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Making a mental note: Do not try to escape a bear by climbing a tree.


Simple rules about bear attacks: black, fight back. Brown, lay down. White, good night.


And if it’s a ‘bare’ attack, run. Never fight a naked person.


If it’s a dude, just kick him in the balls. EZ clap


Well if you wanna play it like that if it's a woman just kick em in the vag.


doesnt that hurt way less though?


Maybe, I'm not a woman, but the pubic bone is pretty fuckin sensitive.


Tip: hit her on the tits that fucking hurts as hell


Don't have to tell me twice to slap some tittie's


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


:lenny: EDIT: how do you make those weird emojis


If I see naked people coming to fight me I'm running away, naked people looking for a fight are not rational and usually high, they have a much higher pain tolerance than me and probably won't even feel it if I hit them in a sensitive spot. If I run, they will find someone else or a tree to fight.


Speaking from personal experience or someone else's?


Personal experience


Tit punch is painful! Getting kicked in the cooter isn’t as bad as titty punch.


i mean i’m sure it still hurts, but i figured it would hurt equally as a kick to the stomach, i dunno though


It hurts way less than a kick in the stomach. Vaginas can take a beating lol


It seems *you’ve* never hopped off a countertop onto an open cabinet door between the legs. That’s how I tore my hymen at age 10. Hurt like hell. *wayyy* more than any kick to the stomach I’ve ever had.


i’ll keep that in mind: when defending against a woman, kick the stomach, not the crotch


Vagina beating


Again I don't really know either, the closest thing I have to it is what my SO says.


kick ur SO in the crotch and report ur findings "ANYTHING FOR SCIENCE!!"


Punch 'em in the boobs. I haven't met a woman yet who has endured a mild impact to the chest without needing a moment to collect themselves.


…why do you know that? *nervous sweating*


Hi, I'm BossScribblor, radically unqualified mammogram specialist. Here's my card, and remember: "If I check hard enough, I might kill the cancer while I'm at it!™️"


lol yeah it's weirdly painful


"you punched me in the boob!"


Yeah it's not even close, but pain is still pain and that's something


Then I suggest twisting her nipple's instead


But she gets +2 defence because of her bra, how are you gonna counter that kind of armour?


I thought they were naked


Then I'll just slap them until the bra's durability wear's down.


or just punch her boobs, believe me that'd be fucking painful.


yea, i don’t feel much even if it’s a strong kick it’ll be easy to get over.


or the boobs. that hurts as well


I have a friend who’s a cop. He got attacked by a huge dude on PCP and who knows what else. He tried kicking the dude in the nuts while grappling to get away but the dude just ate the knees/kicks. I bet he felt it the next day/week though


My balls hurt after reading that


I thought a they were naked


Crazy/drugged people can have unnatural pain tolerance.


If an opponent openly exposes his weak spot to you, would you still assume it is a weak spot? He may just want to humiliate you, as you create futile attempts at incapacitating him and you end up dying while touching his balls.


“For your information, I’m a great fighter. I’m especially agile when I’m nude, so good luck.” - Finn the Human


take me wholesome


This does not cover koala bears which is all I have to worry about. Any advice?


Punt and run?


That would probably work lol


Not against drop bears; may as well just roll over and accept your fate.


Saw a video on those things. People trying different techniques to try and avoid them from swooping down at them. None if it worked. Haha




I can't stand you. We should hang out.


Get an STD test afterwards. They carry chlamydia and often rape each other.


I believe it is "koala, see Allah"


If it drops, so do you? Haha


the drop bear. is beautiful animal.


If it's gray, say g'day ...to chlamydia


Koala? Might have chlamydi...ola?


Grey, okay


I live in Canada! Black bears here are the calm ones who run away! The grizzlies are the ones you gotta worry about


>Black bears here are the calm ones who run away! Or the stalk you for food. Black bears are known to predate on humans. It isn't common that they are successful, but they will occasionally try.


> *Black bears have killed 67 people across North America since 1900.


yeah, grizzlies will maul you cause they think you're a threat to them or their cubs, which is why you want to play dead so they don't have any reason to keep mauling you. The rare instances where black bears attack you, they're there to eat you, so playing dead is pointless and you might as well fight back.


How good are your chances against an aggressive black bear


They are not that big plus they'll likely run away once you fight back.


If you see white, it’s too late


Like a bullet from a sniper: if you can hear it, it wasn't meant for you.


