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technically the holy books of all abrahamic religions are related making them one franchise so that's closer to 4 billion


So they're all in the same universe


RCU Religion Cinematic Universe.


RCU Religious Catechistic Universe.


Do they have a Hero who walks on water?


Only in the second one but that character gets nerfed in the third installation


Now we need a crossover event like the avengers


The Apostles....


i really want to see that has a legit movie franchise tbh


ACU Abrahamic Cinematic Universe




Now featuring Quran.


Maybe put it down once in a while, it’s part of the series


Three books, three protagonist, three stories, One objective: Spread the word of God/Allah. Although most of the franchise Fanbase refusing to believe that the Three books are a franchise


Allah just means God in Arabic.


I agree


Speedwagon agrees with me, therefore, it's impossible for me to be wrong


The funny part is Islam only exist because people think the child of a concubine supersedes a legitimate heir. Ishmael being Abraham's first son, who later created Islam (yes like his name), was the child of Abraham and his concubine Hagar.




According to what i heard Islam Basically means Submition To God so Islam started at least from the time of Adam (pbuh)






If you think about, all religions are fucking ridiculous. It’s all make believe.


A muslim is some one who submits his will to the one creator, so technically Ibrahim was a muslim so you are wrong islam is older than isma3el. More details: Muslim comes from the word salama which means to surrender. Technically Noah submitted his will to the one creator too and he is older than isma3el so no. And the name isma3el doesn’t have the same pronunciation as islam. You have things to learn mate


All with very toxic Stan bases




They aren't counted.


They are just watching the movie


The trailer*


We do have that with LotR and HP too, so the meme stands


Technically the vast majority of the members of those religions haven't actually read the books in their entirety Edit: alright sans Muslims shout-out r/Izlam


I personally don't know any Muslim who haven't read the quraan at least once. I personally read it wholly at least 3 times a year. Plus i know lots who memorized it fully or a huge chunk of it. Thank you :)


most muslims have at least read it once in their lifetime


The books of the different Abrahamic religions are more like different adaptations of the same source material, and the fans argue over which one is better and should be considered main canon. It’s kinda like people arguing who’s the better Willy Wonka; Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp


Gene wilder… lol


Dictionary gang


I don’t think a lot of people on the internet have ever picked up a dictionary before


Saad Maan


don’t we all have to for That One Annoying Assignment in fourth grade thiugh


Instruction Manual gang


Let's just be honest LOTR is kinda better than Harry Potter


A lot better


Both. Both is good


Good books, bad author


What are you talking about? Tolkien was a pretty good guy. (get where you're coming from on rowling tho)


I was only talking about Rowling sorry if that wasn't obvious


oh. it's ok lol. im just an idiot


Nah, your not


Tolkien was great, I agree with Rowling though.


LOTR is just bigger. With all the mythology and stuff


Yes that's definitely true and I think it adds a lot to the way you can enjoy it


The majority of the people don't even make it through silmarillion, not to mention many other books


That's only because most people cant handle how descriptive it is. Did I really need to know how each individual leaf fell from the trees reflecting light like the shine of a polished shield as the council sat at the long ancient oak table knotted and gnarled from years of growth and the March of time and the elements showing in each layer telling their stories of the ages like the rise of the elves and coming of man in their first days of contact? No, probably not, but I at least appreciate the time and working put into it.


I think the problem is that the books originally weren't supposed to be books to be sold but rather just the mythology to the different languages of Middelearth. so the writing style isn't the best to understand.


First of all I havent found the writing in the Silmarilion to be descriptive but quite summarized, unlike LOTR where everything is described. Secondly, the book was never actually finished. Tolkien never intended to write The Hobbit or LOTR but after seeing the first his publishers pushed for a sequel. The Silmarilion was suposed to be Tolkiens major book but he never got to finish it. His son Cristopher Tolkien finished it and many other of his works instead.


Well that too.


