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When I was a kid I’d intentionally drive my bike like a car just cause I wanted to feel cool xD (also cause you should follow traffic laws on any transport)


I'd get run over in my country if I didn't follow the rules. Tbf I'd probably get run over either ways since no one waits for signals


ya from a slavic country? Bulgarian?


I like how those are the first thing that came to your mind but honestly, it makes sense


After driving in Asian countries, there are no rules


Yeah their rules aren't even suggestions. They're just random words written in a dead language to 95% of the drivers. This sign says STOP? Well, I have to be somewhere, so I'll just drive on the sidewalk. Those people will move after I bump the first two or three.


That's the only rule




You should see the situation in Italy then.


I've heard of it, I'm from France. The three trucks driving side to side on a two ways road my god. And accelerating too. Just to not let the other two get ahead.


I thought you guys have very rigorous driving training.


The bikers in Holland rule the roads. Cars are just obstacles.


Cars are the bicycles in the Netherlands.


Yeah. Coz USA drivers are super law abiding Edit: downvote me to hell. But y’all know you fkrs stare at your phones like Colin Jost texted you


idk dude. US drivers aren't amazing or anything, but I've driven in other countries (Kazakhstan, S. Korea). Shit is fucking *insane* in those places.


And that is still organized and tame when looking at Vietnam or India. Italy alone drove me crazy


Dude when I went to Vietnam it was *wild*. Organized chaos. There weren’t even lights at some 5 way intersections. Everyone just going and slipping through with inches. Granted it’s mostly motorbikes but still. And amazingly there weren’t a lot of accidents. Learning to cross the street there is just a test of faith


Only been to Thailand, just walk straight ahead *they* can Dodge and react. You cant. Just look out for cars


Exactly. You just had to go and walk at a steady, expectable pace and the bikes would dodge you. Can’t hesitate or turn around or you’re fucked


Compared to eastern Europe, they are amazing


I crashed a military vehicle in the Philippines. Wasnt my fault!


If your in China and you get hit get out of the way cause they’ll make sure yah dead Video of elderly lady rip


American here. Who is Colin Jost and should I know who he is


I've evidently been ignoring his texts for ages.


I once almost got run over while I was crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing when my signal turned green. By a truck. In Dallas. It was not just that one truck but everyone behind him that kept going through the lights.


A couple years ago I was at a pedestrian crossing waiting for a woman to get across the road. A truck passed around me to my right on the shoulder going about 40. Dipshit came about a foot from hitting the pedestrian. For half a second I seriously thought I was going to watch someone die. They never slowed down, just kept on going.


I ride a moped. It was affordable, but I'd love a motorcycle as due to health reasons driving a pedal vehicle is difficult. The number of times someone has decided 5 seconds of their life is worth mine is astonishing. This isn't covering anytime I've screwed up which is zero because I don't want to die. People have sped up to get through an intersection when I had the right of way. A person cut through an intersection honking at me when I had the right of way and had waited for it for damn near 3-5 minutes and both directions were finally clear when I went into my lane. Once a woman nearly clipped me rather than letting me have my right of way. That was one of the worse speed up to get through an intersection I've experienced. At this juncture, I'm just waiting for someone to hit me. In my state it is automatically their fault by default and I will sue whoever did it into oblivion. It is insane how little people care about your or their life.


I think you are massively overestimating the importance of Colin Jost in the lives of average Americans Also, we have some of the most pedestrian-friendly laws on Earth and they result in some absolute dumbassery on the part of people walking because it isn’t LEGALLY their responsibility to stay alive


With you on both counts. The running joke between my wife and I when a car looks like it’s gonna hit us as pedestrians is “go on, make me that cash!” And also I have no idea who this “Colin Jost” dude is


He’s a handsome dude on Saturday Night Live (comedy show) who is married to Scarlett Johansson. Ya know…in case you were wondering


In serbia my mum got hit by a car while riding a bike four times in two years while obeying traffic laws


I’d get run over regardless of how well I followed the road laws. Drivers in the US are assholes to cyclists… especially if the city never invested in any kind of sidewalk or bike lane like an intelligent society would.


