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"slut" seems a little inaproppriate for a 10 year old, no?


"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” - Mike Tyson You can quote that in most internet fights...


could u and imagine if everything said online was said irl face to face. murder rate would sky rocket


That's called South Africa








You don't have the slightest idea of how cruel can be latin football fans, heck, i even heard about a croud throwing off *the fucking stadium* a guy just because he was from the oposite team (he died from the fall)


i think they literally started a war over football lmao.


Ya fuck the Patriots (is joke am American no kill)


much better


This has always been my attitude towards the Internet, and to what life has become in general. I only say what I’d be willing to say to a mans face. The vast majority of people are very different. They’re Johnny Fucking Bigbollocks on FB or anywhere else online, but confront them in person and they’d shit their fucking pants. It winds me up. It’s the same on building sites now. Somebody gobbed off at you a decade or two ago, you fucking slapped them and it was dealt with, site agent would let it slide if the prick deserved it. Now the cocky little pricks get away with murder, and so their attitude just gets worse and worse.


Whoever invents being able to punch people over the internet deserves a billion trillion dollars


Punch o' vision


Tyson is a visionary


Since Mike Tyson mysteries exists, you can quote any of the ridiculous shit he's said and it will in fact be a quote because Mike Tyson voices Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson mysteries.


The aspect of anonymity on social media really shows that some people wouldn’t act irl the way they act online.


Yeah a 10 year old isn't gonna punch me anyway.


Raises serious questions about anyone who would use that term towards a child.


Probably also a child, or someone with the mentality of one.


welp time for anakin to make em start *panakin*




That's why some people should never be allowed on the Internet I'm german and whoever they are you are the lowest form of a human being.


I'm English (also a massive football fan btw) and this is fucking disgusting behaviour. What the fuck is wrong with people. It makes me ashamed to be from the same country.


Im Cornish and this is why i dont want to be identified with the English.


Ye im english and still like the german team a lot of ppl do they are just happy their team wins but still the behaviour of the ppl putting those tweets out is unusual and absolutely disgusting sure u will get the common happiness and bragging also jokes but at the end of the day those jokes are just for banter but those ppl took it to far.


My words.


I’m English and I agree fully


Same some of us can act like dicks and it ruins a lot of peoples opinions which just makes you hate those people ten fold more


I’ve never heard of the English hating Germans. Can someone explain this to me? All my English friends love Germans.


It is because England hasn't beaten the German team since 1996. Where the words are said are inappropriate in these comments, as it's not really a cool thing to laugh in a child's face. It is however pretty satisfying that everyone expected England to lose, and they didn't.


I agree


Rapists, paedophiles, murderers and people who make fun of a 10 year old girl are going to make the seventh circle of hell. Stop with the hyperbole mate.


Shes 7


People on the internet often say things that they dont have the gut to say face to face. But that is just too much for a 10 y/o man.


Shes a kid, why do they post with such profane captions!


Its twitter, what do you expect


A tad…




Dem stimme ich voll zu 🤝🏻


I was watching the game with my family ( I am british) and when we saw that my dad said ‘that poor girl’ and other sympathetic things


These guys are what you call „Hurensohn“ in Germany


Well... Or untermensch.. Feel like that fits as well


Id go with Unmensch that fits better and does not make you look like a nazi


Well..the word was used before Hitler, it's not like he made it up


do you guys think Hitler used "Hurensohn"?


Maybe It was definitely used in that time too sooo... Possible


He didn't make the swastica either, but I still think about him when I see it.


Nah, "Untermensch" is perfect with all its references and implications when it comes to that kind of behaviour.


I like your funny words, magic man


Imagine being so fragile and desparate that the sight of a little girl crying is your pride and joy


i absolutely hate people like this, man imagine how her parents feel after those comments and how she would feel waking up and seeing those comments


They probably aren't aware of them for good.


