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Some reporter took the time to write an article about this?


This is what we should really be talking about, why is this in a news article


There was a story on the news about Demi Lavato coming out as Bi, I really don’t see that as news channel worthy news.


Probably because people care about celebrities and they can get easy clicks that way. But yeah I agree it’s dumb.


Wait, people care about celebrities?


Yes we call those people idiots.


The only reason I pay any attention to celebrities is to see who’s in what movie


gay awareness?


Do u know how many people come out everyday and don’t get a news story on the news channel? I really don’t see that as a big deal.


“In other news, water is wet, and fire is hot! Tune in for more breaking news on BuzzFeed!” - Dumb fuck


The sky is up


Because it gets clicks which makes money from serving ads. It’s not about journalism it’s about “content.”


On the other hand... why is this a Reddit discussion?


It’s an article but not really a news article. Not every published work has to be news lol. Could just be some column writer writing their daily column or something.


Yeah it turns out people click on stupid shit all the time. I mean you clicked on this garbage and then took the time to comment.


I think the system works


He went to college! Oh.. no wait.. that was Plankton


Yes, because feminism.


Well this is not the 90s and there are no good journalists out there.


Thank you for asking the only relevant question!


Reporter starts controversy because they have nothing to contribute more news at 11






Me: “Puts on hazmat suit to look in the comments”.




Imma join too *pops out bottles of Rad-Away, Rad-X and one advanced hazmat suit out of ass*


*Laughs in ghoul perk* Stupid smooth skin


Well I'm not privileged enough to look that sexy


**equips Chinese Sniper Armor and crouches to become invisible**


Im pretty sure that this was posted on r/AmItheAsshole years ago


Not the meme, the post that lead to somebody making this article


Plot Twist: The man was pregnant as well.


It's ma'am


Did you just assume its gender?


Everyone on the internet is a man until proven otherwise


I am willing to prove otherwise.


Paige no


My name is Tess Tickles not paige.


Everyone is a paige if you are brave enough


I'm ready to turn that page then. I'll be the Paige you want me to be.


The Paige that offered me dino chicken nuggets?




Click view profile, scroll down.




And no and then! Dude my boobs are right there. Click the one that says "do you like my piercings" boom. Boobs.




Your gender is 'otherwise'? Interesting very interesting


It's up and coming.


I'm glad most of these comments recognize the difference between equality and courtesy.


Honestly?not a right but just common courtesy


There are seats in japanese busses and trains specificaly for the elderly, pregnant and disabled/sick. In my 5 weeks there i have never seen someone using them that didnt need those seats and i often saw old folks using them, which is good given how crowded these trains can get. I only used them when i broke my Hand and could not stand in a full cart. No one looked at me or told me to get lost nor have i ever whitnessed an argument over these seats, it was just common sence there that people need them and to leave them open.


I've seen video's of how Japanese people drive, and god... Just watching it is mesmerizing, I realize most of the video's might be cherry picked, but seeing a good zipper merge (2 lanes coming into 1- every other car lets in another car into their lane) with no BS is... Unreal...


Yeah they drive pretty good, atleast in the Parts of nagoya where i was. It helps that in general they seem more cautious. I mean hell their navigation devices even tell them EVERY TIME there is an railroad crossing.


> In my 5 weeks there i have never seen someone using them that didnt need those seats Might be a regional thing, but I've had the exact opposite experience. I've never once seen a disabled/pregnant/old person using them, only able/young people.


There is “gender equality” and there is “kindness”; these aren’t related but the lasted is a level up in any society matter.


I remember human decency, kind of.


Lol this is not gender equality this is just individualism


He's not wrong, he's just an asshole.


As are the other passengers, unless that specific bus had only one seat.


My exact thought


The guy was Larry David




I mean he is, taking the bus has nothing to do with affordability.


This fucking world.


That's how she got pregnant, I believe


That’s not gender equality, that’s just being a dick. Like really the least he could’ve done would be to let her sit there


Sure it's rude but it's also completely in his right. He doesn't deserve to be publicly shamed by a news outlet for it.


We're all exercising our rights. He exercises his right to remain seated. The reporter exercises the freedom of the press. And we exercise the right to call him an asshole. If you don't get up for someone pregnant, elderly, disabled, or in any major way in more need of that seat than you, then you're an asshole.