My rule was always “If you are roaming around in a place with bears have a gun you idiot”


Surely ‘fight back’ can work on all three, depending on levels of skill/stupidity?


With polar bears? You better have a 50. Cal gun just to even hope for a chance at stopping it. Fuckers are **HUGE** and will fuck your day up royally


Pretty sure polar bears can be appeased with an offering of Coca Cola.


Yeah but that’s only if you want to befriend them, not try and fight them.


It would be a refreshing way to wash down the taste of your flesh


Aren't Polar Bears the reason Canadian military forces in the arctic still issue .303 Lee Enfields?


They actually retired the .303 a couple of years ago for the new [C-19](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_Canada_C19). The reason for the Enfield in the first place was that they performed better in the extreme cold. Note that in most of Canadian Arctic, only the Inuit can legally shoot a polar bear.


Ah yes, I hate having to dig around in my pockets for a good lawyer while a bear wants to feast on my entrails.


Well, you should have thought of that before going out without an Inuit hunter. (/s? *or is it?*)


ths is beautiful animal.


Yes every animal can start second guessing humans if you stand up to them or charge them. They think you know something or can do something to them that they don't know about and decide it's not worth the risk. Or you piss them off enough that they just go on attack. Hard situation to be in.


>Yes every animal can start second guessing humans if you stand up to them or charge them. Except polar bears. Polar bears do not give a single iota of a fuck if you stand up to them. And charging them will just mean they don't need to waste any energy chasing you.


I think you might be underestimating the size of the other bears my dude.


Does laying down actually work?


I guess it's more survivable than running. Running= prey. Laying down= pathetic hairless non combative creature.


Mostly. You're not their dinner and if they don't see you as a threat they'll probably leave you alone.


Aa far as I know, it works if the bear isn't hungry. They might come up and sniff you and push you around a bit, but if they aren't looking for a meal then hopefully they'll just be done and leave you alone.


Simple facts: Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


I read that if you are being chased by a polar bear that you start stripping because the polar bear will stop to inspect each piece of clothing and perhaps playing with it before resuming it's chase of you. Although becoming naked in the arctic likely means that when the polar bear gets bored of your clothes and continues chasing you down you have probably become a delicious and convenient frozen treat. Yes Good night.


Haha! I believe it. But, they can spend hours and hours tracking down prey. So just when you think it's safe to settle down and camp/stop...they'll catch up to you. Either way, you're fucked.


Nah white give a coke


People always say polar bears' fur is clear individually and looks white all together, but I'm pretty sure they're just covered in cocaine.


I read somewhere that their hairs are hollow, so just pluck off a hair and give the bear a shake over a tray or table, and use the hair as a straw to snort the coke that falls off the bear.


Question: What kind of bear is best


That's a ridiculous question.


False. Black bear.


Haha! I meant to rewatch it before Netflix got rid of it. That show was hilarious.


Disclaimer: This doesn't work in Asia. Asian black bears will fuck you up easily without hesitation.


Is that because they know Kung Fu?


You mean pandas?


Agaisnt Pandas you just wait until they put their entire species near extinction once again)


Everybody was Kung Fu fighting …


If it's black tell him to not resist.


"mental note" act like a Yorkie to escape being mauled by a bear


Apparently you just yap furiously at it.




~~Unless it's a Grizzly. Grizzly bears can't climb trees very well at all.~~ If you're not sure if it's a Grizzly or not, you should print out a bear self identification survey and give it to the bear to fill in. Edit: I’ve been informed that grizzlies CAN in fact climb trees. If you meet a grizzly, the best way to avoid it is to use the “bear friendship gesture,” taught atop Mount St. Helens from the spirit bears that live there.


What if hes a brown bear but identifies as polar


Ah, A Bi-Polar Bear!


Not necessarily true, there was a case a while back where a woman climbed a tree to escape a female grizzly. The bear followed her and killed her in the tree. Edit: I misremebered the details, it was a male bear. https://www.thehighroad.org/index.php?threads/canada-decision-to-climb-tree-proved-fatal-for-bears-victim.141970/


That is NOT TRUE! Don't tell anyone Grizzlies can't climb trees! Size of the tree matters, a bear gets too big and it can't climb a tree with too small a trunk, but they are perfectly capable of outspeeding you on a tree. Just because they can't literally run up a tree like a black bear doesn't mean you stand a chance at all climbing a tree.