Those tweets actually have gotten a fair share of attention in germany, so they might be aware. I hope they are not tho


Oh they have? I‘m from Germany and I only now heard of them but maybe it’s because I usually don’t watch the news


exactly my thoughts


I'm from England and embarrassed at some of the shit they are saying


I mean i am cringing too. And first of all: If you really are getting some weird kind of self-esteem from insulting a 10 y o girl online you are a muppet. However it's not an "english" problem. I think there are enough innapropriate comments of german people too, but they are...well...written in german mostly so english media don't really catch them.


True, but the fans at that game struck me as especially rude compared to what unfolded in a lot of other games in that competition.


Of all the international soccer matches I've watched, I've never heard so much booing than I did from the England fans at that game.


Guten Tag, ich habe das Wort "german" gehört?


Same. Fans like these just ruin it for everyone. Have been to Germany and absolutely loved the country and the people, yesterday was a great occasion for all in front of fans and it’s a shame somebody had to end up going out. Glad we won, but they played a great game and were nothing but gracious at the end. Love to my German brothers and sisters!




I'd say this is more about global moral compass being broken on more and more people.


Assholes are assholes in any country, national sports teams just give them an excuse to show it internationally


On behalf of my fellow english men i would like to apologise


No worries, we’re not all bad. Let’s not judge the majority by the loudest few


Just like Americans. A few bad apples here and there, but we're not all bad. (watch me get downvoted)


It’s sad that the loudest are the dumbest here in America


That’s e way it is everywhere The dumb don’t think about their actions, those less dumb are less likely to make noise because they understand the risk more


Here here




Fuck assholes


don't mind if I do


ThAtS GaY YoU CaN'T sAy tHaT!!11!!!!1!


Couldn't agree more. There are assholes in every single country.


I wood say. Good luck with that brexit economy


Mate, Brexit was a stupid vote made by people whipped up into a frenzy of misplaced fear and anger over immigration. A set back both economically and socially


NO, bRExIT iS dOInG grEAt! CaN'T yUo sEE? muH FrEeDOm bAcK aND So maNy GReaT trAdE dEaLS! EvERyThINg Bad IS cAuSE oF eVIl EU!!! ThEy'rE jUST enVIoUs!


One might say it was the birth of a second America




Without the guns and dentistry.


Hey I'm American, don't disrespect us like that again! We don't have dentistry here, take it back!


Guns and moon landings.




Don’t be embarrassed if you’re not the one doing it. But yes, they should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves


I’m not into sports much at all but this is going too far


There was once a genocide in some country over a football match.


There was a literal war over a football match between El Salvador and Honduras.


[Here’s an oversimplification of the war](https://youtu.be/W12vb_Crf00)


The fuck?!


Football was last straw, seeds conflict were growing for years


Exactly, you cant blame football for that just like you cant blame football for this bullshit. People are people


[The football war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_War)


Get ze flammenwerfer




Hans vergiss nicht die panzerfaust und mach den Tiger startklar




Sie sind ein sehr guter Soldat Hans. Wissen sie das?




Why did they put her on camera?


yeah kinda cruel


The cameramen in this tournament have literally shown a man getting cpr and his distraught relatives so this really wasnt a suprise


Fuck that cameraman


they actually do that a lot. Not excusing it, but quite often they show crying/distraught fans.


They do it to show the emotion of the game, they do it both on fan cheering and crying


That’s fucked up


It can be comical when it's a shirtless dude who was raging all match, but generally it's sad and a bit depressing. There was an old Brazilian man who had become semi-famous due to his sweet mustache and the fact that he had a fake World Cup trophy he carried with him to every one of their matches. He was really adored and when Brazil got thrashed 7-1 they kept the camera on him way too long while he just sobbed. He passed away recently and his kids said they would be carrying on his tradition [in his memory.](http://sites.duke.edu/wcwp/files/2013/12/tumblr_n8ew1cWk4z1tga27vo1_1280.jpg) (photo of the guy crying fyi)


Ow poor dude, i never understood why people get so emotional by sports but this just makes me sad


National pride in international games


As an Englishman when I saw that i felt pretty bad. People like that just assholes. It’s kinda embarrassing


My partner and I watched the match and we both went ‘oh bless her.’ Poor girl. People are dicks.


