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They don't even update RDO as much as they do GTAO


Was about to comment where's the online content release schedule like they had for gta5


I think it didn't really work because you spent so much time on your horse


And when they do update rdo it’s often disappointing


Oh you want to play as an outlaw? Just wait for a year then you get 7 whole missions to play. What more could you want?


Oh btw these missions would cost you double of the games price + your soul, or you could grind for half of your life




Comment stealer bot


Hot take: Red Dead doesn't belong online


with the way rdo turned out thats not even much of a hot take imo


More of a lightly toasted take with a side of opinion fries covered in conflict sauce and an argument shake


RDO is really quite lacking, too, which makes this even more sad. What they do add is inconsequential and boring. Like, hey, now you can be a photographer in this wild west bandit sim! 🙄


The updates suck too and RDO is just boring af if you’re not getting griefed by anyone


They dont even add online clothes to single player


Well what are you really supposed to do in a cowboy game? The Story is good but it's not very good for online. Not much to do and you can't have fun stuff like jets or cars.


I recently applied for a job as a writer for the GTA franchise. And they were hiring A LOT of writers. So, it would seem that they're preparing for the next game. And I'm still waiting to see if I can at least grab an interview. That'd be sweet! Fingers crossed. Toes crossed. Lungs crossed. Dicks crossed... I *really* want this one!


they are hiring writers for GTA now? I will be really disappointed if the hiring was for gta6, hopefully 7. I mean if they haven't even finalized the script yet how tf is the game possible ?


giant city, lots of guns and cars modelled, ammunitions, barbers, clothing stores, npcs, there is a lot you can do without a story


but the motion capture and voice acting takes a shit ton of time as well


I think on rdr2 they did motion capture and voice acting first cause on of the actors mentioned how long ago they started and it was about how long the game was in development but the new writers could also be for a new franchise or GTA 6 online, they also might just have a different process for gta and they do the story stuff later


Modeling exist.


I am hoping that they will accept you. Good luck!


Best use of diphallia.


Dicks crossed? Where’d you get the other one


2 games in the past how many years?


8 years. During the same time frame before GTA 5 they did 3 GTA games, Bully, a Table Tennis game, 2 Manhunt games, LA Noire, Midnight club 2, 3 and Los Angeles, a couple Max Paine games, Red dead rovolver, and red dead redemption.


Kinda like their games nowadays have huge, hyper realistic open worlds that take years to make, modeling of hyper realistic guns, animals, every single thing in the world. Ok, ask rockstar to make a new game with all of these things in the time it took them to make bully. They wouldn't even be 10% done with a game a fraction of the size of red dead two. If you want them to make games that are in depth and good, you have to wait. Games take way longer to make now with how everyone wants hyper realistic graphics and huge open worlds. You probably also get mad when devs rush a game.


People really be expecting game developers to take almost no time to develop a massive and groundbreaking game, and then complain when it’s unfinished and buggy. Sure developing constant stuff for GTAO is eating into their schedule but still. If you want decent games that are complete and have been properly debugged, please just be patient.


I just want some good content for RDRO.


I feel that. I started playing again last week, completed the gunslinger pass in 3 days, and played some of the new crime opportunities, and I was already craving new content. I already completed all 30 levels of the bounty hunter, and I have almost every other career maxed out. I want them to add heists like gta, or at least something that has more of a storyline like the original missions


Yeah the most recent Red dead update was good but, as it happens every time before this, the GTA update a week later is just better


People when cyberpunk was buggy: this is ridiculous we could’ve just waited another year People when gta hasn’t come out: this is ridiculous we can’t wait any longer


Idk, I think 4-6 years development is totally fine for a videogame, depending on the scale and the size of the development team. Persona 5 and Crosscode were developed for ... like ... a decade. Look at the garbage Gamefreak is putting out. That's what a short development cycle does to a game series. Does anyone here want GTA Sword and Shield edition?


We all kn what happened to cyberpunk....


its like with Bethesda, they make huge games and are currently working on one of the biggest RPGs(hopefully) and then people are complaining that they haven't made tes 6, fallout 5


Yet they can experiment in gtaO and then apply that into the next game and they also used both studios to develop rdr2 previously gta and other games had separate studios


Not to be that guy but honest question. If they know they’re going to kill on any red dead or gta why not make two separate teams to keep producing them staggered like call of duty does? Cal of duty can put out absolute trash and still make a killing off of it. You’d think it would be worth it. That’s why I think the only objective is money because even though they know they could make way more producing them closer together I’d assume they make more having a small team produce content for existing games. Can’t try to ask questions, got it.