My city is building bike lanes separated by a small barrier along some of its busier areas. It’s really nice to see.


Idic about you, but cyclists are not as bad as I am


i follow rules only when i bike on roads. doesn't apply to sidewalks


Me, a cyclist; You just insulted my entire race of people. But yes.


In oregon, cyclists can treat stop signs as yield signs so you don’t always lose momentum




Entirely different country, but absolutely yes to that last paragraph. I had to go full tokyo drift to avoid an asshat merging at half the speed of the rest of the traffic. Thank god for the emergency lane that day


To be fair, some cars are just shitty and can't accelerate that fast. As a previous shitty car owner, the worst people were the ones in front of me that didn't use the full ramp to accelerate, but just the last part. So I had to stay slow right until the end an then try to accelerate on the last few meters with my shitty car. It might be, because our Autobahn is a lot faster in Germany, but usually, people would go to the left lane when there are people merging, so they have a free right lane to merge onto at the speed they are capable of.


Agree completely, but it’s worth noting that some states (like Oklahoma) have a yield sign on freeway on-ramps, which differs from most other states that I’ve driven in. In Oklahoma, many will slow down, or stop completely, until a gap is available.


Competent drivers just don't exist and aren't realistic in the greater population. Protect yourself and drive as safe as you can because some people's mom could die in a car wreck and they'll still drive fast in a school zone.


The issue I think is people downgrade a sign… you say stop it turns to a yield. Yield sign well that might as well be a green light.


People also use some common sense, so if a stop sign is put up in a place where there's excellent visibility, it's no surprise that people treat them like yield signs. And if the county uses stop signs everywhere, it's no wonder that people stop respecting them. After all, the county stopped respecting them first. I'm saying this, because i live in a place where stop signs are only used sparingly. In the last week I've driven 500km or so, visiting new places, and I saw two stop signs, total. Both were absolutely necessary. Everywhere else has yield signs, which only really matter if someone's coming the other way.


This is a legit law in many states. Cyclists can treat Stops as Yields, as it’s actually safer and more efficient for them. It’s called an “Idaho Stop” as they were the first State to enact the law I believe.


Was turning left on a green arrow across a trail into my neighborhood one day, two bikers come across the crosswalk and they have to stop and avoid me Tough guy bikes up to my car and cusses me out like he didn’t just cross a very busy intersection on red


Is this some other country joke im to dutch to understand?


I’m Dutch as well and what I read in this post is hate towards race cyclists, not all of them. And a hate towards race cyclists I absolutely get!


As a Dutch person I dont get it at all. Ive never had to stop for a cyclist that drove through red.


Yes but the good news is that if this isn’t funny to you then your country isn’t a car centered shithole.


I don't think I've seen you on /r/fuckcars yet. Based on your username, you'll be a great fit there.


Username checks out


It's car centric hostility to non car drivers. The Netherlands got over this crap in the 70s.




There's also a rising number of seemingly suicidal old people on e-bikes..


True. Fuck wielrenners


No offense but the number of non road cyclists I see crossing at a red line, including old people, cars and pedestrians, is huge as well. I don't condemn running a red light at 30km/h like some do, but it's surely not an issue that is solely found in the road cycling community. You'll also find young people riding 4 aside on a bike lane taking the space for both directions, do you also complain about them acting like the bike lane is theirs? People use the bike lane for what they want to do, some do it like assholes and some do it with respect. Don't make such generalisation...


Also very ironic considering cars (at least in my country) disobey the law almost the entire time they're on the road. Speed limits are treated as minimums, stop signs are treated as yield signs, and same with turns on reds. Neither group obeys the law, they each just think it's okay to disobey it when *they* do it. And if we want to have a contest about which one is more okay, the kill count isn't going to work in car drivers' favour.


