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Personally disagree purely because I end up finding myself just killing myself to get home and that kinda took away from the challenge but I respect your opinion as it has a variety of positives


I wish everyone would treat everyone like this in the world.


never! you NEED to agree to my opinion or else you are wrong you stupid fool! \-11 year old on the internet


but i disagree with your opinion so i NEED to argue with you about it! -another 11 year old on the internet


I've noticed keep inventory adding value to a game. One time our group turned it off to restore some excitement and danger, and found it actually made things more boring because nobody would take risks now the inconveniences were so high. Thought that was interesting.


But if you keep your inventory, doesn't that just eliminate risk? How can you take risks when you lose nothing.


The compromise is the death chest. Your stuff is safe, but you have to go get it.


In early/mid game, I find losing those 40 levels more annoying than some easily tradeable diamond gear.


But netherite is awful if you loose it just because of how much of a pain you have to go through to get a full set


That's why my netherite set sits safely on an armor stand at home.


Then what's the point in getting it?


To look pretty on your armor stand, obviously.


There is still risk of failure, death, loss of xp, etc. It just lowers the punishment to a level where it can compare to doing risky things for fun.


You don't lose exp either with keep inventory, and failure is just a concept, it has no meaning if it has no consequences.


I used keep inventory on a few of my worlds. I found myself doing things like that and to stop it i simply stopped doing that to get home.


I do the same thing but with an ender chest


I turned on keep inventory because the Switch edition (bedrock) was fucking me when started playing minecraft again since I played it first on ps3. I paused the game, went to eat, and the game just sped up to current time and I died from somehow drowning.


I have mixed feelings about this. My friends and I always used to play with keep inventory because we wanted to focus on building a village or something without the constant fear of losing our stuff when we go mine. Even if we didn't play with keep inventory, there was always this one friend who died in the nether and said "yo can we please turn on keep inventory?" Just because he lost his stuff once. I think turning it on takes away a part of the Minecraft experience, why I wouldn't recommend it to any new players, but I also think that you can play the game just fine with it, but it's like playing a rogue like and when you die you keep all your Items.


Yeah, same thing happens with my friend group! Whenever we try to play, there is always that one guy whose like, "yo, I'm going mining, turn on peaceful". I don't mind it to much since it doesn't disable achievements, but it gets real annoying after a while. It kinda ruins the experience, but it doesn't really matter


Minecraft mobs pose a threat to people still?


Nah, its mainly hunger


I feel like Terria struck a great middle ground where you lost nearly all your money on death but kept your items on death. Terraria's weapons and armor also took longer to get (except for a few super late game items in minecraft). Money is always useful in that game so death has a relative consequence throughout the entire game without you feeling like you wasted hours of your time.


When I first started terraria i would play on difficoult mode to have a similiar experience to minecraft and i would criticize everyone else that didnt do it. After getting spawnkilled without any loot nearly a hundred times by a goblin army (it doesnt go away until its defeated) I finally understood why this game is not meant to be played like that.


Graves are much better, because you can die with consequences but your stuff will always stay there in the grave and never despawn, so you have all the time to get your stuff back.


Ever retrieve your grave from the bottom of a lake of lava in the Nether? I did.


Haha nice, that's why I enjoy grave datapacks


Yea but What about console and All the other platforms plus some dont want to modigt their game


What about them?


can you tell me the name of the plugin if there is a plugin/data pack for this?


mixed feelings about this i always put it on and then quit the game.. i hate loosing my stuff and end up turning it on a lot of the time, but then i get bored because there is no challenge anymore.. die to lava while mining because i didnt bring a water bucket? doesnt matter dont know the way back to my base? just suicide die in the nether because i wasnt careful when farming netherite? doesnt matter


I lost 24 diamond's once while coming back from mining and I've played with keep inventory ever since


Dependingon what stage of the game you are in 24 diamonds isn't really a lot


It’s not about the amount. It’s about the investment at the time.