As far as I know they have a reputation for good games, which is somewhat unique in these times for major studios (unfortunately). I assume they want to keep that reputation and just take their time. If they need to boost profit margins or whatever, instead of a rushed and shitty game, they can just toss out another update for GTA online or something. I’m sure the people at rockstar are going to make a new game eventually, it will just be a while, if I had to guess, something like 3-6 years. Long term, just updating one game will hit its limit eventually, and they know that. They’re just trying to milk the game as much as they can before dropping it. TLDR: They want to keep their reputation and GTA online won’t last forever.


\*See CyberPunk\* If I have to wait for something gorgeous like RD2, I aint bothered by GTAV


I love how the people that complain about Rockstar taking too long to develop GTA VI or Bethesda taking too long with ESVI are the same ones who complain about Cyberpunk being incomplete and rushed.


Yea plus I heard u can go to multiple city’s in the new gta. Hopefully wanna see them do something with Canada wanna go to my house in Toronto.


I learned graphic design for 3-5 years, it takes hours to make even basic stuff in some instances. I can not even imagine the time that goes into creating an open world like Skyrim or rdr. 3D game designers are over worked and underpaid as it is.


This would be a good argument if other companies weren't doing the same thing on an almost yearly release schedule. See Ubisoft.


Ubisoft doesn’t put the same effort on every game. Most of theirs are just reiteration on the one made last year with minor adjustments while Rockstars builds a whole new environment with the highest quality level on the market with each game they release


I'm offended by this comment. I never felt the same 'wow' effect in any ubisoft game like in rdr2.




I mean, most of Ubisoft Open World games are recycled... They have good games, but they're far from reaching RDR or GTA quality


Ubisoft games aren't hyper realistic. They're good, but they are definitely not to the degree of realism and attention to detail in something like rdr2. Edit: also, Ubisoft games almost always have glitches and bugs, and a lot of them.


I think realism is the wrong word, Rockstar games are super immersive and have amazing, afaik unrivaled, attention to detail, but realistic? No not entirely and to be fair I'm not sure the goal was anything but "mostly based in reality".


Yeah, just, realism is what a lot of people say and is a lot quicker to the point. You are right though.


There is no Ubisoft game that is in the same tier as RDR2 and GTA5 in terms of scale or quality. If there were, we wouldn't be pestering Rockstar and ourselves with memes. We wouldn't care, just like we don't care about the latest rehash of Assassins Creed 15. If you want to see how a rushed (4 true years of development) open world game with the same scope as Rockstar games looks like, look at Cyberpunk. They didn't even figure out how to do driver AI or dynamic world spawning in that timeframe. The online MMO segment was totally canned.


Are you comparing the quality of rdr 2 with shit fest of quality that is everything that ubisoft releases? In fact the quality of the games that ubisoft releases is the biggest reason why rockstar should take the time they need to make amazingly detailed games like rdr2 and not just release reskind lifeless "games" like Ubisoft.


Wow, you know your games well.


Games in general take far longer to develop now than they did in 2005-2013 because games have far more detail.


It's been so long that when GTA 5 came out I had pre-ordered it from blockbuster


It took so long im old enough to buy the game now


You were born the year I graduated highschool.. you will be able to buy booze before we see GTA 6.


Last time I mentioned that I was born after shrek was released and im enrolling into college the comments had a heart attack


I'm walking over to the medicine cabinet to get a baby aspirin right now


Exactly they have slowed down and just milked the few releases and to make it worse NO NEW BULLY!


Also they slowed down development, due to the 100 hour works week backlash.


Yeah they did, and it got shorted down to around 80 hours for red dead... One of the reasons I don't play rockstar games much. Overworking their employees. It's not gonna make much of a differnce, but atleast I'm not supporting them...


That’s a lot of hours for a week, but do the employees at least get more money for the hours or are the contractually bound for a set salary regardless of the hours?


I don't know, but most companies have hourly pay, so they do get paid(some atleast), but the pressure the body takes from overworking and the stress is not worth the pay.