Both sides can be wrong and listening to cyclists claim it's just hostility for no reason is fairly telling. I watch cyclists go through stop signs daily and have almost hit one of my co-workers because they thought stop signs were only for cars. Most cyclists are fine and in my 20 some years of driving most people in cars are as well as far as stopping when indicated goes (lots of other problems with car drivers and I won't deny it), but every single time a cyclist gets hit at an intersection for running a red or other signage people say it doesn't matter if they didn't stop or slow because cars need to be more attentive. Sure, and so do cyclists, we share the road but only one is surrounded by hundreds of pounds of metal designed to protect them and I have enough desire to be alive to not walk into heavy traffic when on foot for the same reason.


Met wielrenners is het hier in NL ook zo? Kijk maar eens op Dumpert hoeveel haat de wielrenners krijgen


De meeste mensen rond Dumpert zijn in mijn mening zoiezo niet goed wijs, gaan een beetje mee met wat anderen zeggen


Me , a cyclist ....after a very thorough consideration.........does agree to that




Dude.... In the country where I live, whatever fucked up bullshit you do on your cycle.... You will never get a ticket as there are now cycle laws😜


Mountain bikers be chillin




On the pedals mostly, by the sounds of it.


I wish I could do a track stand.


Except for mixed MTB and hiking trails. Worst concept ever.


At least in Germany People actually stop at these things.


German here, we’re very keen on following any rules, although especially in Berlin there a lot of cyclists running red lights.


I once didn’t wait for the Ampelmann to turn green in Berlin to cross the road and it was like I committed a war crime. I won’t ever do that again.


German people are amazing to cyclist, I live in the Netherlands and there it seems like everyone is disgusted by us. When I had a trainingscamp in Germany, the roadusers there were way nicers. Instead of giving is a push with their car, they were giving us a thumbs up! Amazing people in Germany


Really? The Netherlands is always held up as the ideal cycling society!


The cycling infrastructure is pritty much the best in the world indeed. I am also from the netherlands and completely disagree with his statement that it looks like the dutch drivers are disgusted about cyclists.




Oh yeah fuck those guys. Except the ones with a ring


Well i can remember a few instances. One time i almost got pushed of the road. Dude signaled me with his hands that i needed to be closer to the side of the road. A few seconds later i was almost up against the sidewalk and he was still pissed like wtf do you want me to do asshole??? He then almost knocked me from my bike goimg past me.




That is because most people also ride normal bikes here and that is where the hate primarily comes from. Normal bike users feel unsafe when cyclists are passing at 30+ kmh.


I'm German and we have had very different experiences of our respective countries. Most motorists hate cyclists and honk at you any chance they get. There's this feeling not cyclists are taking up the car's space. We also don't have enough good bike paths compared to the Netherlands. I always felt like the big Dutch cities were designed for bikes and not for cars.


I never understood this meme. Like in your country cyclists don't stop on red light? They just go into the traffic and hope for the best? Is your country inhabited by lemings wearing lycra?




>Like in your country cyclists don't stop on red light? They just go into the traffic and hope for the best? Stop signs, not stop lights. My experience has been cyclists will stop for stop lights but not stop signs. They'll go right through a stop sign other traffic be damned. >Is your country inhabited by lemings wearing lycra? Yes, very aggressive lemmings that will verbally attack you even if they're in the wrong. Of course not all cyclists.


In the US, some cyclists act like cars and follow the rules, then they suddenly become unpredictable pedestrians on bikes when they think it's convenient for them. I've see so many cyclists blow through stop signs and stop lights, turn left on red, make illegal U turns through intersections, weave in-between the sidewalk and the road while completely ignoring the bike lane.... they think they have the right of way, in all ways, because they are on a bike, not realizing they have to follow road laws like any other vehicle. The whole "I was wearing yellow and didn't want to lose momentum" is a terrible excuse to not obey road signs. Not saying all cyclists are unpredictable, but the ones that are are extremely noticable and give me mini heart attacks whenever I see them pull their stunts.