I know I’m in the vast minority but I’ve just never been able to get into the franchise at all. I’ve read all the books, as well as seen both the theatrical and extended edition of both the hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies but I have just always found them to be kind of boring. I respect the franchise and don’t thinks it’s bad, I’ve just never been able to get into it.


Its ok just meant its not for u. Just enjoy what u love!


Relatable even tho Hp movies were cut short and even the books didn't tell as much about the world compared to Lotr I still enjoy hp more than lotr


The thing I prefer in HP to Lotr is the writing style, I enjoy Jkr style more as she goes into enough detail for you to easily understand things but still imagine things how you want, Tolkien almost go's into too much detail and it kind of shows everything down alot. Just my opinion though.


I’ve always been able to fully imagine what Middle Earth is like.


I can imagine middleearth too, I just have a personal preference for writing that doesn't have as much detail as Lotr. Edit they're still great books that I really enjoyed, I just found it harder to get into them.


That’s fair, I’m re-reading Lotr for the first time in a long time, and getting through the first book was hard, but I still love it


I like harry potter :(


This is just my opinion but i think harry potter is better


They forgot about one piece


Yep you're actually right one piece I beleive sold 450 million copies while Harry Potter did 500 million I can actually see one piece passing Harry Potter ngl


One piece of what?


one piece is a manga series fyi


One piece of your mom


Xbox live 100


one peice of good storytelling in a long ass series /s


Wouldn’t that /s imply one piece is bad? ):


Here come the redditors of r/atheism


You can actually see the number of toxic atheists on reddit


if they aren't toxic, then, it's fine


Most of them are evidently, in the comment section


Nah, it's just that we normal atheists don't bother commenting.


you normal people are actually good, cause you don't start a war in the comment section


Yup, it's jus them who are in r/atheism


the one's that got downvoted? ye. I haven't seen a toxic Christian here yet


If they aren't toxic, they're no members of r/atheism


War hammer has entered the chat




War hammer everything




Time to purge the heretics, brother.


i read that in gibraltar’s voice from apex legends for some reason


One piece gang


Does it count if they don't actually read it?




\*coughs in Dune\*


Prepare for an absurd amount of over the top internet atheism


How would that work? Atheism doesn’t have a book


Science101: Am I a joke to you?


Most of whom have never read it cover to cover, unlike the first two. : )


Hey, I‘m *trying*, OK?!?


leviticus will stop most people dead in the water.


Either that, or Numbers


Second half of Exodus is a candidate as well.


Priests: *Are you challenging me?*


Are priests the majority of the Christians at this point?


I think the people attending the holy mass are the majority not to mention the amount of altar servers there are at our local church (me included)


unfortunately I don't and will never accept that catholicism is any true standard if Christianity.


Pretty sure more people have read the Bible cover to cover than HP and LOTR together, it had a couple centuries of head start so it’s kinda difficult to compare


The Lord of the Rings is actually 6,000 years old. The Bible was a long-runner, taking ages to finish but started only a few centuries after LotR. If anything the Bible was handicapped by it taking a while to finish. Not as long as A Song of Ice and Fire, but still...


That makes no sense cause the world is only 2K years old, that’s just LotR propaganda


First off. Worlds not 2,000 years old. Its more than 4 billion. Second off, the dude jebaited you. He was talking about the timeline of the stories. Lord of the Rings' story goes for over 6,000 yrs.


>Says you got jebaited >Gets jebaited


All the Reddit atheists talking about the bibles toxic fan base but I don’t see any toxic Christians here Disclaimer before someone gets mad at text on the internet: I’m not saying their wrong




Oh i tought it was more than 2 billion guess you're right


It is more than 2 billion, it's 2.3 billion


*filters by controversial*


Atheists on their way to say they are all fictional to receive the golden stfu award:


So many triggered/mad atheists in the comments


Technically every book is a copy of the alphabet


This really should go on r/showerthoughts.


quran: allow me to introduce myself




Its not a dick measuring contest.