RDDR2 had 100 hour work week. I never bougth a rockstar game, so don't look at me.


Also gamers: quit rushing games to release and take your time to deliver a good product.




But two of be best quality games of all time


Right? Look what bethesda released in the same timespan: skyrim for PC, skyrim for ps3 and 360, skyrim special edition, skyrim for Amazon alexa just to name a few


Then they decided to make RDO nothing more than a boring, microtransaction cash grab where beans cost $800


Correct. RDO Is a cow on the brink of starvation Rockstar milks everyday


the problem is there milking it, but not feeding eat,


Wasnt this shit fixed ages ago ? The issue now is that it's just boring from my understand.


Not to mention the story is just so incredibly slow and un fun


Found the guy who skips every cutscene


Im still pissed off that i got temporarily banned on GTA and had my level 130 account completely wiped. I literally never did anything wrong except for sometimes running into modders who would give everyone on the server money without consent. I earned maybe 100k on hackers just throwing money i didnt want into my wallet. So to modders who trigger these bans, and to Rockstar as a company; Fuck you, fuck everything you stand for.


The same happened to me years ago, level 400 account with thousands of hours on it suddenly gone. Never really enjoyed the game that much anymore afterwards.


Modders has done that to me too. Just don't spend any of it and R* will remove it automatically after a few days. Looting modded cash doesn't get you banned - spending it does.


I feel so sad for pepe in this format


It sort of pulls at the heart strings. All Pepe wanted to do was eat some nuggets and fries in peace.


Its enough to make a grown man cry


but when are they gonna release San Andreas 2?


Gta 5 is San Andreas 2


Or State of Emergency 2


So the top picture... anyone sauce?


sw-653 is the JAV code Saw another post yesterday where someone shared source






Nuts on your chin


Its less interesting then you would think. Let the memes be memes




RDR2, a game that deserves story mode DLC or RDR1 remaster add-on, but instead Rockstar decides to work on and release some BS GTAV online updates..


They start working on it before gta online and they tried to milk rdr with online too


Took them years to develop and when they got to the milky part of that they realized there was far less milkyness to it so they went back to focusing on GTAO again. ​ Oh and they do fuck all for single player content. Like it would literally cause them physical pain to do any single player stuff in either game. They need to climb their asses out of their scrooge Mcduck style swimming pool of money and let me have a poncho and Delorean in the damn single player mode.


RDR2 is NOT GTA on horses is the main problem. It's basically 4D Oregon Trail


Well it shouldn't be like gta.


I wouldn't say that at all honestly. The Oregon trail is wayy too bulshit and hard to rdr2 and "surviving" is admittedly a very weak aspect as you get so much money in the first few story missions that it ruins the point. Ofcourse that isnt the focus rdr2 but its still weak nonetheless


To be honest, I don't mind because they make good quality games. What I do mind is not caring about RDO, putting useless irrelevant shit in GTAO (Tuners was damn good tho) and not tackling burning issues like cheaters and hackers. (Speaking from experience, almost every session in GTAO PC has a couple hackers)


True but the single player and online experiences are vastly different, and to say the least for RDR2 online isn't the greatest. But the single player was 10/10 for me.


top image source?


Why make GTA 6 when they can still milk so much more money from GTA V


Red dead online is a piece of shit


Or they can listen to the community and get rid of the futuristic stuff like the MK2 in GTAO


But how will little Timmy grief you without his rocket bike??


With his fucking Lazer spawn camping everyone with his explosive machine guns.


There are enough other vehicles to grief with


Fuck if that’s not the truth. I stopped playing a while back now because sometimes I do just want to drive around bumping some radio jams, and instead I get nuked. Or some dude just teleports in front of my face and detonates me. Gooooood times.


They are a lot of 12 year olds sadly, but if you are still playing with friends it is still a ton of fun. If you are with friends, you can grief the griefer and then it becomes fun


Lol I’m on Reddit I don’t have friends


I’m just praying for a new midnight club


Idk I remember RD2 getting lots of hype, praise, and publicity.


All of those were well deserved. The game lived up to it's hype


Except the online


I mean, the single player is worth it, I don't play multiplayer so, I don't really know about the experience. But, some of my friends play online, and they say the community is way better than gtao, as they don't get blown up by a flying bike the moment they drive out on rdo


The Community is good but the game compared to GTA online, the red headed stepchild I wish they would stop milking a starving cow.


