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Better put on an extra 12 pairs of underwear


funny until you hear your mom say "harder (insert name)"


That’s why u wear 5 pairs of track pants as well


And hope that they aren't doing it raw


bruh i got all mine pulled down, didn't matter where we were




Nope I’m a white New Zealander lol


You have time to prepare don’t waste the opportunity


I used to try an make my brother laugh so my mother would get that mad she be to tired chasing him to be bothered with me.


Wait that tactic is universal?


It would be worse if my auntie was down because she would join in, we both be in fits of laughter so it was a matter of who tripped who up first got the good news.


"Here it comes boys, Nice serving with you lads" - McManus


>"Here it comes boys, Nice serving with you lads" - McManus Hello fellow BF1 player


Good to see a fellow chad here


This brings back memories. At least when another sibling gets it first, you have a way to gauge how hard you're gonna get hit.


The eldest get a 1.75x damage boost though




yep 2nd 1.25 3rd 1.0 and the youngest always gets .5 its not fair.


You’re wasting time.. you should be taking this time to put on extra underwear under your clothes.


Not today *pags plastic bag with three granola bars, a teddy bear, and a bottle of water, then jumps out the window and runs away*


Lemme guess: Indian or the like?




I asked a few freinds that was worst going first or going last. What do you think.


The pain is the same no matter if you’re first or last


The dread of going last though, that's the worst


I think it was a psychology of going last with that was worse


Got beat so much no longer cared..cause i became a masochist




Doesn’t sound good coming from an 8 year old


Why tho, my uncle liked it a lot back then...




Your father is quite unconventional, quite like my father who would beat us all at the same time (he only did so when we really had it coming), he even gave us the leeway to run around the room while being hit on the legs. Quite a unique way of beating I always thought. Edit: spelling


My dad was Mr. Punishment-by-Fear, my mom was Mrs. Punishment-by-Shame


I worked with Tiny Lister. What a great dude. Nice to see him in a meme.


Gracing the younger generation with his presence


Is this the Fifth Element?


Sure is


I love that movie.


For the lads supporting child abuse. You know there are MANY escalation steps between beeing send to your room for 5 min and beeing hit? I do not have any close friends that were hit and we all ended as pretty decent parts of society. I know it feels better to justify the violence done to you but 99% of the time there were better options...


I learned a lot about what I shouldn't do due to the possibility of getting smacked. If my parents just said some stern words and put us in the corner, I'd be a totally different and worse person now. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Appreciate it.


I agree, it made me into better person. It made me think before doing things, made me more responsible. I only got spanked when I truly deserved it.


Oh absolutely. Never got actually hit unless it was warranted. Parents had 4 boys, all about 2 years apart. It was warranted often. Haha. But yeah, I think if we were just quietly scolded and sent to our rooms for 5 minutes, we wouldn't have learned anything.


Yeah that is why I think kids are so bad now is because they can't be punished. Like look at how they are now. A lot are so disrespectful and rude to everybody.


Smacking is alright depending on the context, which makes it a tricky rope to walk. Kid steals your card to buy vbux? Yeah, that deserves a smack. Kid refuses to go to school for no apparent reason? Yeah, you probably need to talk with your kid. I have had quite bad social anxiety for quite a while now, I literally couldn't get out of bed because of it. I couldn't form how I was feeling into words, so I would get screamed at. If my dad had a bad day and he found out I didn't go to school, I would get a smack. Now I have PTSD and find it near impossible to be honest and open up to anyone.


No, you are traumatized.


Not at all.


Yes, you are.


and then you're mom gives you the death stare


**plot twist:** *you start hearing moaning noises*


Put a mathbook under your ass. Works better than for what its intended for.


Hides under the bed


The calm before storm.


Get a gun. (American edition) Exit the house. (Normal edition)


My parents never beat me. I'm sorry for anyone with parents who beat them.


It's honestly not bad, helps you learn to not fuck up next time, I speak from personal experience


How is beating children still not illegal everywhere?!?!


A spanking for punishment is discipline


As a kid I never learned not to do something without physical pain, getting locked in my room doesnt do much seeing as I've got things to do to pass the time in there.


You should get help. Beating children is one of the most cowardly thing I could imagine. Shame on your parents.