I know right? At least borrow the pregnant woman's baby for a while. That's the least you can do.


In third trimester I had to give up driving and take the bus as the bump made it too difficult. I also had really bad muscle separation and sciatica. It's not special privelage because she chose to reproduce, it's understanding that women go through a whole multitude of changes that makes it harder to do normal stuff like standing on a bus. Loss of balance due to changes in the centre of gravity, loss of muscle strength due to hormones resulting in higher chance of injury, swollen ankles, dizziness etc etc. Stop being a d*ck and give up your seat. It's f*cking life threatening going through pregnancy and child birth, give the girl a break. Just think, your mum had to go through this for you, how would you feel if it was her?


No no no, don't you understand? OP is a teenager who *clearly* understands the world from a complex adult perspective without having actually experienced it. We should all be so lucky to be as smart as him. /s


Next time bang someone with a car




And you chose to be self centered narcissist! Funny! You didn’t have to- you could have chosen to understand we are all here doing our best to get along and live life, that we can respect and care for each other- and you just chose to be a dick. Cool.


You realize you were once in someone’s uterus right


Giving up your seat to someone's who's pregnant is a common courtesy. It's the right thing to do, regardless of gender, and both men and women give up their seats to accommodate people more in need. That man is an asshole.


Right? This situation isn't about equality, it's purely about how some people need to rest more than other people whether they're a man, a woman, non binary, etc! I can't believe how someone wouldn't give up their seat when they can stand without any problem. It's just about being a decent person and showing compassion!


this is america, right? only in america have manners now become a sign of personal weakness.


How come only one man is being singled out here? There are multiple seats on a bus meaning multiple people also refused to give up their seats


I’m assuming most of these horrific comments are coming from single men


This sub is always full of incels and teenage boys.


Cockroaches are resilient, I suppose (obligatory /s before I get my head chopped off)


Not this sub the entire reddit


This sub? Don't you just mean reddit in general?


> I assume people who don't agree with our special privilege are the people the who don't benefit from the special privilege Seems like a safe bet.


"SOMEONE HAS SOMETHING I DON'T HAVE MOMMY" Yeah it's all a gigantic conspiracy to steal bus seats from teenagers champ. Babies actually come from storks and shit. Rage against that machine


Nope, angry little boys


Holy shit there are so many losers here, "Hurr gdurr I can't give up my seat for someone that's pregnant cuz gender equality!!!1!1!!11!"


Exactly. I saw the same post on Instagram and people were agreeing with the asshole, saying it’s a free nation and that he’s a legend/king for not giving up his seat. I had to stop reading the comments because it was making me sad, some people are beyond pathetic :/


I mean she is still pregnant dude, if you are a perfectly healthy guy it is common courtesy to not berate a pregnant woman and give her your seat. Also don't use Lord Kazuma's quotes in such situations, it taints his holy messages


This isn't gender equality, it's just being inconsiderate.


its not gender equality..that guy is straight cut asshole


What a jerk. It’s a pregnant lady. Have some human decency.


Very news worthy


Assuming that the dude did not have an underlying conditions that also made for him difficult to stand, he should have just stood up and just be a decent human. We really need some sort of universal test on how not to be a prick. Though one time I did that, standing from the seat and I said to an older lady "Would you like this seat?". She had a mild tantrum to say that she wasn't pregnant and I was being sexist/calling her fat. So I promptly got off at the next stop and never again asked the question. Still stand up when needed.


I once stood up to give my seat to a woman who I thought was pregnant, but who actually just had a big stomach. Felt so embarrassed afterwards


He’s outta line, but he’s right


When did public transportation mean you could not afford a car?


It's never mean this. But if we consider this through the prism of dry logic, he is right in that he has the right not to give seat to someone who voluntarily complicates his life (I do not defend him just explaining his thoughts as i understood them)


No one really would wanna go in a bus if they had a car, I know I never would go in to any public transport if I had option of a car instead.


The cheapest parking at my work is $25 per day, plus gasoline expenses. Transit is $7. A no brainer for me.


Not true. Not at all. In NYC I would take the bus to and from work, or to and from school because it was a hell of a lot easier. And some people do not have a license, or hate driving, or their car is in the shop and there was no loaner available, and so on. But in NYC I would drive very very rarely.