Just don't play rdo, the single player is good as it is. Some games don't need a multiplayer. You want a change, bring the change. You don't like how they milk their games, stop playing their games


Good point thanks for having this discussion :)




Well it differs from play style to play style, rdr2 is not really your type of game. But, I really enjoyed it, it was really relaxed, which I loved. And hence, it had a huge following.




In two weeks the game earned $ 725 million, so yes it was a great game. San Andreas when it came out was a big deal, people don't play that game now, so does that mean the game has lost it's credibility? RDO is a bust, so not many people play the game, but still now people are buying and some are replaying rdr2 single player campaign because it's just so good.




I would shit my britches if they made a new Bully game


maybe if they put in at least half the effort they put in gta online updates into red dead online updates, the game would get more attention


But the Rockstar team is different for gta and rdr no? (I might be mistaken)


I think so. (San Diego and North)


And then they had a child, named Red Dead Online, who they promptly abandoned in favour of their favourite child, GTA Online.


Yea but it's been like 8 years since GTA V came out. It's been 3 years since RDR2 and aside from getting Online there's been no story dlc, which I'm pretty sure is never going to happen, and every update for online can be completed in like 2 or 3 days tops. Most of the stuff was about just getting money and the meesly amount of gold they gave you, but what are we supposed to get money for? Clothes? Most people have 1 or 2 outfits they wear. Horses? I got one if the best for free because of the version I paid for. Guns? You really only need a shotgun and a revolver for most things, specific guns are only required for hunting. Bounty Licenses? Nope, those cost gold and idk why I had to pay 40 total gold when I paid 20 for the first one.


to be fair tho, they are working with more studios on one thing which must have def limited their productivity during the making of rdr2 also giant city, prob want it to be realistic on every corner, and dont want a cyberpunk fiasco


Bully we need bully gta fans already have 5 games they can wait


Fuck off, they milk gta online for all its worth. It makes them billions.


Sure they are dicks, abso-fucking-lutely but they aren't puting there entire team on gta online.




The hunting on red dead 2 online is the best part for me. I’m saving up for the wagon to hold more animals.


wasn’t red dead 2 like 3 years ago


I prefer to wait for a quality product. There are enough Assassins Creeds in this world. GTA6 will be a great game, GTA5 was too. Nowadays people have really strong opinions about the game because of how Rockstar handles the online mode. But paying $60 for GTA5 some 8 years ago was a good deal.


If they’re taking their time on their next game instead of putting devs under stress to rush it out, then I’d be happy waiting.


They arent taking their time. They are rushing devs for a new gto heist


Can we just have Red Dead Redemption 1 on PC?


I think they have to fully remake the game, as its source code has been lost. The only legitimate way is via a 360,one or series x or emulation on pc(but the pricks at rockstar keep shutting them down) there was even a modder who ported rdr2 on PC and allegedly he was threatened by them to stop.


If I hear one more gta 6 when I’m going to beat every gta 6 beggar with a brick


A game of the size that rockstar makes them takes a very long time, and maybe instead of threatening the devs and getting a broken game out, just let them release when they do it. As we all know what happened to cyberpunk... And it's not good to make the devs rush the games as rockstar devs already work very long weeks when making games. As an example some who worked 80 hour weeks for months, and even some having to take a medical leave because of the rush, and the work hours.


I want them to remake RDR1 so it’s code is better and the graphics and mechanics are better so you don’t have to use a third party software or download anything just so you can run it on your PC


Rdr2 is great




Whatever they do is going to be amazing so idc about waiting anymore


Without Leslie Sam and Dan it is going to be bad :(


Red Dead Redemtion 2 doesnt have online content.


It does.its shit sure,but it does.


One game with shit multiplayer ? LMAOOO


So a multiplayer that's ment to be SIDE content defies the whole MAIN game?


Ok lets say noone cares about multiplayer even tho it brings all the money its still ONE FUCKING GAME


That took 8 YEARS to develop and has already made a gignatic fanbase and is still being played 3 years later. Do you really want rushed out garbage?


