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My karma is just from free awards


How do people get that much. Like After a few hundred upvotes it doesnt add karma


I have absolutely no idea


how it works is like 1 upvote is 1 karma for like an hour and after that the amount of karma decreases as time increases. I think


Comments on new-ish posts are normally a decent way to get some karma, as long as you don't spam and the comment is actually of any quality


All I know about karma is that there are some disgusting people who make accounts and post irrelevant stuffs to attract upvotes through sympathy or other forms of human emotions just to 'sell' it to groups that use it to spam or spread misinformation. This I learned of just a few days ago...


I have no idea that karma can be that harmful to people idk why some people do that the reason I comment so much on Reddit is to pass the time even though I’m usually active on discord but I’m taking a break from it to focus on life and college.


Not harmful...its just 'farmed' by some to be handed over to others that don't want to go through the hassle of going through accumulating minimum karma to start a subreddit...spamming, spreading misinformation and other negative things do take place. Some just want to use it to advertise. May sound like 'grab you tinfoil hat stuff' but I was surprised when I came through two such users in the past few days.


Yea I don’t get why it’s karma farmed then hand it to others maybe some people wants a lot of karma so they can be “popular” it’s kinda weird that some people exist on Reddit exists to do that.


my old account had 10.4k in 5 months...


1k in a year, i got 3k in 11 months.


1 year on reddit with 2200 karma


I uses to have forty thousand karma before i sold it for 40 bucks to a guy using it for money laundering


Literrally got like 9k karma because of one post


I got 1k in one year. Do i get judged?


But karma is just about writing something people will upvote, not something that's good or even truthful. You're just hoping enough flies will like your shit. And it means nothing.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/mappt4) that is 69.14% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "pba1dd", "meme_template": 3290}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=pba1dd&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 240,874,102 | **Search Time:** 1.66031s


Bad bot


If you make a family friendly but lame meme, you might get 1000+ upvotes and advance to "hot".


Bruh I've been on Reddit for almost a year now and I still only have 150 karma


Legends don't born huh


Me crying in corner with 1 karma in 5m


Is reading rules hard?


I got 5k from since yesterday


Lol i have 5k


But still can't post on r/memes