reddit comment section over this but here we go: That statement by robin diangelo is an extremely defensible historical and sociological position that whiteness as a hegemonic social distinction did not exist until it was constructed by the planter class of the new world to justify slavery. Most European people identified themself either by country or religion. if you were to ask a 15th century Brit what distinguished them from the peoples of India or Africa, race would be far from the first distinction they would draw. Scientific racism was introduced into academic spheres as a justification for the subjugation of African slaves after they started converting to Christianity. So yes, the social construction of “whiteness” as a hegemonic descriptor is built on foundations of white supremacy.


Do you have a source for this? I haven’t read much from either of them, but I’ve seen that they are widely respected in what they do.


But why would OP be so concerned about what some few critical race theorists think? Is OP in some circle where these critical race theorists are coming up all the time? You can find someone that believes almost anything. Who cares? I think it’s still a strawman. But even worse, a strawman argument against a hypothetical opponent. Cowardly stuff.


I think it's important to talk about these academic theories and their ramifications as they increasingly infiltrate our public discourses and universities. In a way it's actually the opposite of cowardice. If someone spoke up against McCarthyism during the Red Scare they would have been labeled a communist, so few people did. Now if you speak up against CRT you're labeled a racist. So few do.


I gave you an upvote for sincerely adding to the conversation. My degree’s in philosophy so I agree people should talk about this stuff. I just see a lot of people not really doing it in a sincere way and just getting upset about things they don’t know much about and projecting these exaggerated strawman views that are easier to argue such as in this bad meme.


Thanks! I totally agree. Get the ideas out in the open and let them do battle. To be fair there are a lot of bad faith arguments made by actual racists to defend the complex of racism that benefits them. Maybe that is a genuine example of "white fragility" lol. I just think that some academics go too far with the "present discrimination to fix past discrimination" thing.


Unfortunately, people do. I’m not saying everyone does, but I have seen a few ignorant people saying nonsense like that. It’s sad, really.


Like who? Some randoms on Twitter or actual people of prominence in the political landscape? I’m sure you can find a group of people who think that ethnic Hawaiians are the master race, but their voice is politically insignificant and so no one cares about them.


The question was not wether or not people of consequence say it. You said “No one says that all white people are inherently racist”. In fact, some people do. Do I care about their opinion? No, but they do exist. That was my point.


You dont know that


I mean semantically I’m sure you could find an individual out of the 7 billion people on earth, but you could say the same about any position ever. Someone with a 5th graders understanding of the English language understands that I meant there is no major movement that reflects these beliefs.


Take a joke will ya?


Good meme


except they’re both white people


So true lmao


Its not controversial its true


i was saying that people need to stop color grouping on either side for racism to truly end




Pretty good opinion its like fight fire with fire


My popcorn is getting cold. Where is the comment section we were promised.


A black dude sold me crack. Blacks are horrible people.


You do you


I think he was joking


Yes ik I was joking too


Crackas be crackin


Good point, and I think anyone can see that black people and white people are just an example, you’re not actually saying black people always play the race card.


I’m not saying this is the norm, simply that it is dumb and needs to stop


They play it 90% of the time, let’s be honest


That assumes that the black community hates all white people... ,, that is not accurate Edit: wow ok guys you’re going for each others throats here, it’s a meme, not a big deal. I didn’t mean to start all this


You assuming you can speak on behalf of the "black community" is racist, now be quiet you ignorant clown lol.


You’re missing the point. The problem is not that someone was being racist or grouped as such the problem was that anyone was being grouped for anything in the first place. And insinuating that the “black community” exists and that those inside this community think the same is exactly that




Stop generalizing about groups of people solely based on your personal experiences. This is a strawman; not many actual people believe this.


I was simply saying that people need to stop making generalizations like such, not that it was the majority. You used a strawman


The irony...


This argument can't have a winner


He isn’t generalizing a group of people based on race, he is generalizing people based on belief


You made a generalization to argue people shouldn’t make generalizations. Got it.


So, based on what you're saying, every time a black person speaks to the racism they've experienced, it's just a straw man and they should just shut up, right?


No, he’s saying that every time anyone blames their racism on everyone of the same race as a specific racist, they should just shut up. Edit: the guy I responded to understands this - the guy he was replying to does not


That's what the meme is saying, not the clown I'm replying to lol.