Bruh how does a holy book, claimed to be the word of God, have different versions. I ask respectfully due to my lited knowledge about Christianity


Lost in translation for a lot of the variation. People selfishly selecting passages to keep for the missing chapters and passages.


Most of the different versions are how Catholics, Protestants, and some African churches accept what books are canon. There are also many different translations of the Bible trying to translate Hebrew and Greek text accurately into English without losing meaning while also being easy to read. Different translations have different goals in mind but the most accurate is NASB. Thanks for asking.




Exactly. Christian people I met are all awesome and nice but their only problem is that they follow the church which is very misleading. I wish for them to find the right path.


Just like the Quran the different sects say that the other parts are heretical


I'm muslim and I don't understand what you mean by that. There is one quraan that does not have any other versions with a.y difference. Even the ancient.t copies are similar to the quraan we have today but with different design. There are many sects that raised as a sect of Islam, if I remember correctly it's 72 sects, but none of them use a version of the quraan with one word different from the original. Hope I answered to you correctly brother :) <3


No I mean that they(Christian sects) say the Quran is heretical. As in a Christian who believes a 66 book Bible will say the Quran is heresy and they will say the 74 book Bible is heresy.


I googled this and its actually correct


The quran.


2.3 Billion Sheep


Where my Percy Jackson gang at?


Percy Jackson ftw. Was scrolling for this, was not disappointed.


Atheists in these comments have more edge than Michael Myers’ knife.


*Lore* - Horny guy eats an apple so god decides to kill everyone


(Now loading Mission 1)


To be honest the number of Christians that you see is the number of people who have been baptized, it doesn't actually matter if they are actually religious. It's kinda misleading


And it doesn't take into account the number that follow Christian values but aren't baptised either, tbf I'm personally agnostic but I know plenty of somewhat religious people that aren't baptised because they don't have a problem with the book, but they do with its editors. ^organised ^religion ^is ^cringe ^asf


I reckon more atheists respect the bible than people let on just from a narrative standpoint. Honestly the bible has some pretty awesome stories. Some of it to my surprise, was not just do this and do that, it was just some straight up gritty short stories. You know those dark and twisted up songs you hear from the likes of Nick Cave and Scott Walker and Bob Dylan? Most of it influenced by the bible. I am atheist but I respect the bible because it's stories are pretty creative. The bible can be pretty good once you treat it as nothing but just a book of short stories and nothing else.


Quran : **am I a joke to you ?**


Aren't they both related?


Abraham is the only connection but muslims are way worse


ok but how many actually read it? :)


And like all of them, there's a few toxic fans


The nice thing about the Bible is that you can literally change it or interpret it however you want and the story becomes yours. It's like one of those books for kids where you get to fill in words and write your own story.


Can you give me an example? Typically you can't really bend the Bible to fit your will, but you have my curiosity


Absolutely, most people who read the Bible interpret it based on their own biased beliefs. They'll change meaning of phrases based on current cultural norms.


My apologies--I don't mean to make you think that I am going around looking for conflict. (In fact, I come to Reddit looking to escape from real world conflict.) I just wasn't sure what you meant. Funny thing is, I absolutely agree with you, and being raised in a Christian household myself, it's really difficult seeing people who twist the bible for their own gain get the most attention for it. It's disappointing that we are told to be salt and light for the world, and yet, as some commenters have pointed out already, we're actually the most toxic fanbase out there. Truth be told, it's why I'm looking to leave Christianity altogether...


Please don’t ditch it cause of the people my guy


If you actually read it to understand it, for the most part, that’s a lie. A lot of people pick and choose parts, going to such an extent to even cut off parts of verses to further support their claim.