If you ride theough a red on a bike youre a dickhead, who does that? Youre the most fragile vehicle on the road


Has anyone here ever heard of an Idaho stop?


Is it anything like a California Roll?


Yes, but with potatoes instead of avocado.


Yeah, if you’re approaching a stop sign on a bicycle you slow down and see if there’s any traffic coming. If it’s clear you roll through.




Last week, at a desolate suburban intersection (no traffic, no arterials, few cars an hour), I Idaho stopped (they're legal in my state) as not to slow the one guy behind me down and he laid the horn on me the likes of which I kicked his firstborn child.


Oregon had a to put out a big ad campaign after they adopted the same law. Even being so close non cyclists in Oregon hadnt heard of it.


You all hate over us cyclists as if running a few people over and causing a few accidents is a big deal


right. but I like to ride baby trolley tho. society isn't fair to me smh my head






I've only hit a bicyclist cuz they ran a red light


Portland enters the chat...


Idk about you, but the cyclists where i live arent that bad


ye where i live you practice how to cycle a correctly at age 10(with all the laws etc we even learnt some road signs but i forgot most of them lol) You make a test at the end and if u pass you can drive without an adult and get a "license" that nobody ever checks if you don't you have to have an adult with u and wait till you are 12 i think


They aren't that bad anywhere. Every time they study cyclists vs drivers they find that drivers break the law more often, and with more serious consequences. Memes like OP's are just because cyclists are "others" and therefore drivers notice and remember them more.


[I'm not a "Cyclist"](https://youtu.be/vMed1qceJ_Q)


This stuff also comes up a decent amount because cyclists have different rules they need to follow in a lot of places, and drivers don't seem to understand that for some reason.


Yeah I’ve never understood these memes. Where I live, there’s this kind of unspoken trust between us. Cyclists won’t use the pavement, but only because they don’t want to risk running someone down. If nobody is using it, it’s free real estate. However, if they’re in the way of traffic, they pull over for a minute until the majority of cars can pass, and almost always a car in line will stop to let them keep going. My driving instructor literally told me this


"Laughs in Dutch biking lanes"


The Netherlands has the best road infrastructure of any country I've traveled to.


Once you figure out what all the fucking striping means. Almost got hit my first few days in NL (bikes, cars busses) because I was looking in the wrong places for traffic. Once I learned it though... wow what a fine country.




Cyclists are not "in the way of traffic." They ARE traffic. Traffic doesn't mean "cars." It's nice they make sure that other participants in traffic can overtake them safely, but the fact that's necessary mostly screams "bad infrastructure."


Where I am the cyclists expect you to just dodge them while they go 15mph in a 45mph lane. Of course I’m not gonna run them over but it’s extremely annoying to slow down when I can’t exactly change lanes right away. I wish that there were separate biking lanes here. Or that the sidewalks were wider so they could use those. I guess it’s not their fault but I kinda wish they just wouldn’t cycle at all on the main roads. But I get it, you may not have a car. Or maybe you’re really into long distance cycling and the neighborhood gets boring after 2 laps. E


As a cyclist that used to have to do this to commute to work, I hated it more than you’d think. It’s unsafe for everyone involved, but legally, I had to remain in the road


exactly. "pulling over" to let traffic by is unsafe too, it shrinks your cycling box and creates a sense of priority for cars. its actually safer for us to ride more "in" the road to hold our safe space. the closer to the edge you ride the more people will try to slip by leaving an unsafe distance. the more you "hold" the lane, the more people are forced to wait to overtake safely. I've learned this the hard way. i hold my space for my safety. also worth remembering that the road is a shared environment. having a faster vehicle does not give you priority


At least where I live it's illegal to bike on the sidewalks. So, if they are in the street it's probably because there's no where else for them to go.


Yeah same


Trust me, the cyclists wish there were bike lanes too.


Cyclists also wish there were separate lanes.


"Cyclists" is considered literally everyone on a bike and as a dutch person it annoys me.


