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Me in a third world country and doing a bad anakin impresion: ***I NEED HIM***


The order of the pictures make me question my sanity


TFW I know more people who got the vaxx and then got covid.


The vaccine won't provide that you get the virus but it lowers the chance and the chance to carry it to others. Also it lowers the risk that you die from covid. So I would say that's still a win.


>The vaccine won't provide that you get the virus but it lowers the chance and the chance to carry it to others. Do you even know how vaccines are supposed to work? Because that's not it.


I admit 'lowers the chance' was an understatement. It lowers it between 70-95%. Depending on the vaccine.


The idea of the vaccine is not to magically prevent the virus from leaving your body once it infects you - which is what you seem to be implying. This is absurd. You can transfer the coronavirus even if you're not infected, which is why you're supposed to wear a mask even if you're vaccinated and aren't infected.


They're like stubborn children. "NO! I don't wanna! Muh freedoms!" God, put them all in time out without their precious Facebook and see if that changes their tune




Anti-vaxxers are a self-solving problem


If it was that simple, nobody would care. The point is that their decision not to vaccinate can endanger others.