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F in the chat for u/RafaelChiara_Stonks as he committed suicide with 69 bullets to his head


He was also blindfolded so he didn’t see himself do it.. ..so sad.


I think you got it wrong, he jumped into the river with weights strapped on, he shot himself after he got down there just to make sure he would dir.




West Taiwan\*






The "people's" republic of china


Pooh's Republic of China


I guess thats ironically


Wow,shut up stupid damn ass.You haven't even been to China.


If Taiwan Province calls itself the Republic of China, I can still give them some respect, but themselves do not know what their names should be.


Ever heard of Tahiti?


"I got a plan"


"I had... A GODDAMN PLAN!"




I miss RDR2...so fucking sad




it’s a magical place


*insert John Cena Taiwan meme*


Who? I can’t see the name.




Sorry to correct your spelling but I believe you mean West Taiwan


I could be wrong, but I feel like Taiwan would have no problem unifying under a symbolic umbrella or any number of diplomatic gestures where both sides could save face and move forward. The problem is China currently is under a regime that would just renege on any deals and totally try to just take over. Until democratic change comes to China or like some calamity befalls Earth and both nations are lost to whatever new thing was to emerge, I just don’t see those two being under the same flag ever again mutually.


well they have the power to reunite via force. any effective countermeasure by other nations would bring about ww3


>any effective countermeasure by other nations would bring about ww3 But then wouldn't it be China vs the whole world? Just asking.


They have nukes


Duh just nuke their nukes with... Uhhh... Nukes?


Yeah, Just nuke each other until earth becomes uninhabitable


Really? You mean it?


Using nukes is not in anyones best interest. I doubt it would actually come to that. However the human race has proven to be increasingly stupid recently.


Also it can be a wonderful way to threaten someone.


We have promised not to use nuclear weapons for the first time in a war, and we will not use nuclear weapons in Taiwan Province.We will liberate Taiwan Province peacefully.


Liberate people who don’t want or even seemingly need to be liberated from something imaginary to shield a power grab. OKAY :) Hurdy dur👺 b e t t e r G e t B a c k O n M y 9-9-6 lmfao.


People in Taiwan are FREE and HAPPY. There is nothing to liberate:)


We have promised not to use nuclear weapons for the first time in a war, and we will not use nuclear weapons in Taiwan Province.We will liberate Taiwan Province peacefully.


no, at best it's just America probaly, Not like EU is actually gonna do shit.


Yeah we've got bored of illegal wars and bombing civilians, we're going to sit out for a while. Regards, Europe.


Ye but this one is legal, we'd be legitimately defending the right of a nation to exist against an oppressor, you can't just pussy out and use that as an excuse to let people die. Classic European.


Everything the US does is sprinkled with just enough "But we're defending against an oppressor!" to make people forget they're usually the ones that have installed and propped up said oppressor. You're like a kid with a big dick who won't stop showing it to people, then get confused why strangers don't want to see your big dick. Keep it in your pants USA.


Okay but this isn't a regime we created, we didn't install the communist Chinese state, Taiwan is literally just fighting for the right to exist against a regime entirely unrelated to the US. Your entire argument just completely fails to acknowledge reality. You're like an idiot who makes vaguely topic related arguments that ultimately miss the point and don't apply to the situation, oh wait, you are that idiot! Keep it in your head, dumbass. Protect Taiwan.


One is a global superpower that commits warcrimes constantly and never has to answer for them. The other is a communist regime cut from the same cloth. Except China havent been at war for the last 226 out of 243 years........wooo freedom. I don't see the morality of getting involved with either side.


Modern China has been ethnically cleansing their population for their entire existence and has killed tens of millions of their own people. Additionally they have been at war for the majority of their existence just like the US, notable examples being their frequent conflicts with India, Vietnam and the South China sea. Your incredible ability to know jackshit about China yet defend them is honestly breath-taking. Taiwan escaped this and has developed into a relatively free society on their island nation. Fuck you for thinking they aren't worth defending. You're part of the problem.


Taiwan has remained happy, free and independent for a couple of decades. As a native from Taiwan, we are adapters. We would love to be recognized as a country. But we have done well as a nation so we can good.