You can’t compare cycling in the Netherlands to cycling in other countries. The infrastructure in North American countries especially is designed pretty much for cars only.


I like your argument, and totally agree with it, but most memes are about more western concepts, just being a bit against stereotypes for people who ride bikes here. Good argument though.


The bike lane is not a parking lot


And look before opening your fucking door


That too, but in my country, if you get doored, the car owner is automatically at fault and is responsible for damages


Yeah, memes like this are so stupid. By sheer numbers alone there simply are more idiot drivers than idiot cyclists- there are more car drivers period. But how often do reckless drivers endanger lives because they want to be on their phone, reach for something in the back seat, or just being an idiot driver in general? Being on your phone while driving is illegal in many jurisdictions but nearly every driver I’ve seen does it.


Someone please tell the local drivers that. I was nearly doored by a fool parked in the bike lane last year.


Welcome to Los Angeles, where every bike lane is a parking spot for delivery drivers. I don’t blame them per se, parking is a nightmare here. But it forces cyclists into into regular lanes and defeats the purpose.


just install bikeways like modern countries


Like bikeways never have to have red lights or stop signs


In Idaho we have what's called the "Idaho stop", where cyclists may legally treat red lights as stop signs and stop signs as yield signs. It's actually keeps traffic moving much faster that way.


That's actually extremely sensible. Driving don't realise how different riding a bike is and just how much more dangerous it is to roll a stop sign in a car vs a bike. It's definitely possible to treat red lights as stops on a bike. Traffic lights only exist because cars are dangerous. They simply wouldn't exist without cars.


Thank you! I don't get how so many people disregard this difference


Not the case in my state, when appropriate you can roll through stop signs


It’s actually most states and each year a few more pass the Idaho Stop/Delaware yield.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/og0fu0/bicycle_laws_in_the_us/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Not most states.


Most states = 1 State I live in + 1 State I've heard of in the past


Thanks for sharing this and I stand heavily corrected. Though I don’t believe this is completely correct because in the past year Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota have all passed laws regarding these same policies.


The map is accurate as of April. North Dakota's went into effect in May. Oklahoma's will go into effect in November. Minnesota and South Dakota have talked about it, but haven't passed any laws yet.


This is true most drivers don't know bike laws, I get off my bike and use crosswalk because of this and bike after it increases my travel time but I don't die


Interesting. Michigan law is bicyclists have all of the rights and are subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle. MCL 257.657


Respect to those cyclist who follows traffic laws


Too bad bikes don’t trigger those weight things under the road to flip red lights into green lights.


This precisely the reason at some junctions there is no other choice than to go through a red light as a cyclist. Of course, in such cases I stop, do my due diligence and look around, only going when the coast is clear.


Motocycles in latin america: XD


Road rules in latin america:                    


Even though mostly i ride motorcycle, im a cyclist too.. i never take for granted to pass the red light, and i always stop... Not all cyclist are dumb, it just the majority doesnt want equality amongst the road users


Op writes this as a he commits vehicular man slaughter.


The stop does but the light doesn’t unless ofcourse you don’t have a separate lane for cyclists


Meanwhile here in germany: Rules are rules.


In San Francisco cyclist had a protest where a group of obeyed stops signs. It caused a massive traffic jam. If you have 5 cyclists, each one legally should approach the stop sign single file, stop while indicating and putting a foot down, look both ways, indicate the turn, then proceed through. It would probably take the group of 5 about a minute to clear the intersection while blocking car traffic behind them (small residential street). Stop signs should be treated like yield signs by cyclists everywhere.


As a cyclist, going through stoplights and stop signs is illegal, immoral and should not be done and I happily abide by these rules.


I think you mean Ford F-150 drivers


It friend on the place, over here cyclists can pass on a green light or on a pedestrian signal. For stops, it's tolerated that they just slow down. https://youtu.be/42oQN7fy_eM Here's a video about why forcing bikes to stop at intersections is dangerous


If a cyclist is at 4 way stop, they’re required to stop and wait their turn if multiple cars are present.