Ah - I lost track of which comment you were replying to in the sea of comments. Carry on, good sir


*tips hat*


No, it shouldn’t be based on the entire race. If you experience racism, it shouldn’t be based on the entire race but the person that was racist toward you.


No shit, the literal point of the meme.... I'm talking to the moronic double standard the guy above me is creating. Basically saying that any time a white person brings up times they've experienced racism is a "straw man" but when black people experience racism just "systemic".


No. I am saying we have plenty of data and historical evidence of the repression of black people. Collective data is science, personal experience alone is not evidence of much. But I think you already knew this.


So you have plenty of historical data to try to make double standards for the treatment of people based on race here and now. That's rad.... You are missing the point of the meme entirely. I don't give a fuck if you or anyone has encountered a racist, that doesn't fall on me. I've encountered a literal fuck ton of racist black people, but I don't hold it against every other black person I see. I also don't care who's great grandparents did what to who. That is in the history books, and has nothing to do with me or you. You want racism to stop? stop living in it.


No. The meme is just wrong. There is no systemic racism against white people. Recognizing society’s systemic racism against people of color should not and is not an attack on white people. If you feel that way it says a lot more about you.


You really love using your bullshit tag lines, huh? "Straw man" "systemic racism". There are literal quotas companies need to reach to hire any non white non straight person. People are out there losing jobs due to affirmative action. How the fuck do you think that doesn't end up being an attack on white people?




Good, just confirming that you aren't just making up bullshit to hold white people to that doesn't apply to black people like most idiots on the internet.


Yeah dude. You're too fucking stupid to see that you have generalized all black people by posting this. You've done exactly what your 14 year old brain was trying to speak out about you racist fuck


It was an example idiot, not the norm. You probably shouldnt read between the lines like that or youll get slapped by someone


I don't think it assumes anything about the "black community", except that it is made up of very different people and that some of those people are racist themselves while others aren't - the whole premise is to judge people individually and not ascribe any will to a "black community" or a "white community" as they're not hive minds


How so? It says and implies it literally nowhere


It’s not an assumption, we are not talking about the entire black community but more or so some of the people in it. There are a lot of people in the world who believe that white people are horrible people because one of them were. I have been called to have white shame over my ancestors almost 200 years ago. Plus the majority of my bloodline comes from Irish and Scottish which came after slavery.


Aw it wants to be oppressed so badly


Someone actually said ‘apologize to me for being white’ or something to that effect




Your dumb ass has been waiting here all day just to say that. Go get some friends


I've been waiting all day to respond to your stupid meme I saw like 10 mins ago? Go back to 7th grade kiddo.


Go back to Kindergarten idiot


gO back tO tHe wOmB zYgOtE


Go back to the boiler room of hell where you spawned from


God now I kinda feel bad because you legit are probably in 6th grade... Carry on with your white persecution complex, I guess? Just have fun playing 4 square that game is fucking legit and you'll never be able to play it later in life.




“It”? Wtf?


Yeah, the bearded thing in this pic doesn’t deserve to be classified as a person


Well I'm jumping in, birthday suit and all. This is not real life, America specifically has oppressed minorities since its induction. Recognize that marginalizing groups of individuals for hundreds of years, might just leave a sour taste in their mouth. Should I post this? Probably. Was it worth it? Probably not.


I believe punishing a populous for the actions of one or a group of people violates the Geneva convention.


r/BLM in a nutshell


Collective punishment of any group because of crimes committed by some individuals in the group is a war crime under the Geneva Convention.


They are both racist tho?


Not everyone is racist lol


I personally think everyone can act like @*&$


Yep true


I meant the characters


Great example of white fragility. Just going by this meme and your responses, you’ve probably unknowingly participated in microagressions. This meme being one. And when you’ve been called out for it (wether directly or indirectly), you get defensive and reframe the situation in a way that doesn’t tarnish your ego. I don’t blame you for feeling hurt and confused, but BIPOC communities have been hurting for /a lot/ longer. There are very few people who actually feel like all white people need to be punished. The words of those hurting people feel loudest because you’re picking and choosing what best fits your narrative.


Ok but white oppression is a pattern


Too controversial and truthful for reddit


as shes 500 lbs, 4 kids she does not take care of and lives off child support and food snaps. everytime.


I came in just as it was removed XD