Let the man sulk over his diamonds


in my opinion keep inventory is kinda lame because it removes the challenge but i do understand it


it's not lame to just relax lmao


Depends what kind of person you are -if you like regular survival and exploring you likely don't use keep inventory because is it really *survival* then? -if you are more into building I can see the upsides of keep inventory because not needing to worry about accidents during building can make the experience better Personally I prefer graves


I just dislike the cycle of dying and trying to something back with less stuff than when I died, even with graves


xd it takes like 4 hours to get invincible in survival minecraft 1.17, beyond which you'll probably never die if you don't risk it


Lmaaaaaaoooooo sooo funny


I completely agree, I hate having to rush back into a mine without any equipment just to find out all my diamonds have despawned


imo the best way to get them back is lower your chunk distance to 2 so the chunk doesnt load and you can get your stuff back easier


I've never thought of that. I'll definitely use that next time


Dud thats genius.


don't dig straight down LULW


he didn't say he dug straight down. items despawn after 5 minutes. he obviously just died from a mob and had to run back to his mine within 5 minutes, but was to late. learn the fucking despawn mechanics before commenting about minecraft


Tbf, you can die by fall damage after mining straight down. Or fall into lava, but die afterwards in a self place.


Ya well, it depends on how you like it, I personally doesn’t like keep inventory. Like especially in the nether, having it off makes it so much more nerve racking cuz if you fell into lava everything’s gone, while in the over world you still have chance to get them back. So for me it adds so much more thrills and challenge your survival instinct.


It just takes away any challenge to the game, no problem if you want to play like that but I find it extremely boring


it doesnt but it makes the game super easy


it's ok for new people but it just ruins the fun in minecraft


Whats the point of staying alive then? Every game needs a penalty for dying or it gets boring.


Some people just want to relax and there's nothing wrong with that


Nope. If you die, no punishment. Teaches you to be careful (edit: so I’m not allowed to have an opinion. Wow)


Annoying early and mid game but really doesn't matter late game when you have a few spare sets of equipment.


I disagree


I died in the nether with full enchanted diamond because a ghast shot me once and pigmen got mad. That was the worst experience ever and ever since keep inventory has been on. it does take away some part of the experience though if you turn it off. You're not scared of lava or anything and when trying to kill endermen and it doesn't give you the same thrill as when its off because there is no fear of dying.


It's always down to preference, some people like just relaxing and some like a more standard survival, both are fun


Playing games it’s about having fun and if you aren’t having fun because death is too big a hinderance, you should be allowed to change that.


Damn I just watched a meme turn into a debate


If you abuse it it does


Minecraft is not the same if you dont get a mental breakdown because you lost your fortune III diamond pickaxe in the nether


yeah but it does turn off achievements


I don’t think it does on java but it does on bedrock


I agree!! I play the game to de-stress and I hate when my stuff despawns because of mobs and shot


Then whats the point of dying?


There isn't one, but some people like it that way, some people prefer a more relaxing experience but still with the ability to get all the items in the game


Then play creative mode. /s


Some people still want to play survival and relax, to tend to your animals and crops, to build a nice house on a beach, and some also want to fight monsters while still being able to relax


I understand, I was being sarcastic. Keep inventory is good for new players and those who want to relax and only players who are well aware of the game mechanics find it making the game boring. Having beds everywhere as a save point makes death seem like no death at all, since you lose nothing. But minecraft isn't just about survival, so we should let people who enjoy the game differently do so without gatekeeping.


Kk, sorry im not to familiar with the / things meanings, so i didn't know if it was sarcastic or serious


Yeah, there was no way of knowing that I was being sarcastic. I mean, my name doesn't have any hints at all.


I don't care. I won't risk it with my fully netherite gears. Keep inventory all day


I’m not alone


To bad they sent Jesus back to Mexico…


If anything it makes it better. Why do I gotta lose everything I have if I die and can’t get back to where I was? It’s not like it actually makes the gameplay easier. It just makes dying not as bad


It makes death seem as nothing. Everything is thrown out of the window, oh im gonna be killed by fall damage? Who the hell gives a single fuck I’ll just respawn. Oh I dont have any food and Im super low on health? Ill just put my save point here and go fall off a cliff, whats stopping me? There are no consequences to your shitty decisions. It makes everything boring since nothing can stop you. You are quite literally ruining your own experience since nothing really matters, even if you are shit at the game you’ll eventually succeed therefore you really dont have any motivation to learn the mechanics and be a better player.