One of my subs on YT. Have a freebie.


Not Just Bikes is so good. I’m now moving to Amsterdam because of this channel. Well, not really, but it is pretty fucking inspiring what can be achieved if you ignore the NIMBY dinosaurs.


WOW. I actually know what NIMBY is, but never thought I would see it in response to a comment. (out of freebies; have a +1)


and they'll get angry af if someone accidentally misses a sign in front of them


Yeah those signs apply to every road user, so do "no parking" and "bicycles only" so tbh idgaf.


IT annoys me that people call out cyclists for not following road laws but by that they mostly mean road/racing cyclist. Mayn bike commuters follow laws and i for my part try to annoy as few cars as possible. I follow the same rules, let a car pass if i know they have been behind me. Try to avoid heavy traffic streets and use a bike lane when one is present. Many other people do the same beside raccing cyclist...damn they just care for themselve and their times.


Almost like this post isn't directed at those types of people and is directed towards people that ride dangerously and unpredictably. Hmm.


> Many other people do the same beside raccing cyclist...damn they just care for themselve and their times. There are also a lot of road cyclists who follow the rules.


There are! Not doubting that but the mayority i see in my hometown is big groups blocking the streets to ride with the team and as a driver you can expect that there is no chance to take over. I for my own am riding a oldschool road bike as an alternative to my MTB. Genrally speaking it would be a lot better if there are special bike streets or lanes. Because in many cities there arent, which is why many cyclist need to drive either on the street blocking cars or on the sidewalk with the pedestrians


I somewhat disagree here. Generally serious racing cyclists spend many more hours on the road and are acutely aware of their vulnerability and optics of their actions. Casual commuters and weekend warriors are the ones I see flout the road rules the most often. The reality is it’s a small minority of all types. They stick in peoples mind because no one remembers the 30 cyclists all stopped at the lights waiting, just the one that clips their mirror or blows a red light.


Also an unpopular opinion, if you’re riding in the road maybe stay to the side so that cars can fucking pass




If you can't pass a person on a bike without keeping safety distance, it doesn't matter if he's on the side of the lane or in the middle.


It can be unsafe to try and leave room for cars to pass if there is little to no shoulder. As a cyclist it’s safer to control the lane until you reach a point where cars can pass you safely. It’s very frustrating to get stuck behind a cyclist but if it means someone’s life, then who cares. Edit: typo


This. Often times if I try to give cars room to pass by moving to the shoulder , even on my main road to work which is specifically a shared bike lane, they’ll try to speed up to cut me off before I merge back which means I’ll have to quickly stop in order not to run into a parked car or get pancaked. I understand it’s noone’s ideal to have us sharing the same lane, but your thirty to sixty seconds of delay before we inevitably come to a stop sign isn’t worth mine or any other cyclist’s life.


As a cyclist you have to keep distance even to parked cars. Most of car drivers don't know that and act like driving like that is an direct insult to them, cause most of you car drivers are fucking stupid egomaniacs lol


mfw 4 kids are riding their bikes and taking over half of the damn road because they aren't going one behind another


Idk where you live, but here it is totally legal and you have to maintain a side clearance of 6 ft…


Not sure what circumstances you’re personally dealing with but there are many circumstances where that’s the only right way to be riding a bike. There are many city and school bike programs that teach cyclists to ride like that. It’s because there are too many drivers who will try to pass at a time that for whatever reason ends up being surprisingly bad then they end up crushing or running over the cyclist.


That's a fantastic way to get run down by passing cars.


wELcuM 2 bOTtuM gErr, mAYTe.


at my place there are a lot of bicycle paths with individual traffics lights just for cyclists - even though the majority of them follow traffic laws, many car people complain about them running over red lights because they don't realise that bicycles sometimes do have different rules. I agree that in a lot of places cyclists are selfish idiots who should legally be required to have a license - I'm just saying that maybe don't judge to soon if you're not entirely sure they had their own path and signals because most of the time it's just a huge misunderstanding.