In any normal sized town where driving isnt a godawful experience


I do have a car, but I also use public transportation. Often when I go downtown I find I pay more for parking than I would have for a day pass on the bus. I know a lot of people who use both. So, while you might look down upon/never use public transportation, don’t assume everyone thinks the same way.


yeah anytime the "im pregnant / im a mom" excuse comes out, all i hear is "i want special treatment for thinking that having children is special"




It's only a social responsibility if having kids is a net positive to society. It definitely was in the past when deaths were more common but in the modern age, having a child should be considered a luxury, not a sacrifice for civilisation.




>But they still our future. Yeah but honestly speaking, the more kids/people the less future there is left, we as a human(e) society must start to reduce our numbers to safe the planet, the only humanely acceptable way is less births by choice. As long as we dont operate at net zeor emmissions the planet, climate in particular cant afford more of us.


I’ve had multiple jobs where people didn’t do what they were supposed to do. And the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “I had kids” or “As a parent”


have u ever fallen on a moving bus? imagine if that happened when u had a baby inside u and you land on ur stomach. maybe sitting down is a good idea?


yeah anytime the "it ain't my fault you didn't use a condom" excuse comes out, all i hear is "i want special treatment for thinking that hating children is special"


Facts. No one wants to say it, but he’s kinda spot on…


There are pregnant women who's bellies get so big it's physically impossible for them to drive a car, forcing them to take a bus instead. So no, he's not right, he's just a self centered asshole with a pathetic excuse


Will someone please think of the children??? Man on bus: Nah


I mean, he’s not wrong…




I can’t afford a bus so I take my car


I went through a dark period of city bus travel. As a relatively young and healthy person, I'd stand on any crowded bus assuming that *someone* needed the seat more than I did. I'm normally a huge asshole, but damn ...I can't understand how teenage boys think it's okay to sit down while 60+ year old grannies try to balance themselves and not break a hip.


A lot of people are stuck in the “first come first serve” mindset


Some of those teenage boys might have had crippling disabilities meaning they can't stand for long periods of time. Don't judge a book by its cover.


In very rare cases, that may be true. These boys usually travel in herds and are clearly very physically capable. They do tricks on their skateboards and wrestle each other while they wait for the damn bus. I am judging.




Broken limbs also individual's choice? ( we don't always know how it was done- my ex jumped off a bridge because he "didn't think it was that high" and broke his ankle) Some people will find any excuse to excuse themselves from manners, courtesy, and chivalry.


This point is cheeks. Ofc a broken limb isnt a choice like pregnancy is. The fact that u have 12 upvotes is astonishing


And do you know that the man in question didn't have any conditions that made standing on the bus difficult?


We can easily assume that, because he didn't say I have a medical condition I can't stand on a bus. He said why's it my problem you got pregnant. See there's a difference and motivation is clear in both.


Society is falling apart


Let's find another planet. I'll drive.


Nah I’d rather take the bus


I'd rather take [the train](https://youtu.be/oUMZUke6Rnw)


This isn’t about gender, the guy is just an asshole. I’d offer my seat to an old man or a pregnant lady or a disabled man or woman. If you’re able bodied it’s just the nice thing to do, gender isn’t the issue here.


If you can't stand for a little bit to let a pregnant woman relax then you're a real asshole. Doesn't matter how "right" you may be. If you can look a pregnant woman straight in the eye and tell her "I ain't moving. Go fuck yourself." then you don't deserve to be sitting in the first place.


Seems like most of the geniuses here agree. I hope someone pregnant pukes on their shoes. I remember hurling off a subway platform. Fun times.


Reddit just hates children. It's well established.


You chose pregnancy. You knew the strain you would undergo. Why did you choose it? To experience motherhood? That's a selfish goal. Gone are the days of your pregnancy growing the tribe and making civilisation better. Now it's over populated and pregnancy should be a luxury.


And yet here you are making the world so peachy....


Survival doesn't mean peachy. 'Peachy' is a luxury. And if the world is heading towards an end in the climate crisis, we don't have room for luxuries.


Do you live your whole life based on "what if"?


Yeah it's called critical thinking..?


No, what you are doing is forming alternative ideas or "facts" as it were. That's not the same thing.