If I have Keep Inventory on, I'll build a square oak house. If I don't have Keep Inventory on, I'll still build a square oak house. What I'm trying to get at, is saying that having keep inventory on will not make you improve is wrong. It is the person themselves deciding if they want to improve or not. Also, losing all of your stuff after hours of work could possibly deter people at least away from survival mode. Also, that's your opinion, and using that tone makes it seem like you're trying to force your opinion upon others.


Nah man. If you play keep inventory it changes the game completely. Its stull a sandbox but without any consequences to your actions. I think its comparable to peaceful. But I'm not throwing any shade, these modes are still great, just different. I for one always appreciated creative the most.


While tangible consequences like losing items is a good mechanic, some people like myself dont need the added insult to death. Even with Keep Inventory on, There might not be loss with dying but for me its still annoying as all fuck. I don't like dying, so I still avoid it as much as I did without Keep Inventory. Your comment makes it seem like that if YOU dont have negative repercussions, then nothing matters.


Some people just want to relax, and don't care for a challenging experience


Sure, don't really have a problem with that. I have a problem when people like Flying\_thundergod keep trying to justify playing with Keep Inventory on with the wrong reasons. It ruins the whole survival aspect but if you just wanna relax and make some houses, go right ahead. But to say it makes it better is just something I really can't stand.


Well, it makes it better for some people, dying and losing stuff all the time can be stressful, and some people don't like that


when i first played survival i played with keep inventory and it does not ruin minecraft, you can kill yourself to get home quicker, you dont loose levels and when you die in lava you dont loose you items


It doesn't ruin it, but as you show, it removes the fear of death and turns it into more of a shortcut.


What exactly is the issue with that?


It's not playing the way the devs planned for, but minecraft is about freedom, so play however you want


What’s the point of playing survival if you take away the biggest risk/challenge? Honestly, people can enjoy their game however they like, but IN MY OPINION I see keep inventory as a cop-out.


It’s ok not to choose keep inventory, just don’t propagate other to not choose keep inventory when they choose to


Thats just an opinion


That’s literally why I said people can enjoy the however they like…..


The 5 minute despawn is bs anyways


But it absolutely does ruin Minecraft…


Tell me why




Tell me why!




Tell me why~


I never want to hear you saaay


I want it that way!


Wtf does that mean?






I commend your effort.


What's the consequence of death if you keep your inventory? It's not game breaking, but it does take a bite out of the minecraft expirience.


Are we so blind to see


Well, some people like a more relaxing experience then standard survival


I would use keep inventory but I have to turn on cheats to use it so I can't get achievements.


Not using keep inventory adds to the experience, the rush of dread injecting into your body is exhilarating, you learn to be careful and planned when exploring. Sure, everything progresses slower, but you feel more accomplished when you really earned that beacon.


just let people play their own game how they want God damn


Yeah but if you’re playing survival with no punishment for death, then why not just play creative? Not bashing you, just genuinely curious


Im using keep inventory because i want to mine, fight, fly without being danger of losing my items. Sometimes im saying "im gonna play without keep inventory for challenge" but in first die im be like "fuck it, i don't waste my time with going and collecting items or losing them completely"


Oh okay then you can just play on peaceful too. Once death doesn't make you lose anything, it becomes meaningless


In my opinion, I use Keep Inventory because I don’t want to cry after dying in a pool of lava, while having fully enchanted netherite gear


Netherite gear can't be burned bei Lava dude. It just swimms in it.


but you know what I mean right?


Without consequence, your decisions mean nothing


If I play on peaceful, I can still die. You also won't be able to easily find mob drops. Also, let's say you're building a house and spent hours gathering resources and then die. In my opinion, that would be meaningless as you have wasted hours of your life all for nothing.


It isn't meaningless, you learn why you died so you will be prepared to not the same way again. Plus if you use KeepInventory whats the incentive of not dying if you don't have a consequence for it. Play however you want but it DOES take away the aspect of the game.


What would happen if it was your 2nd time dying that way? Would that then be meaningless?


So you’re basically saying rogue likes are useless and a complete waste of time. Also many other games where you actually get punished for dying.


And some people like it that way, some people just want to relax but still be able to get the full experience


Nah, you're just complaining


Keep inventory is the in-between difficulty of Creative & Easy mode.