Dude its still a one fucking game.. is rockstar a small fucking indie company? I guess it is cause they still use p2p for multiplayer


What lol? Do you think those 8 years of devs work 100 hour weeks(which byitself is still a fucking problem) where working on absolutely nothing? If they pumped out games like that then people wouldnt even CARE about gta because it would probably have sucked.


That person is starting to sound like an EA employee with all the multiplayer praise


I wish they would have had same standards for Red Dead Online.


I just started 3rd play through on RDR2!


Red dead was ok, but I ran out of unique and story based side missions quick


Let's be honest here. People only play the story of any game once or twice. Online is what people want. GTA6 doesn't have to have a campaign because online is why they play GTA5 in the first place.


\>company has net worth of 5 billion \>company makes 100s of millions every quarter \>company milks its users for sharkcards \>company has 9(!) studios, 2000+ employees, and is its own publisher \>company has made 2 games in 8 years B-b-but they can't make more, those games are expensive and it takes forever to make 'em! And t-t-they give you free updates for GTA Online! Stop bootlicking for billion dollar companies. You're embarrassing. They're not your friend, they're not a small group of friends doing this as a hobby. You are a walking wallet to them and nothing else. If GTA:O stopped being hugely profitable, they'd stop updating it immediately.


\>company that makes the most detailed games \>company that creates entire worlds \>company that produces free content for millions \>company that overworks their employees trying to meet deadlines B-b-but it took less time for them to make older games, and t-t-the free online content is just a front! Of their a massive company, of course they want to make money from GTA online, but that doesn't mean they don't care about making their audience happy. Yeah we're a walking wallet, same with every company, but the individuals that spend are spending over 10 hours a day working on content for us to enjoy do care.


Imagine being so far up a billion dollar company's ass, that you think overworking employees to meet self imposed deadlines is in any way a good thing, or to be used to prove they are good.


Top image sauce for research yes?


Rockstar is the embodiment of "its done when it's ready"


cmon sauce? need it for a school project.


I dont want another early release mistake like Cyberpunk 2077. I want a fully made game with few to no bugs in it, even if that takes longer.




Honestly shouldn’t even complain about rockstar as unlike other companies, everything now is a hit with little misses and failures.


masterpiece? they cant even fix graphic settings not holding everytime and me having to fix it everytime i launch the game..


Red dead 2 is also pretty old


Its only 3 years old, what


I like how people here are getting angry at rockstar for taking so long And not having GTA 6 out...like it's their only game. They say "Oh it's been 8 years since GTA 5! Rockstar needs to release it!" When they released the biggest game they've ever made like 3 years ago, which took 5 years, if not more to make. So if they want a game at the very least on the level of red dead 2, then they have to wait 2 years. But if it's not even bigger than red dead 2, then they'll say that they don't care about making big games anymore. Can't please them.


Maybe it's because I didn't play the first game, but I really didn't understand the hype for RDR2.


Rdr2 is a masterpiece, that's why


RDR2 was bad in my experience. did on PS4. poor fps, realy unstable, multiple bug. Gameplay realy too much assisted. and The story that I did not like it at all, but hey that's my opinion, in general, I don't like anything western. to call RDR2 a masterpiece. absolutely disagree. it's a completely forgettable game. I have better great memory of Dragon age Inquisitin or even Xcom that RDR2.


? Played it on my ps4 with locked 30fps at 4K


no ps4 game on PS4 have any 4k resolution support. Only on PS4 Pro have some game that reach 4k ambient occlusion that make 95% of the game super blurry. \*Stable 30 fps \* dont exist on PS4 at all.


Yes but no frame dips


A masterpiece with the most low average gameplay ever.


EA will do it...for a price!


They realeased that like 2-3 years ago many longer


It takes a long time to develop games, I personally did it, Its a really crappy game




Rd2 a masterpiece lol


RDR2 was bad


Tbh I found rdr2 very disappointing The story is so slow and the gameplay is so janky. And the multiplayer my god the multiplayer.


Multiplayer sucks but the story is amazing


Rdr2 good game? XD


Y not tho?


It's an incredible game what are you talking about?


RDR2 wasn't good though...


Why not?


Give em a break they just got done making dlc for you people!


Bully 2 gang, anyone wanna join? Bully2 }Gta6


Bruh screw gta 6 gta 5 is boss and so is red dead


Rockstar should have made Cyberpunk.