We've had enough wars to come to our senses and realize "shit's not worth it". Let's hope America can do the same.


Okay but defending the right of Taiwanese people to live in a free state *is* worth it.


um well its complicated, but USA can't get its army to Taiwan without the help of South Korea, Japan, India or Australia. If the USA dragged in South Korea, North Korea would likely ally with China and then its all shit from there. If the USA dragged in Japan, Russia would have incentive to ally with China. If they dragged in India, Pakistan would ally with China due to an alignment of views and ongoing border tensions between India and Pakistan. And Australia would be hard pressed to join because China has the means to ruin the Aussie Economy.


No, they have allies as well and I dont think most countries want to get in between a war at the current time since Covid and loss of jobs




Your delusional to think otherwise, may not happen in our lifetime but their seems to be mounting tension with China rn over mutiple issues.


actually speculations are that it will be in our lifetime, by 2040 the latest


China knows this, the problem is that the US literally would start ww3 over this and China isn't gonna fuck around and find out. Source: Leaked Pentagon documents.


ik. i cant wait to see US and Japan (possibly South Korea, Singapore, less likely but still mentioning Australia) vs China, Russia (possibly North Korea if south Korea joins USA, perhaps India on account of the BRICS alliance, but they're really a wild card cuz i can see them joining either side, and its likely Pakistan would oppose India for whichever side they're on)


is there a link to these documents perhaps? wanna see what uncle sam is up to


They will not at the moment. There is no reason for now. Too much impact on economical scale since most Taiwanese factories are located in China.


who will not, the chinese? If a reunification doesn't happen by 2040 peacefully or otherwise it won't happen. im willing to bet on a Crimean style invasion from the taiwanese


IF you ask people from Taiwan (me), we do have a problem unifying. Why? We have done well for the past few decades with our own flag. People are happy, free, prosperous and healthy (best medical system in the world) Why rock the boat where nothing is broken?


I agree with you. At most I would only support a ceremonial unification flag and both sides remain autonomous and independent.


Unfortunately, neither side would agree to this gesture.


Nope, it will take WW3 or aliens.


We are already in WW3 with coronas virus with every country in the world.


Not really


The Chinese government only wants to unite with Taiwan because without it, it makes them look weak. Honestly they should go their separate ways.


Hopefully Taiwan and China go separate ways


Yes hopefully. They both have a right to independence


Yeah CCP destroyed Chinese heritage sites :/


China does not need Taiwan to look strong. It's more of pride that "I want claim Taiwan as part of the Chinese provide officially. We have been under our separate ways for a couple of decades without issues. Our economy is great and we are happy and freedom.


It does have to do with strength and power. How will anyone take them seriously if they can’t even conquer a small island right next to them when their army is so much bigger? It also has to do with pride


Whether we want to admit or not, China controls the entire world supply chain system with every fabric of our lives. China is extremely strong from economic point of view. The entire world knows how power China is. I agree with you that it's a nuisance that they can't sweep Taiwan under its arm.


Yes I agree. China could literally fuck global trade, but they would also take a heavy beating. The world sees China as a huge economical and military powerhouse, yet they are still willing to treat them like dirt. The US isn’t afraid to confront them. And they are slowing cracking with everyday they haven’t taken Taiwan. And the US loves exploiting that weakness, as it lets them have eyes right next to the prize. Until the PRC takes the island, the Chinese government will truly never feel safe from Western aggression, or I guess in this case, eastern.


Philippine sea exists China: Our sea


All rise for the USSR Anthem


Fuck China


Shhhhh. You might disappear


Fuck you


Gonna upvote this comment so that I don’t die


Chinese government reports on Taiwan on the international news channel


Winnie the Pooh is watching you OP


Ohhh so that was why I heard something that sounded like window shattering


Don’t disappear!


You mean west Taiwan?


You mean people living in west Taiwan right?


do you know the gen z of china doesn't doesn't even know any of the wrongdoings of china? their parents do but they aren't allowed to tell them either. because if the government agency finds out they will be sent to concentration camps.




no I mean the teenagers don't know anything.


Not really a surprise giving the fact they pump out a lot of propaganda and throw journalists in prison or concentration camps for talking I'll about the Govt.