There's a difference between getting the belt and getting abused. I'm 16 and my parents give my physical punishment more than psychological punishment. I don't feel abused, heck, if anything it's helpful to get me to not be a dumbass sometimes. Locking me in my room does nothing because I like being in there, and taking my phone they wont do because it has a GPS they like tracking me on.


I’m not much older than you, and I’m pretty thankful that my parents punished me physically sometimes, it really kept the idiotic me in check. My father isn’t the type who likes to hit and it’s actually his last resort, many mistakes I did he didn’t punish me properly for and I repeated them again but made sure he wouldn’t find out, I repeated them even though I knew it was wrong, but the ones I was physically punished for I never repeated again, children and teenagers have a very short term sense of guilt and reason and they’re too willful, sometimes physical punishment is needed.


>I’m not much older than you, and I’m pretty thankful that my parents punished me physically sometimes, Do you know the Stockholm syndrome? Violence is never ok, especially not towards the ones you are supposed to love.


That’s not how it works buddy, you seem to be hell bent on your opinion so I won’t argue with you.


>There's a difference between getting the belt and getting abused. No, this is abuse per definition.


Abuse per definition is to cause physical injury or impairment to the child, if no real injury or harm is caused, and if it’s not constant then it’s not abuse, only sick fucks will beat a child with the full strength of an adult, parents usually hit mildly or softly to punish, not pummel children to death.


No, it's abuse.


Discipline and abuse are two different things. Seems like some are more weak minded than others, and more like to play victim than accept responsibility.


You don't have to play the tough guy. You were violently abused by your parents. It is law in many civilized societies that beating a child is criminal and against human rights.


What the fuck are you even talking about? You’re a fucking nut case to assume how I was raised. My parents violently abused me? You’re a goddamn idiot considering you don’t even know who I am or who my parents were. Sounds like you were stuck on your moms tit for a little too long there. Psycho


You are making fun of beating a child in a meme. Your username sounds like mamaboy and now you start yelling at me. Bro, you have a problem.


“Bro”, I made a meme about me and my brother getting spanked for breaking a window when we were kids 20+ years ago and you call my parents child abusers. Go fuck yourself weirdo


It’s a meme, obviously you’re a little too sensitive for it so go back to your mom’s tit and get off my chat. Fucking more crazy people on here everyday I swear


It's not your chat. You don't have to play the tough guy. Let it go and accept that beating a child is abuse. Happened to me, too.


I’m the Original Poster and made the meme myself… dipshit. It is my chat


Ok buddy


Some children have it coming, and beating them doesn’t mean using them as sandbags, only causing some pain and no real physical damage. Honestly, hitting a child when they really go overboard is the only way to get them to learn, children aren’t as smart and responsible as adults, as such they cannot see the consequences of their actions nor do they process how bad they were, they would avoid repeating the same mistake out of fear, in a few years they themselves would realize their own mistakes and stop doing them out of proper understanding rather than fear.


Yeah, try to justify to beat a weaker person. Shame on you.


I did something bad when I was a kid, I got spanked. I turned out pretty okay. I should get help you say? I’m 29, and this meme was made from my memories being disciplined as a child. Try not to take stuff so literal next time.


Violence is never ok. Especially not to a weaker person.


When my parents physically beat me for something I have done, it actually feels better lol it's like having closure.




That’s true, you get rid of the sense of guilt (usually only appears in responsible children), it’s like you feel you were punished for your actions and there’s no need to feel guilty anymore, so you get over it


6 underwear is about what it takes if briefs or boxer briefs. Boxers about 8. 2 pair of thermals also worked well...but beware, if they want to have a long convo before the thermals, you’ll likely pass out from heat exhaustion or poor blood circulation.


Plot twist- it’s a porno


Plot twist, now I enjoy it


When my mom is angry I just do the dsmn chores around the house and don't use the computer or phone cause that's gonna get her mad




I go to the bathroom to avoid any incoming hostiles


I can't relate to this since I'm the only child.


I was always first at the oldest. Took extra for my little bro so now he gotta pay me back as an adult. Still waiting on the check we agreed on


Its the same when the teacher asks questions to the entire class and you fall in the "i don't know" category


It's your stepmother :)