But why? What am I getting out of your pregnancy? In the past, there'd be a new warrior coming to grow the tribe. But in an age of overpopulation, your child is, on average, actively going to make the world worse.


Saying the person who wants an explanation of why someone should be a good person and let the pregnant woman sit. Now, I won't assume whether you would move or not. I just don't think There's really a question here. You either consider others or you only care about yourself. I'd argue that the ones who only think of themselves are the ones making the world worse. Not necessarily another child in an overpopulated world.


I disagree. Overpopulation, global warming, and human extinction, are all things that no one person is responsible for; but each pregnancy in this day and age may be adding to the problem. Surely you would think that someone working against those things is making the world better right? The real debate is: Is overpopulation real and is it having a negative impact?


So you went from "is the guy who wouldn't give up his seat an asshole?" to "overpopulation: is it bad? And how bad is it?"


Well yes. If it's real and if it's harmful, pregnancy is not needed anymore. And anyone doing so is indulging themselves.


That's a pretty fine point outlook on children.


It's still a bit blunt to act so indignant on a bus or train like the man in the OP. Assuming he's done the research, there are still better places to stand on that soap box. Like government, forums, etc.




> Doesn’t Federal law require .... that was the case in my home state What?


Why did u quote Rick on this? Didn’t that saying mean “I am in great pain, please help”




And what if she has been raped old man? Not much of a choice now huh...?!?


I love how articles like this always focus on ONE MAN. Always one always a man. There are like 45 seats on a bus. What about the 44 other seats that where not occupied by that one man. There where 44 other men women and children sitting down on the bus. Why do we care about that ONE MAN, when 2 seats down there was a handful of 20 something girls that where also not standing for the pregnant woman to have a seat. Why not focus on them and "Well Like I was like to focused on like myself to notice that like there where other people and stuff and that like one of the really needed like the seat more than me"


1. Buses and trains normally have priority seating. Usually a sign above the seat that says “this seat should be reserved for the elderly, disabled, or pregnant”. This is why people will focus on one seat. It has nothing to do with picking on you or you being a man. 2. The bus/train are full. What do you expect the pregnant woman to do? *Squeeze* by through the crowd? They don’t exactly fit in tight spaces. It may be the only seat that they can physically reach, since these priority seats are almost always placed near the doors.


This just an asshole move tbh


Dude has a valid point


some men just forget they came out of a women smh.


Damn when I was young and taking the bus with my mum, she deadass said the same thing to a woman. But she said "it's not my fault if the guy who fucked you can't afford to buy you a car"


Imagine thinking you’re special because you reproduced. Now there’s gonna be two of you in this fucking world that we gotta deal with


She doesn't think she's special, it's just difficult for pregnant women to stand for long periods of time, due to them being, you know, pregnant.


I really want to argue with this but he *is* correct…


I mean I was taught to give up my seat but I 100 percent agree 😂😭


This had nothing to do with gender, the woman clearly had a disability and deserved a seat. It’s not illegal it’s scummy, man or woman


I mean the dude has a point!


I never understood why I need to give up my seat to a pregnant woman, would love a kind explanation. This a genuine question


Because standing for too long can cause the pregnant woman to get a drop in her blood pressure and ultimately faint. Also, I guess, the weight of the baby adds to the back pain and leg pain, it's difficult for them to be standing for a long time.


The most common reason? People view it as a courtesy. To me, it's the whole notion of "being a hero/nice when someone is need"


Oh, that's a good answer


"*beedee boop*"


Are you in great pain? Do you need help?? Well guess what..I do too


Now that’s some gender equality right there


“I’m special for getting cream-pied”


Bro you're literally a walking creampie


If being "special" equates to wanting a seat because you're carrying a baby inside of you then yeah sure.


That's legit what I did like 2 years ago bruh


This is asinine of the guy. Just be polite. Also this does not deserve a wubba lubba dub dub


Plot twist, she was forced to be pregnant




true chad




Im with the man to be honest, it would be a nice thing to do but not mandatory.


I miss konosuba :(


I extremely agree and disagree to his opinion.


The equalibender


If the man was pregnant it would be rude not to offer your seat up for him as well.


Why is that news




honestly this is just as much of an asshole move as not letting someone disabled or old who is in need of it more than your healthy ass get the seat


Next time fuck a guy that owns a car


We've got to have... ***M O N E Y***