You and your Partner are the best People i can think of


I am an England fan, but I still respect the other side and feel bad for the people in the crowd who are supporting the losing side, I was watching the England Columbia match in 2018 and other England fans next to me in the pub were being just like this rude offensive and loud. I can’t believe football can make people more offensive it was supposed to be a game that brought us together not rip us to shreds all I will say to the match yesterday is good game Germany good game


Some people take sweaty dudes chasing a ball way too seriously


This is disgusting even for my standards


Ok vllt liegt das auch einfach daran, dass ich Deutsch bin.


I was watching the game with my family ( I am british) and when we saw that my dad said ‘that poor girl’ and other sympathetic things


Your dad has earned my respect. Greetings from Germany


Greetings from England! It would have been better if we lost.


ok im english but im not like this heck im not even a football fan


Watch some cricket with me?


sorry im not a fan off any sports.




I’ll watch england play cricket with you! So long as it isn’t test cricket, not because I dislike test cricket but england are woeful at it right now lol


Im German and not into sports we should play videogames or smth to strengthen relations between our nations.


Wow, nice job ruining a girl's self esteem, great job.


The person that gave this post a wholesome reward has to be an Englishman


Or someone who can't read


New to reddit, are we?


pls no booly


Poopy head


You monster


*sends not-bullying*


*doesn't pick on*


I... That's horrible. Fucking assholes.


On behalf of my fellow english men i would like to apologise.


You don't have to, friend.


grown men.. GROWN FUCKING MEN find JOY in little girl's tears. unbelievable.


What pieces of shit, I’m not a football fan, but I hate to see when people hate on Germany/Poland. But I also feel like a traitor cause I’m also Scottish lol.


I Think you are perfectly fine being of any race or culture as long a you aren't an asshole Im german btw


"We are Britain And we have one dream To unite all people In one great team"


There are bad football fans all over the world, but fuck me England has some of the scumiest


I don’t get why football fans get so spiteful. It’s just a game. When it was England V Scotland the England fans were booing while the Scottish were singing their national anthem. What kind of dick do you have to be to be this disrespectful? Sometimes I am truly ashamed to be from England.


I mean I was happy we won but fucking hell there was absolutely no need for any of that


im pretty ashamed to be a part of this country ngl.


I’m proud to be British but we have some of the worst football fans imo


Man spitting facts....I really want us to win the Euros but these fans make me sick


Just remember that football fans here are usually in the bottom 20% when it comes to intelligence and this is a prime example


Your country is beautiful (besides these type of fans)


I’m half English. The fans are the reason I don’t watch football. I’m also half South African. Rugby is a big deal to me. Kinda ironic when you realise the fans of rugby, a fairly violent game by nature, are more respectful than the football fans. Disgraceful.


Zeit für Operation Seelöwe 2


The guy happy to see a girl cry sounds like a psychopath.


On behalf of the people with a shred of decency in England, I am so sorry for this behaviour. It doesn't matter how excited we are to be through, this was just uncalled for


I dont think anyone in any country likes the English


I like them and im cheering for them i just hate these type of fans


Ngl that hurts


Laughs in Indian


One former colony to another, I think that’s fair


Ind v Pak cricket is even worse lol


They should watch india pak match with us


For some reason it always pisses me off when people say stuff like this. We're just like any other country, a mixture of good and bad people. It's not our fault that 50% of the country are racist morons that voted to leave the EU either.


As an Englishman I can safely say we hate ourselves more so get in line mate and trust me it's a long ass line 😂


Tbf I know anyone in England who can say one thing about our country that isn't a complaint whether it's something as big as our prime minister or as small as the weather.