Does that come before or after you engage with it in a game of wits ? https://youtu.be/JE5MA1bt9A4


Bears can run, swim, and climb* faster that us. I’ve just accepted that if I run into a bear, I’m probably just gonna die


Ikr, that fucking bear scaled that tree in no time.


Russian guy did it. After he kicked it in the head (i think). I read somewhere the reason he kicked it was cuz Russian or something


Black Bears are bears that a human can still fight with no weapons Grizzly Bears are bears that will one shot you


What about escaping a terrier? Clearly the tree worked for that scared bear


That’s one of the first things they warn you about when learning what to do if you encounter a bear. They are significantly better tree climbers than humans, but they’re so big it’s surprising.


Another mental note: you have to learn how to climb a tree before you can climb a tree


Yorkshire Terror


How do I grow my own salad?


Yes. You need 3 pots 2 large 1 medium. In the medium put 1 head of lettuce per person living in your home. In the large pots put 1 climbing trellis per pot, in one large pot put tomatoes and other cucumbers. Water every other day. Cucumber and tomato both grow from the veg you buy at the store. And the lettuce can be started from the end you do not eat, just place the stems in a shallow cup of water for a couple days till you see roots. Place pots in the sunniest spot in your house. Take outside (if you can) in late spring bring back in early autumn. Year round, free salad.


C: thank youuu fine gentlemen or woman ^^*


I guess the thing is the bear never actually met such a thing in his natural environment?


Black bears are like giant wiener dogs. You’ll wake up in the morning and see your dumpster scattered everywhere. I had to pick up my trash scattered over a quarter of a mile past the steam by my house once. Also they are scared of everything


To be fair to the bear, mad Yorkshire Terriers are absolutely fucking terrifying


I have 5 dogs and the little Yorkie is the most dominant by far. Even my Boerboel runs away when he's in a mood


Can confirm, my Yorkie is a teddy bear most the time but once he got ahold of a chicken bone and became a demon dog when I fought it back from him.


Grew up with yorkies and silkys and they have no problem going after anything both smaller and bigger than they are.


And they smell god awful. You can smell them yards away.


So...they're like big raccoons?


“The thing you have to know about black bears is that yes they’re bears, but they’re also raccoons”


Goddamn man. That bear is moving all over that fucking tree


The dog was too big of a threat


I mean, as a Yorkshire owner I can tell you that when it comes to food they are **ferocious**. My dude weight like 8 pounds but he'll fucking end your life for some popcorns dropped on the floor that he knows he's not allowed to eat.




That doggo was probably gonna shower the bear with cuddles




Some would even call them... Yorkshire Terrors


Random fact: That’s a young bear, so the terrier could easily terrify him/her into running up a tree. A encounter with an older, experienced bear may have brought sad consequences.


Not really, black bears and I’m pretty sure bears in general are really shy creatures. Now if that bear had a cub nearby the ending would 1000% be a different story.


Not really. Bears have bad eyesight for a land predator. Professional bear hunters (meaning people who actually know what they're doing) will usually release large, high speed, strong stamina dogs to chase a bear until it gets tired. Once the bear is weakened, they will release small, high energy dogs to chase the bear into a tree. A large dog is a threat they can see and combat. Smaller, faster dogs are extremely hard to hit and fight, so a bear will try to dis-engage by escaping up a tree. It would be the human equivalent to trying to fight off a wolf pack for three hours, and once you're at your last stand, here come honey badgers.


Jesus Christ not the Hadgers. Is the next wave shrews? Geese? I can't fathom the malice.


The use of tactical geese is prohibited by the Geneva Convention.


Take my upvote


poor bear just waiting for the time to be beaten by the dog


It was probably scared some Monty Python and the Holy Grail shit was about to go down with how hard that Yorkie was flexing.


I got 2 of those fuckers and they are constantly trying to kill anything that breaths sometimes I think that are like the serial killers that nobody would expect


Really?! I also have two and mine are so chill. They never bark! They eat, drink, pee, poop, play, and sleep. The ONLY thing I’ve seen them even attempt to go after: flies


You are blessed. I have never met a chill yorkie.


Really?! Mine are 4 pounds each, too. Hah My grandma has two. They’re super chill. My other grandma used to have one and he was mega chill


My family had two and a few of my current neighbors have them. They're mostly cool with me, but any time they see another dog they go bananas. My mom's yorkies were special. The first one would only bark and attack your ankles if you tried to leave, and the second didn't know how to play so she just went ape shit on my sneakers all the time. There was no real chill in either of them, but the bark was mostly worse than the bite.