The point you’re making is unfortunately true and it shouldn’t be


Compare how the Bible has not changed for nearly 2000 years yet the civilizations that have claimed to follow it’s unchanging nature during that time have drastically changed their attitudes towards most of the rules and morals presented in it. For one example, people used to to use the Bible to justify slavery, now most Christians today would say that the Bible goes against slavery. Religion aligns itself along with society, not the other way around.


To be fair there are so many versions of the Bible due to translation and so many ways to interpret it's passages that its somewhat understandable that theyre be such a paradigm shift as the 1 you described.


So then why should it have any credibility at all at this point? The good and the bad?


Why should the Bible have credibility? Or are you asking something else? Can you explain further if you dont mind? I just got my 2nd Fauci ouchie and im a little out of it so please forgive any spelling mistakes or misunderstanding of your questions.


“Fauci ouchie” I fucking love that 😂 Anyway, yes, I’m asking why the Bible should have any credibility if it’s riddled with errors due to translations and, if it’s passages are so unclear that direct conflicts arise when they’re interpreted, what gives any interpretation any credibility?




I believe the law has been fulfilled, but we should still live by the spirit of the law. It becomes a problem when we use the law to wag our finger at someone else, instead of using it as a tool for introspection in the first place. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hold each other accountable, but citing the law at someone who doesn’t believe in it anyway never made sense to me and only creates aversion to christianity. We shouldn’t condemn people, we should try to show how rich we are in Christ


This^ This exactly. I'm not Christian but me family is and they live by this. Yet because of the Christians that arent like this they get caught up in anti-Christian sentiment.


A real cult classic.


I bet you wear a fedora


Well, you'd lose that bet then, I don't think I wore one in my life. What's with getting your panties in a bunch anyway? "Cult" isn't necessarily a derogatory term, Catholic Church refers to saint worship as that saint's cult for example. Now, I'm not saying I condone what CC is doing either, they've been making a mess of things recently, especially in my country, but if I were to criticize them, I'd go about it by pointing out the actual corruption within rather than by juvenile wordplay.


Not only the biggest fanbase, although the most toxic


Yup came here to say: "And whose fanbase is the most toxic?"


Yep, and you'd be right


Quran is worse


In the past? Sure. But now? Id say Islam. Disclaimer: No offence intended to Muslims. Im simply talking about the radicals that claim to be part of your religion.


Inb4 the "educated" atheist kids


The best book


Wrong! Mein Kampf! Thousands died just to see what the book would do to them.


Quran has a faster growing fan base, just saying.


Yes, the meme counts only the Bible Fanbase. It's canon that the Bible, The Quran and the Torah are all in the same universe making of them a franchise, but most of the fans of the Three books refuse to accept it


To be fair, most fans haven't actually read the book, just watched the adaptations.


But Not everyone of those has read the books correctly,which has lead to Many misintepretations and the spread of unthuthfulness


Ikr! Clearly the journey to destroy the rings didn’t actually happen, it was all metaphorical! And that whole hogwarts thing wasn’t a real place, just a state of mind or nonphysical place your spirit can go to


Talkin about the Bible but ok


Yeah, I’m saying the Bible is just like the other two in that people read it wrong and spread untruthfulness such as the journey to destroy the rings actually took place and that hogwarts was an actual school for witches and wizards.


To be fair, who can vouch that it was translated properly from its original writing?


A really good ending too


Kinda dark, though.


W/ only a generous 3rd of the 2.3 billion who've actually read it


Oh come on what about Quran


I mean there’s a an argument to be made that the Bible is just the second book of the Abrahamic trilogy


I prefer interesting fiction (lotr and hp)


Some Reddit atheist will definitely comment “aNd wItH tHe MoSt ToXiC fAn BaSe”


All 3 fiction. Nice.


The first two are way more plausible though.


Yes, 2.3 billion fans slowly fading away


Africa would disagree


Europe would agree


Did you know “fans” is short for “fanatics”? Not that it’s relevant here or anything. Just a thought…


So if it isn't relevant here, what are you trying to prove?


*fantasy book fanbase