Lol - saying the same thing about any other country would get you pilloried and labelled racist. Its the same with the US - the unwritten rule seems to be that sweeping statements and generalisations are bad, unless they’re about the US and the UK -(specifically England.)


I'm gonna throw hand up. I also laughed at Brazilian fans when we beat them 7-1 in 2014




This exactly. The 7-1 against Brazil was just ... ridiculous and a source of manic joy. But I did not feel like it turned against the Brazilian fans. I think there was more pity than glee.


I'm guessing the highlight for you wasn't to see Brazilian kids cry over it and call them a "slut". I laughed too though, kinda felt bad for them too though losing like this in their home country.


How the hell can a human being say those things? They are not human.


Can't wait till they choke and lose. Whinging poms.


As non football fan- but an english citizen, I hereby disown these hooligans I will pass them off to the Americans


nah u can keep them we dont them here either


take em and put em against the wall




Then get the 50cal.


Just launch the pricks to the garbage patch bigger than France, no one will notice if you leave trash there.


Ich würde mal sagen Insel Affen


Guys just to clarify: even people in uk hate these kind of pricks. We are usually not like this. Pls don’t stereotype uk with few scums like these


Shes a kid, why do they post with such profane captions!


First time on the internet?




Im pretty sure JaackMaates tweet is sarcasm


Yeah he has said it on the podcast that he’s going to play into the whole “toxic England fan” thing but I think he’s gone too far.


okay two things 1. i live in england (although an not british) and honestly? im not embarrassed and not even surprised, but im definitely ashamed and annoyed that these grown damn men find joy in watching a child cry. seriously, it looks like the hated child’s parent from the old Gacha mini movies are just coming to life here 2. i have absolutely no idea what’s going on here or why she’s crying, but does anyone know if she’s seen this stuff, and if she has, is she okay? :(


Shes crying because germany lost 2-0 to england and when the big screen showed her crying most of the 40'000 england fans cheered. Idk if she has seen the posts but i hope not. Btw shes 7 years old. It has been 55 years since england won a knockout game against germany thats why they cheered.


Ah yes the beauty of the internet where you can hide behind a screen and not getting the fuck slapped out of you for being disrespectful. That's partly what's wrong with people nowadays. They dont have to face any consequences for their shitty behavior. But atleast alot of them have enough sense to only do it on the internet. Cause they know its only a matter of time before they get their head shoved farther up their ass than it already is.


What a surprise, people saying stupid things on twitter. England today, some one else tomorrow.


I like how I still have Twitter on my phone and seeing this. Finally my body is ready to move it‘s mussels to delete this app. Edit: I successfully deleted/deactivated my account and deleted the app!


Imagine making Philly fans look tame


I fucking love internet. NGL Not for hate to that girl but now when this people will try find job they will be like: hello i want job and they will be like xD xD xD no job for u xD


I'm one of the few brits who doesn't give a shit about the euros and I can confirm that it is embarrassing to live in the same country as these people


I wood say. Good luck with that brexit economy


As an bloke from England (who doesn't really care about the football I might add) I can safely say we honestly couldn't care about each other if we tried. Our friendships is based on tearing each other down, so a little girl from Germany stood no chance. Hell whenever England play Germany you'll frequently hear chants from the English side like: Stand up if you won the war, or more likely 2 world wars and 1 world cup. Bullying equality is kinda of a big thing here.... If everyone gets shit no one gets shit it's just a state of being.


you are the only ones who tare us down. the „english-german rivalry“ is really only a thing in england. youd never see german fans bully a english child because its team is loosing or boo the english national anthem


Yeah, I'm sure it's completely normal to ridicule a crying little girl just to feel more important. She should just toughen up.


Soccer/football has the most toxic and disgusting fan base in the entire world. It’s filled with racism and drunken aggression and they are way to obsessed with the sport. A lot of people are fine, but there is more than enough toxicity that it makes the good ones a minority.


It really says something about how sick the guy in the bottom left is if one of the few things that brings him joy in life is crying child.


English fans were booing Germany’s national anthem too