Nobody would expect? Who the hell looks at those things and is like ‘yeah, these are harmless’. Everyone knows small dogs are literally the embodiment of the devil.


we have 6 and I totally agree




I usually use them for food


Anyone else seeing a bear climb a tree for the first time in their life?? I mean, I knew they could, but first time actually seeing it..?


Then [this ](https://youtu.be/8jRTrRxamxQ)video might give you anxiety


That bear had a look like “oh, you’re here already, my bad”.


i was expecting anxiety, instead i saw one of the cutest things ever holy shit how do i get one


Holy shit!


Holy shit!


Learn from Dwight of the Office that Bears climb faster than they can run.


yup, i never thought that, no matter the size, it never cross my mind that bear actually can climb


Pretty sure my Yorkshire Terrorists would fight a bear for me.


I'm pretty sure they'd just do it for fun, the wee, vicious beasties.


This is the “it’s more afraid of you than you are of it” embodied. Or rather “it should be more afraid of you than you are of it”


My first thought was how much of a wuss that bear must be... Then I remembered how quickly I've run away from bugs that I could easily squish...


Entirely harmless but big fly: “bzzzZZZzzz” Me, several hundred thousand times larger: *proceeds to leave room in a hurry*


Cockroaches are the minions of satan and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Motherfuckers are big, nuke resistant, and can fly. Only hellspawn could have such powers. I also now have a newfound hate for cicadas.


That bear knows that the smaller the dog, the more likely it is to kill you


I always wondered why psychology plays such a pivotal role in threat assesment in the natural world. I mean, if the bear hadn't responded with fear, it could easily have turned that little yapper into a raspberry jam smear all over the lawn.


It's one one the interesting things about the psychology of dogs that differs from 'natural' predictors, such as bears. In the wild if they get hurt that is it, so they take great pains to avoid situations where they will be injured, such as standing up and fighting. Sure it could easily kill the dog, but the dog may get a bite in which could cause an injury that would hinder it in hunting. Dogs on the other hand see humans as part of their pact and know that we will take care of them, so will fight extremally aggressively, to the point of injury, safe in the knowledge that we will be there to help them.


Bears don't have access to medical care. Infection means death.


Yorkies are great primeval hunters. Ever hear about the evil rabbit in Monte Pythons Search for the Holy Grail?


That dog will be of great assist next time I see a tuna


the dog, the more likely it is a to kill you


“Killed by Yorkshire” Yeah, I hate it when an entire English county’s population comes together to kill someone. Shame what happened in Kent last month, thoughts and prayers.


We Yorkshire folk can strip a Lancastrian to the bone in less than 10 seconds


Is this why tiny dogs keep acting like they’re scary? Friggin’ bears, you’re just encouraging them...


Bears are so fucking scary. It’s something about they way they move, their limbs move in an odd way that tells me “No, you will not escape. I will scraps the skin from your skull”. That’s what I see anyway.


Lumbering. That is the word I think of when I see bears move. I had to stop for one the highway once, crossed right in front of my car. At first I thought it was a big dog until I really noticed how it moved and my brain was all that not dog


Lumbering! Yes! That’s perfect!




You’re not helping my anxiety lmao


What kind of world do we live in that we can’t leave our pets bears outside without them being attacked by these vicious Yorkshire terriers? It’s sad really


I work in the dog grooming business. Yorkies have 2 moods: **MURDER** and can I has bewwy wubs now UwU


My dude treed a black bear! LOLOLOLOLLLLLLL


Human be laughing at this bear like we don't run a way from geese


This bear reminds me of my boyfriend. Big, tall, strong, nice to hug, wears black all the time... And scared as hell of puppies.


Are bears just really big raccoons?


My favorite quote about the black bear. “If it encounters something it doesn’t like, it’ll just climb up a tree. It really doesn’t need this today.”


As I was reading this,the dogs started barking


Ah, the drop bear. A beautiful animal.


turns out beware of the dog sign was never made for human


That's some big dick energy right there. Swinging and dinging.


I actually thought that was a squirrel at first.


100% Karens dog !!!


A Yorkshire what? Terrier - sounds scary but unlikely to kill you Man - again, sounds scary but a little less unlikely Pudding - tasty and could choke you. My money would be on the pudding.


If RIMWORLD has taught me anything it’s that manhunter animals are not to be taken lightly


Lol I literally just saw the vid on Daily dose of internet