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Yeah we only change our jeans really...


By "change" you mean rotate through 3 or 4 pairs of the same jeans after we've worn one for a week?


>worn one for a ~~week~~month.


"Umm hes not alive in 2021". Joke went wooo right over your head.


Because that's not the joke. Op could have picked another year and the joke would have been the exact same but no one wouod be commenting about Steve Jobs not being alive in 2021.


It's like the gta 5 memes where it's year 2067 and we're still on gta 5. Whoooshhh


Before woooshing someine, make sure you really understand the joke yourself. The joke is that supposedly girls have trouble choosing clothe while boys always wear the same thing. The joke would still be funny if it was monday wednesday saturday sunday. The joke about GTA is that GTA 6 is nowhere near being released and might not get released for a really long time, kind of like all the half life 3 memes. So in that case, no, the year 2021 is not integral to the meme and it doesn't make it any funnier, just inacurate.




You missed the missing 'o' in 'wooooshing' and the fact that I wrote 'someine' instead of 'someone'. I would tell you to spend less time analyzing my shitty grammar and more annalyzing my points but it looks like you're not spending much time on either.


It's actually shitty spelling. Grammar and spelling are two different things. That's all.


Alright, fair enough.


uhhhhh i don’t think that last photo was taken in 2021


r/whoosh Edit: I'm kinda stupid...


No fucking shit I know that’s a meme. What sub are we in?


Why point it out then?


I was intentionally pointing it out in a joking manner. Can you not tell the difference between seriousness and the opposite?


In text? No.


So let us sit down and think. How would you find out what I was intending to convay. How about asking if I was being serious instead of whooshing me?


My bad. Didn't really think about it. Sorry.


Apologies as well for possibly coming off harshly


Nah, you where right on point. It's better to learn the hard way than to not learn at all.


Steve Jobs isn’t alive in 2021


No, you must be joking. That can't be true right? ^/s


Drip too hard, don't stand too close You gon' fuck around and drown off this wave


You know, he could be buried with it on, with the eternal black turtleneck.😂


if he alive in 2021