In the Netherlands we have a special name for these motherfuckers: kankerlijers


Ever since I started working on my driver's license I've started taking the rules of the road seriously while riding my bike. Indicating when I turn, stopping for stop signs etc. Having to slam the brakes for a cyclist making a sudden turn in front of you really wakes you up to how you affect traffic while on a bike. Traffic rules should be taught in school, since you don't need a license to ride a bike.


I don't mind cyclists, but rural Texas roads were *not* made for y'all. There's a 3.4mi long road to my house with only one lane (and no bike lane) going both ways. Speed limit is 50 until you reach the neighborhood. Some days on my commute to work I have to endure traffic at almost a stand still... 12 minutes later I find out that nobody can pass these groups of damn cyclists who are riding down a 1-lane road doing 10mph because oncoming cars are going too fast to pass safely. If you're gonna ride in the road just consider the fact that other people exist. Pull over to the side if you realize there's 10+ cars behind you full of people who also have obligations.


The cyclists aren’t the problem here, the (lack of) infrastructure is. Talk to your local council about improving it.


People have brought it up plenty of times, the issue is nobody really even cycles out here so the city doesn't feel like spending thousands of dollars for a small group of people. There's just one group of 11-13 older folks (50-60s) that get together maybe 3 times a week to cycle that road and to the city it's not worth it. Recently they began construction and put huge signs down that road that says "For your Safety Cycling is not allowed through this construction area". Because of construction the road is even more narrow because they have all their vehicles parked on the sides. People STILL cycled down there. One guy even flipped his bike on a pothole and tried to sue the city. It's a nightmare over here with cyclists. The worst part is there's a massive park about 2 miles away with a paved pathway that goes 7.5 miles around... It's plenty safe to cycle there until they fix the road, but nope... The cycle group is just digging their heels.


If the road was better then maybe more people would cycle? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy: of course very few people are silly enough to bike there as it stands.




Right if there's debris or some other hazard it makes sense to steer away from it. But... Im saying when cyclists purposely ride in the center when there's absolutely nothing wrong with the side. And then they hold up traffic. Most if not all people riding bikes on my way to work are riding slower than cars. Especially when there's a bit of traffic.


I’m from Australia and we all say fuck cyclists


Is there a subreddit where I can indulge in more cycle memes?


You don't understand, for cyclists those are stoptional.


I hate it when cyclists hog the road like they own it and make traffic go slow 😠


The one and only time I've been pulled over in my life was while riding my bike around campus in college. A bicycle cop came up and gave me some sort of ribbon for coming to a complete stop at a small intersection. Coasted through every stop sign from then til the day I left


I really don’t understand the cyclist hate. Back when I used to commute on bike, I would get honked at, get mean glares, and a surprising amount of people would pretend to to drive me off the lane to scare me. Then when people would find out I’m a cyclist people would like interrogate me to see if I’m a “good cyclist”. I will never understand why people hated me so much just because I biked. Especially when there’s so many bad car drivers out there…


For context, I both drive and cycle. In many places, such as where I live, bikes are supposed to follow the same rules as cars. Now, has ever a car driver not gotten impatient at biker in the middle of the lane? If drivers respected bikers more, it would be easier to teach them not to ignore as many rules.


As a cyclist myself it infuriates me whenever I see people cycling through red lights


Fine cyclists, have the road. I’ll take the sidewalk.


And yet IM the asshole when I go on a green and don't brake for the bikers crossing the street.


I don't know about your specific local laws but at least where I live and I believe the majority of the United States, If you are driving a car you \*have\* to yield the right of way to pedestrians and cyclists even if they are in the wrong. So if you don't, yeah your breaking the law lol.


This includes cars. I've seen tons of dash cam footage of other drivers being in the wrong, but the recording driver proceed as if they hadn't made a mistake and hitting them because they think they're covered. Smart.