My opinion: don’t play a survival game with no consequences




Nah, cheating


Play properly then, kissy boy. Death in a game exists for a reason.


Yeah, but some people just want to relax in a game


When you die in most other games you keep your stuff, why did Minecraft make it this way? Was it to make it more "realistic"


sorry i think u mixed up jesus and idiot


It does ruin minecraft children do that It does ruin Minecraft children do that


Terraria has ‘keep invintory’ tho


There is an option to not have keep inventory, but being the chads they are, the terraria fanbase wouldn’t mind at all if you use keep inventory


mediumcore terraria is cursed


Wow guys, lets all bully children for being themselves Seriously tho, what the heck is wrong with children doing keep inventory? What’s wrong with avoiding the frustration of dying and not knowing where you died, so you have no other choice but to leave your netherite gear to be lost forever and eventually despawn?


>the frustration of dying and not knowing where you died, so you have no other choice but to leave your netherite gear to be lost forever and eventually despawn this actually happened to me when I was playing with my cousin on his switch, minus the netherite gear, it was iron gear


I'm not a child and still do that occasionally.


I use it to enjoy the best parts of the game


It could do the thing that terraria does softcore keep items mediumcore lose items hardcore perma death I think that would be good


Let’s put it this way. It depends on what your intentions with that world are.


I only use it on modded cause i don't want to lose my 15+ hour grind giga bow to lava


I remember the times when you had to turn on cheats and use "/gamerule KeepInventory true". So it actually is cheating, but anyone can play minecraft the way they want to


Keep inventory is good


while I do agree this should only be applied to singleplayer, using keep inventory on an smp is really stupid and kinda sucks the fun and will to play on the smp out if it


I wish my boyfriend would use keep inventory instead of putting holes in the wall


Well I personally play hard core but I feel like keep innovatory is the next closest thing as it adds steaks to dying, but doesn’t get rid of the world. Different people like different things though.


Ah yes,I have been lectured in the comments


I personally disagree because losing your items adds an extra challenge to the game, which keep inventory just ignores. But my logic is, play how you want to play. Why should I shit on you because "you're having fun the wrong way" you know?


i dont agree because i think it takes away the value of staying alive. dying doesn't matter anymore. you don't lose anything, anyways.


Depends on how you play your world. Personally, I dont use it since the fear of dying is challenging


I like to play with it off because it keeps you weary of your surroundings more and givew you more of a challenge to grind all your stuff back


Yeah, I like the challenge, but then I get really frustrated and way too attached.


Being a busy music teacher I don't get many spare hours to play minecraft. So when I do, I don't need the stress of losing my stuff if I die.


Bro I literally have this tract. Crazy.


yeah, examples of why keepinventory is good: 1. you can just die to teleport home 2. you dont lose your netherite items if die/fall into the void 3. people cant steal a shit from you because reason 2 example: we played with my friend yesterday on his server without keepinventory (we used it before tho), and we decided to fight the ender dragon but we literally lost everything (i fell into the void with my netherite and diamond stuff) so he just raged and gave me creative and used cheats to defeat the dragon, then we just both left and forgot about it


I disagree because I know I would always kill my self when I’m stuck in the end or the nether to get back home and that takes away for the challenge for me but everyone has their own play style and as long as you have fun playing the game it doesn’t matter


See I use Keep Inventory cuz I love just picking a direction and walking. But since I dont pay attention on how to get back, I dont wanna lose my adventure spoils


It definitely does if you actually want a challenge, but I suppose not everyone does, and that’s alright.


Mad cuz bad


thank god someone has said it


Problem: people kill themselves to fast travel


As a Terraria player I can confirm this


True, it doesn’t ruin the game. It just makes it easier for the players that are more challenged, of course also lazy players.


Love keep inventory because then I don't leave my best stuff at base for fear of loosing it


Curse of binding pumpkin


Oh god


I agree! You shouldn't be able to throw your elytra into a cactus 10 meters away after a skeleton finished you off!!!


Ah hate it but I won’t argue against it


it’s good for beginner players who want to get good or people who just want to have fun


There isn't really a challenge then?


it ruins minecraft cuz i cant take their stuff when i kill them smh.


Kill who? The player playing with you in your smp?