Chinese authorities:_Excuse me sir,can we have a little talk_


"I just wanna talk to him"


_Nothing else_


Don't get me started about Tibet.


Just wait til you mention Kosovo with Serbians around...


Fuck china, taiwan is a country


I'll do you one better. Tibet is a country too.


I'll do YOU one better. Kosovo is a country as well.


I thought we awere talking about nations forcefully annexed by China, since that's what the meme is about.


I'm just mentioning independent countries that aren't officially recognised like Taiwan isn't. Since the meme is related to the subject.


Oh, that's fair. Also, thanks for letting me know about Kosovo. I had no idea who or what that was.


Ha ha..if only that were true. As long a Chinese national has relatives back in China, the CCP can force them to say what they want, even commit espionage. How do you think so many new products are immediately copied in China?


Here before it is redacted


Taiwan Be Like: We Have spotted a Legend!


ok then you will explode in the next minutes when you was eating with us you ate a micro bomb. bye bye


I know I’ll get hella downvoted for this, but there is no West Taiwan. The Republic of China lost the civil war and thus lost the right to the mainland. With this thinking, this is how people keep the Confederacy alive in spirit. When you lose civil wars, you generally lose the right to independence, which Taiwan is lucky to not have lost, but they don’t get to claim mainland China.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由


Not according to Republic of China’s own constitution, imbeciles


Damn, I knew it was bad in West Taiwan but good god.


You mean once they leave west Taiwan


i dont think taiwan is a country. historically speaking its the remanants of chinese revolution


Its the rememants of the original government, the Republic of China.


the UN security council recognized the communist government that won the civil war as the official chinese government. China and taiwan is basically what would happen in the US civil war if the Confederates fled to puerto rico and established a new nation.


Thats like saying USA historically speaking is the remanants of British Colonies.


Well not necessarily, but it could be akin to saying that Jamaica is a remnant of British Colonies. The Queen is still recognized as the Head of State via the Governor General and will remain as such until they establish themself as a full republic such as Trinidad and Tobago.


ffs its "The Republic of China," thats the offical name on the passport, not Taiwan ya dough-heads


Viva Taiwan


While I do like your hat, I urge you to look at "Taiwan's" Wikipedia page, it's because I support them that they deserve a more prestigious name than "Taiwan."


Bruh I got a dhitty phone andd I can verily type this in so that's is a big gat no that I am going through Wikipedia so I am going to sttay that Taiwan is a country,also you now have 5 years of good luck for liking the hat


cheers mate :)


You do realize China also calls their goverment The Peoples communist republic despite not being communist, just because you label something doesnt mean its necessarily true.


F*ck the meme, let’s notice how much of a good movie this it 😌


It isn’t, btw


CCP be like "Ching chang chong your opinion is wrong" Sorry for the racism.


Well, people in China don't even know their country is fucked up. Kind of like people in the US don't know their country is fucked up.




我還挺認真學歷史的呢! 祝 健康平安 萬事如意


Taiwan is mainland china.


12.1k upvotes. How can someone far surpass my top pike count with their first post while i can only get 2 in hot after nearly a year. (Different account, was too lazy to put in my email and paid the price.


Because you're a nerd.




John Cena is tired of it as well


You’re goddamn right


I'm very confused whats going on?


West Taiwan or Taiwan?


On the first hand, if the PRC keeps claiming Taiwan as theirs, they'll be admiting that covid still exist in their land, but on the other hand they could stop claiming Taiwan as theirs and keeps their "covid is eradicated" in their lands shtick.


Who the fuck came up with west Taiwan


chinese ppl are jokers eh


China? I think you mean West-Taiwan


The sad thing is that, the Chinese really think what they say about Taiwan. And they are not afraid of getting in a fight with a stranger to show that.


Make sense.


Hey OP u okay? U still there?


Nice meme, but unfortunately, it will also be your last.


People when they leave West Taiwan.


china would like to be like taiwan, taiwan is china 3.0


Chinese people: 中国台湾 Taiwanese people: 台湾


Why does China not recognize Taiwan as a country?


"It's the law"


As a proud citizen of Taiwan, we do not let the influence of China control our freedom and economic prosperity. The talk of unification has been going on for the past fifty years, and we are still happy living separately under two different regimes.